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驾驶员身心条件安全可靠性综合评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对影响驾驶员身心条件安全可靠性的相关因素,对6个城市78万名机动车驾驶员进行了调查测试;通过对22项指标主因子分析,从中筛选出10项代表性指标分别进行分级划分,并基于感知—判断—动作可靠性模型理论,建立了驾驶员安全可靠性综合评价体系。通过对驾驶员身心条件可靠性分布以及驾驶员事故组与非事故组安全可靠性分级分布进行比较分析,研究结果表明:安全可靠度Ⅰ级占25%,Ⅱ级占64%,Ⅲ级占6%,Ⅳ级占2.5%,Ⅴ级占1.5%;而事故主要分布在Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级。  相似文献   

文章通过实证研究,运用因子分析法,将影响企业新产品开发的71个变量缩减到14个主因素,将评价产品创新绩效的12个变量分解为4个主因素,再进行双变量相关分析,鉴别出了与新产品创新成败显著相关的12个关键影响因素。这些关键影响对企业高层管理者也是具有潜在的意义,为企业新产品开发过程提供决策和管理提供方法指导。  相似文献   

针对4种不同沥青,测试其不同的高温评价指标,并分析这些指标与沥青混合料高温稳定性的相关程度,以判断这些指标的适用性。基于样本研究,得出如下结论:等抗车辙因子临界温度和车辙因子与动稳定度相关程度较高;传统软化点和当量软化点不能很好反映沥青的流变特性,与动稳定度的相关程度较低。  相似文献   

由于汽车驾驶员驾驶行为的多样性与复杂性,极大影响了道路交通安全,近年来,对驾驶员驾驶行为的分析能有效改善驾驶员的不良行为,对减少道路交通事故起了一定的作用。本文通过查找和整理文献,基于车联网技术,就驾驶行为的相关概述、驾驶行为的影响因子、驾驶行为的数据采集和存储、驾驶事件的识别指标、驾驶事件的识别方法、驾驶行为的分类等进行了分析。研究表明,驾驶员的驾驶行为可分为冒险型、稳定型、焦虑型、愤怒型,其中稳定型对道路交通安全的影响极小,其它三种类型都有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

为减少长途客运驾驶员因疲劳驾驶而引发交通事故的概率,保障人民生命财产安全,降低客运公司的运营风险,设计了主观问题测试、心理反应检测及语音检测3种便捷检测方法,以快速判定驾驶员出车前的疲劳状态。通过Pearson相关性分析,获取了11个显著相关的问题因子,根据各因子与疲劳状态的相关显著程度为其设置分数,并对不同状态下的问题测试得分进行了阈值划分;应用心理反应测试仪获取深视力差异、速度估计差异、复杂反应时间等心理指标,确定了深视力差异和修正反应时长在清醒及疲劳状态下具有显著差异;通过手机录音软件采集语音信号,采用Cool Edit Pro,MATLAB等软件采集并处理短时平均幅度、短时平均能量、近似熵等指标特征值,建立心理指标与语音信号指标间的关系式。最后,选择脑电信号(α+θ)/β作为验证性指标并设计了验证性试验,对19名长途客运驾驶员分别进行了3种便捷检测和一种验证性检测。结果表明:主观问题测试法对驾驶员是否适宜执行驾驶任务检测结果准确率高,但易受主观因素影响从而产生"假疲劳"现象,不宜单独使用;"主观问题测试法+心理反应检测法"为最优的组合检测方法,其检测正确率为84.2%,优于单一检测方法,推荐客运公司根据实际情况选择使用。  相似文献   

为了分析国内外道路交通领域安全文化影响安全行为的研究状况,采用归纳总结的方法对相关文献进行整理,总结了该方向基于调查问卷的研究方法,并对这些方法的特点进行了比较分析,主要包括基于数理统计的探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析、相关分析和回归分析、优势分析和通径分析、方差分析和协方差分析等,其中因子分析、相关分析和回归分析约占所有数理统计分析方法的70%;归纳了该方向的研究成果,从单独驾驶员、多人共事的驾驶员、职业驾驶员、年轻驾驶员、交通运输行业员工和行人6个方面总结安全文化或者安全氛围与安全行为之间的影响关系.提出安全行为量表适应性和实效性、影响因子系数针对性和可靠性、统计分析方法更新和完善、有关研究成果进一步应用与安全行为矫正等进一步研究的方向.   相似文献   

