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Concerns over transportation energy consumption and emissions have prompted more studies into the impacts of built environment on driving-related behavior, especially on car ownership and travel mode choice. This study contributes to examine the impacts of the built environment on commuter’s driving behavior at both spatial zone and individual levels. The aim of this study is threefold. First, a multilevel integrated multinomial logit (MNL) and structural equation model (SEM) approach was employed to jointly explore the impacts of the built environment on car ownership and travel mode choice. Second, the spatial context in which individuals make the travel decisions was accommodated, and spatial heterogeneities of car ownership and travel mode choice across traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were recognized. Third, the indirect effects of the built environment on travel mode choice through the mediating variable car ownership were calculated, in other words, the intermediary nature of car ownership was considered. Using the Washington metropolitan area as the study case, the built environment measures were calculated for each TAZ, and the commuting trips were drawn from the household travel survey in this area. To estimate the model parameters, the robust maximum likelihood (MLR) method was used. Meanwhile, a comparison among different model structures was conducted. The model results suggest that application of the multilevel integrated MNL and SEM approach obtains significant improvements over other models. This study give transportation planners a better understanding on how the built environment influences car ownership and commuting mode choice, and consequently develop effective and targeted countermeasures.  相似文献   

Metropolitan areas around the world are looking for sustainable strategies to reduce use of private automobiles, energy consumption and emissions, often achieved by built environment interventions that encourage use of sustainable modes of transport. This study contributes by providing the empirical evidence on the relation between built environment and mode choice in context of Indian city of Rajkot. Using personal interview data and data available from Rajkot Municipal Corporation it is observed that there is a strong tendency among Rajkot residents to preselect their residential location to suit their modal preferences. This is especially true for non-motorized transport users. Among the built environment variables, access to destination and land use related indicators also have significant influence on mode choice. The study Infers that the land use policy should focus on accessibility and mixing of diverse uses, and transport supply will have to be location based to support non-motorized and public transport travel.  相似文献   

Concerns over transportation energy consumption and green-household gas (GHG) emissions have prompted a growing body of research into the influence of built environment on travel behavior. Studies on the relationship between land use and travel behavior are often at a certain aggregated spatial unit such as traffic analysis zone (TAZ), spatial issues occur among individuals clustered within a zone because of the locational effects. However, recognition of the spatial issues in travel modeling was not sufficiently investigated yet. The object of this study is twofold. First, a multilevel hazard model was applied to accommodate the spatial context in which individuals generate commuting distance. Second, this research provides additional insights into examine the effects of socio-demographics and built environment on commuting distance. Using Washington metropolitan area as the case, the built environment measures were calculated for each TAZ. To estimate the model parameters, the robust maximum likelihood estimation method for a partial function was used, and the model results confirmed the important roles that played by the TAZ and individual level factors in influencing commuting distance. Meanwhile, a comparison among the general multilevel model, single level and multilevel hazard models was conducted. The results suggest that application of the multilevel hazard-based model obtains significant improvements over traditional model. The significant spatial heterogeneity parameter indicates that it is necessary to accommodate the spatial issues in the context of commuting distance. The results are expected to give urban planners a better understanding on how the TAZ and individual level factors influence the commuting distance, and consequently develop targeted countermeasures.  相似文献   

Understanding travel behavior and its relationship to urban form is vital for the sustainable planning strategies aimed at automobile dependency reduction. The objective of this study is twofold. First, this research provides additional insights to examine the effects of built environment factors measured at both home location and workplace on tour-based mode choice behavior. Second, a cross-classified multilevel probit model using Bayesian approach is employed to accommodate the spatial context in which individuals make travel decisions. Using Washington, D.C. as our study area, the home-based work (Home-work) tour in the AM peak hours is used as the analysis unit. The empirical data was gathered from the Washington-Baltimore Regional Household Travel Survey 2007–2008. For parameter estimation, Bayesian estimation method integrating Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling is adopted. Our findings confirmed the important role that the built environment at both home location and work ends plays in affecting commuter mode choice behavior. Meanwhile, a comparison of different model results shows that the cross-classified multilevel probit model offers significant improvements over the traditional probit model. The results are expected to give a better understanding on the relationship between the built environment and commuter mode choice behavior.  相似文献   

