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地铁:优先发展城市公共交通战略的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国家大力实施优先发展城市公共交通战略的背景下,我国大城市关键是要加大以地铁为主的轨道交通的建设力度。只有这样才能从根本上改变城市公共交通的落后局面,使其成为受广大市民欢迎并对私人小汽车交通具有最大抑制作用的交通方式。  相似文献   

香港地铁发展模式探析及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高平  曹娟 《综合运输》2010,(3):21-27
本文在分析香港地铁成功发展模式基础上,提出了借鉴香港地铁建设及发展经验,促进地铁或轨道交通可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

11月24日,笔者和朋友一起一行四人从深圳罗湖口岸去了香港。早上9点多,刚过关,就在朋友的提醒下,匆匆忙忙花85港币买了张旅客过境旅游票,然后就坐上了从罗湖到九龙塘的东铁线。因为是初来乍到,为了少走弯路,就听从同伴们的安排从离深圳最远的地方开始逛。  相似文献   

11月24日,笔者和朋友一起一行四人从深圳罗湖口岸去了香港。早上9点多,刚过关,就在朋友的提醒下,匆匆忙忙花85港币买了张旅客过境旅游票,然后就坐上了从罗湖到九龙塘的东铁线。因为是初来乍到,为了少走弯路,就听从同伴们的安排从离深圳最远的地方开始逛。游客过境旅游票上了地铁,拿起手里的这个装卡袋,上面赫然写着$85。虽然是港币,但是高达85的价格跟北京2块钱人民币坐完全程的价格相比,还是"天价"。早就听闻香港交通费用昂贵,这次终  相似文献   

香港地铁"轨道+物业"模式实质是一种包含理念、体制、机制、技术及设施等在内的异质性动态联盟,"嵌入"于特定的社会网络、自然环境和制度网络之中,因而并不具有普适性。学习这一模式,应该从改革城市开发建设体制入手,着眼于创新城市空间发展理念,依赖制度创新和技术创新,构建基于"政府、企业、社会多中心治理"框架下的轨道交通建设发展模式。  相似文献   

7月17日北京地铁1号线南礼士路站发生的卧轨事件,再次引发了社会对地铁安全的关注。 卧轨事件引发的思考 北京市地铁运营有限公司(以下简称”北京地铁运营公司”)党委宣传部部长贾鹏发表对此事件的看法称:首先不可取;其次,该乘客由于自己的原因,  相似文献   

本文通过对香港地铁规划历程以及首条地铁建设的回顾,指出香港在规划建设地铁过程中所体现的客观性和严谨性是非常值得国内城市学习和借鉴的。  相似文献   

中国北车集团日前发布公告称,香港地铁有限公司与中国北车长春轨道客车股份有限公司签订了香港西港岛线和南港岛线总计14.01亿港元(折合人民币约11.67亿元)的地铁列车采购合同,其中运营于南港岛线的地铁将实现全自动无人驾驶。  相似文献   

对于普通市民而言,地铁意味着可以用最简单最快捷的方式穿越城市,地铁带来的是市区概念的延展、放大。人们衡量距离的方式是时间,当地铁速度缩短了时间,城市的距离就越来越近。  相似文献   

由于日本的地面交通已趋近饱和,因而大力发展高架和地下轨道交通。目前,日本有10个城市运营地铁,按开通的顺序排列,分别是东京、大阪、名古屋、神户、札幌、横滨、京都、福冈、仙台和广岛。与世界各国有地铁的城市一样,日本这些城市也都有各自的地铁标记。它既代表了该城市地铁工程的特点,也起到了指示地铁出人口位置及有关建筑的作用。这些标记大多也出现在邮品上。  相似文献   

为配合香港工业起飞,香港工业教育进入了蓬勃发展新阶段,1982年香港政府成立了职业训练局,将专业课程框架与新高中学制配合衔接,课程多元化,并开办专业大学学位课程,"多阶进出",按照七级资历架构,推动终身学习。  相似文献   

本文在深入调研的基础上,以促进城市公共交通优先发展为落脚点,对杭州市公共交通发展现状和存在问题进行了剖析,并提出了加快杭州市推进城市公共交通发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, China's container ports have experienced a significant expansion in throughput and capacity. This paper provides a review of the sector and analyses the recent development of container ports and terminals within Mainland China. It then focuses in more depth on the competition between the ports of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In particular, the port of Shenzhen is analysed in the context of Robinson's criteria for hub port development to try to discern whether it will become the dominant regional hub. The discussion concludes that despite Shenzhen's current competitive advantages, Hong Kong will, in all probability, retain its dominant role.  相似文献   

A practical methodology for constructing a representative driving cycle reflecting the real-world driving conditions is developed for vehicle emissions testing and estimation. The methodology tackles three major tasks, i.e., data collection, route selection and cycle construction. Both car chasing and on-board measurement techniques were employed to collect vehicle speed data. Route selection was based on the records of average annual daily traffic of the road network between major residential areas and commercial/industrial areas. A variety of parameters were employed as the target statistics characterising the driving pattern in the construction of driving cycles. The performance value and speed-acceleration probability distribution were utilised to determine the best synthesised driving cycle. The method is easy to follow and the driving cycles are comparative to other renounced cycles.  相似文献   

