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第三届欧亚道路运输大会 [影响]呼吁消除非物理性障碍;亚欧运输便利化 [回放]2005年9月26日~27日,中国交通部和国际道路运输联合会(IRU)共同举办以"道路运输:亚欧之桥"为主题的第三届欧亚道路运输大会,旨在从各国部长级层面上推动道路运输便利化、建立亚欧统一融合的道路运输市场上达成共识.交通部部长张春贤再次提出要解决"集中在通关便利上"的"非物理性障碍",以实现跨境运输便利化.9月27日,北京柏林布鲁塞尔集装箱道路示范运输车启程.  相似文献   

陈祖泽 27年的政府从业经验和13年的企业运作实践,让陈祖泽麾下的香港九龙巴士有限公司(以下简称"九巴")名气日旺.但2005年对于他来讲,可谓是个无奈之年,经营公交不仅要考虑盈利又要担负社会责任.陈祖泽不断地在尴尬形势中求解……  相似文献   

云南:7月份将开通100条以上ETC通道 端午节放假第一天,通往滇西的昆明西收费站出城方向出城车比往日新增了约6000辆,入城车新增约2000辆。为缓解收费站交通拥堵状况,云南省公路开发投资有限公司将于7月份,新增51条ETC快速通道。此前,云南省已建成开通51个ETC快速通道,有35000个ETC用户,7月份再新增51个ETC通道后,将覆盖昆明、大理、保山、玉溪、曲靖等地区。  相似文献   

李盛霖:长途客运班车要建立安全告知制度 交通运输部部长李盛霖7月29日在河北廊坊调研道路运输安全生产情况时表示,全国长途客运班车要建立安全告知制度,公布举报电话,接受旅客监督。李盛霖指出,要形成有利于长途客运安全的长效机制,重点抓好三个方面:一是抓客运车辆的技术状况,严格执行国家标准,  相似文献   

中铁快运 印有"中铁快运"的车穿梭在全国各省市的大街小巷.2005年,对于中铁快运有限公司(简称"中铁快运")而言也是风光之年,中铁快运成为我国物流业首个驰名商标.  相似文献   

深圳:停车费将大幅提高;河北迁安:森林生态绿道竣工通车;江西:绩嘲萤坫客运车标识;湖南常德:举办“无车日”启动仪式  相似文献   

云南:7月份将开通100条以上ETC通道端午节放假第一天,通往滇西的昆明西收费站出城方向出城车比往日新增了约6000辆,入城车新增约2000辆。为缓解收费站交通拥堵状况,云南省公路开发投资有限公司将于7月份,新增51条ETC快速通道。此前,云南省已建成开通51个ETC快速通道,有35000个ETC用户,7月份再新增51个ETC通道后,将覆盖昆明、大理、保山、玉溪、曲靖等地区。  相似文献   

深圳:停车费将大幅提高据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,深圳停车费将大幅提高,停车场收费方案将很快向社会征求意见。目前,深圳中心区的停车费收费标准位居全国前列,第一小时15元起步,最高的第一小时停车费达25元。深圳市交委副主任于宝明在9月4日新闻发布会上表示,深圳提高非居住区停车费的目的是为了控制小汽车过快增长和缓解交通拥堵,因而调整幅度将与交通增长挂钩,可以明确说,幅度应该讲是比较大  相似文献   

皖鲁苏鄂豫共建省际嫩道 9月1日,皖鲁苏鄂豫五省共商共建省际通道项目座谈会在河南洛阳召开,与会代表共商如何进一步促进五省公路、水路建设规划衔接,加快构建更加快速便捷的省际交通运输网络,实现互惠互利、共同繁荣。座谈会上,  相似文献   

保定成全国低碳交通试点市 保定市作为全国首批低碳交通10个试点城市之一和北方唯一试点地级市,未来5年将领跑全省,率先在交通基础设施建设、交通运输装备推广、交通运输组织模式优化、综合交通运输体系构建、智能交通工程建设、交通运输低碳排放管理体系建设6大领域,  相似文献   

