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利用CFD软件计算某四缸柴油机各个气缸EGR废气分布,利用Boost软件计算发动机一个工作循环的边界条件,提供给3D模型作为输入。在CFD软件中计算并得到各个气缸的EGR率和EGR质量流量相对误差,由于计算结果不满足评价标准,因此对进气歧管模型结构进行优化,并再次按照以上步骤进行CFD计算。结果证明:优化方案进气歧管EGR分布均匀性很好,满足评价要求。  相似文献   

在低负荷和中等负荷范围内,由进气道喷射和缸内直喷共同实现了可能是迄今为止最好的混合气形成,而在全负荷范围内,由单纯的缸内直喷获得尽可能最高的功率。这种新型汽油机采用均质混合气运行,仅仅在冷起动以后,借助于压缩行程期间附加的缸内直喷形成分层充量,以便提高废气温度和缩短催化转化器的预热时间。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design optimization process of a short fiber-reinforced plastic armrest frame to minimize its weight by replacing the steel frame with a plastic frame. The analysis was carried out with the equivalent mechanical model and design of experiment (DOE) method. Instead of considering the whole structure, it is divided into three simpler regions to reduce the complexity of the problem through examining its structural characteristics and load conditions. The maximum stress and deflection of the regions that carry the normal load are calculated by the analytical mathematical form derived from an equivalent model. The other regions loaded by contact stress are handled by FEM (finite element method), the DOE method, and the RSM (response surface model). To optimize the design variables in both cases, the object functions derived from these calculations are solved with a CAE (computer aided engineering) tool. This method clearly shows the mechanical and mathematical representation of structural optimization and reduces the computing costs. After design optimization, the weight of the optimum plastic-based armrest frame is reduced by about 18% compared to the initial design of a plastic frame and is decreased by 50% in comparison with the steel frame. Some prototypical armrest frames were also made by injection molding and tested. The research results fulfilled all of the design requirements.  相似文献   

本文介绍了发动机排气歧管密封垫的密封原理,影响密封的因素。并通过某机型排气歧管密封垫的开发过程,介绍密封失效的原因及优化解决方案。  相似文献   

综述了汽车塑料件近年来的应用状况,介绍了CAD/CAE/CAM,激光快速成型,激光测量及模量型腔数控加工等几种用于高效开发汽车塑料件的新技术,并指出了今后的发展趋势及采取的措施。  相似文献   

通过塑料改性技术在汽车及塑料行业中的应用分析,重点阐述了塑料改性技术研发重点及面临的突破问题。  相似文献   

In accordance with the development of hardware configurations in diesel engines, research on model-based control for these systems has been conducted for years. To control the air management system of a diesel engine, the exhaust manifold pressure should be selected as one of the control targets due to its internal dynamic stability and its physical importance in model-based control. However, it is difficult to measure exhaust pressure using sensors due to gas flow oscillation in the exhaust manifold in a reciprocated diesel engine. Moreover, the sensor is too costly to be equipped on production engines. Hence, the estimation strategies for exhaust manifold pressure have been regarded as a primary issue in diesel engine air management control. This paper proposes a new estimation method for determining the exhaust manifold pressure based on compressor power dynamics. With its simple and robust structure, this estimation leads to improved control performance compared with that of general observers. To compensate for the compressor efficiency error that varies with turbine speed, some correction maps are adopted in the compressor power equation. To verify the control system performance with the new estimator, a HiLS (hardware in the loop simulation) of the NRTC mode is performed. Experimental verification is also conducted using a test bench for the C1-08 mode.  相似文献   

针对液压元件技术的快速发展,提出一种可适用于板式阀、二通插装阀、叠加阀混用的液压集成块三维设计方法。根据各类阀的结构特点和安装使用方式,构造了相应的液压阀布局设计方法;从集成块设计角度,将液压阀油孔分为底面油孔和侧油孔,从而涵盖了三类液压阀在液压集成块设计过程中的各种油路连通方式。  相似文献   

In this paper, a sliding mode observer is proposed to estimate exhaust pressure for a diesel engine equipped with variable geometry turbocharger (VGT) and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) systems. Since the exhaust pressure directly affects generation of the VGT power and the EGR rate in the cylinder, the exhaust pressure information is important for precise control of the VGT and EGR systems. In order to estimate the exhaust pressure accurately, a dynamic model of intake and exhaust pressure was derived. Furthermore, the mass flow rate and temperature of the air system in the diesel engines were modeled by consideration of physical phenomena and the thermodynamic law. Based on the developed models, a nonlinear sliding mode observer was designed to estimate the exhaust pressure. Convergence of the proposed observer was verified by the Lyapunov stability criterion. The proposed observer was implemented on a real-time embedded system and validated with the engine experiments. The experimental results show that the observer estimates the exhaust pressure accurately in both steady and transient engine operating conditions. Moreover, as a case study, the estimation results of the proposed observer could be applied for detecting a fault of the EGR system. The fault of the EGR system was detected precisely using the estimation result and the limited sensor information in mass-produced engines.  相似文献   

