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我国社会经济的飞速发展,大大提升了人们的生活水平,而汽车作为一种交通工具,也成为越来越多的家庭的交通出行工具,不过,汽车经过长时间的使用,其自身总会出现一些故障问题,尤其是电气系统,一旦电气系统产生故障,机械故障也会随之产生,因此,需要加强对汽车电气系统故障的重视,并且要结合实际情况,选择并使用科学合理的故障诊断维修技术,以便于能够快速找出汽车电气系统中存在的故障,以此提高诊断维修工作的质量与效率。  相似文献   

丁卫昆 《时代汽车》2023,(3):180-182
新时期下汽车已经成为人们出行的重要工具,并且随着人们生活水平的提升,对汽车维修、保养重视力度也逐步提升。信息化时代的到来,使得社会各个行业都实现了信息化转型,在汽车维修与保养中,通过信息化手段的应用,可以在很大程度上促进汽车维修与保养水平的提升,对于汽车维修行业的稳定发展有很大帮助。下面针对汽车维修与保养中,信息化手段的应用进行全面分析。  相似文献   

社会经济的高速发展,提升了人们的经济水平,越来越多的人已经具备购买汽车的经济条件,这也使得汽车的使用数量越来越多,同时也提高了人们日常出行的便利性。不过,汽车在长时间的使用过程中,也会因为多种因素的影响,出现故障问题,在汽车中埋下安全隐患,影响人们的人身财产安全。因此,开展汽车维修工作是非常有必要的,其中汽车电器作为汽车整个运行系统中的重要组成部分,其自身一旦出现故障,就会影响汽车的安全行驶,这就需要采用合适的维修方法,同时还要注意维修中存在问题,确保维修的有效性。  相似文献   

文章以汽车维修技术中的电子诊断为引导,对现代化的汽车维修技术进行分析。随着人们的生活不断的提高,汽车已经普遍地成为人们日常生活中的代步工具。我国的汽车数量一直在逐渐的上升,并且在上升的同时,汽车出现故障也是很普遍存在的。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展及科学技术的日新月异,汽车工业也得到了快速的发展。汽车在提高人们生活出行水平的同时,出现了保养难的问题。电气化及自动化在汽车行业得到普遍应用,但电器故障的检测与维修有着很高的要求。有调研报告显示,在车辆使用周期中,汽车保养问题大多与 电器的检测及维修相关。为此,阐述汽车电器故障的特点,对于常见故障原因及种类进行详细分析与 研究,并提出相应的维修策略。  相似文献   

现如今汽车已经成为人们必不可少的代步工具,汽车的数量随之也越来越多,在汽车的行驶过程中,难免会出现故障之类的问题,因此汽车的维修工作也变的尤为重要,其维修的师傅必须具备丰富的工作经验以及理论知识,然后借助检测诊断技术来进行汽车的事故和问题故障的检测排查工作。本文围绕汽车的检测诊断技术以及该技术在汽车维修中的应用展开分析。  相似文献   

随着当代社会经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平也得到提高,汽车已经成为人们出行需要必不可少的工具。随着汽车数量的增多,导致大气污染不断加重,大气污染已经成为当前社会极待解决的重点问题,特别是大城市,汽车尾气排放对大气造成的污染中小城市的几倍,已经对人们的健康、生活、工作及出行造成了严重的影响,经调查研究表明,汽车的驾驶与维修直接影响着排放性能,本文将针对汽车驾驶与维修对排放性能的影响进行研究。  相似文献   

当前汽车的安全性和人们的出行质量息息相关,因此对于汽车维修,我们需要加大对其的重视,保证汽车维修的质量就是保障汽车的质量。在汽车维修故障中,底盘故障是最常见的故障之一,文章将针对汽车的底盘故障的检查和维修进行适当的分析,从而总结出有参考价值的结论。  相似文献   

随着社会科技的发展,汽车技术在不断进步,也出现不少汽车新技术故障,如何提高汽车的维修技术也是目前面临的重要问题。在汽车的实际维修中,对于高科技含量越来越多的汽车新技术,传统的汽车维修方式已不能满足对其故障的检修,维修人员仅凭经验已不能满足时代的发展。因此,就要求我们必须有新的模式来应对汽车的新技术故障,维修人员只有先加强自身的汽车维修基础知识,再  相似文献   

