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1. What can I do for you, madam?女士,要看点儿什么吗?2. I'd like to see that bracelet and thoserings.我想看看这手镯和那些戒指。3. Yes, here you are. They make attractivesouvenirs and lovely gifts that'll constantlyremind people of your China tour.好的。这些都是招人喜爱的纪念品和礼品,而且能经常使人们想起您的中国之游。4. Yes, I think so. I'll take this bracelet and  相似文献   

What should we pay attention to in the management of severe spinal deformity? Huafeng Wang, Zhaomin Zheng, Hui Liu. Department of Spine Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510080, China 【Abstract】Severe spinal deformity is not an uncommon condition that often arises from untreated early onset scoliosis in developing countries. Patients most often present with severe clinical and radiographic deformity with poor pulmonary function. Previous literature has identified the challenges in the treatment of these patients and the higher risk for complications. An assessment of the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative factors leading to an optimal result was warranted. The early evaluation should include a multidisciplinary approach from the orthopaedic surgeon, pulmonologist, anesthesiologist, and perhaps the neurologist to provide a baseline assessment. Advanced imaging of the spine is useful and important. Current surgical strategies include aggressive anterior and posterior column release and osteotomies, either with a front–back or a posterior-only approach. With the extent of the surgical release and segmental instrumentation, the potential for curve correction is increased; however, so is the potential for neurologic compromise. Therefore, perioperative Halo traction was recommended. It was thought to improve both spinal deformity and pulmonary function and is a helpful adjuvant in the treatment of severe spinal deformity. Improvements in the clinical and radiographic appearance, pulmonary function, and self-image are often dramatic. Proper planning and execution of the correct surgical procedure for the surgeon provides an outstanding life-changing result in these patients.  相似文献   

<机械制图>作为一门基础课,与其它课程相比,具有其特殊性和专业性.职工培训教学实践和到基层站段检查指导使我深刻认识到,要提高该课教学效果并取得预期的教学目的,且在教学中做到言简意赅、生动有趣,精心备课是关键.那么,怎样才能提高该课的备课质量呢?  相似文献   

卓越的经营者都已看到,创建良好的客户服务的最佳方式是通过"内部顾客服务",也就是用比你所期盼的员工对顾客还要好的方式对待自己的员工.在你要员工微笑服务前,先得问问自己,我有没有给他们创造出微笑的心情呢?  相似文献   

头 痛 一位女列车员对医生说她头痛,医生建议她出嫁。过了一年,医生在车上偶然遇见了这位女列车员。 “喂,怎么样,你出嫁了吗?” “谢谢,出嫁了。” “头还痛吗?” “不痛了,可我丈夫的头开始痛了。” (永平) 要 求 在铁路医院里。 医生:“老人家,你的病不轻啊!你想见见什么人吗?”老人有气无力地点点头:“是的,我想看看别的医生。” (石炳坤)  相似文献   

"哪里有轨道,哪里就有默奥".自从2003年6月,北京默奥机车车辆研究所与本刊进行栏目合作,抛出其企业文化和管理理念后,一石激起千层浪,"默奥"受到了本刊读者的关注.或讶异,或赞叹,或置疑,或钦佩.谁有如此的惊人魄力?谁敢出此豪壮之语?谁导演着如此的伟业?什么样的企业有如此的实力?我们耐心地回答第一次询问,我们仍一样耐心地回答又一次询问,当一个个询问电话或邮件纷至踏来时,我想我们该请出这一情结的缔结者了.于是,在岁末,我到中关村采访了我的老朋友、本刊常务理事、北京默奥机车车辆研究所总经理邹彪博士.  相似文献   

一位在教育战线工作了20个年头的"教书匠",为什么能在很短的时间内由一个门外汉变成一名还算称职的从业者?这当中有什么捷径可走,有什么诀窍可寻吗?细细回想起来,还确实得益于《铁路采购与物流》这位良师与益友的帮助。在刊物创刊30周年之际,我要从记忆深处撷取最令人难忘的几点,以表达我的崇敬之意和感激之情。帮我经历两次大考2001年5月,我被调入中国铁路物资总公司任宣传部长。不久,总公司当时所在的原宣武区政府着手筹  相似文献   

万无一失 一位中年妇女问站长:“请问,往北开的列车几点到站?” “3点30分。”“往南的什么时来?”“4点17分。” “喔,多谢您!”沉思片刻,妇人又问:“往东开的呢?”“今晚8点”。站长不耐烦,拔腿欲走。 妇人紧跟上去,再次追问:“去西边的呢?”站长大叫:“西行的不是刚刚开吗?到明天傍晚前,不会再有来车!我说你要去哪?”  相似文献   

