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上海外高桥保税物流园区于2004年4月15日经海关总署验收封关运作,封关面积1.03km^2,项目总投资人民币25.3亿元,建成38万m^2现代化物流仓库,14万m^2集装箱转运区,1.6万m^2海关通关大厅和办公用房以及3座卡口和查验场地等综合关检设施。2007年园区完成进出区货值383亿美元,  相似文献   

本文阐述了结合AIS/VITS、CCTV、雷达、激光扫描仪等多种监控手段,实现对经过内河航道电子卡口船舶的智能监管和非接触式执法违章取证在船舶水上监管的应用,介绍了内河航道电子卡口智能监管系统的概要设计、优势分析、技术亮点、解决方案、应用案例。  相似文献   

集装箱码头进出闸口业务是码头业务中非常重要的一环,是码头运营者与发货人、收货人相关运输责任的分界点,针对目前绝大多数集装箱码头均采用人工方法在出闸口处收集货物和箱体信息,存在箱检员过多、箱检耗时长、信息输入容易出错以及货物超重后处理方法的不规范等问题,中远希腊集装箱码头公司在2012年年底成功实施自动闸口系统,有效地解决了上述问题。该公司副总经理孙凯作为项目负责人,根据项目的实施过程,撰写了《自动闸口系统:集码发展新助力》一文,通过对集装箱码头进出闸口、称重及交通控制等子系统的详细分析,提出在进出闸口处利用光学字符识别技术(OCR)自动收集集装箱信息,在称重系统中利用压电技术(piezoelectricity)根据集卡车轴数量自动测量集卡总重量,而且将码头操作系统(TOS)、闸口系统(GS)、称重系统(WS)、交通控制系统(TCS)以闭路监控系统(CCTV)有机结合一起,最终实现自动闸口系统(AGS)的方法。不仅大幅提高闸口通过效率,为公司创造了可观收益,有效降低人工成本,而且确保集装箱信息输入准确性和集装箱进出闸的安全。  相似文献   

智能卡口系统在天津东疆保税港工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能卡口系统配备于进出场卡口通道上,作为卡口放行子系统的配套硬件,实现卡口自动化放行的目的。  相似文献   

龙口港位于渤海湾南部,莱州湾的东部。主要进出货物为煤炭、矿砂和燃油化工产品及集装箱。随着山东半岛经济的高速发展,龙口港正在扩建,设计规划8万吨级航道,以保证大型船舶的进出。使用海图为海事局出版的港图:30101,30102。  相似文献   

徐伟 《中国港口》2009,(11):22-24
江西是海峡西岸经济区的重要组成部分.是海西港口能争取到的最重要间接腹地,过去,由于快捷的通道问题没能很好解决.通过海西港口进出的江西等内陆省份的货物量有限.2008年不足260万t.约为福建省沿海港口2.71亿t货物吞吐量的1%。  相似文献   

港口吞吐货物价值量统计指标与方法的研究杨泽德,王金新,叶兴上海港是我国最大的港口,作为上海市对外物流的主通道,承担着全市货物进出总量的60%和外贸进出总量的99%。一、开展港口吞吐货物价值量统计研究的目的和意义进入90年代以来,世界贸易比世界生产的发...  相似文献   

2007年,长江干线港口完成货物吞吐量9.11亿吨,同比增长15.6%,外贸货物吞吐量1.14亿吨,同比增长19.5%:集装箱吞吐量551.2万TEU,同比增长37%;三峡断面通过量达6056万吨,同比增长20.3%。局系统完成固定资产投资突破13亿元。实现规费收入10.3亿元,经营性收入32亿元。  相似文献   

简述利用道路卡口复用区间测速执法的基本条件.系统讨论利用已建道路卡口设备进行区间测速的实施方案,并通过项目实践验证该方案的可行性,充分发挥已建道路卡口设备的作用,丰富其应用场景.实践结果表明,通过有针对性地对已建道路卡口智能设备进行调整改造,可进一步挖掘其应用空间,在满足各类新增应用需求的同时,节省建设成本,延长设备的使用寿命.  相似文献   

鹿特丹港位于荷兰西南部莱因河三角洲的新马斯河两岸,是世界各地货物进入欧洲与欧洲各国货物运往世界各地的主要门户,每年石油的吞吐量在1亿吨以上,大宗散货的吞吐量也在1亿吨左右,集装箱的吞吐量约3000万吨.此外还有一些其他物资的进出。  相似文献   

There have been many efforts to develop a logistics information system in the Korean logistics industry. In spite of these efforts, there are many points which need improvement in the Logistics Information System, of which function is the electronic data communication without added value. This paper aims to describe some of the main problems and the successful factors which are being found in the evolution of the present EDI systems for clearing import/export container cargoes, with special reference to Singapore, Korea, and Japan. Following this, leaving legal issues aside, to suggest workable guidelines for designing a new efficient EDI system for container cargo logistics. As a result of the review, the following successful factors are drawn: (a) the planning, requirement analysis and design of EDI are critical, as it provides a framework for its implementation; (b) as the data of customs clearance are an integral part of a logistics EDI system, the inclusion of customs in the system design is essential; (c) the sharing system of cargo data as the framework of the logistics EDI is efficient for data interchange; (d) the EDI software for the user has been developed and provided by an EDI network operating company; and (e) to facilitate communication between trading partners and the transport sector, it is necessary to adopt a global message standard, such as EDIFACT.  相似文献   

