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This paper presents a novel methodology to control urban traffic noise under the constraint of environmental capacity. Considering the upper limits of noise control zones as the major bottleneck to control the maximum traffic flow is a new idea. The urban road network traffic is the mutual or joint behavior of public self-selection and management decisions, so is a typical double decision optimization problem.The proposed methodology incorporates theoretically model specifications. Traffic noise calculation model and traffic assignment model for O–D matrix are integrated based on bi-level programming method which follows an iterated process to obtain the optimal solution. The upper level resolves the question of how to sustain the maximum traffic flow with noise capacity threshold in a feasible road network. The user equilibrium method is adopted in the lower layer to resolve the O–D traffic assignment.The methodology has been applied to study area of QingDao, China. In this illustrative case, the noise pollution level values of optimal solution could satisfy the urban environmental noise capacity constraints. Moreover, the optimal solution was intelligently adjusted rather than simply reducing the value below a certain threshold. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is feasible and effective, and it can provide a reference for a sustainable development and noise control management of the urban traffic.  相似文献   

Strand  Jon  Vågnes  Mette 《Transportation》2001,28(2):137-156
We study the relationship between the price of residential property value and proximity to railroads in Oslo, by two different methods, namely a) through a hedonic price study where the statistical relationship between property prices and railroad proximity is estimated, and b) through a multi-attribute utility investigation of real estate agents' evaluation of such a relationship. We find in both cases that there are strong effects of proximity to railroad lines on property prices, at distances less than 100 meters from the lines. In the statistical study log-linear relationships fit the data best, and our estimates indicate that a doubling of the distance from the railroad line, within a 100 meter bound, increases the property price by about 10%. With real estate agents only a linear relationship is probed. This yields an increase in the price of an average relevant housing unit by about 182,000 NOK, due to a increase in the distance to a railroad track from 20 to 100 meters. The equivalent figure from the statistical study is in the range 120–150,000 NOK. The two figures are thus of the same magnitude.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a real-time traffic-adaptive signal control system referred to as RHODES. The system takes as input detector data for real-time measurement of traffic flow, and “optimally” controls the flow through the network. The system utilizes a control architecture that (1) decomposes the traffic control problem into several subproblems that are interconnected in an hierarchical fashion, (2) predicts traffic flows at appropriate resolution levels (individual vehicles and platoons) to enable pro-active control, (3) allows various optimization modules for solving the hierarchical subproblems, and (4) utilizes a data structure and computer/communication approaches that allow for fast solution of the subproblems, so that each decision can be downloaded in the field appropriately within the given rolling time horizon of the corresponding subproblem. The RHODES architecture, algorithms, and its analysis are presented. Laboratory test results, based on implementation of RHODES on simulation models of actual scenarios, illustrate the effectiveness of the system.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Australian airline liberalization in 1990 and its forecasted impact on air traffic, capacity has been expanded at Sydney (Kingsford Smith) airport (Sydney KSA) – Australia's busiest commercial airport – with the construction of the third runway in 1994. Coinciding with the approval for this capacity expansion, the Commonwealth Government amended the Federal Airports Corporation (FAC) Act to direct the FAC to carry out activities which protect the environment from the effects of aircraft operations, with the cost to be borne by the airline industry according to the ‘Polluter Pays Principle'. Noise management plans were part of the conditions for developmental approval for a third runway. To this end, since 1995, Sydney KSA imposes a noise levy designed to generate sufficient revenues to fund a noise mitigation scheme. Although the issues of aircraft noise, in particular its impact on property values and land use planning around the airport, have been extensively addressed in the literature, no one has empirically examined the implications of new environmental policies in conjunction with airline liberalization and change in airport infrastructure. Principles and policy analyses are discussed in this paper. By focusing on the specifics of Sydney KSA, broader policy issues likely to be relevant for other major airports around the world are discussed.  相似文献   

We modeled the propagation of traffic noise over the landscape and analyzed its impact on the structure and configuration of protected areas of the Twin Cities Metro Region, Minnesota. Using four noise thresholds, we found that at low and medium noise levels, 19% and 11% of the protected areas are within the road-effect zone. Using mean patch area and patch shape index, we measured the acoustic fragmentation of habitats. We found that at higher levels of noise patch shape index increased, while mean patch size decreased. The acoustic diversity of a patch is also found to be correlated with land cover type, patch area, and patch shape.  相似文献   

In this paper, annoyance ratings from traffic noise recorded on cobblestones, dense asphalt, and open asphalt rubber pavements are assessed with regard to car speeds and traffic densities. It was found that cobblestones pavements are the most annoying; also while open asphalt rubber pavement imposes less annoyance than dense asphalt it is not significantly different. Higher car speeds always lead to greater annoyance, as does higher traffic densities. LAeq and LAmax correlate well with annoyance, but loudness is the best predictor. Roughness and sharpness exhibit inconsistent interactions.  相似文献   

