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1港口设施保安费政策简介 2002年12月,国际海事组织海上保安外交大会通过《国际海上人命安全公约》(以下简称SOLAS公约)修正案,提出加强海上保安的特别措施,并强制要求船舶符合《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(以下简称ISPS规则)的规定。我国是SOLAS公约的缔约国,SOLAS公约修正案生效后,为了更好地履行公约,原交通部制定《中华人民共和国港口设施保安规则》,细化公约规定。  相似文献   

对保安报警系统(SSAS-Ship Security Alert System)和GMDSS遇险报警系统在报警地址、报警信息要素、报警路由、报警隐蔽性等方面进行了对比,在此基础上分析、研究了《1974SOLAS公约》相关修正案对船舶保安报警的特殊要求,它是保安报警系统开发、设计的基础,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

作为国际海事组织的A类理事国和SOLAS公约的缔约国,我国自2004年7月起全面履行《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS公约)海上保安修正案和《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(ISPS规则)。为了履行国际公约,各对外开放港口设施经营人和管理人投入大量资金,使港口经营、管理成本大大提高。  相似文献   

2002年12月.国际海事组织通过了《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS公约)海上保安修正案和《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(ISPS规则).并从2004年7月1日起全面实施。两年来.各港口经营人和管理人投入了大量资金.配备港口保安设施、培训人员等.使经营和管理成本大大提高。为保证我国履约工作能够按照公约要求顺利开展下去.维护港口设施安全.  相似文献   

ISPS(国际船舶保安和港口设施保安)规则已于2004年7月1日生效。文中综合了SOLAS公约Ⅺ-2章、ISPSCODE、东京备忘录《港口国监督实施海上保安检查导则》的相关要求等资料,对国际船舶实施保安监督与PSC检查相关的内容和在检查中所涉及的缺陷及缺陷处理进行了阐述。  相似文献   

为加强海上保安,国际海事组织于2002年12月通过了对SOLAS公约的修正案和《国际船舶保安和港口设施保安规则》(ISPS规则)。自2004年7月1日《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》施行以来,随着国际海上保安形势的变化,国际海事组织又通过了许多关于船舶保安的决议或者修正案,因此,我国于2007年7月1日起施行《中华人民共和国船舶保安规则》。根据《中华人民共和国船舶保安规则》第三十三条和ISPS规则有关规定要求,国际航行船舶和船公司有必要强化对船舶的保安管理。但在实际检查中,港口国检查官员(PSCO)仍然发现有相当多的缺陷和问题。  相似文献   

邢钺 《世界海运》2004,27(2):16-17
实施SOLAS公约第XI-2章及《国际船舶和港口保安规则》(ISPS),涉及到多方面的准备工作。其中,建立统一、完整的信息支持系统是最重要的工作内容之一。本文就该系统中的保安信息网络、海上保安信息系统的功能、构建方法提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

正[背景]1912年4月14日,"泰坦尼克"号的沉没震惊了全球,这艘豪华客轮的沉没引发了人们对于海上安全标准的质疑和思考。在英国的推动下,召开了第一次国际海上人命安全会议,并于1914年1月20日签订了第一个《SOLAS公约》。由于第一次世界大战爆发,该公约未能生效。后续通过的新的《SOLAS公约》均是在1914年公约的基础上进行更新并增加了新的条款。如今SOLAS公约已从简单的结构和设备要求,扩展到人员的操作性要求、公司和船舶的安全管理要求、船舶保安要求,从硬件扩展到软件,从船舶扩展到公司,从水上扩展到岸上,为船舶安全营运提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

船舶的瘫船状态及恢复方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS74)对船舶的瘫船状态的要求,分析了船舶从瘫船状态恢复的几种方式。  相似文献   

