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A sector is a component airspace whose operation is allocated to an air traffic controller. The operation complexity of a sector plays a critical role in the current Air Traffic Management system, e.g. it determines the workload volume of air traffic controllers and serves as a reliable index for airspace configuration and traffic flow management. Therefore, accurately evaluating the sector operation complexity is a problem of paramount importance in both practice and research. Due to numerous interacting factors, traditional methods based on only one single complexity indicator fail to accurately reflect the true complexity, especially when these factors are nonlinearly correlated. In light of these, the attempt to use machine learning models to mine the complex factor-complexity relationship has prevailed recently. The performance of these models however relies heavily on sufficient samples. The high cost of collecting ample data often results in a small training set, adversely impacting on the performance that these machine learning models can achieve. To overcome this problem, this paper for the first time proposes a new sector operation complexity evaluation framework based on knowledge transfer specifically for small-training-sample environment. The proposed framework is able to effectively mine knowledge hidden within the samples of the target sector, i.e. the sector undergoes evaluation, as well as other sectors, i.e. non-target sectors. Moreover, the framework can properly handle the integration between the knowledge derived from different sectors. Extensive experiments on real data of 6 sectors in China illustrate that our proposed framework can achieve promising performance on complexity evaluation when only a small training set of the target sector is available.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model that systematically integrates, for the first time, the association between a region's aviation near-midair collision risk and its traffic levels, its type and amount of air traffic control, and the complexity of its airspace. The model incorporates the tight interrelatedness (and correlation) between traffic, airspace complexity, and air traffic controller staffing. An estimation of the model using cross-sectional data on 143 U.S. airports in 1985 indicates that the frequency of reported near-midair collisions (NMACs) is positively associated with regional traffic and airspace complexity, despite the fact that busier, more complex regions generally have more air traffic controllers. Also, in regions governed by “terminal radar service areas” (TRSAs), the reported near-midair collisions are positively associated with the presence of more satellite airports than would be expected on the basis of traffic alone. Finally, deviations from controller staffing levels that would be expected on the basis of traffic and airspace complexity alone are significantly associated with variations in reported NMACs in terminal control areas but not in terminal radar service areas.  相似文献   

To assess safety impacts of untried traffic control strategies, an earlier study developed a vehicle dynamics model‐integrated (i.e., VISSIM‐CarSim‐SSAM) simulation approach and evaluated its performance using surrogate safety measures. Although the study found that the integrated simulation approach was a superior alternative to existing approaches in assessing surrogate safety, the computation time required for the implementation of the integrated simulation approach prevents it from using it in practice. Thus, this study developed and evaluated two types of models that could replace the integrated simulation approach with much faster computation time, feasible for real‐time implementation. The two models are as follows: (i) a statistical model (i.e., logit model) and (ii) a nonparametric approach (i.e., artificial neural network). The logit model and the neural network model were developed and trained on the basis of three simulation data sets obtained from the VISSIM‐CarSim‐SSAM integrated simulation approach, and their performances were compared in terms of the prediction accuracy. These two models were evaluated using six new simulation data sets. The results indicated that the neural network approach showing 97.7% prediction accuracy was superior to the logit model with 85.9% prediction accuracy. In addition, the correlation analysis results between the traffic conflicts obtained from the neural network approach and the actual traffic crash data collected in the field indicated a statistically significant relationship (i.e., 0.68 correlation coefficient) between them. This correlation strength is higher than that of the VISSIM only (i.e., the state of practice) simulation approach. The study results indicated that the neural network approach is not only a time‐efficient way to implementing the VISSIM‐CarSim‐SSAM integrated simulation but also a superior alternative in assessing surrogate safety. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characterizing the relationship between environmental factors and mobility is critical for developing a sustainable traffic signal control system. In this study, the authors investigate the correlation of the environmental impacts of transport and mobility measurements at signalized intersections. A metamodeling-based method involving experimental design, simulations, and regression analysis was developed. The simulations, involving microscopic traffic modeling and emission estimation with an emerging emission estimator, provide the flexibility of generating cases with various intersection types, vehicle types, and other parameters such as driver behavior, fuel types, and meteorological factors. A multivariate multiple linear regression (MMLR) analysis was applied to determine the relationship between environmental and mobility measurements. Given the limitations of using the built-in emissions modules within current traffic simulation and signal optimization tools, the metamodeling-based approach presented in this paper makes a methodological contribution. The findings of this study set up the base for extensive application of simulation optimization to sustainable traffic operations and management. Moreover, the comparison of outputs from an advanced estimator with those from the current tool recommend improving the emissions module for more accurate analysis (e.g., benefit-cost analysis) in practical signal retiming projects.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feasibility of a self-organizing, completely distributed traffic information system based upon vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Unlike centralized traffic information systems, the proposed system does not need public infrastructure investment as a prerequisite for implementation. Due to the complexity of the proposed system, simulation is selected as the primary approach in the feasibility studies. A simulation framework is built based on an existing microscopic traffic simulation model for the simulation studies. The critical questions for building the proposed market-driven system are examined both from communication requirements and traffic engineering points of view. Traffic information propagation both in freeway and arterial networks via information exchange among IVC-equipped vehicles is tested within the simulation framework. Results on the probability of successful IVC and traffic information propagation distance obtained from the simulation studies are generated and analyzed under incident-free and incident conditions for various roadway formats and parameter combinations. Comparisons between the speed of the incident information wave and the speed of the corresponding traffic shock wave due to the incident are analyzed for different scenarios as the most crucial aspect of the information propagation as a potential foundation for application in such a decentralized traffic information system.  相似文献   

