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按照Kirchhoff薄板假定对板结构进行单元划分,以结构的响应重建柔度矩阵,并通过二阶微分对柔度值的变化进行放大,进而得到柔度曲率矩阵用来损伤定位,再通过给出的等效柔度曲率变化率来判断损伤程度。算例分析表明,该方法损伤定位准确并且具有较高的灵敏度,避免了使用原未损结构的模态参数,所需损伤结构的模态少甚至只需一阶模态信息就可以有效地在进行损伤定位的同时判断损伤程度。  相似文献   

基于柔度曲率矩阵的加筋板结构损伤识别方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了对船舶工程中典型结构即加筋板结构的损伤部位进行准确的损伤识别分析,文章提出了一种基于柔度曲率矩阵的损伤识别方法并进行了仿真分析。首先对加筋板结构进行单元划分,以结构响应通过矩阵的列最大值来建立节点柔度矩阵,并通过二阶微分对柔度值的变化进行放大进而得到柔度曲率矩阵,最后通过柔度曲率矩阵图或者柔度曲率矩阵的行(列)曲率图来判断损伤位置。算例分析表明,该方法损伤定位准确并且具有较高的灵敏度,避免了使用原未损结构的模态参数,只需损伤结构的一阶或者前几阶模态信息就可以有效地进行损伤识别分析。通过大量模拟,给出了加筋板结构损伤的判别图。  相似文献   

为了对船体中曲面板结构的损伤部位准确地进行损伤识别分析,提出了一种基于柔度曲率矩阵的曲面板结构损伤识别方法并进行了仿真分析.按照Kirchhoff薄板假定对板结构进行单元划分,以结构的响应重建柔度矩阵,并通过类曲率半径方法对柔度值的变化进行放大进而得到柔度曲率矩阵.算例分析表明,该方法损伤定位准确并且具有较高的灵敏度,避免了使用原未损结构的模态参数,所需损伤结构的模态少甚至只需一阶模态信息就可有效地进行损伤识别分析.  相似文献   

在浙江省十二次党代会上,确立了“港航强省”的战略,为嘉兴市新一轮港航发展提供了良好的机遇和平台。本文通过对嘉兴市水运业现状的调查进行分析,探讨下一步嘉兴港航的发展思路和目标。  相似文献   

无损、快速的高桩码头桩基检测方法是工程界的研究热点.设计了高桩码头桩基动力损伤识别模型,通过有限元模拟计算和物理模型试验研究模态柔度在高桩码头损伤识别中的适用性.研究结果表明:1)在有限元模拟中模态柔度可准确识别损伤所处位置,损伤程度越大模态柔度变化越大,模态柔度变化量可定性反映结构损伤程度.2)基于试验振型得到的模态柔度可反映损伤位置,但由于测试噪声和试验误差的存在,损伤识别效果没有基于数值模拟计算理想,且不能反映损伤程度.高桩码头桩基模态柔度损伤识别的广泛应用还需要动力测试技术和模态分析技术的进一步发展.  相似文献   

矩形截面抛物线楔形梁作为一种变截面杆件在平面框架结构中经常使用。本文通过求矩形截面抛物线楔形梁的单元柔度系数、刚度系数,提出了平面框架结构中矩形截面抛物线楔形梁的单元刚度矩阵。  相似文献   

机遇与困难往往是并存的,内河港航基础设施从其服务对象和受益群体来看,属于为全社会服务和社会各界受益的公共产品,理应由政府统筹公共财力来建设,事实上长期以来我国一直用此模式来建设和管理港航公共基础设施的。这一模式在经济低增长、平稳发展时期能基本适应,但在经济超常规、跨越式发展的今天无法满足建设的需要。如何在短期内筹措巨额资金,保障高质高效地建设好港航公共基础设施将是港航部门面临的首要课题。  相似文献   

基于应变模型的桥梁结构的损伤识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在总结基于桥梁结构动力特性损伤识别方法的基础上,阐述了应变模态的基本理论,最后结合一桥梁的数值仿真分析表明,应变模态法对识别桥梁结构的位置非常有效。  相似文献   

以简支梁、三维框架结构、Benchmark框架模型、海洋平台结构为分析对象,选择柔度差值曲率法、模态应变能法、改进后的模态应变能法和交叉模型交叉模态方法(CMCM)等4种结构损伤定位指标,对分析对象的抗噪声干扰能力进行对比分析。分析结果表明,改进后的模态应变能法和CMCM方法对于结构损伤定位均有较好的抗噪性。  相似文献   

嘉兴港加快实施港航强省战略决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹福善 《中国水运》2007,7(12):36-37
嘉兴港作为浙江省的重要港口和浙北地区的唯一出海口,以它优越的区位优势、强劲的发展势头,海河联运集疏运网络,理应在港航强省发展战略中发挥主力军作用。  相似文献   

The traditional time reversal is considered a promising approach for non-destructive testing and health monitoring of key region and structure, but it is considerably time consuming. This paper presents a time reversal damage localization method, based on particle swarm optimization algorithm, which is capable of improving the real-time performance of health monitoring in ocean platform. Firstly, the virtual focusing model of time reversal is constructed, and a succinct expression of virtual focusing for sensor pairs is proposed. Then, on the definition of the evaluation index, the PSO based time reversal algorithm is proposed, and the proper coefficients is given. Finally, the finite element simulation and experimental case validate that the proposed method is capable of find the damage location within limit iterative steps. Thus, the proposed method is a hopeful method for online monitoring and damage localization of large sized structure.  相似文献   

