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This study examined the relationship between urban characteristics and residents’ commuting behaviour using sample survey data from 106 cities in China. We found that the average commuting time of high-income groups is significantly longer than that of low-income groups. The increasing urbanization rate leads to an increase in commuting time and more residents using public transport for commuting. The increase in the urban population density is expected to increase the commuting time and the possibility of commuting using non-motorised modes. Different urban characteristics have different effects on the commuting patterns of residents within different income groups. The increased urbanization rate promotes the use of motorised modes for commuting in the high-income group, and shortens the commuting time of the low-income group. We also found that population density and neighbourhood-level factors have a greater impact on the commuting time of the low-income group compared to the high-income group. We suggest China’s urban planners should place emphasis on the commuting requirements of the low-income group by China’s urban planners.  相似文献   

While public transportation (PT) plays a crucial role in the social and environmental dimensions, its impacts on the location rent remain poorly known. However, there is a strong connection between PT infrastructures and real estate markets since the former may generate externalities that can influence sales prices. This paper aims at estimating the actual effect of implementing a commuter train service between a major city (Montreal, Canada) and its southern periphery occurring in 2000–2003. Using a difference-in-differences (DID) estimator in the hedonic price model for single-family house sales between 1992 and 2009, the paper estimates the direct marginal price impact of a new commuter train service following changes in access to stations. Results suggest that the opening of a new commuter train service on the Montreal South Shore generates a location premium for houses located in the stations’ vicinity (as measured through walking distance and car driving time) as opposed to houses that do not experience any improvement in accessibility to the commuter train service, either in space or in time. In addition, the new service raises property tax income for involved municipalities by several million dollars a year through enhanced property values.  相似文献   

This study investigated the contribution of psychological factors in explaining the choice of transportation mode in six Asian countries. Data were collected from 1118 respondents in Japan, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The dependent variable was the intention to use one of three modes for work travel after getting a job: car, public transit, or other modes. The explanatory variables were three attitude factors taken from a previous study, including: 1/symbolic affective, reflecting affective motives of travel mode use; 2/instrumental, referring to functional attributes of travel modes; and 3/social orderliness which represents for environmental friendliness, safety, altruism, quietness et cetera. Several logit model estimates were made using the samples from the six countries separately and together. We obtained three main findings. First, attitude variables about the car were all significant determinants for the entire sample from Asian countries. Second, the social orderliness aspect of public transit was a common concern of respondents from developing countries in selecting this mode for work trips. Third, in countries in which the intent to use a car was not very high, attitude factors about the car were found to be significant determinants of the behavioral intention to commute by car but were less significant in countries in which the desire to use a car was high.  相似文献   

Port public–private partnerships (PPPs) are considered to be an important emerging mechanism for port development and improvement in port performance especially for developing countries. This paper empirically investigates the effect of institutional factors in the success of port’s PPPs; the latter defined as the attractiveness of the PPP project for private bidders and the market competitiveness of the facility. The empirical investigation of a large sample of ports finds that ‘regulatory quality’, ‘market openness’, ‘ease to start a business’ and ‘enforcing contracts’ are important institutional determinants of port PPP success and may ultimately contribute to port development and economic growth. The results are consistent with and add to the theoretical literature whereas practical implications for port authorities, managers and investors are discussed.  相似文献   

Lyu  Pu  Lin  Yongjie  Wang  Yuanqing 《Transportation》2019,46(3):841-857
Transportation - This study contributes to the analysis of the household characteristics and household neighborhood ones affecting the transportation carbon dioxide emissions produced by commuters....  相似文献   

Gao  Jie  Ettema  Dick  Helbich  Marco  Kamphuis  Carlijn B. M. 《Transportation》2019,46(6):2441-2463

This study examined whether interactions between travel mode attitudes, urbanization level, and socio-demographics were different for bicycle commuting and cycling for other purposes. Data were obtained from the 2014 wave of the Netherlands mobility panel (MPN). In total, 2673 respondents (18?+?years) who had recorded at least one trip on the days covered by the survey were included in the sample. Four outcomes were constructed, two of which concerned commuting-related cycling: any commuting-related bicycle usage (yes vs. no) and average cycling duration (in hours per weekday). Likewise, two similar outcome variables concerning cycling for other proposes were constructed. These outcomes were analyzed by means of Tobit regression models (cycling duration) and binary logistic models (any bicycle usage). Attitudinal factors concerning different travel modes, namely bus, car, cycling, and train, were constructed by means of factor analysis. The results showed that a positive attitude toward cycling was positively related to bicycle commuting duration, but this association was less strong among those with a positive attitude toward bus use. Having a positive cycling attitude had a weaker association with both bicycle commuting usage and duration in those who do not always have a car available. Regarding cycling for other purposes, cycling attitude had a stronger positive association with cycling duration among residents of very highly urbanized area, compared to residents of less urbanized areas. The available evidence, though limited, suggests that targeting attitudes can have a measurable impact on bicycling, but not to the same extend among all people.


