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交通运政执法是交通管理的重要组成部分,它关系到健康、有序的道路运输市场秩序的形成、和谐交通的构建、交通部门的形象塑造等一系列问题。随着营运车辆的逐年增加,交通运政执法难和难执法成为一种普遍现象,如何解决执法难问题、改善执法难现状已成为摆在道路运输管理部门面前一道亟待解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》实施后.基层运政执法人员在执行《条例》第七十一条二款,对"擅自改装已取得车辆营运证的车辆.由县级以上道路运输管理机构责令改正,处5000元以上2万元以下罚款"时,存在认定标准不一,较为混乱.  相似文献   

<正>道路客运市场发展至今,运政部门的行业管理重点已由前几年的发展运力、开辟线路、场站建设和实施企业自用站向社会车辆开放,转向促进经营主体的兼并重组、加快车型结构的调整和车辆的更新换代、强化公用型客运站的管理。客运市场的管理始终离不开客运市场的源头,运政部门对客运市场管理的重点应放在客运站的管理上。我市对道路客运站实施驻站管理始于1998年在仪征试点,1999年在全市全面推开。近2年来的实践使我们初尝甜头。下面就我市做好客运站驻站管理工作  相似文献   

通过对运政执法中自由裁量权存在的必要性、监控的必要性以及权利的分类进行分析,进而阐述运政执法中行使自由裁量权存在的问题,并对如何合法、合理地正确行使自由裁量权,对加强运政执法水平,提高运政执法效率提出了思考和建议。  相似文献   

上海市城市交通运输管理处,是上海市交通运输和港口管理局所属的履行全市城市交通运政日常管理职能的行政执法类事业单位,负责对全市城市交通行业的经营者、车辆、设施及从业人员的日常管理和监督指导,机构级别相当于正处级。5月,本刊记者在上海专访了该处办公室主任吕高生。  相似文献   

文章结合对运政管理信息化现状的分析,介绍了广西运政管理信息化建设的系统规划及特点,提出了建设的难点问题,并对广西运政管理信息化建设所取得的效益进行了评述。  相似文献   

当前道路运政管理工作面临着许多新的问题,在一定程度上存在体制不顺、职责不清、对市场监督管理不力、执法行为不够规范等问题,影响了道路运输的健康发展。加入WTO后,道路运政管理机构必须进一步转变职能,适应新形势的需要。一、运管机构不能办企业办企业既不是政府的职责,也不是道路运政管理机构的职责。道路运政管理机构如果办企业,必然违背市场经济规律,而且所办企业最终是办不好的。因为道路运政管理机构在经济活动、市场竞争中受利益趋动,就没有心思做好自己应该做的事情,就不可能履行好国家赋予的道路运政管理职能,相反,只能是一门…  相似文献   

正针对"外籍乘客凌晨在深圳乘车33分钟被索要480元"一事,10月8日,深圳市公安局交警支队官方微博@深圳交警通报称,已找到涉事车辆,系网约车,深圳交委对被举报的司机做出处罚,吊销其网约车驾驶证、暂扣其车辆,并按非法营运给予处罚。10月9日下午,深圳市交通运输委员会官方微博@深圳市交通运输委员会通报称,已对涉事车辆和司机的违章经营行为予以顶格处罚,责成涉事车辆所属企业向该名外国友人当面致  相似文献   

<正>推行行政执法公示制,就是要增加运政管理部门工作的透明度,实施运政阳光工程,使广大运输业户和社会群众了解、知晓运政管理部门行政执法情况,防止“暗箱操作”和执法不公。2000年以来,扬州市运输管理处积极推行行政执法公示制,着力规范执法行为,公开接受社会监督,提高执法水平。通过近1年的实践、摸索,在这方面取得了初步成效,为实现“创一流运政业绩,树一流执法形象”的跨世纪奋斗目标奠定了坚实的基础,在广大运输业户和社会群众之间架起了一座“连心桥”。  相似文献   