E. S. W. Lee 《运输评论》2013,33(4):279-303

As paratransit services, Hong Kong's taxis and public light buses (PLB) carried some 30% of the 9.7 million daily public transport boardings in Hong Kong in 1988. Most of the vehicles are individually owned, and services are operated as commercially viable concerns. While operators have a high degree of operational flexibility, taxis and PLBs are closely regulated by the Government. The fleet sizes are controlled by licensing. There is a system of zoning for taxis, and operational prohibitions and restrictions for PLBs. Over the years, Hong Kong has developed some practicable means of operational control on taxis and PLBs. It has been 20 years since PLBs were legalized in 1969. The transition experienced by this mode, from no control to regulated operations, signifies a major step forward from the point of view of transport administration. The Government's participation in the planning for PLB services has guided the development of this mode. In this paper, the planning and control mechanisms for Hong Kong's paratransit modes are introduced. Identified deficiencies are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国城市机动车保有量快速增长,污染物排放总量持续攀升,所带来的城市污染问题日趋严重,发展低碳交通成为我国城市交通发展的战略方向。本文基于我国城市交通低碳化发展现状及存在问题及影响因素,结合国外发达国家城市交通低碳化的发展经验,分析了城市交通低碳化发展的外因和内因及存在的主要问题,提出在我国能源结构短期内难以发生根本性改变的情况下,大力和优先发展公共交通,逐步建立以大运量轨道交通和快速交通为骨干、常规公共汽电车为主体、其他公共交通方式为补充的城市公共交通体系,将是实现城市交通低碳化和可持续发展最有效的途径。同时,还需不断提高交通能效,开发和利用可再生能源,提高交通运输管理水平,引导公众理性选择出行方式。  相似文献   


The growth of container‐handling industry and its impact on Hong Kong's economy have aroused considerable attention in recent decades. Within the recent twenty years, the rapid growth of container‐handling industry has led Hong Kong to become one of the world's busiest container port with over 11 million T.E.U. s (Twenty Feet Equivalent Units) container throughput in one year period. Also the container throughput is expected to reach 15.5 million T.E.U. s by year 2004.

As the success of container‐handling industry is significant, many studies have been conducted relating to this subject. In this paper, an application of a queuing theory model to Kwai Chung Container Terminals is developed and described. Specifically, we consider seasonal changes at the Terminals and focus on their effects on inter‐arrival time and service time of container vessel.

A crucial component of the study relates to the empirical data collected. Besides verifying the validity of the model, those data provide guidelines for developing schemes to manage the seasonal fluctuation of container throughput of the Terminals.  相似文献   

A predominant observation in Hong Kong is the continuous loss in ferry patronage. There are two main reasons for this: poor level-of-service and better competitors. New roads, bridges, and tunnels are serving the buses, and to some extent the railways; whereas the investment in ferry terminals is relatively at a lower level. On the one hand, there is no need to promote the ferries in a free market environment; but on the other hand, the ferries have the best safety record, can only relieve some traffic congestion and need water access that is one of the characteristics of Hong Kong. The goal of this paper is to design a planning approach combined with an evaluation procedure on how to make the best use of the existing water and pier resources in Hong Kong through the provision of commercially viable ferry services. The approach used covers the impact of future developments planning up to 2006 comprising all public transport modes in Hong Kong (heavy rail, metro, bus, and ferry). The planning tool is based on a newly developed multi-objective evaluation method in order to assess the ferry routes with scientific, practical, and simplified analyses for future use. This assessment is applied to the existing ferry routes and candidate routes and can also be carried out on an individual route basis or on a given set of routes. The objective functions set forth analytically in the evaluation method take into account the interests of the three participants: the passengers, the operators and the government. The proposed ferry network design formulation and the suggested new ferry routes will have a positive impact on changing the ferry system’s image in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

当前,我国多数大城市仍存在用地功能布局欠佳、公交服务水平不高、方式调控措施不当、慢行交通环境较差等突出问题,严重制约了交通系统的可持续发展。在新型城镇化背景下,为避免交通拥堵等大城市病加剧和蔓延,我国大城市应立足既有问题,综合考虑机动化、老龄化、绿色化、智慧化发展趋势,从加强用地交通融合、完善绿色交通体系、引导私人汽车出行、打造智慧交通系统等方面重点发力,推动交通可持续发展。  相似文献   

Mass transit projects are often a top contender of many cities to meet their increasing demand for travel. Despite the global trend of privatization, mass transit services, as public goods, remain largely being provided and operated by the public sector. Hong Kong is one of the few exceptions that all mass transit services are commercially operated. Both rail and bus services in Hong Kong are reputable for their quality and profitability, often serving as benchmarks for new projects. In this study, we investigate the factors contributing to this success. In particular, we ascertain the quality of transit service provision by the private sector over the past two decades. Then, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the account books of leading railway and bus operators in Hong Kong so as to shed light on their financial viability. Through this study, we hope to present crucial factors for providing financially viable private transit services.  相似文献   

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