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2010年商用车市场呈现上涨趋势,大家越来越关注商用车市场发展。2011年的重卡市场迎来了开门红。如果说去年年底,各重卡企业还对今年市场看不清楚的话,1月的销量无疑让重卡老总们吃了定心丸。 1月销量同比大增  相似文献   

国家发改委决定3月26日起,适当提高成品油价格水平,将汽油和柴油出厂价格每吨分别提高300元和200元.用户认为油价攀升没有尽头:200 5年3月24日,O柴油价格3.55元/升,2006年元月10日,0柴油价格4.5元/升,油价暴涨近30%,燃油税实施的不确定性加重了用户对高油价的担忧,油费已经成为一项难以承受的大笔支出.不能超载,如何赚钱?运输车辆太多,竞争越来越激烈,运价持续低迷,没有一部好车,又如何能赚钱呢?  相似文献   

细看中国的重卡市场,一直都充斥着硝烟弥漫的战火,各大企业都保持着抖擞的精神,纷纷重兵布局,使得市场竞争非常激烈。群雄逐鹿,谁主沉浮?英雄成败,尚需市场定论。  相似文献   

汪乾 《运输经理世界》2012,(13):127-127
4月9日到11日,记者在安徽华菱汽车有限公司走访时了解到,2011年华菱共产销各类天然气重卡400辆,2012年前3个月天然气重卡产销量已达200辆,预计全年产销量可达1000辆。华菱营销公司副总经理朱云兵表示,天然气重卡是未来重卡发展的方向,华菱将紧随这一潮流,在不断增加产销量的基础上研制品质更优、技术更先进的天然气重卡以造福广大用户。  相似文献   

4月9日到11日,记者在安徽华菱汽车有限公司走访时了解到,2011年华菱共产销各类天然气重卡400辆,2012年前3个月天然气重卡产销量已达200辆,预计全年产销量可达1000辆。华菱营销公司副总经理朱云兵表示,天然气重卡是未来重卡发展的方向,华菱将紧随这一潮流,在不断增加产销量的基础上研制品质更优、技术更先进的天然气重卡以造福广大用户。  相似文献   

市场受国家宏观调控影响严重 在统计数据上,东风汽车公司产销量均位居第一,其中前8个月累计生产中重型卡车35763辆,销售35198辆,但是销量还是比去年同期降低了9.94%.此外,一汽、北汽福田、中国重汽的中重型卡车销量在环比、同比数值也都呈现出不同程度的下降.  相似文献   

正总部:"我的卡车我来造"陕汽体验行9月11日,陕汽重卡迎来了安徽滁州区域客户的拜访,陕重汽销售公司副总经理刘鑫以及项目组各技术人员与来访客户进行了亲切的交流,随后陪同来访一行参观了陕汽重卡总装流水线;在陕汽重卡销售公司4S店前广场对新M3000及X3000新型环保渣土车作了介绍和绕车讲解,客户与讲解员进行深入的问答和交流,随后进行试乘和反馈;然后项目组对陕汽新型环保渣土车作了介绍,天行健专家从车辆管理系统等方面为切入  相似文献   

江淮格尔发重卡的卓越品质,匹配经受无限品质历练的纳威司达发动机更是锦上添花,令国内用户不出国门便能够享受到全球领先的节油品质和强劲动力  相似文献   

正今年,陕汽重卡的销量已经不能用火热来形容了。截至9月,陕汽重卡今年民品销售(不包括军车等)实际交付订单已经突破10万辆。据了解,这是陕汽重卡销量在2010年首次突破10万辆之后,再一次刷新纪录。而且,相比2010年全年实现10万辆的销售成绩,今年不到九个月的时间仅民品销量就突破了10万辆,意义则更为重大。七年之后,王者回归!得益于今年火爆的重卡市场表现带动,再加上陕汽及时把握住市场需求趋势,很早就在产品线上推出了满足市场  相似文献   

庄宝麟,50多岁,湖北公路客运集团(即"湖北省客")董事长,其人不喜应酬,任职间有着良好的声誉.  相似文献   

2006年2月14日,这个属于情人的温馨、甜蜜和浪漫的日子,梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车邀约它的维修站代表齐聚在北京的奔驰卡车培训基地.虽没有佳人陪伴,来自广东、河南、黑龙江、四川、云南、新疆等地的维修站代表们似乎没有感到失落,而是沉浸在用卡车知以交流的快乐中.  相似文献   


