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Particulate organic matter (POM), nutrients, chlorophyll-a (CHL) and primary production measurements were performed in the upper layer of three different regions (cyclonic, anticyclonic and frontal+peripherial) of the NE Mediterranean Sea in 1991–1994. Depth profiles of bulk POM exhibited a subsurface maximum, coinciding with the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) established near the base of the euphotic zone of the Rhodes cyclone and its periphery, where the nutricline was situated just below the euphotic zone for most of the year. Moreover, the POM peaks were broader and situated at shallower depths in late winter–early spring as compared to its position in the summer–autumn period. Under prolonged winter conditions, as experienced in March 1992, the characteristic POM feature disappeared in the center of the Rhodes cyclone, where the upper layer was entirely occupied by nutrient-rich Levantine deep water. Deep convective processes in the cyclonic gyre led to the formation of vertically uniform POM profiles with low concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) (2.1 μM), nitrogen (0.21 μM), total particulate phosphorus (PP) (0.02 μM) and chlorophyll-a (0.5 μg/L) in the euphotic zone. Though the Levantine deep waters ascended up to the surface layer with the nitrate/phosphate molar ratios (28–29) in March 1992, the N/P molar ratio of bulk POM in the upper layer was low as 10–12, indicating luxury consumption of phosphate during algal production. Depth-integrated primary production in the euphotic zone ranged from 38.5 for oligotrophic autumn to 457 mg C m−2 day−1 for moderately mesotrophic cool winter conditions.  相似文献   

Production of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia omorii was measured from 2 October 1991 to 8 October 1992 at a station in Ilkwang Bay on the southeastern coast of Korea. A. omorii (nauplii + copepodites + adults) were present in the plankton throughout the year, with seasonal variation in abundance. Biomass of A. omorii was averaged at 0.44 mgC m− 3, with peaks in February and July, and relatively low biomass in late summer and fall. Egg production rate ranged from 2.4 to 151.9 μgC m− 3 day− 1, which was equivalent to 95–6075 eggs m− 3 day− 1. Fecundity of an adult female was averaged at 38 eggs female− 1 day− 1. Instantaneous growth rates of copepodites were higher than those of nauplii stages. Annual production of A. omorii ranged from 33.5 mgC m− 3 year− 1 to 221 mgC m− 2 year− 1, showing a seasonal variation of daily production rate with peaks in February and July. The daily production rate of A. omorii was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a concentration. These results suggest that standing stocks and/or productivity of phytoplankton are the major influencing factors, rather than water temperature for the seasonal variation of production of A. omorii in Ilkwang Bay.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the Mackenzie River plume on sinking fluxes of particulate organic and inorganic material on the Mackenzie Shelf, Canadian Arctic. Short-term particle interceptor traps were deployed under the halocline at 3 stations across the shelf during fall 2002 and at 3 stations along the shelf edge during summer 2004. During the two sampling periods, the horizontal patterns in sinking fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a (chl a) paralleled those in chl a biomass within the plume. Highest sinking fluxes of particulate organic material occurred at stations strongly influenced by the river plume (maximum POC sinking fluxes at 25 m of 98 mg C m− 2 d− 1 and 197 mg C m− 2 d− 1 in 2002 and 2004, respectively). The biogeochemical composition of the sinking material varied seasonally with phytoplankton and fecal pellets contributing considerably to the sinking flux in summer, while amorphous detritus dominated in the fall. Also, the sinking phytoplankton assemblage showed a seasonal succession from a dominance of diatoms in summer to flagellates and dinoflagellates in the fall. The presence of the freshwater diatom Eunotia sp. in the sinking assemblage directly underneath the river plume indicates the contribution of a phytoplankton community carried by the plume to the sinking export of organic material. Yet, increasing chl a and BioSi sinking fluxes with depth indicated an export of phytoplankton from the water column below the river plume during summer and fall. Grazing activity, mostly by copepods, and to a lesser extent by appendicularians, appeared to occur in a well-defined stratum underneath the river plume, particularly during summer. These results show that the Mackenzie River influences the magnitude and composition of the sinking material on the shelf in summer and fall, but does not constitute the only source of material sinking to depth at stations influenced by the river plume.  相似文献   