Technological change and incremental technology, at various levels, are believed to have played an important role in the success of urban public transport in Europe. In this paper, a historical overview of the evolution of different transport modes across different European cities is presented. Our major concern is with the processes of diffusion of urban transport modes in European cities and, in particular, with the factors, mainly of an economic nature, that may explain their rates of adoption across Europe. Among these factors, special attention is given to the role played by the dimension and organisation of public transport markets in the rates of adoption of different public transport modes. The main conclusion of the paper is that the success of the introduction of a new transport mode appeared to be mainly related to its ability to provide cheaper and more reliable transport services compared with previous transport modes, and that, in the case of the electric tram, this was achieved by transforming of the structure of the market relating to this urban transport mode into monopolies.  相似文献   

Transport demand in western Europe has risen steadily in recent years and the forecasts are that the unrestrained demand will continue to rise in the foreseeable future. This growth has put considerable pressure on the resources available to finance infrastructure investments and to fund what are seen as socially important social services. The recent developments in eastern Europe and the anticipated growth of the post-Communist states will put further strains on the fiscal ability of authorities in these countries to fund transport investments and operations. The outcome has been revisions in the way transport projects are funded. This paper, taking a very broad view of what constitutes a transport project, examines the specific nature of urban transport financing in Europe.  相似文献   

Transport is Australia’s third largest and second fastest growing source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The road transport sector makes up 88% of total transport emissions and the projected emissions increase from 1990 to 2020 is 64%. Achieving prospective emission reduction targets will pose major challenges for the road transport sector. This paper investigates two targets for reducing Australian road transport greenhouse gas emissions, and what they might mean for the sector: emissions in 2020 being 20% below 2000 levels; and emissions in 2050 being 80% below 2000 levels. Six ways in which emissions might be reduced to achieve these targets are considered. The analysis suggests that major behavioural and technological changes will be required to deliver significant emission reductions, with very substantial reductions in vehicle emission intensity being absolutely vital to making major inroads in road transport GHG emissions.  相似文献   

The demand for inland freight transport in Europe is mainly met by road transport, leading to unsustainable impacts such as air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and congestion. Since rail transport has lower externalities than road transport, a modal shift from road to rail is an accepted policy goal for achieving a more sustainable and competitive transport system. However, intermodal road–rail transport is mainly competitive for long-distance transport, and as a consequence, the potential for modal shift is limited. The cost efficiency of road–rail intermodal transport is particularly sensitive to pre- and post-haulage (PPH) costs, since this activity typically has a larger cost compared with its share of the total distance in the transport chain. For intermodal transportation over shorter distances, for example, below 300 km and where there are substantial PPH activities at both ends of the chain, the competitiveness of the intermodal transport system compared with that of direct road is low. Improving the efficiency of PPH activities is, therefore, of utmost importance for the competitiveness of the intermodal transport system. This paper looks into the issue of improving the cost efficiency of an intermodal transport chain by implementing an innovative and flexible legal framework regarding the PPH activities in the chain. By extending the legal framework with exemptions for longer vehicles in PPH, the cost efficiency could be greatly improved. The purpose of such a framework is to allow and enable, for PPH exclusively, the use of 2?×?40 foot or even two semi-trailers using only one vehicle in the context of the Swedish regulatory framework. This paper develops a strategic calculation model for assessing and investigating the consequences of such a framework and investigates the framework's potential in terms of cost efficiency. The model in combination with a sensitivity analysis of input variables gives a comprehensive understanding of the effects of PPH under different circumstances. From the results, it is evident that there are substantial positive effects associated with a PPH framework of longer vehicles. Results indicate that a typical shipper may experience cost reductions of about 5–10% of the total costs of the intermodal transport chain. In summary, a more innovative and flexible legal framework regarding vehicle length in the PPH links can contribute to a greater modal shift, improved cost efficiency and more environmentally friendly transportation systems.  相似文献   