Little appears to be known about the capitalization of transportation accessibility in South Asian housing markets, which typically differ from those of industrialized countries. This study starts addressing this gap by providing empirical evidence about the nature and the magnitude of the value of accessibility as reflected by residential rents in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Results of our SARAR spatial hedonic model estimated on 526 observations from a random sample collected via in-person interviews indicate that the rent of a multi-unit dwelling decreases by 0.0239% for every 1% increase in network access distance to the nearest major road. Moreover, proximity (within 400 m) to a primary school and to a healthcare facility commands rent premiums of respectively 93.55 BDT ($1.40) and 109.45 BDT ($1.64). Surprisingly, whether access roads are paved or not does not statistically impact rents, probably because of the dominance of walking, rickshaws use, and biking, combined with the rarity of personal cars. Likewise, proximity to bus stops and to train stations is not reflected in rents of multi-family dwellings, likely because buses and trains in Rajshahi City only provide regional and national service. Differences in estimates of our spatial models between maximum likelihood (ML) and generalized spatial two-stage-least-squares illustrate the danger of relying on ML in the presence of heteroskedasticity. These results should be useful for planning transportation infrastructure funding measures in least developed country cities like Rajshahi City.  相似文献   

The tyre/road noise depends on type and speed of vehicles and on the characteristics of road pavement. Vehicle traffic load and weather conditions lead to significant changes in the characteristics of the materials used to build the wearing course. This applies especially to road pavements with the increased void contents. Clogging of the pores, changes in the characteristics of the binder and the damage to the wearing course influence changes in the acoustic properties of the road pavement over time. The article presents the results of the studies on noise level carried out in 2011 and 2014 by the Statistical Pass-By method (SPB) on porous asphalt concrete (PAC), very thin asphalt concrete (VTAC) and stone mastic asphalt (SMA). The wearing courses with the increased void contents immediately after building constitute a very advantageous solution compared with traditional road pavements (dense asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt). However, the unfavourable location of the road with porous wearing course, lack of systematic cleaning of porous layers or inappropriate maintenance methods in winter lead to the loss of the acoustic durability of low-noise pavements within a few years of their exploitation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of this paper is that some features of the built environment, particularly those concerned with the accessibility of the street network, could be associated with the proportion of pedestrians on all trips (modal split) found in different parts of a city. Quantitative analysis (bi-variate correlation and a multiple regression model) was used to establish the association between variables. The study area covered a substantial part of the metropolitan area in Madrid, Spain. Results showed a consistent influence of five particular indexes in the multi-variate model. Not surprisingly for this kind of research, four of them described density and mix of land uses. But perhaps more interestingly, the first one was a measure of the accessibility of the public space network, a less prominent variable in literature to date. This variable is called herein configurational accessibility, calculated using Space Syntax, an urban morphology theory. The relevance of configurational accessibility is probably related to its surprising ability to synthesize global and perceived properties of street networks at the same time. The findings introduce the idea that the configuration of the urban grid can influence the proportion of pedestrians (as a part of total trips in any transport mode) who choose to walk on single-journey trips. The discussion links with the current debate about walkability indexes and the need of empirical support for the chosen variables and also with transport planning. Because the relevance of the street network’s role is not so easy to grasp, inputs from configurational theory and the pedestrian potential underlying this fact are also discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative importance that people attach to various instrumental and affective journey attributes when travelling either for work or for a leisure day trip and presents how journeys by various travel modes score on these attributes. Although not a comparative paper, data are presented for two studies which used some identical measurements: one on commuter journeys and one on leisure journeys. The results show that for work journeys, respondents tend to attach more importance to instrumental aspects, and especially to convenience than to affective factors. For leisure journeys, however, respondents appear to attach almost equal importance to instrumental and affective aspects, particularly flexibility, convenience, relaxation, a sense of freedom and ‘no stress’. Each study also examines (i) how regular users’ evaluate their own mode and (ii) how car users perceive the performance of alternative modes compared to their importance ratings. This ‘gap’ analysis reveals on which modes and for which attributes the greatest deficiencies in performance lie. The data for both the work and leisure studies shows that for car users, alternative transport modes are inferior on the salient attributes such as convenience and flexibility even though car users rate modes such as walking and cycling as performing well, if not better, on less important attributes such as the environment, health and even excitement. Nevertheless, for those who cycle and walk regularly, satisfaction with their own travel mode as measured by the gap between importance and performance on salient attributes is better than for those who mostly use the car. Conclusions are made as to how greater attention to affective factors may improve our understanding of mode choice.  相似文献   