Mapping the water constituents from remotely sensed ocean color data enables a better understanding of the dispersal patterns of river-borne substances in the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) River, Shelf and Canyon (KPRSC) system. Based on twelve MODIS-Aqua images in the KPRSC region taken in 2005, we apply a newly developed GA-SA approach to derive maps of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and non-algal particle/detritus/mineral (NAP). The results demonstrated that the different characteristics of Chl-a, CDOM and NAP make them ideal tracers for observing large-scale dispersal patterns. With ancillary information of averaged daily precipitation, the daily wind field obtained from QuikSCAT (Quick Scatterometer), and the 8-day composite of the temperature field obtained from MODIS-Aqua, we categorized the surface dispersal patterns as coastal, northwestward and frontal patterns. Also, for the first time, we observed a sudden increase of biomass on a large scale from a pair of ocean color images taken over only a 2-day interval. Another remarkable feature is the interaction between the southeastward flow and the intrusion of the Kuroshio Branch, resulting in complicated patterns with various scales of vortex structures and current fronts. The observed features could be used for model validation of the flow field of the KPRSC system.  相似文献   

During a repeat grid survey and drogue study carried out in austral summer 1994/95, the abundance and feeding activity of salps were estimated in the Lazarev Sea region from net tows and in situ measurements of gut fluorescence. Throughout the survey area, Salpa thompsoni accounted for >95% of the total salp stock while Ihlea racovitzai was consistently represented in very low abundances. Maximum densities of S. thompsoni, with ≈4000 ind. 1000 m−3, were recorded in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in December when chlorophyll-a concentrations were well below 1 mg m−3. A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the beginning of January, when S. thompsoni virtually disappeared from the most productive area of the MIZ where chlorophyll-a concentrations had by then reached bloom levels of 1.5–3 mg (Chl-a) m−3. In situ grazing measurements showed that throughout the cruise S. thompsoni exhibited the highest ingestion rates per individual of any of the most abundant components of the grazing pelagic community, with maxima of ≈160 μg (pigm) ind. −1 d−1. These feeding rates are 3 to 5 times higher than those previously obtained using in vitro incubations. The total daily consumption of the population of S. thompsoni varied from 0.3 to 108% of daily primary production. We suggest that competitive removal of food by S. thompsoni, rather than direct predation, is responsible for the low krill abundances generally associated with salp swarms.  相似文献   

Large-volume sampling of 234Th was conducted to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) export in conjunction with drifting sediment trap deployments in the northern Barents Sea in July 2003 and May 2005. 234Th-derived POC fluxes averaged 42.3 ± 39.7 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 47.1 ± 30.6 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005. Sediment trap POC fluxes averaged 13.1 ± 8.2 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 17.3 ± 11.4 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005, but better reflected the transient bloom conditions that were observed at each station within a season. Although 234Th fluxes agreed within a factor 2 at most stations and depths sampled, sediment trap POC fluxes were lower than large-volume POC flux estimates at almost every station. This may represent an under-collection of POC by the drifting sediment traps or, conversely, an over-collection of POC by the large-volume sampling of 234Th. It is hypothesized that the offset between the two methods is partly due to the presence of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, which potentially causes a large variation in > 53-μm POC/234Th ratios. Due to the large proportion of dissolved carbon or mucilage released by P. pouchetii, and because it is thought that P. pouchetii does not contribute significantly to the vertical export of biogenic matter in the Barents Sea, the application of large-volume sampling of 234Th may yield relatively high, and possibly inaccurate POC/234Th ratios. Hence, POC fluxes derived from 234Th sampling may be inappropriate and drifting sediment traps might be a more reliable method to measure the vertical export of biogenic matter in regions that have recurrent P. pouchetii blooms, such as the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Many studies of copepod egg production have shown that food availability and temperature are major factors that influence copepod growth. However, coastal environments are complicated ecosystem and the relationships between growth of copepods and influencing factors are not always clear in nature. We conducted a study along an inner–middle–outer bay transect where variations in environmental parameters would be expected to affect the biomass and egg production rate of A. hongi from February 2001 to December 2001. In this study, we investigated the abundance and biomass with developmental stages and egg production rates of A. hongi in relation to various environmental factors. The copepod A. hongi occurred continuously throughout the year, with a peak abundance in May. In general, the variation in egg production rates showed a similar tendency with the variations in chlorophyll-a throughout the study period. This suggests that phytoplankton biomass is an important factor that affects the egg production of A. hongi. In addition, during the warm season, the egg production of A. hongi was also influenced by the ciliates abundance in the middle and outer bay. Consequently, the egg production of A. hongi is generally affected by food availability in Kyeonggi Bay.  相似文献   

