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隋一 《汽车导购》2006,(2):72-73
平静不意味着平淡,看似平凡的外表下,也会有暗潮涌动,蓄势待发,在积聚满能量的那一刻,猛然间激荡出澎湃的热情,每时每刻,我们在生活着,感受着,而下一秒,下一分钟,明天,明年,又会发生什么,谁也无法预知,波澜不惊,正是为了即将展开的波澜壮阔。  相似文献   

刘远 《轿车情报》2010,(10):62-67
旅行的目的,不是终点,而是过程。选择一款车,帮你背上行囊,载上家人,逃离城市,远离喧嚣。从出发的那一刻起,一切的烦恼与忧愁,都被留在原地,心情,已经随着大众旅行轿车Variant,一起飞扬。  相似文献   

何洁霞 《经济导报》2010,(33):43-44
以前被喻为会生金蛋的教科书业,近年也要面临衰落的命运。1997回归后,香港教育政策经历多次改革,教科书经常改版,令出版成本上升,再加上香港出生率低,杀校缩班,教科书更加难做,有67年历史的龄记,是行内的表表者,其教科书陪伴一代又一代港人成长,然而这个肩负教育使命的老字号,面对教科书业低潮,也要出招应战。  相似文献   

走进四月,忍不住想起林徽因的《人间四月天》:“你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间呢喃,你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!”四月,是生长的季节,是绽放的季节,是出发的季节。2012年4月5日,在明媚的春光里,在和煦的春风里,奇瑞瑞虎全能体验营第2季“快意之旅”车队由安徽芜湖出发,  相似文献   

初冬,北京的军都山山脉,寒风刺骨,四束气势夺人的寒光在山顶若隐若现,随着人们目光的凝集,光芒开始缓缓向我们推进,我意识到那一定是两个带轮子的疯狂家伙。竖立在眼前的八达岭滑雪坡道,落差130m,倾角40°,Jeep指挥官和大切诺基顺着雪道直冲而下,我的心跳开始加速,血液向头顶涌动,一切症状表明,一场极限的朝圣大会开始了。  相似文献   

刘奕宏 《车时代》2012,(9):48-53
选择比努力更重要,人生就是选择,或彼或此,我们无时不在选择。正是因为有不同的选择,所以才会有干差万别的结局,才会有干姿百态的人生。选择,是摇摆于多种可能性之间的最后的决断。由于结局是未知的,不可预见的,所以才让人举棋不定、左右为难。不过,我并没有患有选择性障碍的病症,所以,在我们同时提到两厢与三厢东风雪铁龙新世嘉的那一刻,我果断的选择了,两厢车型,原因很简单,只因偏爱。  相似文献   

刘军 《汽车运用》2008,(3):52-52
脸蛋要“标致”的,不可以有麻子大(“马自达”)的,腰要像“眼镜蛇”的,名字要“吉利”的,讲话要有“风度”的,声音要像“铃木”的,家产要有“丰田”的,脾气要“大众”的,不可以太“奇瑞”的,美腿要能“奔驰”的,小手像“莲花”的,整理家务要保持洁(“保时捷”)的,以后能帮我“大发”的。观念要“解放”的,品位要“现代”的,但是从来不会在外面“卡迪拉客”的,也绝对不能是“通用”的,  相似文献   

任雅迪  林聪 《车时代》2009,(2):258-265
又是一年情人节,特别的日子里找来几个时尚车主,刘晨曦,韩菲,贾佳,他们谈爱车,谈爱情,最浪漫的事,让我们一起分享。  相似文献   

卓言 《汽车导购》2005,(10):41-45
RV是英文Recreational Vehicles的缩写,意为休闲汽车,其涵盖的内容也颇为广泛。从旅行轿车,MPV,到SUV,都可以罗列其中。不过对于多数准备买车的中国家庭来说,轿车仍是当仁不让的正宗首选。多功能与休闲兼于一身的RV虽然有诱惑力,但真正能落实在消费行动上的并不算多,叫好不叫座的原因多种多样,除了厂家,专家所言的消费观念之外,价格恐怕也是一个因素,而这次我们介绍两款RV车却没有那么高的价格门槛,而且无论耗油,车身尺寸,还是驾驶感受,都不难被家庭接受。  相似文献   

