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A new price formulation of the spatial price equilibrium model for congested networks is presented which allows for situations in which equilibrium between producers and consumers within a region may not be achieved. It also leads to a variational inequality in link flow without requiring that each network node be a market. Existence and uniqueness results are given and a solution algorithm is suggested.  相似文献   

The continuous network design problem (CNDP) is known to be difficult to solve due to the intrinsic properties of non‐convexity and nonlinearity. Such kinds of CNDP can be formulated as a bi‐level programme, in which the upper level represents the designer's decisions and the lower level the travellers' responses. Formulations of this kind can be classified as either Stackelberg approaches or Nash ones according to the relationship between the upper level and the lower level parts. This paper formulates the CNDP for road expansion based on Stackelberg game where leader and follower exist, and allows for variety of travellers' behaviour in choosing their routes. In order to solve the problem by the Stackelberg approach, we need a relation between link flows and design parameters. For this purpose, we use a logit route choice model, which provides this in an explicit closed‐form function. This model is applied to two example road networks to test and briefly compare the results between the Stackelberg and Nash approaches to explore the differences between them.  相似文献   

RELU-TRAN2, a spatial computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Chicago MSA is used to understand how gasoline use, car-VMT, on-the-road fuel intensity, trips and location patterns, housing, labor and product markets respond to a gas price increase. We find a long-run elasticity of gasoline demand (with congestion endogenous) of ?0.081, keeping constant car prices and the TFI (technological fuel intensity) of car types but allowing consumers to choose from car types. 43% of this long run elasticity is from switching to transit; 15% from trip, car-type and location choice; 38% from price, wage and rent equilibration, and 4% from building stock changes. 79% of the long run elasticity is from changes in car-VMT (the extensive margin) and 21% from savings in gasoline per mile (the intensive margin); with 83% of this intensive margin from changes in congestion and 17% from the substitution in favor of lower TFI. An exogenous trend-line improvement of the TFI of the car-types available for choice raises the long-run response to a percent increase in the gas price from ?0.081 to ?0.251. Thus, only 1/3 of the long-run response to the gas price stems from consumer choices and 2/3 from progress in fuel intensity. From 2000 to 2007, real gas prices rose 53.7%, the average car fuel intensity improved 2.7% and car prices fell 20%. The model predicts that from these changes alone, keeping constant population, income, etc. aggregate gasoline use in this period would have fallen by 5.2%.  相似文献   

Stuart  Darwin G. 《Transportation》1974,3(3):289-310
An experimental technique for exploring the sensitivity of transportation plan evaluations to forecasting and community value uncertainties is described. Three kinds of uncertainty — goal-achievement impacts, costs, and goal-weights — are included. Within a cost-effectiveness evaluation framework, an on-line capability for interactively and iteratively testing plan comparisons is outlined. A series of user-oriented computer instructions is developed to test plan comparison outcomes according to a wide variety of user-selected changes in impact forecasts, goal weights, and cost forecasts. A sample, hypothetical application of the technique is described. The technique is currently under further development by the San Diego Region Comprehensive Planning Organization.  相似文献   

Subnetwork analysis is often used in traffic assignment problems to reduce the size of the network being analyzed, with a corresponding decrease in computation time. This is particularly important in network design, second-best pricing, or other bilevel problems in which many equilibrium runs must be solved as a subproblem to a master optimization program. A fixed trip table based on an equilibrium path flow solution is often used, but this ignores important attraction and diversion effects as drivers (globally) change routes in response to (local) subnetwork changes. This paper presents an approach for replacing a regional network with a smaller one, containing all of the subnetwork, and zones. Artificial arcs are created to represent “all paths” between each origin and subnetwork boundary node, under the assumption that the set of equilibrium routes does not change. The primary contribution of the paper is a procedure for estimating a cost function on these artificial arcs, using derivatives of the equilibrium travel times between the end nodes to create a Taylor series. A bush-based representation allows rapid calculation of these derivatives. Two methods for calculating these derivatives are presented, one based on network transformations and resembling techniques used in the analysis of resistive circuits, and another based on iterated solution of a nested set of linear equations. These methods are applied to two networks, one small and artificial, and the other a regional network representing the Austin, Texas metropolitan area. These demonstrations show substantial improvement in accuracy as compared to using a fixed table, and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies on the value of time and reliability reveal that travel time variability plays an important role on travelers' route choice decision process. It can be considered as a risk to travelers making a trip. Therefore, travelers are not only interested in saving their travel time but also in reducing their risk. Typically, risk can be represented by two different aspects: acceptable risk and unacceptable risk. Acceptable risk refers to the reliability aspect of acceptable travel time, which is defined as the average travel time plus the acceptable additional time (or buffer time) needed to ensure more frequent on‐time arrivals, while unacceptable risk refers to the unreliability aspect of unacceptable late arrivals (though infrequent) that have a travel time excessively higher than the acceptable travel time. Most research in the network equilibrium based approach to modeling travel time variability ignores the unreliability aspect of unacceptable late arrivals. This paper examines the effects of both reliability and unreliability aspects in a network equilibrium framework. Specifically, the traditional user equilibrium model, the demand driven travel time reliability‐based user equilibrium model, and the α‐reliable mean‐excess travel time user equilibrium model are considered in the investigation under an uncertain environment due to stochastic travel demand. Numerical results are presented to examine how these models handle risk under travel time variability.  相似文献   