Dynamics of suprabenthos and zooplankton were analyzed in two areas located in the NW (off Sóller harbour) and S (off Cabrera Archipelago) of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean) at depths ranging between 135–780 m. Four stations situated respectively at 150 m (shelf-slope break), and at bathyal depths of 350, 650 and 750 m were sampled at bi-monthly intervals during six cruises performed between August 2003 and June 2004. Suprabenthos showed maximum biomass in both areas from late spring to summer (April to August), while minimum biomass was found in autumn (September–November). Though variable, temporal dynamics of zooplankton showed peaks of biomass in late winter and summer (February and June), while minimals occurred in autumn (August–September) and, at bathyal depths, in April. Suprabenthos (abundance; MDS analyses) showed a sample aggregation as a function of depth (3 groups corresponding to the shelf-slope break, upper slope — over 350 m; and the middle, deeper part of the slope — over 650–750 m), without any separation of hauls by season. By contrast, zooplankton samples were separated by season and not by depth. There was evidence of three seasonal groups corresponding to summer (June 2004–August 2003), autumn–winter (September and November 2003, February 2004), and spring (April 2004), being especially well established off Sóller. In general, suprabenthos was significantly correlated with the sediment variables (e.g. total organic matter content (% OM), potential REDOX), whereas zooplankton was almost exclusively dependent on Chl a at the surface, which suggests two different food sources for suprabenthos and zooplankton. The increase of suprabenthos abundance in April–June was paralleled by a sharp increase (ca. 2.8 times) in the %OM on sediment during the same period, coupled ca. 1–2 months of delay with the peak of surface Chl a recorded in February–March (from satellite imagery data). Suprabenthos biomass was also correlated with salinity close to the bottom, suggesting a link between suprabenthos abundance and changes in the oceanographic condition of water masses close to the bottom. It is suggested that a higher suprabenthos biomass recorded off Sóller in comparison to that off Cabrera in June could, in turn, be related to a seasonal inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) in April–June in this area at mid bathyal depths (350–650 m). This trend would be based on: 1) it was evident only at mid-slope depths between 350–750 m, coinciding with the LIW distribution, and 2) it was not recorded among zooplankton (collected throughout the water column). The possible effect of the fluctuations of suprabenthos and zooplankton on higher trophic levels has been explored studying the diet and food consumption rates of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus, as indicator species by its dominance in bathyal communities. A. antennatus increased its food consumption from February to April–June 2004 off Sóller, which in the case of large (CL > 40 mm) specimens was found in both areas. In addition, there was a shift of diet from winter to spring–early summer. In this last period, A. antennatus preyed upon euphausiids and mesopelagic decapods and fish, while benthos (e.g. polychaetes and bivalves) decreased in the diet. This indicates an increase in the food consumption and probably in the caloric content of the diet in pre-spawning females in April–June 2004, which is synchronized with the period when gonad development begins in A. antennatus females (May–June). Anyway, macrozooplankton, and not suprabenthos, is crucial as a high energetic food source in the coupling between food intake and reproduction in the red shrimp.  相似文献   

The diffusive and in situ fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) have been measured and an estimation has been made of the water–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 in three estuarine systems of the Cantabrian Sea during the spring of 1998. Each of these systems undergoes a different anthropogenic influence. The diffusive fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity obtained present values ranging between 0.54–2.65 and 0.0–2.4 mmol m−2 day−1, respectively. These ranges are in agreement with those of other coastal systems. The in situ fluxes are high and extremely variable (35–284 mmol TA m−2 day−1, 43–554 mmol DIC m−2 day−1 and 22–261 mmol dissolved oxygen (DO) m−2 day−1), because the systems studied are very heterogeneous. The values of the ratio of the in situ fluxes of TA and DIC show on average that the rate of dissolution of CaCO3 is 0.37 times that of organic carbon oxidation. Equally, the interval of variation of the relationship between the benthic fluxes of inorganic carbon and oxygen (FDIC/FDO) is very wide (0.3–13.9), which demonstrates the different contributions made by the processes of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of the organic matter, as well as by the dissolution–precipitation of CaCO3. The water–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 present a clear dependence on the salinity. The brackish water of these systems (salinity<20), where maximum fluxes of 989 mmol m−2 day−1 have been estimated, act as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The more saline zones of the estuary (salinity>30) act as a sink of CO2, with fluxes between −5 and −10 mmol m−2 day−1.  相似文献   