We investigate how two non-acoustic factors, information bias and riding frequency, can affect the annoyance response of an urban population to noise created by a new railway line. The study shows that information bias is asymmetrical. Respondents receiving only information on positive measures taken by the authority to reduce noise emission are more tolerant of the noise impact, but those receiving only critical views tend to be more annoyed because they feel that not all measures to reduce noise have been employed. Additionally people who use the line frequently are more tolerant to the noise impact than those who do not. Information bias seems to have a temporary masking effect over riding frequency lasting for a few weeks after railway opening. This suggest that whilst free flow of information provided by the authority can help alleviate annoyance response, encouraging the people affected to make use of the new infrastructure may be useful to reduce public resistance and noise annoyance.  相似文献   

The paper intends to analyse the different attitudes of residents in urban areas in regard to annoyance induced by traffic noise, account taken of the effects of the street configuration and of the presence of specific public transport modes in the definition of the dose-response curves.People’s annoyance was investigated through a campaign of noise and traffic measurements and an epidemiological survey, administered to a sample of 830 residents in the buildings close to the measurement points.An ordinal regression model taking into account environmental and urban characteristics was used to identify a dose-response relationship. The cumulative probabilities allowed to define two cut points on the dose-response curves (60 and 75 dB(A)), grouping people in three classes and making the representation of the dose-response relationships different from those traditionally defined that use only the percentage of highly annoyed people.The results show different people’s attitudes towards the annoyance in the urban sites while the dose-response relationship shows that the correlation between annoyance and noise is low. For the same value of day equivalent level, 10% more people are annoyed in L sections (broad streets) than in U sections (narrow streets). Furthermore, all the dose-response curves show a higher sensitivity of people living in L sections; this difference can be measured as a shift of about 4 dB(A). Noise levels are, arguably, a useful indicator, but they are not reliable enough to define the discomfort of the residents, while the site characteristics could shed light on annoyance variability.  相似文献   

China’s Dalian International Airport is taken to compare the aircraft noise pollution and the cost-risk effects of the expanded an existing inland and a proposed offshore airport. The findings show that the aircraft noise pollution of the offshore airport is much less than that of the expanded inland airport; the land-use cost, noise reduction charges and other risks of the offshore airport are also much less; the creation of the offshore airport may be more favorable to the city’s development.  相似文献   

Building safe and effective roundabouts requires optimizing traffic (operational) efficiency (TE) and traffic safety (TS) while taking into account geometric factors, traffic characteristics and local constraints. Most existing simulation-based optimization models do not simultaneously optimize all these factors. To capture the relationship among geometry, efficiency and safety, we put forward a model formulation in this paper. We present a new multi-criteria and simultaneous multi-objective optimization (MOO) model approach to optimize geometry, TE and TS of urban unsignalized single-lane roundabouts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first model that uses the multi-criteria decision-making method known as analytic hierarchy process to evaluate and rank traffic parameters and geometric elements of urban single-lane roundabouts. The model was built based on comprehensive review of the research literature and existing roundabout simulation software, a field survey of 61 civil and traffic expert engineers in Croatia, and field studies of roundabouts in the Croatian capital city of Zagreb. We started from the basis of Kimber’s capacity model, HCM2010 serviceability model, and Maycock and Hall's accident prediction model, which we extended by adding sensitivity analysis and powerful MOO procedures of the bounded objective function method and interactive optimization. Preliminary validation of the model was achieved by identifying the optimal and most robust of three geometric alternatives (V.1-V.3) for an unsignalized single-lane roundabout in Zagreb, Croatia. The geometric parameters in variant V.1 had significantly higher values than in the existing design V.0, while approaches 1 and 3 in variant V.2 were enlarged as much as possible within allowed spatial limits and Croatian guidelines, reflecting their higher traffic demand. Sensitivity analysis indicated that variant V.2 showed the overall highest TE and TS across the entire range of traffic flow demand and pedestrian crossing flow demand at approaches. At the same time, the number of predicted traffic accidents was similar for all three variants, although it was lowest overall for V.2. The similarity in predicted accident frequency for the three variants suggests that V.2 provides the greatest safety within the predefined constraints and parameter ranges explored in our study. These preliminary results suggest that the proposed model can optimize geometry, TE and TS of urban single-lane roundabouts.  相似文献   

Congestion charging is being considered as a potential measure to address the issue of substantially increased traffic congestion and vehicle emissions in Beijing. This study assessed the impact of congestion charging on traffic and emissions in Beijing using macroscopic traffic simulation and vehicle emissions calculation. Multiple testing scenarios were developed with assumptions in different charging zone sizes, public transit service levels and charging methods. Our analysis results showed that congestion charging in Beijing may increase public transit use by approximately 13%, potentially reduce CO and HC emissions by 60–70%, and reduce NOx emissions by 35–45% within the charging zone. However, congestion charging may also result in increased travel activities and emissions outside of the charging zone and a slight increase in emissions for the entire urban area. The size of charging zone, charging method, and charging rate are key factors that directly influence the impact of congestion charging; improved public transit service needs to be considered as a complementary approach with congestion charging. This study is used by Beijing Transportation Environment and Energy Center (BTEC) as reference to support the development of Beijing’s congestion charging policy and regulation.  相似文献   

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