分别采用4种方法优化了某涡轮增压器特性曲线,并将计算结果与输入的测量点数据进行了对比,确定了适合优化所用涡轮流量-压比曲线的最佳方法。利用AMESim软件建立了某汽油机整机热力学仿真模型,并对该发动机全负荷工况的主要参数进行了标定。将所得涡轮特性曲线用于该涡轮增压汽油机的排气歧管优化匹配研究中。结果表明,合理匹配排气歧管可以使该机中低速扭矩和燃油消耗率分别实现5.2%和5%的改善。  相似文献   

通过改进车身的结构,调整进气通道,解决某型特种作业车辆主发动机工作时散发大量热能造成车身两侧卷帘门严重内陷变形的问题。介绍了改进后的车身结构及进气通道气路的控制原理。  相似文献   

The spray characteristics of a 6-hole injector were examined in a single cylinder optical direct injection spark ignition engine. The effects of injection timing, in-cylinder charge motion, fuel injection pressure, and coolant temperature were investigated using the 2-dimensional Mie scattering technique. It was confirmed that the in-cylinder charge motion played a major role in the fuel spray distribution during the induction stroke while injection timing had to be carefully considered at high injection pressures during the compression stroke to prevent spray impingement on the piston.  相似文献   

The use of plastic in vehicle development has increased. In particular, a design trend has resulted in chromiumplated plastics being used in exterior panels. Recently, as the appearance has become more important in design, the plastic radiator grille has become larger, to where it can become the primary member when a front collision happens. The radiator grille should be designed with considerations of the geometric structure, such as delamination, and material characteristics, when plastics are plated with chromium. The enlarged grille has to pass regulations like FMVSS Part 581. Although the material property of plastic has been studied before, what seems to be lacking is study on the crashworthiness of plastic radiator grilles that are plated using chromium. In this paper, in order to evaluate the crashworthiness, tensile test and front collision analysis using finite element method are performed. Tensile test is conducted with 4 types of materials, and then material properties of chromium-plated plastics are obtained. Meanwhile radiator grille’s crashworthiness is evaluated using finite element analysis method. Analysis result is evaluated according to failure criterion. Through this study, method of the assessment of plastic radiator grille’s crashworthiness considered material properties of chromium plated plastics is proposed, and it can be predicted the delamination and the failure point of radiator grille at the design step.  相似文献   

刘伟平  孙树仁 《汽车科技》2005,(1):20-21,51
阐述了气化性防锈塑料薄膜(也称为气相防锈塑料薄膜或气相防锈膜,简称VCI膜)的特点及优势,探讨了气化 性防锈塑料薄膜在替代其他的防锈包装材料和简化防锈包装工艺上的可行性,并对国内市场上的四家供应商的同 类产品作了性能上的比较,为各使用单位在选择该类产品时提供技术上的依据。  相似文献   

Ultramid(R) TOP 3000让汽车行业在用塑料代替金属作为车身零部件材料的道路上向前迈进了一大步.如果注塑成型零部件可以像钢板一样安装到车架上,并在整个制造过程中无需进行更多操作,那么这种可进行在线涂装的塑料在汽车批量生产中将大有作为.  相似文献   

A fully three-dimensional model was used to investigate the optimal value for intake valve lift in a CAI engine. Uniform mixing in the engine is a key parameter that affects the auto-ignition reliability and thermal efficiency. The method of intake of the air supply often determines the uniformity (or quality) of the fuel-air mixture. In this paper, four strategies were applied for controlling the swirl intensity of intake air. The variation of the intake valve lift induces different swirling and tumbling intensities. Both experimental data and 1D WAVE software (Ricardo, Co.) were coupled with the 3D model to provide pressure and temperature boundary conditions. The initial condition of the EGR mass fraction was also provided by the 1D model. The benchmark scenario (Case 1) was considered as a valve lift with 2 mm for all intake valves. We found that an intake valve lift of 6 mm with the other intake valve closed (i.e., Case 5) yielded the largest swirling (helical motion in the axial direction) and tumbling, which in turn rendered optimal fuel-gas mixing. We also found that fuel distribution affected the auto-ignition sites (or spot). The better the mixing, the greater the gas temperature and combustion efficiency achieved, as seen in Case 5. The NOx level, however, was increased due to the gas temperature. The optimal operating condition is selected from the viewpoints of environmental protection and combustion efficiency.  相似文献   

许建辉  徐长荣 《城市车辆》2003,(4):43-44,56
为更好地解决资源和环境的问题,汽车发动机必须向轻质高效、高寿命、低油耗、低噪声、低排放、低振动、易启动的方向发展,而增压技术是解决这一问题的理想途径,本文综述了发动机增压技术的概念,讲述了增压方式及增压器的作用。  相似文献   

不断增长的需求使汽车的重量也在不断地增加。减轻轿车重量的一大措施就是增加塑料在轿车上的应用。如今,已有越来越多的塑料零部件取代金属制品出现在汽车上,甚至全塑轿车也已经出现在消费者面前。  相似文献   

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