To identify the potential relationship between Pheaocystis globosa bloom conditions and seawater properties, a hydrobiological survey was performed in the inshore waters of the Eastern English Channel over the course of the phytoplankton spring bloom. Chlorophyll concentration, auto- and hetero/mixotrophic composition of protists and standing stock, and seawater viscosity were measured weekly from March to June 2004. The decline of the bloom is characterized by a massive foam formation in the turbulent surf zone. Before foam formation, seawater viscosity significantly increased, showing a significant positive correlation with chlorophyll concentration. In contrast, after foam formation this correlation was negative, seawater viscosity kept increasing despite a sharp decrease in chlorophyll concentrations. No significant correlation has been found between seawater viscosity and the composition of the phytoplankton assemblages observed during the survey. However, significant positive correlations have been found between seawater viscosity and both the size and the abundance of P. globosa colonies. From the correlation patterns observed between chlorophyll concentration and seawater viscosity, we suggest that the rheological properties of seawater are mainly driven by extracellular materials associated with colony formation and maintenance rather than by cell composition and standing stock.  相似文献   

In part I of this series, experimental investigation in EPFM (elastic-plastic fracture mechanics) had been discussed. In this paper, experimental investigation in LEFM ( linear elastic fracture mechanics) is given. Fracture toughness tests had been carried out on three different strength steels, using both through-cracked specimens with different α/W ratio and semi-elliptical cracked specimens with variable crack size and shape. Results show that the fracture toughness KIC increases with decreasing α/W when α/W 〈 0.3 for three-point-bend specimens, and that for α/W 〉 0.3, it is independent of α/W. Shallow crack specimens, both through-cracked and surface-cracked, gave markedly higher values than deeply notched specimens. However, the effect of crack shape on fracture toughness is negligible. Results also show that the LEFM approach to fracture is not tenable for design stresses where αc is often very small, far less than 2.5 ( KIC/σy)^2.  相似文献   

Absolute values of chlorophyll a concentration and its spatial and seasonal variations in the Black Sea were assessed by using satellite CZCS and in situ data. Since the satellite CZCS had operated for the 1978–1986 period, CZCS data was used for assessing the past state of the Black Sea just before the onset of drastic changes observed in late 1980s. The approach used for the calculation of the absolute values of chlorophyll a concentration from CZCS data was based on the direct comparison of in situ chlorophyll a data and those of CZCS and by applying the algorithm developed for the transformation of CZCS data into chlorophyll a values. CZCS Level 2 data related with pigment concentration having a spatial resolution of 1 km at nadir were used. The daily Level 3 files were derived by binning Level 2 values into 4-km grid cells and the monthly and seasonal Level 3 files were created by averaging the daily Level 3 files over the corresponding period. In situ chlorophyll a data were obtained by spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods in 15 scientific cruises over the 1978–1986 period. Total number of ship-measured data used for the comparison with those CZCS values was 590.Chlorophyll a concentration (Chl) was derived from CZCS values (C) with regression equations Chl=kC; the coefficient of transformation k was calculated from six different data sets by taking into account distinctions between subregions and seasons. The reasons for difference in the k values have been analyzed.Statistical comparison of the chlorophyll a values measured in situ and those derived from CZCS data was based on log-transformed data and gave the following results: regression SLOPE=0.842, regression INTERCEPT=−0.081, coefficient of determination (R2)=0.806, root–mean–square ERROR=0.195. The mean monthly chlorophyll a distributions derived from CZCS data over 1978–1986 have been constructed and the mean seasonal chlorophyll a values in different regions have been calculated and analyzed. The significant difference in chlorophyll concentration between the western shelf regions and the open part of the Black Sea has been demonstrated, especially in warm season. At almost all seasons, the highest chlorophyll concentration is observed in the western interior shelf region which is under strong influence of Danube. The summer mean chlorophyll concentration in this region is 18 times higher than that in the open parts and about nine times higher than in the eastern shelf region. The greatest seasonal variations are observed in the open part of the Black Sea: chlorophyll concentration in cold season is four to six times higher than in summer and three to five times higher than in April and October. To the contrary, in the western interior shelf regions, the concentration is higher in May–October (about twice than that in November–March). Seasonal variations in the western outer shelf regions are smoothed out as compared with both the western interior shelf and the open regions.  相似文献   