一转眼,2013从指间偷偷溜走,转首回望,我们一起走过,有起伏,有变迁,有奋斗的汗水,更有抵达梦想一刻的笑意盎然。猛抬头,2014不经意悄然而至,展望明天,我们携手再出发,抓机遇,迎挑战,协心同力克难关,满怀信心奋力前行谋跨越,建设“芯”动力,开创新天地。  相似文献   

This paper presents the active case of a variable stiffness suspension system. The central concept is based on a recently designed variable stiffness mechanism which consists of a horizontal control strut and a vertical strut. The horizontal strut is used to vary the load transfer ratio by actively controlling the location of the point of attachment of the vertical strut to the car body. The control algorithm, effected by a hydraulic actuator, uses the concept of nonlinear energy sink (NES) to effectively transfer the vibrational energy in the sprung mass to a control mass, thereby reducing the transfer of energy from road disturbance to the car body at a relatively lower cost compared to the traditional active suspension using the skyhook concept. The analyses and simulation results show that a better performance can be achieved by subjecting the point of attachment of a suspension system, to the chassis, to the influence of a horizontal NES system.  相似文献   

Traffic simulation models often neglect the important role of motorcycles and assume a flow of various combinations of cars. This paper addresses how much different would be the behavior of a car driver while following a motorcyclist compared to cases in which a car follows another car, along with a segment of an urban highway in the non-congested flow. Recognition of such a difference might help to develop existing simulation models and to improve the behavior of car drivers in such a way to lead to lower accidents with motorcycles. To reach the goal, a GHR (Gazis-Herman-Rothery) model for car following is applied and data have been collected by video cameras during 15?min time intervals in three different days. Analysis of 198 car-motorcycle and 374 car-car following observations has indicated that when a car driver follows a motorcycle, keeps a higher headway (about 10?m in the low speed) with a lower acceleration/deceleration in comparison with the situation in which car driver follow another one. It means that the behavior of the follower car driver would be more cautious compared to situations in which a car driver follows another one, especially in space headways <10?m. In addition to main findings of the paper for developing a more realistic simulation program, the paper also addresses that in cases when the required safe space between a car and a motorcycle would be endangered, a warning message could be generated for the car driver (by implementing an in-veh ITS technology) to warn driver about keeping a safe distance.  相似文献   

张放 《汽车实用技术》2013,(10):101-104
近年来,我国汽车产销量直线上升,已超越美国成为世界第一大汽车消费市场,但随着汽车保有量的增长,汽车爆胎事故也在不断上升,已严重威胁人民群众的财产和生命安全,据公安部统计,高速公路70%的亡人交通事故是由于爆胎引起的,汽车时速在120公里发生爆胎,死亡率为100%.因此,如何预防和减少汽车爆胎,已经成为汽车安全的焦点话题,那么汽车爆胎的原因是什么呢?遇到爆胎怎么办呢?如何有效地预防汽车爆胎呢?  相似文献   

This paper presents a stability analysis of a vehicle flexible in the plane of yawing and being controlled by a human pilot. The vehicle is represented by a two degrees-of-freedom model and the pilot is assumed to respond to the lateral displacement and to the lateral velocity with a time delay. It is shown that in order for the pilot model to exhibit a realistic human operator behavior, driver's gain must be linearly proportional to vehicle velocity and also inversely related to frontal visibility. Moreover, application of the Hurwitz criterion indicated that flexibility of the vehicle frame has a destabilising effect on the lateral stability and reduces the stable domain of operation.  相似文献   