Exploring route choice in the context of tolled alternatives can support road operators to achieve better utilization of the infrastructure, as well as maximizing revenue collection. The research presented in this paper is conducted in the context of OPTIMUM, a European Union-funded project. The research objectives include a two-component system of models that proactively calculates commercial vehicles’ toll prices. The component presented in this paper rests on the development of a route choice model that estimates the probabilities of using two alternative routes (toll road vs. national road), based on route attributes and user characteristics. To explore the usefulness of the proposed methodology a case study involving 50 truck drivers and 25 freight operators was conducted in Portugal between January 2016 and November 2017. Results from the route choice model reveal interesting insights about the role of incentives in the choice of toll roads, the perspectives of the different decision-makers and produce Values of Time for the study area.  相似文献   

This paper presents a railroad energy efficiency model used to estimate the fuel economies for classes of trains transporting various commodities. Comparable procedures are used to estimate truck and waterway fuel consumption. The results show that coal unit trains are 4.5–5.0 times more energy efficient than movements in the largest trucks allowed in the eastern and western regions of the US, unit grain train movements in the central US are 4.6 times more fuel efficient, soda ash unit train and non-unit train shipments are 4.9 and 3.2 times more efficient, and ethanol unit train and non-unit train movements are 4.8 and 3.0 times more efficient. In terms of barge traffic, coal unit train and non-unit train are 1.3 and 0.9 times as energy efficient in the eastern US, grain unit train and non-unit train movements are 1.7 and 1.0 times more efficient from Minneapolis to the Gulf of Mexico, and grain unit train and non-unit train movements are 1.0 and 0.7 times more fuel efficient from the Upper Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

LNG重型卡车使用的发动机相比传统的汽、柴油发动机,由于燃料的不同造成发动机点火方式、燃烧状态等多种不同,对润滑的要求也不相同。本文介绍了LNG重型卡车发动机的工作特点以及燃料的基本特性,分析了LNG重型卡车发动机对润滑油的性能需求,介绍了国内外燃气发动机油的研究现状,对LNG重型卡车发动机润滑提出了建议。  相似文献   

浙江省台州汽运董事长郑志坚在最近的一次谈话中,探讨了汽运企业如何缩短从"经营品牌"到"品牌经营"的过程.在指出必须把握三个环节的同时,阐释了企业完全可以通过品牌建设收获"品牌经营"的硕果.  相似文献   

In this article we estimate external costs for four representative types of freight trains. For each type of freight train, we estimate three general types of external costs and compare them with the private costs experienced by railroad companies. The general types of external costs include: accidents (fatalities, injuries, and property damage); emissions (air pollution and greenhouse gases); and noise. Resulting private and external costs are compared with those of freight trucking, estimated in an earlier article. Rail external costs are 0.24 cent to 0.25 cent (US) per ton-mile, well less than the 1.11 cent for freight trucking, but external costs for rail generally constitute a larger amount relative to private costs, 9.3–22.6%, than is the case for trucking, 13.2%.  相似文献   

深圳市安吉货运有限公司的董事长陈福友对与不久前跟上海同岳租赁有限公司的合作颇为满意:“与同岳租赁的合作给我们带来了很大的便利,这种‘先租后买’的方式灵活,为公司减轻了财务负担。此外,融资租赁与申报银行贷款相比,手续要简单得多,且花的时间也少,效率很高。”  相似文献   

Appointment systems for truck arrivals at container terminals have been applied in many ports to reduce truck congestion. This study suggests a new appointment process by which trucking companies and terminals collaboratively determine truck operation schedules and truck arrival appointments. This study formulates a mathematical model involving a sub-problem for each trucking company to determine the optimal dispatching schedules for trucks and the other sub-problem for the terminal to estimate the expected truck system time in each time interval. An iterative collaboration process is proposed based on a decomposed mathematical formulation. Numerical experiments are conducted to investigate the performance of the decision process and the robustness of the process in practical operation conditions.  相似文献   

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