Winter road maintenance (WRM) has been shown to have significant benefits of improving road safety and reducing traffic delay caused by adverse weather conditions. It has also been suggested that WRM is also beneficial in terms of reducing vehicular air emissions and fuel consumptions because snow and ice on road surface often cause the drivers to reduce their vehicle speeds or to switch to high gears, thus decreasing fuel combustion efficiency. However, there has been very limited information about the underlying relationship, which is important for quantifying this particular benefit of a winter road maintenance program. This research is focused on establishing a quantitative relationship between winter road surface conditions and vehicular air emissions. Speed distribution models are developed for the selected Ontario highways using data from 22 road sites across the province of Ontario, Canada. The vehicular air emissions under different road surface conditions are calculated by coupling the speed models with the engine emission models integrated in the emission estimation model - MOVES. It was found that, on the average, a 10% improvement in road surface conditions could result in approximately 0.6–2% reduction in air emissions. Application of the proposed methodology is demonstrated through a case study to analyse the air emission and energy consumption effects under specific weather events.  相似文献   

This Taiwan traffic‐adaptive arterial signal control model borrowed its traffic flow framework mainly from a British traffic‐adaptive control model with a cyclic traffic progression function, i.e. SCOOT (Split Cycle Office Optimisation Technique). The new arterial control model can take into account delays of both major and minor streets and make real‐time signal timing decisions with optimal two‐way signal offsets, so as to create the best arterial signal operation performance. It has been developed to be an online real‐time software for both simulation testing and field validation. Through simulation, it was found that the performance when operating this newly developed real‐time arterial traffic‐adaptive model was significantly better than when using the optimal fixed‐time arterial timing plan. On the aspect of field testing, three signalized intersections located in East District, Tainan City, Taiwan were selected to be the test sites. Fairly good traffic control performance has been demonstrated in that it can effectively reduce travel delays of the control arterial as a whole. Additional discussions about how to combine travel delay and the total number of vehicle stops into a new control performance index have also been included to make the new traffic‐adaptive model more flexible and reasonable to meet the expectations of different driver groups in the arterial system.  相似文献   

Video image processing system (VIPS) is more efficient than other detecting systems. However, VIPS involves outdoor images and is very sensitive to the external environment, which could greatly decrease its accuracy according to rapid environmental changes. To obtain accurate traffic data accordingly, VIPS must address the problems such as growing shadows in transition; distortion of images due to the headlights at night; noises caused by the rain, snow or fog; and occlusions. This study intends to accurately calculate traffic data while addressing the shadow and occlusion problems, which are the most difficult tasks for the image‐detector‐based traffic data system. In this study, an algorithm for the individual vehicle tracking collection was developed to address the occlusion problem and to eliminate the noises or shadows caused by external environmental factors. A traffic data collection system was also proposed in order to accurately track individual vehicles that pass through the detection region. In addition, establishing an integrated system with shadow removal and occlusion handling using an image processing was also proposed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The constant increase in air traffic demand increases a probability of the separation minima infringements in certain areas as a consequence of increased traffic density. The Annual Safety Report 2016 reports that in recent years the number of infringements, measured per million flight hours, had been increased at a lower rate (Eurocontrol, 2018). However, this level of infringements still generates a continuous pressure on the air traffic control (ATC) system and seeks for more control resources ready to tactically solve potential conflicts, while increasing at the same time the operational costs. Considering present air traffic management (ATM) trade-off criteria: increased airspace capacity and traffic efficiency but reducing the cost while preserving safety, new services must be designed to distribute the separation management ATC task loads among other actors. Based on the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research and Next Generation Air Transportation System initiatives, this paper proposes an innovative separation management service to shift the completely centralized tactical ATC interventions to more efficient decentralized tactical operations relying on an advanced surrounding traffic analysis tool, to preserve the safety indicators while considering the operational efficiency. A developed methodology for the proposed service is an application-oriented, trying to respond to characteristics and requirements of the current operational environment. The paper further analysis the traffic complexity taking into consideration the so-called domino effect, i.e. a number of the surrounding aircraft causally involved in the separation management service by the means of identification of the spatiotemporal interdependencies between them and the conflicting aircraft. This complexity is driven by the interdependencies structure and expressed as a time-criticality in quantifying the total number of the system solutions, that varies over time as the aircraft are approaching to each other. The results from two randomly selected ecosystem scenarios, extracted from a simulated traffic, illustrate different avoidance capacities for a given look-ahead time and the system solutions counts, that in discrete moments reach zero value.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated framework for effective coupling of a signal timing estimation model and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) in feedback loops. There are many challenges in effectively integrating signal timing tools with DTA software systems, such as data availability, exchange format, and system coupling. In this research, a tight coupling between a DTA model with various queue‐based simulation models and a quick estimation method Excel‐based signal control tool is achieved and tested. The presented framework design offers an automated solution for providing realistic signal timing parameters and intersection movement capacity allocation, especially for future year scenarios. The framework was used to design an open‐source data hub for multi‐resolution modeling in analysis, modeling and simulation applications, in which a typical regional planning model can be quickly converted to microscopic traffic simulation and signal optimization models. The coupling design and feedback loops are first demonstrated on a simple network, and we examine the theoretically important questions on the number of iterations required for reaching stable solutions in feedback loops. As shown in our experiment, the current coupled application becomes stable after about 30 iterations, when the capacity and signal timing parameters can quickly converge, while DTA's route switching model predominately determines and typically requires more iterations to reach a stable condition. A real‐world work zone case study illustrates how this application can be used to assess impacts of road construction or traffic incident events that disrupt normal traffic operations and cause route switching on multiple analysis levels. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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