朋友,你去过周庄吗?你听说过周庄吗?如果没有,且让我为你作个简单介绍。俗话说干什么吆喊什么,我在铁路,自然三句话不离老本行。去周庄乘火车最方便,京沪线苏州站下车后,去周庄的长途汽车就在车站旁边,一个半小时后你已经小船悠悠,荡漾在周庄纵横交错的河道上。 周庄的扬名要归功于上海旅美画家陈逸飞。1984年,他将周庄的双桥绘成油画,题为《故乡的回  相似文献   

Research purposes: Lightning has been one of the important factors endangering safe and reliable operation of the railway. The grounding grid performance plays a particularly important role in lightning protection. In this paper, the author has established a grounding grid transient model by the electromagnetic transient analysis software and intended for quantitative analysis of typically grounding grid layout in engineering practice, to lay important theoretical basis for future lightning protection and grounding. Research conclusions: (1) The results show that the ground potential is significantly affected by the soil resistivity, lightning current amplitude and the mesh size. With increase of the soil resistivity and lightning current amplitude, the ground potential at the point of the lightning current injection will significantly improve, but due to the spark discharge of the soil. The ground potential does not increase exponentially with potential lightning current amplitude. The smaller the mesh size, the better the ground potential attenuation. For example of the lightning current 20 kA and the soil resistivity 100 Ω·m, the ground potential of the 5 m×5 m mesh decreases 22.3% compared with the 10 m×10 m mesh. (2) The study finds that the ground potential attenuation away from the lightning strike point at 15 m basically reaches the maximum, which is about 89%. And the degree of attenuation is independent of lightning current amplitude. (3) The results are mainly used for optimization program and design fields on substation lightning protection and grounding.  相似文献   

Research purposes: The vertical deformation of high-speed railway (HSR) bridge will cause the track irregularity, which threatens the safe and efficient operation of the HSR. Taking the 32 m simple supported beam bridge as the research object, based on the existing mapping analytical model for bridge vertical deformation and rail geometry, the influence of the track regularity of the CRTS Ⅰ slab ballastless track structure caused by the key parameters such as the bridge vertical deformation amplitude, the hanging length of the beam end and the vertical stiffness of mortar layer were studied, and the corresponding measures to control the rail deformation were proposed, to provide theoretical reference for comprehensive treatment of rail deformation of HSR bridge. Research conclusions:(1) The pier settlement, the vertical rotation of the beam end and the beam fault will cause the rail to follow the beam deformation, and "up-warping" of the rail on the vertical deformation boundary will appear. (2) The rail deformation is directly proportional to the vertical deformation amplitude of the bridge and the key to control the rail deformation is to reduce the vertical deformation of the bridge. (3) The rail deformation can be controlled by reducing the hanging length of beam and vertical stiffness of mortar layer. (4) The research results can provide a theoretical reference for controlling the vertical rail deformation of high-speed railway bridges. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   

李四:请教你一个问题. 张三:你我还用这么客气?请说. 李四:这个道砟的"砟"字究竟怎么写? 张三:你提的这个问题很有意义.长期以来铁路内外使用的"砟"字一直很混乱,有用"渣"的,有用"碴"的,也有用"砟"的.  相似文献   

School, National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,CHN;2. Department of Physics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116023,CHN)ZnO thin films were fabricated on the P-Si,high resistivity Si,ceramic and N-Si substrates by thermal oxidation in air.The oxidation time was fixed to 1h at 300℃~800℃.The effects of different substrates such as the P-Si(111),the high resistivity Si,the ceramics substrates and the N-Si are investigated.To obtain high-quality ZnO films,some Zn films are also annealed in the oxygen.It is found that the ZnO films prepared on the high resistivity Si substrates exhibit the better excitonic ultraviolet (UV) emission,the ceramics substrates exhibit the better deep level visible emission.The ZnO fil  相似文献   

