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稳态条件下用车车辆动力学分析的轮胎模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文对稳态条件下可用于车辆动力学分析的轮胎理论模型和半经验模型,包括纵滑侧偏特性、纯纵滑特性和纯侧偏特性模型,进行了综合与分析,并讨论了各种模型间的相互关系。为车辆动力学分析提供了具体的轮模型和选用依据。 相似文献
稳态条件下用于车辆动力学分析的轮胎模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文对稳态条件下可用于车辆动力学分析的轮胎理论模型和半经验模型,包括纵滑侧偏特性、纯纵滑特性和纯侧偏特性模型,进行了综合与分析,并讨论了各种模型间的相互关系。为车辆动力学分析提供了具体的轮胎模型和选用依据。 相似文献
本文研究了常侧偏角和时变轮胎载荷激励下轮胎的传递特性,测量了轮胎侧偏力、回正力矩和外倾力矩对轮胎载荷的传递函数,并考虑了轮胎参数的影响。用数据处理方法消除了实验台、测量装置和轮辋的惯性力的影响。 相似文献
轮胎非稳态侧偏特性的建模 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
分析了轮胎侧偏特性的建模机理,从胎面的印迹侧向变形和胎体的侧向平移变形出发,计算出运动状态下轮胎印迹瞬时变形的数学表达式,建立了考虑胎面弹性的轮胎非稳态侧偏特性模型。最后,将该理论模型与试验结果进行了对比。 相似文献
轮胎侧偏特性的一般理论模型 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
本文提出一种基于任意载荷分布与胎体变形规律的轮胎侧偏特性的一般理论模型。经试验验证表明,这种模型与试验结果有良好一致性。它为更实用的半经验模型提供了可靠的理论基础。由于导出了十分简明的表达式,该模型可以解释一些至今尚难理解的重要现象,为了解轮胎结构参数与汽车操纵稳定性之间的关系提供更明确的概念和基本的改进方向。 相似文献
轮胎侧偏特性研究的特点及其发展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
首先,分析并阐述了车辆动力学特性与轮胎力学特性的关系。然后,对轮胎力学特性进行了分类,介绍了轮胎侧偏特性研究的特点,描述了轮胎稳态和非稳态侧偏特性研究的历史及其发展。最后,指出了轮胎侧偏特性研究的意义和轮胎模型的研究方向。 相似文献
子午线轮胎侧偏特性的理论模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过试验,确定了子午线轮印迹内垂直载荷的分布形式。把子午线轮胎印迹分成3个区域,建立了自由滚动轮胎侧向力和回正力矩的理论模型。应用该理论模型的计算结果,与试验结果具有很好的一致性。 相似文献
动态载荷下轮胎侧偏特性的理论及试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了在动载和时变印迹长度下轮胎的接触历程概念,导出了计算动载时轮胎接地印迹内各点接触历程的入迹方程,阐明轮胎动载侧偏力学特性建模机理,克服了动载侧偏特性理论建模的一个基本障碍,建立了考虑胎体平移弹性小幅动载时的理论模型,并提出了轮胎动载侧偏特性的半经验模型,进行了相应的试验研究,给出了试验结果与模型计算结果的比较。 相似文献
本文根据胎体复杂变形的轮胎非稳态侧偏特性理论模型在空间域肉的表达式,推导出侧向力和回正力矩关于转动角与侧向位移的积分表达式,将其离散化并实现了非稳态侧偏特性在空间域内的仿真,最后给出了轮胎在几种典型输入时的仿真结果。 相似文献
考虑胎宽时的轮胎非稳态侧偏特性模型 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
计算出运动状态下轮胎印迹纵向瞬时变开的数学表达式。在考虑胎宽影响的条件下,建立了车轮输入分别为转动角与侧向位移、侧偏角与转含蓄经时的轮胎非稳态侧偏模型(传递函数)。根据该模型计算出的频率响应特性与试验结果相符,为汽车方向操纵运动仿真,前轮摆振和汽车动态响应等研究提供了反映物理实质的轮胎非稳态侧偏理论模型。 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(3):197-227
Modeling of tire friction is one of the central problems for vehicle control systems design. LuGre-type dynamic tire model has been proposed and well discussed in previous studies, because it offers a compact form of dynamic model that is convenient in advanced control studies. It has been successfully used in tire slip control design and vehicle state estimation problems. In this article, a concept of time-constrained Stribeck effect is introduced to interpret the mechanism of the LuGre friction model in predicting tire friction characteristics. A modified two-dimensional (2D) dynamic LuGre friction model is introduced to make it compatible with the governing theorem in the steady state. An analytical 2D modified LuGre-type dynamic tire model is developed, in which some fundamental limitations of classical LuGre models are eliminated. The main modifications involve a change in the structure of the 2D LuGre friction model, introduction of load-dependent parameters in 1D and 2D tire models, and a changed structure in the distributed parameter model. The proposed model is compared, in the steady state, to both the Magic Formula and the classical LuGre model. It improves model accuracy in the steady state and gives a physically reasonable distribution of the bristle deflection. A first-order lumped parameter (LP) nonlinear model, which has simpler structure than the distributed parameter model and the classical LP LuGre model, is then derived. Numerical simulations show that the proposed LP model has a good estimation for tire transient dynamics. Thus, the proposed model retains the merits of LuGre-type models and improves the agreement with observation and experimental data on friction force distribution along the patch and on the steady-state friction prediction. 相似文献
Wei Liang Jure Medanic Roland Ruhl 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2008,46(3):197-227
Modeling of tire friction is one of the central problems for vehicle control systems design. LuGre-type dynamic tire model has been proposed and well discussed in previous studies, because it offers a compact form of dynamic model that is convenient in advanced control studies. It has been successfully used in tire slip control design and vehicle state estimation problems. In this article, a concept of time-constrained Stribeck effect is introduced to interpret the mechanism of the LuGre friction model in predicting tire friction characteristics. A modified two-dimensional (2D) dynamic LuGre friction model is introduced to make it compatible with the governing theorem in the steady state. An analytical 2D modified LuGre-type dynamic tire model is developed, in which some fundamental limitations of classical LuGre models are eliminated. The main modifications involve a change in the structure of the 2D LuGre friction model, introduction of load-dependent parameters in 1D and 2D tire models, and a changed structure in the distributed parameter model. The proposed model is compared, in the steady state, to both the Magic Formula and the classical LuGre model. It improves model accuracy in the steady state and gives a physically reasonable distribution of the bristle deflection. A first-order lumped parameter (LP) nonlinear model, which has simpler structure than the distributed parameter model and the classical LP LuGre model, is then derived. Numerical simulations show that the proposed LP model has a good estimation for tire transient dynamics. Thus, the proposed model retains the merits of LuGre-type models and improves the agreement with observation and experimental data on friction force distribution along the patch and on the steady-state friction prediction. 相似文献