从当前市场经济条件下满足道路运输市场管理需要分析了现行道路运政体制存在的主要问题,提出了按照马克思主义行政组织学的原则,改革现行运政机构的设想.  相似文献   

Zhao  Zhan  Zhao  Jinhua 《Transportation》2020,47(2):793-810

Beyond their functional purpose, cars are often considered a status symbol. There may exist a certain level of pride associated with owning and using cars, particularly in regions where motorization is rapidly growing. However, there is little empirical evidence in terms of how car pride is related to different behavioral aspects, such as car ownership and use, especially in the context of developing countries. This paper presents an exploration of car pride and its association with car-related behavior. In this work, car pride is defined as the self-conscious emotion derived from the appraisal of owning and using cars as a positive self-representation. It pertains to both the symbolic and affective functions of the car. Using survey data (n?=?1389) from Shanghai, China, we empirically measure car pride as a latent variable based on five Likert-scale statements and test the association of car pride with car use, vehicle preferences, and car ownership. Based on two structural equation models, we show that: (1) car pride is positively correlated with car use; (2) car pride correlates significantly with owning newer, more expensive, and luxury cars, and Shanghai’s more expensive local car licenses; (3) car owners in general have higher car pride than non-owners; and (4) car pride is largely independent of one’s socio-economic characteristics. Although the analysis focuses on Shanghai, the findings of the positive correlation between car pride and behavior are consistent with prior studies in developed countries. These findings highlight the importance of car pride regarding multiple behavioral aspects of car ownership and use and its potential impact on mobility management.


This paper analyses whether the decision to commute by car is influenced by built environment characteristics of residential neighbourhoods and, more especially, of work locations, taking into account interdependencies between household partners. It shows that the residential environment only affects car use among single-earners. Conversely, for all commuters, but in particular for dual-earners, characteristics of the work location affect whether they commute by car. Even in dual-earner households with two cars, work environment plays a role. We found that in cases of dual-earners with only one car, the partners with the longest commuting distances and the lowest density work locations are most likely to commute by car. Moreover, in households with young children, men are more inclined to leave the car at home. Other features relating to work also affect car commuting, including work flexibility and, especially, possession of a company car. We conclude that future policies aimed at reducing car use should place greater focus on work factors.  相似文献   

This paper studies changes in the relationship between household car ownership and income by household type. Ordered response probit models of car ownership are estimated for a sample of households repeatedly at six time points to track the evolution of income elasticities of car ownership over time. Elasticities of car ownership are found to change over time, questioning the existence of a unique equilibrium point between demand and supply that is implicitly assumed in traditional cross-sectional discrete choice car ownership models. Moreover, different household types and households that underwent household type transitions showed differing patterns of change in elasticities. Observed trends in car ownership and income clearly show behavioral asymmetry where the elasticity of procuring an additional car is greater than that of disposing a car. This too shows the inadequacy of traditional cross-sectional models of car ownership which tend to predict symmetry in behavior. The study suggests the importance of incorporating dynamic trends into the forecasting process, which can be accomplished through the use of longitudinal data.  相似文献   

Car use per person has historically grown year-on-year in Great Britain since the 1950s, with minor exceptions during fuel crises and times of economic recession. The ‘Peak Car’ hypothesis proposes that this historical trend no longer applies. The British National Travel Survey provides evidence of such an aggregate levelling off in car mileage per person since the mid-1990s, but further analysis shows that this is the result of counter trends netting out: in particular, a reduction in per capita male driving mileage being offset by a corresponding increase in female car driving mileage. A major contributory factor to the decline in male car use has been a sharp reduction in average company car mileage per person. This paper investigates this aspect in more detail. Use of company cars fell sharply in Britain from the 1990s up to the 2008 recession. Over the same period, taxation policy towards company cars became more onerous, with increasing levels of taxation on the benefit-in-kind value of the ownership of a company car and on the provision of free fuel for private use. The paper sets out the changes in taxation policy affecting company cars in the UK, and looks at the associated reductions in company car ownership (including free fuel) and patterns of use. It goes on to look in more detail at which groups of the population have kept company cars and in which parts of the country they have been most used, and how these patterns have changed over time. A preliminary investigation is also made of possible substitution effects between company car and personal car driving and between company car use and rail travel. Clearly, the role of the company car is only one of many factors that are contributing to aggregate changes in levels of car use in Great Britain, alongside demographic changes and a wide range of policy initiatives. But, company car use cannot fall below zero, so the effect of declining year-on-year company car mileage suppressing overall car traffic levels cannot continue indefinitely.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present a panel data model of car ownership and mobility. Unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for by including correlated random effects in the equations describing car ownership and mobility. A mass-points approach is adopted to control for unobserved heterogeneity. The results show that decisions concerning the first car in the household are difficult to affect; a large number of households are inclined to keep one car. Second car ownership may be more sensitive to changes in the observed contributing factors. This suggests that in The Netherlands policies aimed at changing second car ownership will be more successful than those aimed at influencing decisions concerning the first car in households. A major part of the correlation between the unobservables in the car ownership and the mobility equations is attributable to random effects. The time-variant errors of the mobility equations are not significantly correlated to car ownership decisions. This implies that mobility can only be influenced to a small extent by policy makers without measures aimed at reducing (second) car ownership.  相似文献   