There have been many efforts to develop a logistics information system in the Korean logistics industry. In spite of these efforts, there are many points which need improvement in the Logistics Information System, of which function is the electronic data communication without added value. This paper aims to describe some of the main problems and the successful factors which are being found in the evolution of the present EDI systems for clearing import/export container cargoes, with special reference to Singapore, Korea, and Japan. Following this, leaving legal issues aside, to suggest workable guidelines for designing a new efficient EDI system for container cargo logistics. As a result of the review, the following successful factors are drawn: (a) the planning, requirement analysis and design of EDI are critical, as it provides a framework for its implementation; (b) as the data of customs clearance are an integral part of a logistics EDI system, the inclusion of customs in the system design is essential; (c) the sharing system of cargo data as the framework of the logistics EDI is efficient for data interchange; (d) the EDI software for the user has been developed and provided by an EDI network operating company; and (e) to facilitate communication between trading partners and the transport sector, it is necessary to adopt a global message standard, such as EDIFACT.  相似文献   

重大件货物刚性系固中的外力计算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈华 《中国航海》2000,(2):28-33
利用特别设计的支架,将重大件货物固定于支架上,并将货物和支架一起固定于船的承载部位,此种系固方法通常称为刚性系固。刚性系固是海上重大件货物(尤指超长、超宽、超重大件货物)运输安全的必要保证。本文应用船舶耐波性理论和方法,建立了作用于货物单元上运动惯性力的计算公式,从而为货物支架的设计和刚性系固系统的强度校核提供了比较精确和可靠的力学依据。  相似文献   

因谎报瞒报船载集装箱危险货物引发爆炸、泄漏的事故屡见不鲜,给海洋环境、生命财产造成重大损失。在海事管理部门开展集装箱货物开箱检查的高压态势下,发现查处的危险货物谎报瞒报违法行为仍呈逐年上升态势。对集装箱危险货物进行溯源管理研究,为海事管理部门获取货物信息、把好危险货物“出口关”提供了新的解决思路。  相似文献   

For the economic and financial evaluation of port investment projects, it is important to know the demand function of a port's services. The objective of this study is to establish such a demand choice function for the Spanish container port services. The function is derived from the coefficients of a port choice model, for which a multinomial logit model is used and of which the coefficients are estimated with regression analysis. The variables tested concern inland transport cost, ocean transport costs and broad proxy variables for quality of service. Information on container import and export flows for 2007 is obtained from the Spanish Treasury Department. The linear regression analysis is based on differences of utilities of alternative routings of containerised cargoes compared to those routed via the port of Valencia. The obtained results are satisfactory in terms of model fit. The estimated coefficients can be used to assess the impact of changes in costs of container flows routed via a port on a port's market share. A demand choice function for the port can be derived by systematically doing so. An example is presented for the port of Valencia.  相似文献   

为解决渔政执法手段落后、效率不高的问题,建立新一代渔业智能RFID电子标识与监管系统,对渔船进行惟一身份标识,避免"套牌",对渔船实施"实时、有效"地监督管理,并可使执法船实现远距离检查,提高工作效率.  相似文献   

谭祖胜 《船海工程》2006,35(3):9-11
操舵系统是保证船舶操纵性的重要系统,关系到船舶及船员、旅客、货物等生命和财产的安全,无论是设计、加工、安装还是检验,都必须引起高度的重视,结合操舵系统问题实例,介绍分析方法和改进措施。  相似文献   

张少强 《港口科技》2014,(1):7-8,22
为实现对疏浚船舶的有效监督,开发了一种GPS监管系统。介绍项目实施背景和新系统的应用。该系统把GPS(卫星定位系统)与GIS(电子地理信息系统)相结合应用在疏浚船舶,有效提高了监管力度,降低了人力资源成本和管理成本。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate an empirical model of bilateral dry-cargo seaborne import flows in the international economy. Seaborne trade elasticities are estimated for the first time, utilizing the Constant Ratio of Elasticities of Substitution Homogeneous/Homothetic (CRESH) function, a function very rarely used in the past. Highly disaggregated data on volumes of seaborne trade, published by the UN, distinguish between five types of cargo according to the type of ship used for its transportation, and 30 trading regions according to the major sea-lancs used by ships internationally. Multistage budgeting is employed to make the problem of estimation tractable. An empirical model for dry-bulk cargo is estimated based on the CRESH function. Estimation of bilateral export price elasticities enables comparison of the degree of competition in each import market over export regions, and amongst import markets themselves. Risk-averse ship owners may utilize such a comparison to operate in world shiplanes with low degree of competition.  相似文献   

Korea has achieved remarkable economic growth over the last three decades. This has largely been due to the adoption of export-oriented economic policies. This economic development has resulted in a rapid increase in export and import cargos. Since the foreign trade of Korea is carried predominantly by sea transport (approximately 99.8% in terms of volume), ports play a crucial role in this process. Although recent port developments are aimed at keeping pace with ever-growing seaborne cargoes, problems persist, especially insufficient port capacity and inefficient management and operations. As a consequence, the ports of Korea suffer from serious port congestion. This problem is particularly acute in Pusan, the fifth largest container port in the world. In the past, all ports in Korea were controlled and administered by the Korea Maritime and Port Administration which was a public port authority. In August 1996, the Korean government established a new government organization, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), with a remit to control and manage its seaports and other related activities and to improve management efficiency in the maritime area. As a way of solving problems related to port congestion and other sources of inefficiency, the new MMAF has launched several new port development schemes. In this context, this paper will discuss (1) the extent of congestion in Korean ports, especially Pusan, the major seaport of the country; and (2) governmental and commercial reaction to solving the problems, including measures such as new port development schemes aimed at attracting private and foreign finance. From this analysis, a strategy for port development in developing countries may be inferred.  相似文献   

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