In the last decade young people in North America, Australia and much of Europe are becoming less likely to hold a driver’s license and, if they can drive, they are driving less. This is a remarkable trend which is not yet well understood. This paper is an empirical analysis exploring the relationship between young adult driver licensing and young adult demographics and living arrangements. In many developed countries, young adults are becoming increasingly less likely to be in full-time work, more likely to be in part-time work or studying, more likely to be living at home with parents and they are getting married and having children later in life. Against the background of these trends, a binary logistic regression model of travel survey data (1994–2009) for Melbourne, Australia is used to explore the association between these demographics and young adult license-holding. The model established that full-time employment and child-rearing are associated with higher young adult licensing rates whereas part-time work and studying were associated with lower licensing rates. However the impact of living at home with parents was not clear and requires further study. Together it is theorised that these changes in living arrangements may be restricting the disposable income of some young adults and reducing or postponing license take-up. The paper concludes with the implications of findings for policy and opportunities for future research.  相似文献   


Anthony J. Faria is an associate professor and Chairman of Marketing in the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Windsor. A graduate of Michigan State University, he received his Ph.D. degree in 1974. Dr. Faria is a member of the American Marketing Association, Southern Case Research Association, the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, and the North American Simulation and Gaming Association. Dr. Faria has authored a marketing simulation game entitled COMPETE: A Dynamic Marketing Simulation and has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Small Business Management, Pittsburgh Business Review, Traffic Quarterly, Retail Control, Atlanta Economic Review, Retail Directions, Department Store Economist, The Southern Business Review, Business and Society, and the Marquette Business Review. In addition, he has participated in various seminars for the business community.  相似文献   

Air pollution and road traffic noise are considered to be the two most important nuisances that could negatively affect the quality of life. A prolonged exposure to high concentrations of these pollutants could conduct to various health problems. Studies in environmental equity have often considered these nuisances individually whenever it comes from the same source. The main objective of this paper is to determine if the 15 years of age, those aged 65 and over, visible minorities and low income individuals located in a portion of the Island of Montreal are overrepresented in city blocks characterized by having among the highest levels of transportation-related air pollutants (i.e., ambient concentrations of NO2 and road traffic noise in decibels (dB(A)). The results show that low-income individuals and, to a lesser extent, visible minorities, are significantly overrepresented in city blocks characterized by the higher levels of NO2 and road traffic noise in dB(A). Multinomial logistic regression analysis confirms these results, and also shows that young people under 15 years are under-represented in the most polluted areas. However, contrary to the previous bivariate results, people aged 65 and over are negatively and significantly associated with the likelihood of their living in a city block located in an advantaged area after controlling for the independent effects of the other explanatory variables. Moreover, visible minorities are significantly overrepresented in advantaged areas. Considering the observed results, some solutions are identified to reduce road traffic noise and air pollution in the city blocks localized near major traffic arteries.  相似文献   

Despite stagnation in new-vehicle sales from the mid 1970s, both the size and total usage made of the Australian stock of cars and station wagons continued to grow unabated into the early 1980s. Such apparently contradictory trends were an international phenomena, as were increased sourcing of vehicles from Japanese manufacturers, and the experience of less than favourable economic and demographic conditions. This paper looks at the factors behind the movements noted, and attempts to assess to what extent the “downsizing” phenomena observed overseas was encountered in Australia. Increasing vehicle life expectancy and an initially favourable age structure were found to account for contradictory growth rates in new registrations and the vehicle stock, while increased lifetime utilisation of light/medium vehicles accounted for much of the increase observed in total distance travelled. Only a weak downsizing trend was detected commencing circa 1979, its weakness reflecting an unexpected trend away from light vehicles. Projections indicate that if levels of, and size patterns associated with, new-vehicle registrations persist, downsizing trends will continue to be weak, and overall stock growth rates are likely to slow, although stagnation is unlikely by 1990.  相似文献   

This is a two‐part study. The main part reports on all car occupant patients coming to the accident and emergency departments of 14 hospitals in the United Kingdom in the years immediately before and after the introduction of seat belt legislation. This included about 5% of such casualties in the country. Using the strict methodology of stating expected changes in the form of hypotheses prior to analysis, it was confirmed that a large number of improvements occurred. These included a reduction in the total number of patients, number of bed days, multiplicity of injuries, injuries to the brain and chest, and many facial injuries. It was confirmed that after legislation there was some increase in neck sprains and sternum fractures. Front‐seat passengers obtained much greater benefits than did drivers.