The impact of socio-demographic and psychological factors on purchases of new cars is examined. Data were gathered in an online retrospective survey using a sample of 198 Norwegian households who purchased a new car in December 2010. A latent class analysis was performed to identify car type classes followed by a path analysis to investigate the determinants of the purchased car type class and the influence on the purchased car’s level of carbon dioxide emissions. The results revealed that car type class is the strongest determinant of the car’s level of CO2 emissions. Socio-demographic factors have little impact on choice of car type class when psychological factors are controlled for. Intention to purchase an environmentally friendly car has a direct effect on the car’s CO2 emissions.  相似文献   


A stated preference (SP) experiment of car ownership was conducted in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) of Maharashtra in India. A full factorial experiment was designed to considering various attributes such as travel time, travel cost, projected household income, car loan payment and servicing cost. Data on 357 individuals were collected which resulted in 3213 observations for the calibration of the work trip and recreational trip car ownership models. The car ownership alternatives considered 0, 1 and 2 cars. A multinomial logit framework was used to develop the car ownership model taking the household as a decision unit. The specification and results of the SP car ownership model are discussed. The observed and predicted values matched reasonably when the validity of the SP car ownership model was tested against revealed preference (RP) data. The car ownership models developed in this study exhibit a satisfactory goodness of fit. It is concluded that the SP modelling approach can be successfully used for modelling car ownership decisions of households in developing countries.  相似文献   

Despite mounting evidence that car use is a prime culprit of global warming, our love affair with the car persists. General awareness of the environmental consequences of car usage is high but fails to correspond to moderated car use. This paper contributes to an understanding of how university students’ environmental beliefs affect decisions to engage in continued car use (persistence) and/or to discontinue or reduce car use (desistance). The aim of the research presented here was to explore the range of neutralizations and counter-neutralizations (affirmations) employed by students and to examine the ways in which they are used to justify and maintain either persistence or desistance in car use. The research consisted of six focus group sessions with thirty-four UK-based Higher Education students. Analysis of the study’s data highlights the range of neutralizations and counter-neutralizations employed by students in social settings. The article discusses the usefulness of neutralization theory in accounting for actual and/or intended non-environmentally friendly behaviour such as car use. In addition, the study’s findings are discussed in relation to prior research and to potential implications for public policy interventions which favour moderating car usage.  相似文献   

Recent longitudinal studies of household car ownership have examined factors associated with increases and decreases in car ownership level. The contribution of this panel data analysis is to identify the predictors of different types of car ownership level change (zero to one car, one to two cars and vice versa) and demonstrate that these are quite different in nature. The study develops a large scale data set (n = 19,334), drawing on the first two waves (2009–2011) of the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS). This has enabled the generation of a comprehensive set of life event and spatial context variables. Changes to composition of households (people arriving and leaving) and to driving licence availability are the strongest predictors of car ownership level changes, followed by employment status and income changes. Households were found to be more likely to relinquish cars in association with an income reduction than they were to acquire cars in association with an income gain. This may be attributed to the economic recession of the time. The effect of having children differs according to car ownership state with it increasing the probability of acquiring a car for non-car owners and increasing the probability of relinquishing a car for two car owners. Sensitivity to spatial context is demonstrated by poorer access to public transport predicting higher probability of a non-car owning household acquiring a car and lower probability of a one-car owning household relinquishing a car. While previous panel studies have had to rely on comparatively small samples, the large scale nature of the UKHLS has provided robust and comprehensive evidence of the factors that determine different car ownership level changes.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the intentions of adolescents to commute by car or bicycle as adults. The behavioral model is based on intrapersonal and interpersonal constructs from the theory of planned behavior extended to include constructs from the institutional, community and policy domains. Data from a survey among Danish adolescents is analyzed. It is found that car use intentions are related to positive car passenger experience, general interest in cars, and car ownership norms, and are negatively related to willingness to accept car restrictions and perceived lack of behavioral control. Cycling intentions are related to positive cycling experience, willingness to accept car restrictions, negative attitudes towards cars, and bicycle-oriented future vision, and are negatively related to car ownership norms. Attitudinal constructs are related to individual characteristics, such as gender, residential location, current mode choice to daily activities, and parental travel patterns.  相似文献   

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