Research purposes: Precise prediction for mechanical behavior of the bridge under ship collision force is important to assess the analysis of train derailment after hitting the pier. This paper focuses on the Tongling Yangtze River Bridge Combined Road with Railway for ship collision simulation, uses the nonlinear finite element software of ANSYS/LS-DYNA to simulate the ship's bow section of 10000 t and 5000 t class hitting bridge tower column at front and axle to 20° of side in highest navigable water level, conventional navigable water level and the minimum navigable water level. Curves of collision force-period at different working conditions are summarized. On this basis, when the impact load affects as input loads, the displacement and acceleration response can be used by finite element analysis under the collision and study the dynamic response of the bridge caused by a train derailment risk. Research conclusions: (1) The impact force of the bridge is largest when a laden ship is hitting the pier at the highest navigable water level. In the most unfavorable condition, the collision have lardge impact on bridge structure and derailment risk of trains. (2) The transverse acceleration of the girder on the top of 2# pier can reach to 0.922 m/s2, but it does not exceed acceleration excitation limit (1 m/s2) when 3# piers are hitted by the 10000 t ship at the peak load of collision, so the probability of train derailment is minimal. (3) Based on the probability formula of the derailment by simplifying risk criteria, the derailment probability of train is 9×10-5~1.5×10-4 during the ship-bridge collision. (4) The research results can provide the reference for train traffic safety on railway bridge caused by ship collisions.  相似文献   

Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development to Promote the Construction of Urban Rail Transit
-C Thinking on Current Construction Development of China Urban Rail Transit Jiao Tongshan 1
The construction of China Urban Rail Transit is now staying in the important time with rapid development. The achievements we obtained are objectively summarized. At the same time, the contradiction between the current construction speed and preliminary work, the construction procedure, the phenomena of despising operation, the unified planning of traffic integration, the control of construction standards, the difference of fare in domestic urban rail transit, as well as the enhancement of government management for urban rail transit are analyzed and investigated through some phenomena in the industry. Several suggestions are also presented.  相似文献   

Research purposes: In order to get the time-varying rules of temperature field distribution in the track structure with superelevation and build the horizontal and vertical temperature gradient of ballastless track, a continuous observation of CRTS II; by using temperature sensors on curve segment of a passenger dedicated line was held. Research conclusions: (1) The temperature change of ballastless track between daytime and nighttime is big, the temperature changing value of surface was 24.7℃ in maximum, 19℃ in average. (2) The temperature changing value became small and the time of maximum temperature come late with the increase of distance to surface. (3) At the bottom of the track structure, the temperature changing value was 6.1℃ in maximum, 5.0℃ in average. (4) Fitting curve of vertical temperature gradient of longitudinally connected ballastless track on curve line can be exponential curve, and the curve sharp can match the distribution about the vertical temperature gradient of the code for design of bridge and culvert in China. (5) The horizontal temperature gradient of the CRTS II; longitudinally connected ballastless track included the track slab and support layer, temperature gradient of track slab could be fitted by using quadratic function, temperature gradient of support layer could be fitted by using piecewise linear function. (6) This study can provide guidance for the temperature load model in the design of high speed railway in central China.  相似文献   

为什么不能进去 一年轻人和一中年妇女走到母子候车室门口,被服务员拦住:“这是母子候车室,你们不能进去.”那年轻人道:“她是我母亲,我是她儿子,我们确实是母子啊,为什么不能进去?” (汪德山)  相似文献   

day. Base on the new field works in Shuanghu and Tuotuohe regions of central Tibet by us and the datum have been obtained by other researches on the grabens. We proposed that, the graben structures are distributed in the most part of plateau; including Himalayan, Gangdese and Qian  相似文献   

Research purposes: Transparent sand is a new type of geotechnical engineering material, which is made of fused silica sand and porous liquid with the same refractive index. In order to understand its mechanical properties, the CU and CD tests of fused silica sand with a particle size of 0.5~1.0 mm and 1.0~3.0 mm are carried out by triaxial apparatus, and the stress-strain curves, pore water pressure changes and effective stress ratio of the two are compared and analyzed. In addition, E-μ model parameters of coarse and fine sand are calculated respectively, which provide corresponding parameters for further numerical calculations. Research conclusions:(1) The loose sample's stress-strain curve shows hardening characteristics. (2) The coarse particle specimen with steeper stress-strain curve comes to the peak at faster velocity than fine particle specimen. (3)The pore pressure value of the coarse particle specimen is greater than the fine particle, the pore water pressure coefficient of the two shows a decreasing trend with the increase of the confining pressure. (4) Transparent sand can be used to simulate natural sand and the change of diameter can represent different soils. (5) The research results can provide reference for model tests based on transparent soil technique. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   

1.Good morning,sir.Ticket,please.先生,早晨好,请出示车票。2.Yes, here you are.好的,给。3.Thank you, sir.You've about thirty minutes leftbefore boarding. So please come in and havea rest or you can visit the gift shop (souvenirshop, teahouse or bar) over there.By the board-ing time, the attendant will let you know.  相似文献   

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