Many experimental investigations have previously been performed and recently done on different shipbuilding structural steels where the specimens size and crack depth/specimen width (a/W) were varied. A series of interesting results have been gained. It is worthwhile to have a review on the effect of a/W ratio on fracture toughness, and further theoretical analysis is necessary. In this paper, experimental work in elasticplastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) was discussed. Tests had been carried out on 10 kinds of strength steels. Results showed that J i and δ1 values increased with decreasing a/W when a/W<0.3 for three-point bend specimens and that shallow crack specimens which have less constrained flow field give markedly higher values of toughness than deeply notched specimens. However, for a/W>0.3, the toughness was found to be independent of a/W. Slip line field analysis shows that for shallow cracks, the hydrostatic stress is lower than that from standard deeply cracked bend specimen which develops a high level of crack tip constraint, provides a lower bound estimate of toughness, and will ensure an unduly conservative approach when applied to structure defects especially if initiation values of COD/J-integral are used.  相似文献   

We present concurrent data on ingestion, egg production and the loss of maternal biomass in pre-spring bloom female Calanus finmarchicus incubated under conditions representative of those in situ in the North Atlantic. A balanced metabolic budget was constructed and used to examine the relative importance of ingestion and biomass for fuelling egg production during the incubations. Ingested carbon was not sufficient to meet the observed demands for egg production. More than 80% of the carbon utilised by the females was instead derived from their biomass. Fatty acid analysis demonstrated that the storage reserves, 20:1 (n−9) and 22:1 (n−11), were virtually absent before experimentation began, and therefore could not have been used to supply the carbon required for egg production during the incubations. The C:N mass-specific ratio of the biomass utilised was 4.1, suggesting that the females had instead catabolised protein in order to meet their metabolic demands. These results suggest that C. finmarchicus adopts a sacrificial reproductive strategy when food availability is low.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of certain closed areas to the trawl fishery on some Rajidae species and small-spotted catshark in the southern area of the Bay of Biscay. The results are based on abundance index (number/haul) and catch length composition obtained from a series of bottom trawl surveys carried out in the area (1993–2005). Abundance trends are similar considering or not closed areas, but with much lower values excluding closed areas. The length distributions revealed that in some of the species like Scyliorhinus canicula the larger specimens were the most affected by this decrease in number. Finally, the effects and consequences of one of these marine protected areas (MPAs), an artificial reef were examined in more detail for all the fishes and invertebrates. The analysis of the yield series showed an increase in total biomass after the placement of the reefs not only for S. canicula and rays but also teleosts fishes like Pagellus acarne, Trachurus trachurus, Mullus surmuletus and Trachinus draco and particularly invertebrates (sea urchins). On the contrary, the main target species of the trawl fishery (hake, monkfish and megrim among others) did not increase.  相似文献   

A particle-tracking individual-based model (IBM) coupled with a 3-D hydrodynamic model was used to investigate how spatial variability in spawning and nursery grounds may influence transport and retention of sardine (Sardinops sagax) eggs and larvae in the southern Benguela ecosystem. A temperature-dependent Bělehrádek development model based on laboratory growth data was used to determine the duration of one egg and two larval stages. Successful transport/retention depended on each particle's stage of development rather than its age. Results show that recruitment could occur in two distinct nursery areas on the west and south coasts of South Africa. Three viable recruitment ‘systems’ were identified: two are retention-based (spawned and retained on the west coast (WC–WC) or the south coast (SC–SC)) and one is transport-based (spawned on the south coast and transported to the west coast (SC–WC)). In the WC–WC system, the vertical distribution of eggs influenced retention; at intermediate depths of spawning (25–50 m) eggs avoided both offshore Ekman drift and deep cold water. In the SC–SC system, the area of spawning was important; > 50% of eggs from the eastern Agulhas Bank (EAB) were retained in the south coast nursery grounds, whereas very few eggs were transported there from west of Cape Agulhas. In the SC–WC system, area of spawning was also important; 40% of the eggs spawned on the western Agulhas Bank (WAB) were transported to the west coast nursery ground. Sardine life history strategy could be divided between two main systems: the west coast system (spawning on the WAB and WC, and recruiting to the WC) and the Agulhas Bank system (spawning on the central and eastern Agulhas Bank, and recruiting to the SC).  相似文献   

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