This study deals with the sensitivity analysis of an equilibrium transportation networks using genetic algorithm approach and uses the bi‐level iterative sensitivity algorithm. Therefore, integrated Genetic Algorithm‐TRANSYT and Path Flow Estimator (GATPFE) is developed for signalized road networks for various level of perceived travel time in order to test the sensitivity of perceived travel time error in an urban stochastic road networks. Level of information provided to drivers correspondingly affects the signal timing parameters and hence the Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE) link flows. When the information on road system is increased, the road users try to avoid conflicting links. Therefore, the stochastic equilibrium assignment concept tends to be user equilibrium. The GATPFE is used to solve the bi‐level problem, where the Area Traffic Control (ATC) is the upper‐level and the SUE assignment is the lower‐level. The GATPFE is tested for six‐junction network taken from literature. The results show that the integrated GATPFE can be applied to carry out sensitivity analysis at the equilibrium network design problems for various level of information and it simultaneously optimize the signal timings (i.e. network common cycle time, signal stage and offsets between junctions).  相似文献   

Traditionally, an assessment of transport network vulnerability is a computationally intensive operation. This article proposes a sensitivity analysis-based approach to improve computational efficiency and allow for large-scale applications of road network vulnerability analysis. Various vulnerability measures can be used with the proposed method. For illustrative purposes, this article adopts the relative accessibility index (AI), which follows the Hansen integral index, as the network vulnerability measure for evaluating the socio-economic effects of link (or road segment) capacity degradation or closure. Critical links are ranked according to the differences in the AIs between normal and degraded networks. The proposed method only requires a single computation of the network equilibrium problem. The proposed technique significantly reduces computational burden and memory storage requirements compared with the traditional approach. The road networks of the Sioux Falls city and the Bangkok metropolitan area are used to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed method. Network manager(s) or transport planner(s) can use this approach as a decision support tool for identifying critical links in road networks. By improving these critical links or constructing new bypass roads (or parallel paths) to increase capacity redundancy, the overall vulnerability of the networks can be reduced.  相似文献   

This study develops and applies a multimodal computable general equilibrium (CGE) framework to investigate the role of resilience in the economic consequences of transportation system failures. Vulnerability and economic resilience of different modes of transportation infrastructure, including air, road, rail, water and local transit, are assessed using a CGE model that incorporates various resilience tactics including modal substitution, trip conservation, excess capacity, relocation/rerouting, and service recapture. The linkages between accessibility, vulnerability, and resilience are analyzed. The model is applied to the transportation system failures in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to illustrate its capabilities. The analytical framework, however, has broader applications and can provide insights for resource allocations to enhance emergent responses to unexpected events and to improve resilient design of transportation infrastructure systems.  相似文献   

This study is the first in the literature to model the joint equilibrium of departure time and parking location choices when commuters travel with autonomous vehicles (AVs). With AVs, walking from parking spaces to the work location is not needed. Instead, AVs will drop off the commuters at the workplace and then drive themselves to the parking spaces. In this context, the equilibrium departure/arrival profile is different from the literature with non-autonomous vehicles (non-AVs). Besides modeling the commuting equilibrium, this study further develops the first-best time-dependent congestion tolling scheme to achieve the system optimum. Also, a location-dependent parking pricing scheme is developed to replace the tolling scheme. Furthermore, this study discusses the optimal parking supply to minimize the total system cost (including both the travel cost and the social cost of parking supply) under either user equilibrium or system optimum traffic flow pattern. It is found that the optimal planning of parking can be different from the non-AV situation, since the vehicles can drive themselves to parking spaces that are further away from the city center and walking of commuters is avoided. This paper sheds light on future parking supply planning and traffic management.  相似文献   

Toll road competition is one of the important issues under a build-operate-transfer (BOT) scheme, which is being encountered nowadays in many cities. When there are two or more competing firms and each firm operates a competitive toll road, their profits are interrelated due to the competitors' choices and demand inter-dependence in the network. In this paper we develop game-theoretic approaches to the study of the road network, on which multiple toll roads are operated by competitive private firms. The strategic interactions and market equilibria among the private firms are analyzed both in determining their supply (road capacity) and price (toll level) over the network. The toll road competition problems in general traffic equilibrium networks are formulated as an equilibrium program with equilibrium constraints or bi-level variational inequalities. Heuristic solution methods are proposed and their convergences are demonstrated with simple network examples. It is shown that private pricing and competition can be both profitable and welfare-improving.  相似文献   


