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Port privatization has been perceived as an instrument for the improvement in port management operations and marketing, yet it also provides a major opportunity for public debt reduction by converting debt incurred in port development into equity or other assets. There are many different ways in which debt, particularly foreign debt, can be converted. It can be directly converted into equity, it can be swapped for other debt, converted into various portfolio investments or exchanged for future services or exports. In recent years, 'ecological' swaps have also been considered in which some debt is written off in return for improvements in environmental management. This paper reviews the reasons for port privatization, the different methods for port ownership financing, and the role debt-equity conversion could play in it.  相似文献   

吕航 《中国船检》2004,(8):12-15
南某省港口管理局的负责人,面对记者关于港口民营化的质询,作如下答复:码头经营确实是朝阳产业,赢利产业,收益稳定,不会大起大落,但要50年才会见效益,投资大、见效慢、周期长,所以吸引外资容易,吸引民间资本很难.  相似文献   

张敏 《集装箱化》2009,20(1):29-30
近年来,随着经济的快速发展,印度港口吞吐量稳步增长,预计未来5a的年增长率为10%~12%。印度信用评级机构ICRA的研究报告称,在商品出口增长、石油和煤炭进口上升以及世界经济强劲增长的推动下,印度港口吞吐量节节攀升。  相似文献   

Innovations in information technology, satellite navigation and hydrography are making it technically possible for commercial ships, run by very small crews, to be navigated in the world's seas and oceans with positional accuracies measured in tens of metres. If shipping lines do make the necessary investment in technological hardware, training, operational readjustments and data acquisition, and are also allowed to exploit the full potential of GPS, it will not be surprising if they then expect the ports to provide levels of information that allow the ships to exploit their new capabilities right up to the berth. Ports wishing to hold or improve their perceived service quality in the competitive port league will need to consider whether, and how, they can meet the shipping lines' requirements.

The introduction of strict product liability law adds a new dimension to the assessment of commercial risk in the various technological possibilities available to the ports. The possible costs involved in cases where third party data processors, software producers and electronic chart hardware manufacturers all stand between the port's data output and the user's perception and use of it, in a completely ephemeral form on a screen, need to be considered carefully. Simpler forms of data transmission, such as via traffic advice broadcast or by pilots in person may be seen as the more prudent choice in the five to ten year horizon.  相似文献   

我国港口建设PPP模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方素娟 《水运管理》2009,31(5):14-17
为应对港口基础设施投资主体多元化的趋势,从基础设施的投资来源入手,分析我国港口投融资现状及其存在问题,介绍PPP模式的优势,并以香港迪斯尼融资模式为例,分析PPP模式在港口投融资过程中的特点与可行性,对PPP融资模式在我国港口基础设施建设中的应用与实践提出若干建议。  相似文献   

The UK has a requirement for people with seafaring expertise to fill a wide range of jobs in the maritime-related sector of the economy ashore. The pool of seagoing ships' officers has now reached the level where shore-based demand for such officers cannot be satisfied by natural wastage from this pool alone. This paper considers the implications of this for the Government's recently announced strategy for maintaining the maritime skills base. The paper concludes that it is inevitable that the Government's present strategy will fail, and suggests what measures need to be taken if the skills base is to be saved.  相似文献   