汽车驾驶的安全性,取决于汽车自身安全性能与驾驶员的安全操控。汽车驾驶员主动提升安全意识,可以有效规避汽车风险的出现。基于汽车驾驶需求对主动安全性因素进行分析,并合理对相关因子进行优化,以提升汽车使用的整体安全性。就汽车驾驶员主动安全性因素的辨识与分析阐述。  相似文献   

为对我国各地日趋严峻的道路交通安全现状进行科学、合理的评价,选择适用的安全评价方法是非常必要的,对主成分分析法进行了改进研究,充分考虑了主成分自身存在指标差异性被忽略、因子载荷存在负值等影响,通过采用均值法处理数据、选取较少主成分等途径有效改进了主成分法。构造了可以综合反映交通安全状况的6项相对指标为主体的道路交通安全综合评价指标体系,并以我国2009年东部省份的道路交通安全状况数据为例进行实例分析,采用传统主成分法和改进后的主成分法分别进行了道路交通安全综合评价,通过聚类分析法对改进前后评价结果的差异进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

研究营运长途客车驾驶员的疲劳累积规律是保障公共交通安全的需要.针对黑龙江省海伦市营运长途客车驾驶员,设计疲劳累积随车实验,采集驾驶员状态视频及驾驶员感知判断能力、自我主观疲劳评价等指标,利用视频分析处理软件将驾驶员状态视频转化为PERCLOS-P80值,以此作为疲劳程度的衡量指标.分别从原始疲劳和驾驶疲劳2个方面,对营运长途客车驾驶员疲劳累积规律进行分析,得出原始疲劳与前1d的实际睡眠时间呈负相关、与驾驶时间差呈正相关;驾驶疲劳与原始疲劳及连续驾驶时间呈正相关、与累计休息时间呈负相关的结论.建立了疲劳累积与驾驶员工作、休息时间的关系模型,运用回归技术对模型进行标定,其拟合优度达到0.929.在此模型的基础上,对不同原始疲劳值的驾驶员提出了连续驾驶时间的风险临界值(F=0.3时),给出了营运长途客车驾驶员工作休息建议,为其安全驾驶提供指导.   相似文献   

驾驶员手伸及界面与驾驶室尺寸综合因子G   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
驾驶员手伸及界面与驾驶员的手伸、能力及驾驶室内部尺寸有关。驾驶员手伸及能力的统计性可通过身材百分位和男女比来反映。而驾驶室内部尺寸对手伸及界面的影响应以多元统计分析理论加以分析。本文介绍如何利用因子分析法来求取对手伸及界面具有综合影响的驾驶室尺寸综合因子G。  相似文献   

An adaptive lateral preview driver model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Successful modelling and simulation of driver behaviour is important for the current industrial thrust of computer-based vehicle development. The main contribution of this paper is the development of an adaptive lateral preview human driver model. This driver model template has a few parameters that can be adjusted to simulate steering actions of human drivers with different driving styles. In other words, this model template can be used in the design process of vehicles and active safety systems to assess their performance under average drivers as well as atypical drivers. We assume that the drivers, regardless of their style, have driven the vehicle long enough to establish an accurate internal model of the vehicle. The proposed driver model is developed using the adaptive predictive control (APC) framework. Three key features are included in the APC framework: use of preview information, internal model identification and weight adjustment to simulate different driving styles. The driver uses predicted vehicle information in a future window to determine the optimal steering action. A tunable parameter is defined to assign relative importance of lateral displacement and yaw error in the cost function to be optimized. The model is tuned to fit three representative drivers obtained from driving simulator data taken from 22 human drivers.  相似文献   

An advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) uses radar, visual information, and laser sensors to calculate variables representing driving conditions, such as time-to-collision (TTC) and time headway (THW), and to determine collision risk using empirically set thresholds. However, the empirically set threshold can generate differences in performance that are detected by the driver. It is appropriate to quickly relay collision risk to drivers whose response speed to dangerous situations is relatively slow and who drive defensively. However, for drivers whose response speed is relatively fast and who drive actively, it may be better not to provide a warning if they are aware of the collision risk in advance, because giving collision warnings too frequently can lower the reliability of the warnings and cause dissatisfaction in the driver, or promote disregard. To solve this problem, this study proposes a collision warning system (CWS) based on an individual driver’s driving behavior. In particular, a driver behavior model was created using an artificial neural network learning algorithm so that the collision risk could be determined according to the driving characteristics of the driver. Finally, the driver behavior model was learned using actual vehicle driving data and the applicability of the proposed CWS was verified through simulation.  相似文献   