正随着人们生活水平的提高,汽车已经成为现代人出行的必备工具。为了让汽车行驶更加平衡安全,在汽车的维修过程中平衡检测技术已经被非常广泛的应用。因此,加强对平衡检测技术的研究是非常必要的。本文介绍了平衡检测技术的发展情况,汽车维修中平衡检测的手段和设备,并提出在汽车维修过程中平衡检测需要注意的事项,包括检测设备的选择、相关标准要求等,可以作为汽车维修从业人员进行平衡检测的参  相似文献   

随着国家经济水平的提高,人民的生活水平获得了全方位的改善,出行方式由最开始的步行、马车逐步替换成了汽车,汽车的发展前景非常可观,但是汽车并不是不会出现故障,目前,发动机出现故障的概率是比较大的,发动机作为汽车的心脏、汽车运行的根本保证,对它的维修与养护是非常有必要的,本文主要分析发动机常见问题与解决方法。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化速度不断加快,各类老龄化问题日益凸显,城市交通设施的适老化建设程度远低于城市的发展扩张速度,尤其是在山地城市特殊的地理环境下,老年人出行面临更多的潜在困难。为明确老年人在山地城市中出行的痛点、难点,进一步量化评估城市交通基础设施的适老化程度,以重庆市中心城区老年人为研究对象展开问卷调查,以调查结果为基础,结合层次分析模型,对交通设施老年友好性进行计算,构建人行道、交叉口等交通设施适老性评估体系。结合重庆市龙山大道更新改造项目,应用评估工具对其进行改造前后的评估。结果表明:为山地城市交通基础设施适老性构建的含19项指标的定量评估工具可以对交通设施适老性进行有效评估。研究成果对于城市规划和决策部门更好地了解老年人的出行需求,指导交通设施的改善和适老化建设,提高老年人的出行便利性和安全性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在现代情况下新能源汽车以一张新的面孔走进我们的生活,使我们的生活逐渐变得便捷,再加上对于新能源汽车的各种优惠政策,进一步促进了新能源汽车向国际化市场迈进那最坚实的步伐。但是由于新能源汽车处于刚刚迈进市场的重要阶段,在很多技术方面上还不是特别的稳定,在维修等其他领域还可以有更高一层次的提高,新能源汽车面对的是所有人将其作为出行的一种方式,所以应该在技术层面上去提高。  相似文献   

While some countries have made progress in encouraging more sustainable transport and travel patterns, there are limits as to how far this can be taken simply by looking at the decarbonisation of transport systems, since most travel is a derived demand and hence is strongly influenced by decisions taken by public and private sector agencies in different sectors. The paper first identifies some of the major non-transport sector influences on different aspects of travel behaviour. It then looks in more detail at changing patterns of grocery shopping over the last half century, and how these changes have been associated with new non-transport technologies and accompanying developments in business and social practices. Next, a simple visual spreadsheet tool is presented, that has been used by agencies to explore the main cross sector impacts (both positive and negative) of their major location and operating decisions. Finally, the paper proposes three ways in which cross sector synergies can be encouraged: (i) by giving each sector or major organisation responsibility for all CO2 emissions associated with its activities, including those generated by the travel of its staff, customers, suppliers, etc.; (ii) by making major policy making within government a cross sector activity; and (iii) by developing a common, cross sector appraisal methodology for assessing the full range of impacts of policy proposals.  相似文献   

在能源短缺、环境恶化、交通事故频繁的社会背景下,未来汽车将如何发展?在消费者需求多样化、个性化的市场环境中,未来汽车将怎样满足人们的需要?本文纵观汽车发展的历史,综合众多因素,探讨未来汽车发展的趋势。  相似文献   