Policy making is a complex and diverse process—particularly in relation to the provision and location of port and port related infrastructure. The planning stage of port infrastructure, or indeed transport planning more generally, may be finalized only to experience policy failure as implementation of the planned facility cannot be successfully completed. When this occurs planning and implementation failure is invariably perceived to be driven by a political agenda and it is argued that 'politics gets in the way'—that politics 'distorts' a scientifically rational planning process. Is it the case that politics 'gets in the way'? Or that politics distorts a technical and scientific process? Or is it the case that planning constitutes only one part, but an integral one, of the policy process—a process that is inherently political? And if that is the case, can we legitimately separate the planning process from that of policy making? This paper discusses the fundamental differences between the planning and policy-making processes. It argues that transport planning is one element in a broader process of policy making which incorporates political and other social/economic/environmental elements. It will argue that planning is a fundamental part of the policy-making process and, if successful completion is to be achieved, it cannot be divorced from that process. The paper will provide a conceptual framework which will incorporate these apparently conflictual activities. This model, if adopted, is likely to enhance both the planning and policy-making processes.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that sectoral adaptation efforts to climate change, e.g. of the ports sector, are also struggles to reshape economic space according to sectoral needs. Addressing globalisation, the effects on economic spatial hierarchies among regions and the active promotion of regionalisation are seen as important. Applied to the port industry, this allows approaching the fierce competition among European north range ports from an action- and power-oriented perspective. Climate adaptation of ports is predominantly referred to as technical responses to extreme events (e.g. coastal protection). A differentiated conceptualisation (based on still ongoing research), however, also addresses impacts on specific elements of the transport chain, and effects on the spatial function of a port (e.g. the changing competitiveness within the European port system). Hence, the ability of a specific port to adapt will also encompass the management of regional target conflicts, and of multi-level relations. Thus, climate adaptation becomes part of positional struggles in spatial hierarchies among regions and of conflicts about political priorities within them. At the same time, the limits of exclusively regional approaches in addressing sustainability issues without higher level support become evident. The article gives an overview of the literature on climate adaptation and its application to ports and provides a preliminary typology of forms of sectoral adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

While recognizing the need for increased participation of the private sector in the maritime industry of developing countries, there is a need to go beyond the call for privatization in terms of mere change of ownership from state to private sector as the only solution to the inefficiency of the maritime industry in developing countries. This limited understanding of the maritime problems of these countries abounds in the literature on maritime privatization. This study departs from this approach and focuses on the political economy of the maritime industry, and suggests that maritime privatization will not necessarily result in increased efficiency of the divested maritime enterprises. Rather, it argues that maritime problems in these countries have less to do with ownership than with the structural constraints in world shipping together with internal management and local ~olitics. The maritime industrv in West and Central Africa is used as a case studv. and recommendations such as selective privatization, 'programme contract', and most importantly, corporatization, are suggested as alternative strategies that could enhance maritime privatization and the development of the maritime industry in developing countries.  相似文献   

Various models for competition and ownership of urban rail systems have been used in South East Asia cities since the early 1990s. The paper reviews and classifies the approaches used in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Singapore. The planning, financing, procurement, implementation and operation of these systems, and the institutional context for them, are examined. All of the systems that have used private sector finance for the development of the initial systems have faced financial problems. Optimism bias in demand forecasts and unrealistic expectations for cost recovery of capital intensive systems have been contributing factors. Lessons to be learned include the importance of clear government leadership and sound institutional arrangements, and the need for improved understanding of the best manner in which the private sector can be used to achieve efficient and effective rail projects.  相似文献   

从区港联动到保税港——宁波港发展新亮点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从宁波区港联动的规划背景出发,分析宁波区港联动政策的规划实施,进一步探讨宁波实行区港联动运作的进程特点,结合保税区、保税物流园区和保税港在退税政策、主要功能、外汇管理和中转集运等方面的区别,得出宁波港应向保税港发展的结论。  相似文献   

吕航 《中国船检》2005,(12):4-8
在我国这样一个市场巨大、腹地辽阔的国家,特别是长三角地区,如果没有一个国际航运中心,在国际分工与竞争中就会处于被动地位。近百年内天然水深都将保持在15米左右的洋山深水港,不仅能从容接纳当前世界上最大型的8500标箱集装箱船,也能满足明年出现的吃水14.5米的万箱“巨无霸”集装箱船的停泊,是上海竞争国际航运中心打出的一张“王牌”。刚刚开港的洋山深水港区是本年度上海向国际航运界献上的又一份大礼。  相似文献   