Post license advanced driver training programs in the US and early programs in Europe have often failed to accomplish their stated objectives because, it is suspected, that drivers gain self perceived driving skills that exceed their true skills—leading to increased post training crashes. The consensus from the evaluation of countless advanced driver training programs is that these programs are a detriment to safety, especially for novice, young, male drivers.Some European countries including Sweden, Finland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Norway, have continued to refine these programs, with an entirely new training philosophy emerging around 1990. These ‘post-renewal’ programs have shown considerable promise, despite various data quality and availability concerns. These programs share in common a focus on teaching drivers about self assessment and anticipation of risk, as opposed to teaching drivers how to master driving at the limits of tire adhesion. The programs focus on factors such as self actualization and driving discipline, rather than low level mastery of skills. Drivers are meant to depart these renewed programs with a more realistic assessment of their driving abilities. These renewed programs require considerable specialized and costly infrastructure including dedicated driver training facilities with driving modules engineered specifically for advanced driver training and highly structured curriculums. They are conspicuously missing from both the US road safety toolbox and academic literature. Given the considerable road safety concerns associated with US novice male drivers in particular, these programs warrant further attention.This paper reviews the predominant features and empirical evidence surrounding post licensing advanced driver training programs focused on novice drivers. A clear articulation of differences between the renewed and current US advanced driver training programs is provided. While the individual quantitative evaluations range from marginally to significantly effective in reducing novice driver crash risk, they have been criticized for evaluation deficiencies ranging from small sample sizes to confounding variables to lack of exposure metrics. Collectively, however, the programs sited in the paper suggest at least a marginally positive effect that needs to be validated with further studies. If additional well controlled studies can validate these programs, a pilot program in the US should be considered.  相似文献   

Post license advanced driver training programs in the US and early programs in Europe have often failed to accomplish their stated objectives because, it is suspected, that drivers gain self perceived driving skills that exceed their true skills—leading to increased post training crashes. The consensus from the evaluation of countless advanced driver training programs is that these programs are a detriment to safety, especially for novice, young, male drivers.Some European countries including Sweden, Finland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Norway, have continued to refine these programs, with an entirely new training philosophy emerging around 1990. These ‘post-renewal’ programs have shown considerable promise, despite various data quality and availability concerns. These programs share in common a focus on teaching drivers about self assessment and anticipation of risk, as opposed to teaching drivers how to master driving at the limits of tire adhesion. The programs focus on factors such as self actualization and driving discipline, rather than low level mastery of skills. Drivers are meant to depart these renewed programs with a more realistic assessment of their driving abilities. These renewed programs require considerable specialized and costly infrastructure including dedicated driver training facilities with driving modules engineered specifically for advanced driver training and highly structured curriculums. They are conspicuously missing from both the US road safety toolbox and academic literature. Given the considerable road safety concerns associated with US novice male drivers in particular, these programs warrant further attention.This paper reviews the predominant features and empirical evidence surrounding post licensing advanced driver training programs focused on novice drivers. A clear articulation of differences between the renewed and current US advanced driver training programs is provided. While the individual quantitative evaluations range from marginally to significantly effective in reducing novice driver crash risk, they have been criticized for evaluation deficiencies ranging from small sample sizes to confounding variables to lack of exposure metrics. Collectively, however, the programs sited in the paper suggest at least a marginally positive effect that needs to be validated with further studies. If additional well controlled studies can validate these programs, a pilot program in the US should be considered.  相似文献   

Conventional vehicle stability control (VSC) systems are designed for average drivers. For a driver with a good driving skill, the VSC systems may be redundant; for a driver with a poor driving skill, the VSC intervention may be inadequate. To increase safety of sport utility vehicles (SUVs), this paper proposes a novel driver-adaptive VSC (DAVSC) strategy based on scaling the target yaw rate commanded by the driver. The DAVSC system is adaptive to drivers’ driving skills. More control effort would be exerted for drivers with poor driving skills, and vice versa. A sliding mode control (SMC)-based differential braking (DB) controller is designed using a three degrees of freedom (DOF) yaw-plane model. An eight DOF nonlinear yaw-roll model is used to simulate the SUV dynamics. Two driver models, namely longitudinal and lateral, are used to ‘drive’ the virtual SUV. By integrating the virtual SUV, the DB controller, and the driver models, the performance of the DAVSC system is investigated. The simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the DAVSC strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a proposed car-following driver model taking into account some features of both the compensatory and anticipatory model representing the human pedal operation has been verified by driving simulator experiments with several real drivers. The comparison between computer simulations performed by determined model parameters with the experimental results confirm the correctness of this mathematical driver model and identified model parameters. Then the driver model is joined to a hybrid vehicle dynamics model and the moderate car following maneuver simulations with various driver parameters are conducted to investigate influences of driver parameters on vehicle dynamics response and fuel economy. Finally, major driver parameters involved in the longitudinal control of drivers are clarified.  相似文献   

