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介绍建立水运工程结算与支付管理系统的基本思想、计算机软件功能和施工监理中该系统用于投资控制的方法。系统提供的信息对于监理工程师和业主控制工程投资具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

西江 《珠江水运》2005,(2):28-28
1月16日上午,广西交通重点7工程——那吉航运枢纽工程正式开工一那吉航运枢纽工程业主为广西西江航运建设有限公司,投资总额11.8亿元人民币,建设工期4年,干吨级船闸将于2007年1月建成通航。  相似文献   

浅谈业主在招标阶段的防索赔措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姚蓓 《水运工程》2003,(9):8-10
建设项目施工过程中,工程索赔几乎是不可避免的。业主在招标过程中就应考虑可能存在的工程索赔的风险,并采取积极的措施予以避免。本文将招标工作分为:招标前期准备、招标图设计、招标文件的编制、标底编制和评标等5个阶段,针对每阶段的工作内容提出相应的防索赔措施。  相似文献   

工程建设中的激励因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用目标激励理论来分析工程建设中的激励因素.以及不同合同模式对业主与承包商的激励作用,以期根据工程性质的要求适当地选择合同模式,并能在履约过程中应用一些激励和约束措施保证工程的成功。  相似文献   

在建筑工程项目管理中,如何有效地进行工程风险的管理,并在确保工程质量的前提下,降低工程风险,是各级工程部门、业主一个比较关注的问题。本文通过对乌奎高速等项目价格调整的应用,对分析如何合理应用价格调整手段控制业主风险做相关论述。  相似文献   

墟沟一期工程码头沉桩中遇到了贯入度较小,桩顶破碎、桩顶超高、桩身倾斜、桩顶偏位等难题,经过业主,设计单位和施工单位的努力,采取一些行之有效的措施,使难题得以解决。  相似文献   

陈锡华 《珠江水运》2012,(22):84-86
工程项目管理参与方有业主、设计、勘察、监理、施工等单位,参建各方有各自的项目管理,但业主在项目管理中始终居于核心地位发挥主导作用。文中结合工作实践浅谈业主在工程项目管理中发挥的主导作用。  相似文献   

通过对新疆兵团农九师近年来公路工程的项目管理实践,概述了在工程建设实际中处理好业主与监理关系的重要性,并就如何处理和协调两者的关系进行了阐述,指出只有形成科学、高效、务实的工程监理体制,才能配合业主方达到对工程的有效控制。  相似文献   

近年来国内水运工程项目建设市场呈投资多元化发展,项目建设之初,项目业主和投资者均希望工程建设尽快完工、尽早发挥经济效益,业主对工程的建设质量、工程进度尤其是有效控制项目投资提出了较高要求以大麦屿工程桩基方案优选为案例,通过全寿命周期法、层次分析法等价值工程方法的应用,最终解决工程中的实际问题,实现成本、进度等项目目标.  相似文献   

香港南丫岛电厂煤灰湖工程的33个大型钢筋混凝土沉箱由第一航务工程局第二工程公司在山东省日照市石预制厂预制,由半潜驳装运,并用大型拖轮安全拖运至香港,运距1200海里,在国内尚属有次,为保证沉箱安全拖运采取了一系列技术措施。由于预制和装运质量优良,受到业主及工程总承包单位的赞誉。  相似文献   

一、投资建设与国家经济走势相符 交通运输是国民经济的基础。港口,作为国民经济的基础设施,历来受到党和政府的重视。 目前,上海港的固定资产投资总量达128亿元。从解放后至20世纪末,其投资建设带有鲜明的时间特征,即前30年平稳发展,十一届三中全会后的20年高速发展,与国家宏观经济走势基本相符。改革开放前30年,上海港固定资产投资建设的特点是以恢复、改建老港区为主。其中:“一五”时期随着码头接管工作的完成,5年累计完成投资2143万元;“二五”时期上升到7549万元;以后的三年经济调整期和文革的“三五…  相似文献   