长江南京以下12. 5 m深水航道工程的实施,有力地提升了长江干线江苏段的航道通过能力。针对江苏沿江港口如何依托深水航道推动自身发展的问题,在分析深水航道对到港船舶大型化提升、航运成本下降、运输组织优化、沿江产业转型升级等方面的促进作用的基础上,提出完善和畅洲水道航道条件、整合港口资源和优化布局、加强港口基础设施建设、优化临港产业布局、改善口岸通关政策等建议。  相似文献   

根据汕头港设备的使用和保养、基础管理、零配件供应、维修等设备管理现状,提出了从思想素质、技术素质入手,完善各项规章制度,做好港口设备维修、保养工作的对应措施。  相似文献   

澳大利亚政府非常重视环境保护和船舶安全,基于环保政策和理念,澳大利亚海事安全机构严格检查所有进入澳大利亚水域的船只.对一位经验丰富的船长多次进出澳大利亚港口的实践经验进行总结,提供了最新的进港信息和实用的操作方法,可作为海员及研究人员的参考资料.  相似文献   

为积极融入一带一路倡议,加快打造一带一路合作倡议标杆和示范项目,界定港口枢纽经济的内涵,构建港口枢纽经济体系,并提出连云港港口枢纽经济的发展路径。按照发展路径,提出五大实施样板:打造一带一路交通标杆示范样板――重点建设新亚欧陆海联运通道,打造苏北运河―淮河流域运输结构调整样板――重点建设海河联运体系,打造综合物流集聚区样板――重点推进上合物流园建设,打造港产园联动发展样板――重点推进徐圩港产园联动发展,打造现代航运服务发展样板――重点推进连云国际航运服务集聚区建设。  相似文献   

李南 《集装箱化》2010,21(11):14-17
为增强集装箱港口竞争力,以日本放松规制与民营化的港口新政为例,阐述其政策背景、制度变迁和改革进展,提出我国港口服务应引入不同的投资主体和经营形式。  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy and its international seaborne trade has escalated the demand for high-quality and efficient port services. “Decentralization” of the port management regime has given local government greater freedom in port development and operational decision-making. However, major port capacity expansion in coastal areas, coupled with the slowing down of both the economy and trade growth over recent years, has led to overcapacity and excessive competition. Although both port specialization and government regulations are called for to address these issues, few studies have investigated the formation mechanism and economic implications of port specialization. This paper uses alternative duopoly games, namely a Stackelberg game and a simultaneous game, to model port competition, where ports provide differentiated services in the sectors of containerized cargo and dry-bulk cargo. Our analytical results reveal that inter-port competition can lead to port specialization in the following three ways. A port can specialize in a type of cargo (1) for which there is relatively high demand, (2) where it has established capacity first, or (3) for services which require prohibitively high capacity costs. Also, it is seen that overcapacity is likely if strategic port decisions are made simultaneously instead of sequentially. These results suggest that if there is a clear market leader, policy intervention may not be necessary. However, if no port has clear market power, then government coordination and intervention may be needed in order to prevent overcapacity and to encourage specialization.  相似文献   

大连港鲇鱼湾港区沙坨子导流堤工程建设前,22#原油泊位北端横流较大;17#~21#泊位泊稳条件较差。为了改善鲇鱼湾港区建港水文条件,采用潮流数学模型试验、物理模型试验的手段对改善流场的方案进行系统研究,同时结合波浪整体物理模型试验对改善泊稳条件也进行了分析,综合比较潮流和波浪两个因素,对沙坨子导流堤工程的平面布置、水工方案进行全面总结,分析探讨人工措施改善建港水文条件的整体思路、研究方法和手段,为其他类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

港口对城市的绿色经济贡献率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵伟娜  王诺 《水运管理》2007,29(10):10-12
为引入绿色理念,计算港口对城市的绿色经济贡献率,指导港口的可持续发展,定量分析港口对资源消耗的占用和对环境的影响情况,在原投入产出表的基础上扩充港口对资源的占用与对环境的影响两个部分,形成新投入产出表以计算港口对城市的绿色经济贡献率,并以大连地区为例计算大连港对大连市的绿色经济贡献率,与现行的港口对城市的经济贡献率进行比较。  相似文献   

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