A latent class model is developed to accommodate preference heterogeneity across commuters with respect to their mode choice between electric bike, private car, and public bus within the context of China. A three-segment solution – ‘electric bike individuals’, ‘private car addicts’, and ‘public bus enthusiasts’ – is identified, each characterized by heterogeneous preferences regarding specific mode attributes and unique socio-demographic profile. The choice model confirms the determinative effects of perceived alternative attributes on commuting mode choice, while the traditionally used objective attributes – travel time and cost – are found to have relatively small influences. The membership model provides solid explanations for these segment-specific preferences. This study provides a better understanding of the nature of mode choice behavior, which can be useful for strategies tailored to a specific segment in order to promote the use of sustainable transport modes.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes socio-psychometric survey data to investigate the influence of attitudes, affective appraisal and habit formation on commuting mode choice. The data-set was collected in 2009–2010 in Edmonton, Alberta. In addition to conventional socio-economic, demographic and modal attributes, the survey gathered psychological information regarding habitual behaviour, affective appraisal and personal attitudes. Different psychometric tools were used to capture psychological factors affecting mode choice. Habitual behaviour was measured using Verplanken's response-frequency questionnaire. Affective appraisal was indirectly estimated using the Osgood's semantic differential. Five-point Likert scales were used to measure attitude. The structural equation modelling (SEM) approach was used to investigate the effects of psychological factors on mode choice behaviour. SEM captures the latent nature of psychological factors and uses path diagrams to identify the directionality as well as intensity of the relationships. The investigation reveals that passengers have positive emotions towards their chosen mode. Further, evidence of the superiority of the car as a travel alternative was established in terms of strong habit towards it, such that passengers would use the car for almost every single trip.  相似文献   

This paper presents a joint trivariate discrete-continuous-continuous model for commuters’ mode choice, work start time and work duration. The model is designed to capture correlations among random components influencing these decisions. For empirical investigation, the model is estimated using a data set collected in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in 2001. Considering the fact that work duration involves medium- to long-term decision making compared to short-term activity scheduling decisions, work duration is considered endogenous to work start time decisions. The empirical model reveals many behavioral details of commuters’ mode choice, work start time and duration decisions. The primary objective of the model is to predict workers’ work schedules according to mode choice, which is considered a skeletal activity schedule in activity-based travel demand models. However, the empirical model reveals many behavioral details of workers’ mode choices and work scheduling. Independent application of the model for travel demand management policy evaluations is also promising, as it provides better value in terms of travel time estimates.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of the temporal evolution of commuting mode choice preference structures. It contributes to two specific modelling issues: latent modal captivity and working with multiple repeated crossectional datasets. In this paper latent modal captivity refers to captive reliance on a specific mode rather than all feasible modes. Three household travel survey datasets collected in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) over a ten-year time period are used for empirical modelling. Datasets collected in different years are pooled and separate year-specific scale parameters and coefficients of key variables are estimated for different years. The empirical model clearly explains that there have been significant changes in latent modal captivity and the mode choice preference structures for commuting in the GTHA. Changes have occurred in the unexplained component of latent captivities, in transportation cost perceptions, and in the scales of commuting mode choice preferences. The empirical model also demonstrates that pooling multiple repeated cross-sectional datasets is an efficient way of capturing behavioural changes over time. Application of the proposed mode choice model for practical policy analysis and forecasting will ensure accurate forecasting and an enhanced understanding of policy impacts.  相似文献   

The role of residential self-selection has become a major subject in the debate over the relationships between the built environment and travel behavior. Numerous previous empirical studies on this subject have provided valuable insights into the associations between the built environment and travel behavior. However, the vast majority of the studies were conducted in North American and European cities; yet this research is still in its infancy in most developing countries, including China, where residential and transport choices are likely to be more constrained and travel-related attitudes quite different from those in the developed world. Using the data collected from 2038 residents currently living in TOD neighborhoods and non-TOD neighborhoods in Shanghai City, this paper aims to partly fill the gaps by investigating the causal relationship between the built environment and travel behavior in the Chinese context. More specifically, this paper employs Heckman’s sample selection model to examine the reduction impacts of TOD on personal vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT), controlling for self-selection. The results show that whilst the effects of residential self-selection are apparent; the built environment exhibits the most significant impacts on travel behavior, playing the dominant role. These findings produce a sound basis for local policymakers to better understand the nature and magnitude toward the impacts of the built environment on travel behavior. Providing the government department with reassurance that effective interventions and policies on land use aimed toward altering the built environment would actually lead to meaningful changes in travel behavior.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes transportation mode choice for short home-based trips using a 1999 activity survey from the Puget Sound region of Washington State, U.S.A. Short trips are defined as those within the 95th percentile walking distance in the data, here 1.40 miles (2.25 km). The mean walking distance was 0.4 miles (0.6 km). The mode distribution was automobile (75%), walk (23%), bicycle (1%), and bus (1%). Walk and bicycle are found less likely as the individual’s age increases. People are more likely to drive if they can or are accustomed to. People in multi-person families are less likely to walk or use bus, especially families with children. An environment that attracts people’s interest and provides activity opportunities encourages people to walk on short trips. Influencing people’s choice of transport mode on short trips should be an important part of efforts encouraging the use of non-automobile alternatives.
Gudmundur F. UlfarssonEmail:

Recent years, air pollution phenomenon has become one of the crucial problems of Tehran, Iran. Due to main political and economic role of Tehran, population of this metropolis is high and increasing. Urban transportation of this highly populated city contributes more than 70% of air pollution problem in this city. Although a number of urban transport developments, policy measures and regulations have been employed, Tehran’s air pollution has remained crucial thus far. Finding ways to encourage individuals to behave more sustainable can be considered as a substantial approach of tackling environmental problems such as air pollution, since it can be highly cost-effective and fast. This research attempt to evaluate the impacts of two factors of outcome framing and psychological distance of air pollution on citizen’s willingness to behave environmental friendly, particularly to change the travel mode choice. Results illustrate that communicating the consequences of air pollution can provoke individuals’ to act more environment friendly or in particular to change their intention for using more sustainable mode of transportation. Framing the positive consequences of mitigating air pollution take precedence over framing the negative consequences. Moreover the gains of mitigating air pollution have an impact on the willingness to use of bicycle and bus. Results also show that decreasing the psychological distance of air pollution in order to make manipulated frame more personally relevant has no significant impact on respondents.  相似文献   

The existing literature on urban transportation planning in China focuses primarily on large cities and neglects small cities. This paper aims to fill part of the knowledge gap by examining travel mode choice in Changting, a small city that has been experiencing fast spatial expansion and growing transportation problems. Using survey data collected from 1470 respondents on weekdays and weekends, the study investigates the relationship between mode choice and individuals’ socio-economic characteristics, trip characteristics, attitudes, and home and workplace built environments. While more than 35 percent of survey respondents are car owners, walk, bicycle, e-bike, and motorcycle still account for over 85 percent of trips made during peak hours. E-bike and motorcycle are the dominant means of travel on weekdays, but many people shift to walking and cycling on weekends, making non-motorized and semi-motorized travel especially important for non-commuting trips. Results of multinomial logistic regression show that: (1) job-housing balance might exert different effects on mode choice in different types of urban areas; (2) negative attitude towards e-bike and motorcycle is associated with more walking and cycling; and (3) land use diversity of workplace is related to commuting mode choice on weekdays, while land use diversities of both residential and activity places do not significantly affect mode choice on weekends. Our findings imply that planning and design for small cities needs to differentiate land use and transportation strategies in various types of areas, and to launch outreach programs to shift people’s mode choice from motorized travel to walking and cycling.  相似文献   

This article uses data from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) to compare travel behavior in rural and urban areas of the U.S. As expected, the car is the overwhelmingly dominant mode of travel. Over 97% of rural households own at least one car vs. 92% of urban households; 91% of trips are made by car in rural areas vs. 86% in urban areas. Regardless of age, income, and race, almost everyone in rural areas relies on the private car for most travel needs. Mobility levels in rural areas are generally higher than in urban areas. That results from the more dispersed residences and activity sites in rural areas, which increase trip distances and force reliance on the car. Somewhat surprisingly, the rural elderly and poor are considerably more mobile than their urban counterparts, and their mobility deficit compared to the rural population average is strikingly less than for the urban elderly and poor compared to the urban average. Data limitations prevented a measurement of accessibility, however, and it seems likely that rural areas, by their very nature, are less accessible than urban areas, especially for the small percentage of car-less poor and elderly households.  相似文献   