汽车驾驶员操作可靠性分析及评定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王武宏  曹琦 《汽车工程》1994,16(4):207-213
本文从汽车交通事故的历史数据出发,论证了汽车人一机系统中驾驶员失误率评估的重要性和迫切性,在分析影响驾驶员安全驾驶汽车能力的主要因素后,提出了驾驶员操作可靠性评定方法,确定了驾驶员的基本可靠度及其他相关参数,结果40名驾驶员肇发的交通事故,得出驾驶员安全驾驶车的量度值,同时展望了驾驶员失误率评估的前景。  相似文献   

为稳步增强汽车驾驶的安全性,减少安全事故的发生,驾驶人员除了需要具备足够的应急应变能力之外,还需要做好安全行为习惯养成工作,形成良好的驾驶习惯。文章以汽车驾驶员不安全行为作出研究对象,在明确不安全行为表现的基础上,深刻分析影响汽车驾驶人员不安全行为的因素,在此基础上,制定合理的应对策略,旨在引导驾驶人员形成安全行为,以不断提升驾驶员的驾驶能力。  相似文献   

为保证线控底盘电动汽车在遭遇执行器失效时的稳定性,并考虑人-车交互行为,提出了以驾驶人为领导者的一主多从(Single-leader-multiple-follower,SLMF)混合博弈容错控制框架。为实现驾驶人-车辆的交互控制,首先建立了两者的耦合模型。其次,将驾驶人及5个底盘子系统即主动前轮转向(Active Front Steering,AFS)系统和4个轮毂电机建模为博弈中的6个参与者,基于Stackelberg主从博弈与多人合作博弈设计了SLMF混合博弈控制框架。考虑驾驶人具有优先控制权限及执行器对驾驶人行为的补偿作用,基于Stackelberg博弈理论建立了驾驶人与底盘子系统的主从博弈模型,其中驾驶人作为领导者通过感知跟随者的行为做出转向决策,而5个底盘子系统被建模为跟随者。由于跟随者追求共同的横向稳定控制目标,因此基于合作博弈理论建立了合作模型,并对领导者的转向策略做出最优响应。最后,为研究跟随者之间追求不同目标导致不合作时的控制效果,设计了非合作Nash博弈与Stackelberg博弈相结合的混合博弈为对比方法,通过实时硬件在环测试验证并对比了2种方法。结果表明:针对不同风格的驾驶人,所设计的方法可以保证遭遇执行器卡死失效车辆的稳定性。与不合作的情况相比,2种不同风格的驾驶人驾驶的车辆在底盘子系统合作时,车辆稳定性分别提升了54.62%和53.78%,驾驶人工作负荷分别降低了31.79%和36.07%。  相似文献   

考虑到老年驾驶人存在的视觉弱化、反应能力下降等问题,有必要分析其转向行为特征。基于此,本文分析了在无信号控制交叉口情景下老年驾驶人的转向行为特征,并绘制图谱描述行为特征的时序变化。基于无信号控制交叉口的现实场景调查,搭建了具备常见冲突类型的虚拟仿真驾驶场景(包含6个无信号控制交叉口),招募符合要求的老年驾驶人与中青年驾驶人进行驾驶模拟实验,分别采集车辆行驶数据(驾驶模拟器)、眼动数据和生理心理数据分析老年驾驶人与中青年驾驶人在不同转向场景下的行为特征差异,应用图谱理论构建驾驶人转向行为图谱描述老年驾驶人与中青年驾驶人的转向行为特征时序变化。实验结果表明:老年驾驶人的速度均值为20.4 km/h、注视持续时间均值为289.47 ms、扫视幅度均值为3.51°;中青年驾驶人的速度均值为35.79 km/h、注视持续时间均值为247.94 ms、扫视幅度均值为4.56°。老年驾驶人的心率变异性时域指标(SDNN和RMSSD)与频域指标(LF/HF和TP)的值更低,表明老年驾驶人在转向过程中更加紧张。图谱显示老年驾驶人的紧张持续时间更长,并在信息获取广度上弱于中青年驾驶人。结合图谱时空差异性指标发现,这2类驾驶人的驾驶行为在左转向场景下存在显著性差异,老年驾驶人驾驶操作的稳定性与安全性较低。   相似文献   

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