Recently, the domestic military vehicles currently being developed are installed with a central tire inflation system (CTIS) to control the pressure of tires to increase the contact area between the tires and the ground and improve mobility on soft soils. On the other hand, it is difficult to find technical data based on experiments for designing a CTIS. In this study, to obtain the technical data to set proper pressures according to road conditions a range of mobility tests were performed on soft soil roads, such as sand and clay, according to the CTIS operating modes to obtain the technical data to set proper pressures according to the road conditions. The characteristics of the mobility and its correlation with the tire pressures in each operating mode were analyzed. The results confirmed that a wheeled vehicle with a CTIS showed better performance on soft soil than a vehicle without a CTIS.  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic model of a railway vehicle for the development of a 6-DOF (degrees of freedom) tilting-train simulator. It will be used to verify the tilting-electronics and tilting-control algorithm that are to be applied to the Korean tilting train. It is composed of 6 electrically driven actuators, a track generation system, a graphic user interface, and a visualization system with a 1600-mm-diameter dome screen. Each system shares the data by means of Ethernet network in real time. In this study, a train model of 9-DOF with a force generation system to tilt the train body has been used. Dynamic analysis for the straight track running and curve negotiation of a railway vehicle can be performed in the model. A verification study for the application of the model to the simulator has been conducted on curving tracks with different radii.  相似文献   

Using methods established in earlier work, calculations are carried out to reveal the influence of actuator bandwidth on the performance capabilities of a class of active suspension system for automobiles. The suspension consists of an actuator in series with a spring, the combination being in parallel with a passive damper, and the system is modelled as a single wheel station traversing a random road. The results indicate that a system with a 3 Hz bandwidth actuator and variable damping will have excellent ride performance qualities over a wide range of road roughness conditions. Since such a system can be expected to be easily adaptable to the running conditions, to provide good static and dynamic attitude control, to be capable of contributing to good steering control responses and to be inexpensive in terms of capital and energy consumption costs compared with most of the active systems which have previously been discussed, it is suggested that it is a prime candidate for further study and practical development.  相似文献   

This paper describes work carried out on the development of a narrow tilting vehicle at the University of Minnesota. The project had two objectives. One objective was to better understand the dynamics of two-passenger leaning vehicles. The other was to use this understanding to design and implement leaning control on such a vehicle. The desire was to make a tilting vehicle as easy, in some sense, to drive as a non-leaning vehicle. The scope of this work was fourfold. First, a model of such a system was developed and linearized to obtain a fourth-order linear model. Second, a tilt controller was designed to stabilize a tilting vehicle's unstable rolling mode. Third, the system and controller were simulated using both Simulink and a real time simulator written with Visual Basic. Fourth, and most importantly, an experimental vehicle was built and used for implementation. Comparisons were made between the simulated system and the experimental vehicle. This illustrated the limitations encountered in the simulations but also showed similarities that validated the model. Also, experimental results showed that the vehicle was stabilized well by the controller within the limitations of our hardware.  相似文献   

Hybrid and electric vehicles are taking an increasingly important slice of the market, gaining much interest from major car manufacturers which have decided to invest in this sector, taking as example the pioneers like Toyota. The key factor to hybrid and electric vehicle success is a good overall mileage achieved from the battery back or powertrain. The purpose of this work is to provide a support to design, testing, and development of such vehicles through the implementation of a mathematical model in order to simulate the operation and predict the performance of a generic ground vehicle equipped with either a purely electric or a hybrid-electric type powertrain. The model should enable the user to estimate the impact of various control strategies on mileage range, efficiency, energy consumption, etc. The model should also allow for a significant time to market reduction with all the related benefits in terms of cost etc. A validation is also provided, based on the application of this tool on a so-called micro-car (0.5t GVW class). Thanks to a joint research project with the manufacturer it has been possible to compare model results with real-world data directly obtained during road testing with the help of a data acquisition system.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, the current authors showed that an unsteady-state lifted flame generated by an equivalence ratio conversion system for a given fuel, was similar to a steady-state lifted flame in terms of the change characteristics from a premixed flame to a critical flame and then to a triple flame with a diffusion flame positioned in the middle according to the concentration difference. Therefore, this study used an OH-PLIF method to investigate the characteristics of a steady-state lifted flame and an unsteady-state lifted flame created under conditions identical to the flames in the preceding study. PLIF (Planar laser induced fluorescence) is practically effective for visualizing the concentration fields within a flame. The resulting OH-radical measurements showed that an unsteady-state lifted flame created under the specific conditions used in this study showed similar tendencies in terms of OH-radical distribution, fluorescence intensity, and liftoff height, to a steady-state lifted flame, thereby confirming that the behavior of an unsteady-state lifted flame can be effectively predicted based on the behavior of a steady-state lifted flame.  相似文献   

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