The nature of the global economy is one of dynamic change. Shipping is a service industry with its demand related to changes in international trade levels and patterns. As a consequence shipping is subject to sometimes unpredictable swings in demand so that the operator is required to make strategic planning decisions while navigating through boom or bust environments. While boom economies generate rising freight rates which are welcomed and encourage investment, ship operators may also have to face falling freight demand and declining freight rates that may have significant impact on profitability, often falling to uneconomic levels for extended periods. In such a period of uncertainty and declining profitability management will make operational decisions to reduce costs. However, shipping lines operate in a market environment so any decisions made to rationalize the trade may have significant long-term competitive implications. For example, traditional micro economic theory might suggest that the prudent strategy to adopt would be to close down the operation and reopen when the market conditions improve. In a world of certainty or when costs of taking this action are zero, this would be a valid strategy. However, because of fear of competitors taking up a line's market share if the shipping company exits, even temporarily, this strategy cannot be valued simply in terms of shut-down and start-up costs. A further consideration is the fact that standard capital budgeting techniques, such as Net Present Value (NPV), cannot incorporate the flexibility to respond to new information and strategic responses explicitly into their investment analysis. This paper will demonstrate the use of Real Option Analysis (ROA) to provide guidelines for decisions about closing operations in adverse market conditions.  相似文献   

The nature of the global economy is one of dynamic change. Shipping is a service industry with its demand related to changes in international trade levels and patterns. As a consequence shipping is subject to sometimes unpredictable swings in demand so that the operator is required to make strategic planning decisions while navigating through boom or bust environments. While boom economies generate rising freight rates which are welcomed and encourage investment, ship operators may also have to face falling freight demand and declining freight rates that may have significant impact on profitability, often falling to uneconomic levels for extended periods. In such a period of uncertainty and declining profitability management will make operational decisions to reduce costs. However, shipping lines operate in a market environment so any decisions made to rationalize the trade may have significant long-term competitive implications. For example, traditional micro economic theory might suggest that the prudent strategy to adopt would be to close down the operation and reopen when the market conditions improve. In a world of certainty or when costs of taking this action are zero, this would be a valid strategy. However, because of fear of competitors taking up a line's market share if the shipping company exits, even temporarily, this strategy cannot be valued simply in terms of shut-down and start-up costs. A further consideration is the fact that standard capital budgeting techniques, such as Net Present Value (NPV), cannot incorporate the flexibility to respond to new information and strategic responses explicitly into their investment analysis. This paper will demonstrate the use of Real Option Analysis (ROA) to provide guidelines for decisions about closing operations in adverse market conditions.  相似文献   

李赪 《中国船检》2010,(9):45-47,117
金融危机以来,航运和造船市场格局发生了巨大变化,船东在新船投资上也出现了一些新的特点和趋势。在全球新船投资中,欧洲船东所占份额在各主要船东所在区域中名列第一,其在建船舶约占据50%的份额。其次是亚洲船东,该地区船舶投资增长幅度仅次于欧洲地区,其在建船舶约有30%的份额。  相似文献   

史诚东 《水运管理》2005,27(9):16-17
介绍天津港转变投资理念、不断探索资本运作模式的成功经验,指出创新融资思路、建立有效的资金营运机制是实现港口跨越式发展的重要连径。  相似文献   

当今世上,许多行业在经营方面都有着持续发生周期性变化的特点,而特征最显著,色彩最强烈的行业则莫过于国际集装箱班轮运输业,近年来,运价大起大落的现象愈演愈烈。全球经济形势的急剧变化固然是重要的因素,但行业内固有的弊端,特别是众多国际集装箱班轮公司的非理性投资决策也难辞其咎。 讨论国际集装箱班轮公司投资合理性,需要涉及与之极其密切及相关的股东权益(shareholder  相似文献   

一舟 《中国水运》2006,(11):36-36
《船舶工业中长期发展规划》制定了我国船舶工业投资管理政策。政策要点如下:  相似文献   

船舶建造过程,是一项投资大、周期长、过程复杂的工程;全过程目标投资动态控制也是一项系统工程,必须从船舶管理模式、企业制度、员工行为和支持系统等方面综合寻求整体解决方案,实现企业投资的全过程的控制。  相似文献   

一、引言 2002年5月28日,从外经贸部传出消息:关于外资并购国企的政策草案已拟就,正式文件有望在年底颁布。这一消息无疑使外资持股重点国有企业问题逐渐浮出水面,外资并购与重组也渐渐成为未来国企改革的关注热点。  相似文献   

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