Parking demand is a significant land-use problem in campus planning. The parking policies of universities and large corporations with facilities located in small urban areas shape the character of their campuses. These facilities will benefit from a simplified methodology to study the effects of parking availability on transportation mode mix and impacts on recruitment and staffing policies. This paper, based on a case study of North Dakota State University in the United States, introduces an analytical framework to provide planners with insights about how parking supply and demand affects campus transportation mode choice. The methodology relies only on aggregate mode choice data for the special generator zone and the average aggregate volume/capacity ratio projections for all external routes that access the zone. This reduced data requirement significantly lowers analysis cost and obviates the need for specialized modelling software and spatial network analysis tools. Results illustrate that the framework is effective for analysing mode choice changes under different scenarios of parking supply and population growth.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of built environment measures on trip distance and walking decision of non-workers by segmenting the populace based on trip purpose, vehicle ownership, and the presence of school-going children in households. The built environment measures of home zone of individuals considered for the present analysis include zonal population density, zonal school enrolment, land use mix diversity index, and an indicator variable that captures if neighbourhoods have footpaths of adequate width available. Statistical analyses conducted on home-based trips indicate that an increase in the land use diversity of a zone has its strongest negative effect on distance travelled for participating in personal/household business activities. The non-vehicle owning group exhibit a higher tendency to walk than the vehicle-owning group for an increase in the land use diversity of zones. Further, the study suggests that school-enrolment in a zone also influences the travel decisions of non-workers in families with school-going children.  相似文献   

Bike-sharing provides a convenient feeder mode for connecting to a metro and is believed to be an efficient way to solve the first- and last-mile problem. Despite the increasing attention paid on the use of bike-sharing, few studies have investigated how built environment factors affect the integrated use of dockless bike-sharing (DBS) and the metro. Using data from one of the largest DBS operators in China (Ofo), this paper employed a series of negative binomial regressions to examine the effect of the built environment on the integrated use of DBS and the metro, using Shenzhen as a case study. The findings show that mixed land use is positively related to integrated use. Residential areas have higher access-integrated rates during the morning peak hours, while industrial areas are associated with more integrated uses, connecting factories and metro stations. Furthermore, parks and public squares encourage both access- and egress-integrated use during peak times. Transportation facility features, including bus stops and dedicated bike lanes, are positively related to integrated use, while areas with dense metro distribution and main streets with many intersections are negatively related. Transfer distance also plays a crucial and negative role in integrated use. In addition, metro stations that are closer to the city center with a higher number of passengers are more likely to be integrated with bike-sharing. These findings can be used to collectively facilitate a connection between cycling and metro transit by creating a bicycle-friendly environment.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have established the link between the built environment and travel behavior. However, fewer studies have focused on environmental costs of travel (such as CO2 emissions) with respect to residential self-selection. Combined with the application of TIQS (Travel Intelligent Query System), this study develops a structural equations model (SEM) to examine the effects of the built environment and residential self-selection on commuting trips and their related CO2 emissions using data from 2015 in Guangzhou, China. The results demonstrate that the effect of residential self-selection also exists in Chinese cities, influencing residents’ choice of living environments and ultimately affecting their commute trip CO2 emissions. After controlling for the effect of residential self-selection, built environment variables still have significant effects on CO2 emissions from commuting although some are indirect effects that work through mediating variables (car ownership and commuting trip distance). Specifically, CO2 emissions are negatively affected by land-use mix, residential density, metro station density and road network density. Conversely, bus stop density, distance to city centers and parking availability near the workplace have positive effects on CO2 emissions. To promote low carbon travel, intervention on the built environment would be effective and necessary.  相似文献   

This paper presents an examination of the significance of residential sorting or self selection effects in understanding the impacts of the built environment on travel choices. Land use and transportation system attributes are often treated as exogenous variables in models of travel behavior. Such models ignore the potential self selection processes that may be at play wherein households and individuals choose to locate in areas or built environments that are consistent with their lifestyle and transportation preferences, attitudes, and values. In this paper, a simultaneous model of residential location choice and commute mode choice that accounts for both observed and unobserved taste variations that may contribute to residential self selection is estimated on a survey sample extracted from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area household travel survey. Model results show that both observed and unobserved residential self selection effects do exist; however, even after accounting for these effects, it is found that built environment attributes can indeed significantly impact commute mode choice behavior. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the model findings for policy planning.
Paul A. WaddellEmail:

A direct discrete mode choice model is introduced using relative attributes of competing modes as well as socioeconomic characteristics of travelers. The model is calibrated and validated for two available historic databases in the Dallas–Fort Worth region. The validation is conducted against the outputs of a current nested logit model used by the regional planning organization as well as the observed values based on transit ridership surveys for a newly inaugurated commuter rail service. The calibrated model is applied after the introduction of this new transit mode. The results show that the estimated mode shares by the proposed model have a statistically better consistency with the observed values than the estimates of the conventional nested logit model. Unlike the logit model, the structure of the direct model based on relative attributes also has the advantage of not needing recalibration each time a new travel mode is introduced. The model is found to be easier to calibrate and produces more accurate results than the nested logit model, commonly used by many metropolitan planning organizations.  相似文献   

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