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重庆作为西部惟一的直辖市,是西部大开发的重要“窗口”和“支点”。西部大开发实施10年来,重庆市交通投资规模持续扩大,交通基础设施建设突飞猛进,运输条件、运输规模和运输保障能力显著增强。据重庆市交通委员会主任滕宏伟介绍,经过10年发展,重庆交通建设驶入了“快车道”,“四小时重庆”目标基本实现,“二环八射”高速公路主骨架已形成。  相似文献   

为加强西部交通建设科技项目的管理,交通部于2001年成立了西部交通建设科技项目管理中心。8年来,西部项目管理中心以创新为动力,集中力量重点开展了对行业影响大、预期成果对行业发展贡献大的项目管理工作,西部项目管理水平不断提高,西部项目科研成果枝繁叶茂、硕果累累,这些成果不仅为西部地区经济发展和实现交通又好又快发展奠定了坚实的基础,而且对交通行业实施“科教兴交”战略产生了巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

为了进一步加强西部城市公交企业的沟通交流,促进公交都市建设和深化公交企业改革,2014年10月16日,由重庆市公其交通控股(集团)有限公司主办、重庆恒通客车有限公司协办的中国西部城市公交企业第14届年会在重庆澳维酒店隆重召开。晕庆市公交企业领导以及来自西安、兰州、西宁、银川、乌鲁木齐、成都、昆明、贵阳、南宁、拉萨、包头、呼和浩特、重庆等13个城市公交公司及各省公交协会领导近60人参加了此次年会。  相似文献   

五洲龙刚确定在沈阳建设新能源客车生产基地,4月11日又有消息传来,五洲龙重庆新能源客车基地一期已建设完成并即将开始生产。据悉,重庆五洲龙项目是重庆市重点招商项目  相似文献   

海工混凝土氯离子监测传感器研制成功 日前,交通运输部西部项目“海港工程混凝土结构耐久性寿命预测与健康诊断研究”通过验收。 该项目是由水工构造物耐久性技术交通行业重点实验室承担研究的,是中国交通建设股份有限公司牵头组织的交通运输部“十一五”科技发展重大专项“离岸深水港建设关键技术”的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

《西部交通科技》已于2005年11月10日获国家新闻出版总署批准,成为国内外公开发行的交通行业科技期刊.这是西部地区交通科技工作者的一大喜事,也是西部交通科技发展进程中的一件大事.为把期刊办成高质量、高水平的精品期刊,成为全国有影响力的核心期刊,我们将每年举办《西部交通科技》年度优秀论文评奖和《西部交通科技》交通建设摄影大赛评奖活动,现广泛征集有关交通行业的优秀论文及国内外交通建设、发展的摄影图片,具体要求如下:  相似文献   

国务院物流产业规划已将重庆定位为全国性物流枢纽城市、西南物流区域核心城市。2009年,国内首个内陆保税港区也是首个“水港+空港”双功能的保税港区又在重庆封关运行,保税港区招商引资优惠政策出台后,惠普、富士康、广达等IT巨头纷纷抢滩重庆。2010年重庆市货运总量预计将比去年增长1亿吨,物流成本占地区生产总值的比例将从20%降至19%。  相似文献   

<正>5月28日至29日,广西壮族自治区交通运输厅在南宁召开西部港口物流枢纽建设和运营技术开发与示范成果推广交流会及鉴定验收会,推广应用该项目在港口物流枢纽发展模式、空间布局规划、运营组织与流程优化、信息系统建设、安全应急技术、节能减排技术等方面的成果,并通过专家组评审验收。交通运输部总工程师徐光出席会议。广西壮族自治区交通运输厅总工程师王劼耘,交通运输部科技司、西部项目管理中心,四川、云南、贵州、重庆、江西、湖南、  相似文献   

<正>记者:巴渝大地,山峦起伏,江河密布,自古就有"蜀道难,难于上青天"之说。面对恶劣的自然环境和繁重的建设任务,西部交通科技项目的实施重庆交通基础设施建设起怎样的推动作用?张太雄:把重庆打造为中国西南的经济中心,是我国的国家战略,是中国西部大  相似文献   

交通部西部交通建设科技项目“锶盐废渣在农村公路中的应用研究”日前在重庆通过鉴定验收。该项目首次实现了锶盐废渣的资源化利用,取得了一系列创新性成果,对于锶盐废渣在农村公路建设中的应用具有重要的理论价值和工程指导意义。  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市逐步建成了沿江化工产业带,内河航道运输成为重庆市危化品运输的重要方式之一。为提升重庆市内河航运危化品安全,本文分析了重庆市内河航运危化品的种类,阐述了重庆市内河航运危化品典型事故案例,指出了重庆市内河航运危化品运输存在的问题,研究了相应的处置技术,从政府和企业角度提出了重庆市内河航运危化品应急处置的对策与建议。  相似文献   

交通运输是国家节能减排工作的重点领域,为促进交通运输节能减排技术发展,开展交通运输节能减排示范项目是政府部门一项重要的政策措施。对示范项目进行绩效评价工作能衡量财政资金投入政策实施效果,也是交通运输主管部门非常关注的问题。在交通运输节能减排示范项目绩效评价的逻辑框架下,运用层次分析法建立交通运输节能减排示范项目绩效评价指标体系及权重值,具有较好的实操性,能为开展同类型项目的绩效评价工作提供参考。  相似文献   