In a much smaller study in fatalities (again covering about 5% of fatalities in the country) it appeared that improvements occurred in head, chest, and abdomen injury, while limb injuries were not greatly changed and spinal injuries increased.  相似文献   

The key factors that determine the prices of real estate are location, technical standard of property as well as the local environment. In urban agglomerations, road traffic noise has a considerable impact on the purchasing decisions made by apartment buyers. This is a widespread problem in Central-Eastern Europe. The main objective of this study was to verify the working hypothesis that apartment prices are correlated with traffic noise levels in Olsztyn, the capital city of the Region of Warmia and Mazury in north-eastern Poland.The study was carried out in four principal stages. Firstly, traffic noise intensity was determined for apartments (objects of real estate transactions concluded in 2013), based on an acoustic map for the city of Olsztyn. The map was developed in line with the provisions of Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. Secondly, the values of the Noise Depreciation Sensitivity Index (NDSI) were calculated. NDSI determines the percentage change in property prices per dB increase in noise levels. The distribution of unit prices of apartments was mapped relative to noise levels, and the relationships between the analyzed variables were assessed. Thirdly, linear correlations between the unit prices of apartments and noise levels were analyzed. The strength and direction of relationships between the analyzed parameters were determined based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient. In the last stage, the distribution of the unit prices of apartments was mapped by ordinary kriging, a geostatistical estimation method. The research hypothesis was confirmed by comparing the spatial distribution of traffic noise levels measured in stage 1 with the spatial distribution of apartment prices.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an equilibrium model to characterize the bilateral searching and meeting between customers and taxis on road networks. A taxi driver searches or waits for a customer by considering both the expected searching or waiting time cost and ride revenue, and a customer seeks a taxi ride to minimize full trip price. We suppose that the bilateral taxi–customer searching and meeting occurs anywhere in residential and commercial zones or at prescribed taxi stands, such as an airport or a railway station. We propose a meeting function to spell out the search and meeting frictions that arise endogenously as a result of the distinct spatial feature of the area and the taxi–customer moving decisions. With the proposed meeting function and the assumptions underlying taxi–customer search behaviors, the stationary competitive equilibrium achieved at fixed fare prices is determined when the demand of the customers matches the supply of taxis or there is market clearing at the prevailing searching and waiting times in every meeting location. We establish the existence of such an equilibrium by virtue of Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem and demonstrate its principal operational characteristics with a numerical example.  相似文献   

We discuss the problem of finding an energy-efficient driving strategy for a train journey on an undulating track with steep grades subject to a maximum prescribed journey time. We review the state-of-the-art and establish the key principles of optimal train control for a general model with continuous control. The model with discrete control is not considered. We assume only that the tractive and braking control forces are bounded by non-increasing speed-dependent magnitude constraints and that the rate of energy dissipation from frictional resistance is given by a non-negative strictly convex function of speed. Partial cost recovery from regenerative braking is allowed. The cost of the strategy is the mechanical energy required to drive the train. Minimising the mechanical energy is an effective way of reducing the fuel or electrical energy used by the traction system. The paper is presented in two parts. In Part 1 we discuss formulation of the model, determine the characteristic optimal control modes, study allowable control transitions, establish the existence of optimal switching points and consider optimal strategies with speed limits. We find algebraic formulae for the adjoint variables in terms of speed on track with piecewise-constant gradient and draw phase plots of the associated optimal evolutionary lines for the state and adjoint variables. In Part 2 we will establish important integral forms of the necessary conditions for optimal switching, find general bounds on the positions of the optimal switching points, justify the local energy minimization principle and show how these ideas are used to calculate optimal switching points. We will prove that an optimal strategy always exists and use a perturbation analysis to show the strategy is unique. Finally we will discuss computational techniques in realistic examples with steep gradients and describe typical optimal strategies for a complete journey.  相似文献   

The two models FOTO (Forecasting of Traffic Objects) and ASDA (Automatische Staudynamikanalyse: Automatic Tracking of Moving Traffic Jams) for the automatic recognition and tracking of congested spatial–temporal traffic flow patterns on freeways are presented. The models are based on a spatial–temporal traffic phase classification made in the three-phase traffic theory by Kerner. In this traffic theory, in congested traffic two different phases are distinguished: “wide moving jam” and “synchronized flow”. The model FOTO is devoted to the identification of traffic phases and to the tracking of synchronized flow. The model ASDA is devoted to the tracking of the propagation of moving jams. The general approach and the different extensions of the models FOTO and ASDA are explained in detail. It is stressed that the models FOTO and ASDA perform without any validation of model parameters in different environmental and traffic conditions. Results of the online application of the models FOTO and ASDA at the TCC (Traffic Control Center) of Hessen near Frankfurt (Germany) are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

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