交通信息服务条件下的出行选择分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
首先 ,探讨了出行者的出行心理、行为以及信息之间的相互关系 ,在此基础上 ,简要分析了出行者的出行选择。其次 ,考虑在交通信息服务条件下 ,由于出行者本身以及信息方面的原因 ,出行选择可能出现过激反应、集聚反应等问题。最后 ,针对上述问题 ,提出应该加以重视的或有待进一步研究的几个问题。  相似文献   


This article introduces the Halphen distribution family for modeling travel time distributions and their reliability on single road links. This probability family originally used in hydrology has a set of relevant characteristics. It is composed of three probability distribution functions for which the mathematical properties are described here. The article uses a graphical representation, the δ-Moment Ratio Diagram (δ-MRD). This tool allows characterizing travel time reliability as well as selecting best distribution candidates within the fitting processes, by considering empirical data sets. A systematic methodology is developed to take advantage of both aspects. From maximum log-likelihood estimation, it is shown that Halphen distributions are among the best state-of-the-art solutions for the travel time modeling purpose. This global framework is validated using two empirical data sets: an urban data set gathered in Portland, Oregon (USA), and a periurban data set from Lyon (France). The model calibration is eased through the use of the δ-MRD; this property opens new research directions about the mapping between traffic states and statistical modeling. It comes from all these considerations that the Halphen family is suitable to describe accurately the travel time dynamics on single links. Therefore, it could be part of a decision support system for practitioners interested in travel time variability.  相似文献   

In conventional transportation planning models, it was always assumed that the population density is given and fixed in the study areas. Therefore, the effects of population density on travel choice have not been explicitly incorporated into these existing models for long-term transportation planning. Meanwhile, travel choice models in previous studies are usually developed by using discrete choice theories or user equilibrium principle. Thus, many significant characteristics of travelers’ behaviors, such as risk preference and learning process over time, cannot be considered in these conventional models. This article proposes a convex prospect theory-based model to investigate the effects of population density on the travelers’ mode-choice behavior under an advanced transportation information system (ATIS) in a multimodal transportation corridor. It is shown that population density is closely co-related to the modal split results and dependent on the performance of the railway mode in the study corridor. The park-and-ride mode may not be suitable for areas with high population density. This article also investigates the travelers’ reference points on the generalized travel costs by modes. A numerical example is given to illustrate the properties of the proposed model together with some insightful findings.  相似文献   

To maintain life in the face of the COVID-19, people's lifestyles and travel behaviors must change. Accordingly, such changes have also occurred in the travel behavior for commuting purposes, especially during periods of severe congestion. The most typical example is the decrease in commuting travel due to telecommunication and other factors. Additionally, with the development of the sharing economy in recent years, the introduction of shared transportation has been rapidly expanding in the transportation sector, which may contribute to alleviating traffic congestion and other problems in the COVID-19 situation. In this study, we focused on the changes in travel behavior for commuting purposes during the COVID-19 period, including the time of the Tokyo Olympics, when traffic congestion was expected. The survey was conducted using a web-based questionnaire. In addition, to further promote changes in the travel behavior during the COVID-19 period, we analyzed the possibility of changes in the use of shared transportation arising from nudge effects of information provision and incentives. The results showed that the changes in commuting travel behavior were related to the awareness of COVID-19. Certain issues, such as a lack of ports and the widespread use of shared transportation need to be identified and resolved. Meanwhile, it was shown that the role of shared transportation for commuting purposes could be further improved by incentives and real-time information presentation about shared transportation.  相似文献   

土石混填路基变形破坏机制的底摩擦试验模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土石混填路基在我国西部山区已被广泛采用,但由于设计、施工规范不完善,路基经常出现多种形式的病害,降低了公路的服务水平。揭示土石混填路基的变形破坏机理,为设计和施工控制提供依据,本研究采用自动化底摩擦仪,进行了不同填筑形式,不同压实度的土石混填路基的底摩擦试验,再现了路基的变形破坏过程和最终的破坏模式。研究结果表明,土石混填路基的破坏主要源于坡脚失稳和不均匀沉降,最终的破坏模式可归结为路基边坡的滑塌和不均匀沉降导致的路基纵向开裂。对于坡度较小的斜坡路基,通过开挖台阶,可有效地提高路基的稳定性。  相似文献   

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