As a newly industrialized country, Korea has shown remarkable economic progress in the last three decades. This phenomenal growth has rapidly increased demands for better quality of life. This includes, among others, increasing demand for high quality transportation system services. In this paper, the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is utilized to evaluate rural highway improvement projects in Korea. The appropriate rural highway improvement projects for widening and paving were selected and studied on the basis of some selection criteria. The results have shown that there are some significant differences in prioritizing projects using the traditional economic evaluation method as compared to those resulting from the use of AHP. As demonstrated, the AHP proves to be an effective tool in evaluating transportation system projects.  相似文献   

Industrialized countries have extensive experience with various transportation energy conservation measures and have been making steady progress in improving the efficiency of their transport sector. Less Developed Countries (LDCs) have also been making progress, but their experience in many aspects of transportation energy conservation is very limited. Development organizations have funded many transportation projects in developing countries, but the vast majority of these projects were designed to improve the transportation infrastructure. Very few transportation energy conservation projects have been implemented and decision-makers face a scarcity of information on effective strategies. This paper gives an overview of transportation projects in LDCs in order to identify those transportation energy conservation measures that offer the greatest potential for LDCs. Two case studies, from Tunisia and Costa Rica, are given to illustrate the issues involved in implementing transportation energy conservation measures in LDCs. Conclusions are drawn to suggest actions for developing countries and for development organizations.Acronyms DECAT Driver Energy Conservation Awareness Training - DSE Direccion Sectorial de Energia (Costa Rica) - GDP Gross domestic product - km Kilometer - LDCs Less Developed Countries - TOE Metric tonne of oil equivalent - USAID US Agency for International Development  相似文献   

本文根据实地调研成果,介绍了成都、重庆和郑州在建立健全物流管理体制机制、强化物流枢纽及通道功能、创新物流运输组织模式、物流标准化信息化、物流市场主体及产业培育等方面的先进经验,从加强政府顶层设计、完善物流枢纽和节点体系、促进物流枢纽互联互通、研究物流运输组织服务的新模式、打造“交通+物流+产业”的产业集群、提升物流标准化发展水平、出台促进物流降本增效的政策措施等七个方面总结了强化物流创新要素集聚,促进广州现代物流中心建设的经验和启示。  相似文献   

The deficiencies in the Istanbul transportation system have led the local authorities to plan several alternative transportation projects. In this paper three alternative rail transit network proposals are evaluated by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multiple criteria decision support system. The AHP facilitates decision-making by organizing perceptions, experiences, knowledge and judgments, the forces that influence the decision, into a hierarchical framework with a goal, scenarios, criteria and alternatives of choice. Based on this analysis, the decision makers have developed a new alternative as a combination of the most closely competing two alternative rail transit networks. This combination rail transit network is currently under construction.  相似文献   

文章以渝湘高速公路重庆G3合同段桥梁施工为例,介绍了大纵坡长下坡工况下40mT梁运梁、架梁施工的关键技术措施,为类似桥梁工程运梁、架梁施工提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以重庆绕城高速公路上的走马互通式立交为例,分析了群体优化思路在城市立交群规划布局和方案选择中的应用,总结了城市路网节点处互通式立交选型的一些经验,供同类工程参考。  相似文献   

城市大型综合交通枢纽由于其功能多样,辐射广泛,周边路网复杂,因此对其指路标志系统需要专门设计。文章以上海市虹桥综合交通枢纽指路标志系统为研究对象,从路网结构及交通流特性出发,将指路标志系统按出行者需求层次分为四级,并提出相应的指路标志设置原则及方法,供相关部门参考。  相似文献   

The application of public–private partnerships (P3’s) in the transportation sector has grown in popularity worldwide. Despite this important shift in the provision of transportation service, there are clear gaps in knowledge about the impacts of P3 projects, especially on emissions from transportation systems as a whole. Not only should policy makers evaluate the emissions impacts from P3 projects, but they should also think about innovative models that address or charge for emissions into P3 contracts. This addition to P3 contracts could provide a new solution to the long-existing property right paradox: who owns (is responsible for) emissions from transportation systems? This study attempts to fill the research gap by analyzing these innovative models. Using the road network of Fresno, California, as our case study, we offer a number of interesting insights for policy makers. First, average peak emissions costs range from 1.37 cents per mile (the do-nothing case) to 1.20 cents per mile (profit-maximizing cases) per vehicle. Although emissions costs from the P3 projects are lowest for the profit-maximizing cases, the system-wide emissions costs of these cases are highest because of spillover effects. Second, charging project owners for the emissions costs of P3 projects is not an effective way to reduce emissions or the total costs of travel, especially on a VMT basis. Instead, the public sector should implement emissions-included social cost-based price ceilings. When employing these limits, project owners could still be charged for the emissions costs. Finally, using total travel time as the only objective function for evaluating P3 projects can be misleading. Several P3 projects have shown better outcomes using total travel cost with the inclusion of emissions and fuel consumption costs, instead of using total travel time as the only objective function.  相似文献   

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