This paper is about distance and time as factors of competitiveness of intermodal transport. It reviews the relevance of the factors, evaluates time models in practice, compares network distances and times in alternative bundling networks with geometrically varied layouts, and points out how these networks perform in terms of vehicle scale, frequency and door-to-door time. The analysis focuses on intermodal transport in Europe, especially intermodal rail transport, but is in search for generic conclusions. The paper does not incorporate the distance and time results in cost models, and draws conclusions for transport innovation, wherever this is possible without cost modelling. For instance, the feature vehicle scale, an important factor of transport costs, is analysed and discussed.Distance and time are important factors of competitiveness of intermodal transport. They generate (direct) vehicle costs and – via transport quality – indirect costs to the customers. Clearly direct costs/prices are the most important performance of the intermodal transport system. The relevance of quality performances is less clarified. Customers emphasise the importance of a good match between the transport and the logistic system. In this framework (time) reliability is valued high. Often transport time, arrival and departure times, and frequency have a lower priority. But such conclusions can hardy be generalised. The range of valuations reflects the heterogeneity of situations. Some lack of clarity is obviously due to overlapping definitions of different performance types.The following parts of the paper are about two central fields of network design, which have a large impact on transport costs and quality, namely the design of vehicle roundtrips (and acceleration of transport speed) and the choice of bundling type: do vehicles provide direct services or run in what we call complex bundling networks? An example is the hub-and-spoke network. The objective of complex bundling is to increase vehicle scale and/or transport frequency even if network volumes are restricted. Complex bundling requires intermediate nodes for the exchange of load units. Examples of complex bundling networks are the hub-and-spoke network or the line network.Roundtrip and bundling design are interrelated policy fields: an acceleration of the roundtrip speed, often desirable from the cost point of view, can often only be carried out customer friendly, if the transport frequency is increased. But often the flow size is not sufficient for a higher frequency. Then a change of bundling model can be an outcome.Complex bundling networks are known to have longer average distances and times, the latter also due to the presence of additional intermediate exchange nodes. However, this disadvantage is – inside the limits of maximal vehicle sizes – overruled by the advantage of a restricted number of network links. Therefore generally, complex bundling networks have shorter total vehicle distances and times. This expression of economies of scale implies lower vehicle costs per load unit.The last part of the paper presents door-to-door times of load units of complex bundling networks and compares them with unimodal road transport. The times of complex bundling networks are larger than that of networks with direct connections, but nevertheless competitive with unimodal road transport, except for short distances.  相似文献   

道路运输:向现代服务业转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际经验表明,服务业加速发展期,一般都发生在一个国家由中低收入水平向中上收入水平转变的时期。我国经济发展目前正处于这样的历史阶段。国家把交通运输定位为服务业,意味着交通运输是我国经济发展的战略重点之一。随着人民群众生活水平的不断提高,参与道路运输活动愈加频繁,服务内容、服务方式、服务质量发生了新的变化,发展道路运输服务业不仅能扩大就业,而且能满足人民群众的消费性需求。道路运输曾是传统服务业,如果运用现代经营方式,依托信息技术对其加以改良,提高运输的机动性、便捷性,降低运输成本,就能促进整体国民经济效益的提高。  相似文献   

进入2008年,道路运输企业经营方式从传统型向市场化转型的压力变得日趋清晰.越来越多的经营主体遭遇到客流量同期比降幅超过1/5以上的寒流.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen many new freight transport models for use in transport planning by public authorities. Some of these models have developed new concepts, such as logistics modules, inclusion of transshipments, storage and sourcing and the determination of shipment size. This paper provides a review of the European literature on freight transport models that operate at the national or international level and have been developed since 2004. The introduction of elements of logistics thinking is identified as a common theme in recently developed models, and further worked out. Furthermore, ideas on what might be the next key developments in freight transport modelling are presented.  相似文献   


To contribute to a sustainable society, considerable reduction in energy use and CO2 emissions should be achieved. This paper presents the results of calculations exploring the energy use reduction potential of passenger transport for Western Europe (OECD Europe minus Turkey). For these calculations, three types of options are defined emphasizing technological, infrastructural and behavioural change. By 2050, technological improvements may reduce energy use per passenger-km by - 30%. Adding infrastructural options, an energy reduction of > 50% by 2050 can be realised. To achieve further energy reductions, options with a large behavioural impact should also be implemented. This results in an 80% energy reduction potential in the transport sector by 2050. To calculate the reduction potential on OECD Europe level, one should factor in expectations concerning mobility growth. Two mobility development scenarios are used. Both scenarios foresee a net decrease in total energy use of 20% with the introduction of the technological and infrastructural improvement options. Adding options emphasizing behavioural change results in a net reduction potential of - 60% by 2050.  相似文献   

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