Malaysia is one of the few countries in the world that provides a fuel subsidy to consumers. Due to the recent economic crisis, the Malaysian Government decided to revise its fuel subsidization policy from a fixed price subsidy to a floating price subsidy dependent on global oil demand. Recognizing that the change in fuel subsidization policy can have an impact on travel behavior, this article investigates the short-term impact of the policy change on private and public transportation in the Klang Valley region of Malaysia. Spectral analyses are performed to investigate if the policy change has an impact on private vehicle travel demand, measured in terms of road traffic, and short-term travel demand elasticity with respect to fuel price is estimated. To measure the impact on the public transportation system, the demand cross-elasticity values of rail transit and buses are also estimated. It was found that traffic flow reduces with an increase in fuel price, although elasticity and cross-elasticity values obtained are low. The article finds that there is a potential mode shift from private vehicles to rail transit with increasing fuel price. It is demonstrated that reducing fuel price subsidy can be an effective travel demand management strategy to alleviate congestion.  相似文献   

We present a transit equilibrium model in which boarding decisions are stochastic. The model incorporates congestion, reflected in higher waiting times at bus stops and increasing in-vehicle travel time. The stochastic behavior of passengers is introduced through a probability for passengers to choose boarding a specific bus of a certain service. The modeling approach generates a stochastic common-lines problem, in which every line has a chance to be chosen by each passenger. The formulation is a generalization of deterministic transit assignment models where passengers are assumed to travel according to shortest hyperpaths. We prove existence of equilibrium in the simplified case of parallel lines (stochastic common-lines problem) and provide a formulation for a more general network problem (stochastic transit equilibrium). The resulting waiting time and network load expressions are validated through simulation. An algorithm to solve the general stochastic transit equilibrium is proposed and applied to a sample network; the algorithm works well and generates consistent results when considering the stochastic nature of the decisions, which motivates the implementation of the methodology on a real-size network case as the next step of this research.  相似文献   

The price of oil     

出租车司机得利多少? 上调运费,对出租车司机的影响有多大?记者在沪杭两地走访了一些司机.每个出租车司机每天在油耗上较原先要多支出10元左右,通过当前一轮的运费调整,这些支出相应得到了补偿.  相似文献   

尽管在9月下旬以前,市场对国内煤价走势还是以看空为主,但随后,东北、陕西、山西、贵州等全国大部分地区的电、煤价格却普遍开始出现反弹.据中国煤炭运销协会信息中心透露,进入10月后,全国多数地区煤市行情上行动力明显增强,局部地区煤炭价格快速回升,预计2006年春节之前煤市行情的上行趋势不会减弱,煤炭市场将沿着"稳中趋升、高位盘整"的路线平稳发展.  相似文献   

We develop theoretical and computational tools which can appraise traffic flow models and optimize their performance against current time-series traffic data and prevailing conditions. The proposed methodology perturbs the parameter space and undertakes path-wise analysis of the resulting time series. Most importantly the approach is valid even under non-equilibrium conditions and is based on procuring path-space (time-series) information. More generally we propose a mathematical methodology which quantifies traffic information loss.In particular the method undertakes sensitivity analysis on available traffic data and optimizes the traffic flow model based on two information theoretic tools which we develop. One of them, the relative entropy rate, can adjust and optimize model parameter values in order to reduce the information loss. More precisely, we use the relative entropy rate as an information metric between time-series data and parameterized stochastic dynamics describing a microscopic traffic model. On the other hand, the path-space Fisher Information Matrix, (pFIM) reduces model complexity and can even be used to control fidelity. This is achieved by eliminating unimportant model parameters or their combinations. This results in easier regression of parametric models with a smaller number of parameters.The method reconstructs the Markov Chain and emulates the traffic dynamics through Monte Carlo simulations. We use the microscopic interaction model from Sopasakis and Katsoulakis (2006) as a representative traffic flow model to illustrate this parameterization methodology. During the comparisons we use both synthetic and real, rush-hour, traffic data from highway US-101 in Los Angeles, California.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of dynamic congestion pricing that determines optimal time-varying tolls for a pre-specified subset of arcs with bottleneck on a congested general traffic network. A two-person nonzero-sum dynamic Stackelberg game model is formulated with the assumption that the underlying information structure is open loop. Characteristics of the Stackelberg equilibrium solution are analyzed. The Hooke–Jeeves algorithm that obviates an evaluation of the gradient vector of the objective function is presented with a numerical example. The paper concludes with its future extensions.  相似文献   

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