考虑胎体复杂变形的轮胎非稳态侧偏特性理论模型 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
本文从肥体的一般变形模式出发,根据胎体的侧向弯曲变形及扭转变形计算出胎面的侧向瞬时变形,从而建立了小幅运动时轮胎非稳态侧偏特性理论模型。考虑胎体的复杂变形之后,模型能真实地反映轮台力学特性和物理实质。 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(10):913-930
This study proposes a comprehensive analytical tire model for handling and ride comfort in low frequency ranges. A contact algorithm that is developed in this study provides a two-dimensional contact pressure distribution on even and uneven road surfaces with reasonable computational cost. Shear stresses and strains during cornering and braking are estimated by direct measurement of tread deformations. The model is validated against experimental force and moment data for general handling simulations. Cleat tests are also conducted and validated under different forward velocity and vertical load conditions for a tire vibration study. 相似文献
J. Kim 《International Journal of Automotive Technology》2008,9(6):687-693
In this article, the analysis methods for vehicle handling performance are studied. Using simple models, dynamic characteristic
parameters such as yaw, natural frequency, and the damping coefficient of a vehicle can be theoretically formulated. Here,
the vehicle is simplified by a bicycle (single-track) model, and the tire is modeled by an equivalent cornering stiffness
and first order lag. From the experimental road data, the tire model parameters (equivalent cornering stiffness and time lag
constant) are extracted. These parameters are then inserted into the theoretically formulated equations of dynamic characteristic
parameters. For the purpose of validating the efficiency of the suggested methods, experimental road tests (where the cars
have different handling performances) are performed. The results show that vehicle handling performance can be sufficiently
represented by the suggested dynamic characteristic parameters. So, it is concluded that the proposed method has practical
use for the development of new cars or for the comparison of similar cars since the evaluations of the vehicle handling performance
can be efficiently determined by the suggested dynamic characteristic parameters. 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(12):1929-1950
In this paper, a method for selecting the dynamic characteristics of seat suspension systems is presented. The basic principle of such a method consists in the shaping of nonlinear seat suspension dynamic behaviour for the different requirements defined by machine operators. A combined optimisation procedure has allowed to find the Pareto-optimal system configuration with simultaneous minimisation of conflicted optimisation criteria: the suspended body acceleration and suspension travel. As an example of the proposed method, the seat with a viscous-elastic passive suspension is investigated and its vibro-isolation properties are shaped by the air-spring and shock-absorber force characteristics. 相似文献
Matthew Polley Andrew Alleyne Edwin De Vries 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2006,44(2):87-105
This article demonstrates the use of dimensional analysis for scaled vehicle tires. The motivation for this approach is the understanding of realistic nonlinear tire behavior in scaled vehicle control studies. By examining the behavior of vehicle tires within a dimensionless framework, several key tire parameters are developed that allow for an appropriate relationship between full-sized tires and scaled tires. Introducing these scalings into vehicle dynamics studies allows for the development of scaled vehicles that have a high degree of dynamic similitude with full-sized vehicles, but are safer and more economical testbeds on which to develop experimental control strategies. Experimental data are used to compare the nonlinear characteristics for sets of scaled and full-sized tires. Finally, design of a scaled vehicle based on tire characteristics is demonstrated. 相似文献
A semi-empirical dynamic tire model for combined-slip forces 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jacob Svendenius Magnus G fvert 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2006,44(2):189-208
This article presents a semi-empirical combined-slip tire model including transient behavior. It is assumed that the transient behavior is a result from the dynamic deformation of the tire carcass and that the interaction between the lateral and longitudinal slip, and forces can be explained by the deformation of the rubber treads. The deformation of the tire carcass makes the tread slip deviate from the wheel-rim motion in a way that may be described by differential equations. A method based on brush-model tire mechanics is used to construct the combined-slip forces as nonlinear scalings of corresponding pure-slip forces. 相似文献