The structure of an offshore wind turbine accumulates damage during its service life, while its surrounding soil is continually scoured. However, the existing damage detection technique based on structural mode ignores scouring, which will cause damage misjudgment in engineering application. Therefore, the effect of scour depth on structural damage detection need to be studied urgently. In this paper, the pile and its surrounding soil are constructed into a vibration system, and the change of soil constraint state caused by scouring is reflected in structural mode. Based on that, a new structural damage detection method considering the pile-soil interaction is developed, which is suitable for engineering reality. Then, from a comparison between the calculated result and preset damage in the numerical simulations and model experiments, the proposed method is validated. The results show that the interference factors caused by scouring increase with the increase of scour depth, which causes the deterioration of damage identification effects gradually, and even masks the preset damage in the end. Finally, an optimized FE model based on the actual scour depth is presented, which reduces the number of interference factors and improves the effect of damage detection significantly.  相似文献   

在围海造陆工程中,由于施工成本等原因需要改进密封模式,用淤泥代替泥沙。但由于泥土的开裂性质,易出现密封失效结果,因而需要对淤泥(高含水率土)的开裂性质进行研究。滤纸法测定土中吸力是一种简单有效的试验方法,用接触法可以间接得出土中的基质吸力,而土中的基质吸力是引发土体开裂的重要因素,对于研究无砂真空预压和土中的开裂有着重要帮助,文中在以往滤纸法的基础上对其进行了改进,使其更为简便。试验结果对该方法的准确性、不同厚度土表层的基质吸力、不同厚度土中导致开裂的基质吸力分别进行了推算,很好地印证了较厚土层对于开裂的迟缓反应。  相似文献   

Soft yoke mooring system (SYMs) is a single-point mooring system used in shallow water oil and gas development. In general, SYMs consists of mooring framework support, mooring legs, yoke, and single-point turret and it forms a multibody dynamic system with 13 hinge joint structures such as universal joints and thrust bearings. The hinge joint is one of the key components of SYMs; therefore, it is necessary to accurately evaluate the operating behavior of the hinge joints. In this study, real-time damage identification is conducted based on the multibody dynamic features of the SYMs. First, a long-term monitoring strategy for the prototype application is developed based on the multibody governing equations of the SYMs. The motion behaviors and stress state of the hinge joints and bodies are calculated using prototype monitoring data. A hinge joint damage identification based on the virtual moment is proposed by considering the changes in the friction coefficient in the damage state. The virtual moment method is used to transform the damage identification problem of the SYMs into a problem of seeking the optimal solution to the dynamics identification function. Genetic algorithm (GA) is implemented to seek the optimal solution of the friction coefficient of each hinge joint. A large-scale model testing system of the SYMs is established to perform the damage identification of the bottom hinge joints of the SYMs. The results show that the proposed method can effectively identify the damage degree and position of the hinge joints of the SYMs and provide a real-time warning system for the in-service operation of the SYMs.  相似文献   

In service period, the key to ensure the service performance of bridge is to control its material durability damage and continuous collapse better. Nowadays, most anti - collapse analysis under earthquake is for the frame structure, the theory and method of anti - collapse analysis of bridge is not systematically summarized. Taking a 4 - span rigid frame - continuous girder bridge in offshore seismic prone region as an example, a new quantitative criterion for collapse resistance was proposed based on theoretical fragility, reliability theory and concept removal method of components, which is suitable for the example bridge. The results show that the time-varying durability damage and time-varying bond - slip effect on mechanical properties of materials can't be ignored in service period; the fragility and importance coefficient increase with service life, while the robustness coefficient decreases with service life, the different optimization algorithms all improve their corresponding parameters; when the bridge reaches its designed service life, its robustness coefficient is about 25% of that of the new, when the bridge exceeds the designed service life, its robustness coefficient decay rate is low, and the residual robustness coefficient is about 18%, the bridge still has certain anti - collapse performance.  相似文献   

刘虓 《船海工程》2006,35(5):1-3
按照中国船级社规范规定的舵计算模型,介绍矩阵法在舵系计算当中的编程实现,理论分析和有限元计算表明该编程方法可以适应不同的结构形式和支撑条件,计算结果可靠。  相似文献   

针对斜拉桥的特点,按照规定的程序和步骤进行施工,并分析桩基、承台、墩身、混凝土索塔、钢索塔、钢箱梁、支座、伸缩缝、减振器、阻尼器等施工监理控制重点,在施工过程中进行严密监控,使成桥线型和内力满足设计要求。  相似文献   

Despite many studies on barge collisions with girder bridges in the literature, this paper investigates the progressive damage behaviors and nonlinear failure modes of a cable-stayed bridge pier subjected to ship collisions using finite element (FE) simulations in LS-DYNA. The damages in the pier initiate with appearing of local shear failures in the slender columns during the ship collision stage and reach the severe cross-sectional fractures associated with the formation of plastic hinges which causes the combined shear-flexural failures during the free vibration phase of the pier response. In addition, an analytical simplified model with two-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) is proposed to formulate the strain rate effects of the concrete materials as the dynamic increase factors in the global responses of the impacted pier. It is found that the analytical model is able to efficiently estimate the impact responses of the structure compared to those from the FE high-resolution simulations. Moreover, three different damage indices are proposed based on the pier deflection, the internal energy absorbed by the pier, and the axial load capacity of the pier columns to classify the damage levels of the pier. Finally, an efficient damage index method is determinant by comparing the calculated results with the damage behaviors of the pier observed from the FE simulations.  相似文献   

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