港口国监督检查官(PSCO)及船旗国监督检查官(FSCO)登轮检查船舶时,针对船舶安全方面的检查一般依据《海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS公约),船舶保安方面的检查则依据《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(ISPS规则)。但是,ISPS规则与SOLAS公约的规定有很多冲突的地方。有时,由于检查官的检查侧重点不同会给船员带来很多困惑,不知如何应对。依据笔者在船上工作中遇到的实际问题,总结分析ISPS规则与SOLAS公约冲突点并提出解决办法供同行参考。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to improve the capabilities and precision of a recently introduced Sea Surface Acoustic Simulator (SSAS) developed based on optimization of the Helmholtz–Kirchhoff–Fresnel (HKF) method. The improved acoustic simulator, hereby known as the Modified SSAS (MSSAS), is capable of determining sound scattering from the sea surface and includes an extended Hall–Novarini model and optimized HKF method. The extended Hall–Novarini model is used for considering the effects of sub-surface bubbles over a wider range of radii of sub-surface bubbles compared to the previous SSAS version. Furthermore, MSSAS has the capability of making a three-dimensional simulation of scattered sound from the rough bubbly sea surface with less error than that of the Critical Sea Tests (CST) experiments. Also, it presents scattered pressure levels from the rough bubbly sea surface based on various incident angles of sound. Wind speed, frequency, incident angle, and pressure level of the sound source are considered as input data, and scattered pressure levels and scattering coefficients are provided. Finally, different parametric studies were conducted on wind speeds, frequencies, and incident angles to indicate that MSSAS is quite capable of simulating sound scattering from the rough bubbly sea surface, according to the scattering mechanisms determined by Ogden and Erskine. Therefore, it is concluded that MSSAS is valid for both scattering mechanisms and the transition region between them that are defined by Ogden and Erskine.  相似文献   

油品码头设计过程中,在规范允许、保证安全的前提下,选用非防爆电气可大量节省投资,扩大电气产品的选择范围,给设计和使用带来很多方便。对爆炸危险区域如何划分和非防爆电气可否安装在码头防火距离内这两个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

集装箱码头设计吞吐能力参数选择的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍集装箱码头设计吞吐能力计算公式中各参数的规范取值 ,通过对深圳主要集装箱码头吞吐能力的实证分析 ,对设计参数的取值范围进行修正 ,在此基础上重新核算深圳主要集装箱码头设计吞吐能力 ,并进行灵敏度分析 ,其结果符合深圳各集装箱码头的运作现实。  相似文献   

The planning, design and development of a container terminal with optimum size and capacity and with a minimum capital cost is fundamentally dependent upon the loading and discharging operations at the quayside. The quayside function of container terminals is dependent basically on the number of berths available to service the incoming container ships. The objective of the container terminals dealing and admitting the ongoing ship calls is to provide immediate berth and loading and discharging services to the container ships with a minimum costly waiting time and a maximum efficiency. Previously terminal planners used to build extra berths to provide service. During the last two decades the terminal operators have adopted automation technologies in loading and discharging operation of the container ships as an alternative to designing extra berths. Ship owners naturally expect least waiting times for their container ships. On the other hand, it is also natural for port operators in a container terminal with costly facilities to see a high berth occupancy and productivity at the quayside. This study uses queuing theory to find a break-even point as a way of evaluating the cost of container ship waiting times and the cost of berth unproductive service times for container terminals aiming to automate their quayside operation. The analysis illustrates that automation devices installed on conventional Quayside Cranes (QSCs) significantly reduce the turnaround time of the container ships calling at the ports. It argues, however, that there should be a balance between the cost of berth unproductive service times and the cost of vessel waiting times. The study introduces a break-even point to be considered as a benchmark for calculating such a balance. The analysis in this study can be used as a decision tool for the operators of container terminals in the medium to small ports to appraise the feasibility of an investment in automation or expansion of the quayside facilities.  相似文献   

从码头型式和码头前沿装卸工艺两方面提出了提高长江中上游斜坡码头装卸效率的措施,并对文中所提出的各种装卸工艺系统进行了码头通过能力计算,以供长江中上游集装箱码头改建和新建时参考。  相似文献   

通过对国外主要集装箱码头运营情况和通过能力的调查研究,引入基于柔性靠泊方式的港口码头百米岸线通过能力作为评价指标,选取影响码头岸线通过能力的主要因素,运用聚类分析法将所选集装箱码头分为3类,分析研究其码头岸线通过能力指标,得出在柔性靠泊方式下各类集装箱码头岸线通过能力指标的特征区间.  相似文献   

10年来港口码头建设发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述“九五”和“十五”期间港口建设情况,重点介绍集装箱码头、煤炭码头、石油码头、矿石码头、散粮码头和内河码头的建设发展。  相似文献   

基于因子分析的集装箱干线港陆域纵深统计模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内外主要集装箱港口,总结了其陆域功能及其重要的平面尺度--陆域纵深.运用因子分析方法,选取影响陆域纵深的主要指标,构造出陆域纵深影响指标评价模型,计算出各集装箱码头的因子得分,并以此为基础进行聚类分析,将所选的集装箱码头分为3种情况,分别对其陆域纵深进行分析研究,得出了各种情况下陆域纵深的取值范围.  相似文献   

Ferry service plays an important role in several cities with waterfront areas. Transportation authorities often need to forecast volumes of vehicular traffic in queues waiting to board ships at ferry terminals to ensure sufficient capacity and establish schedules that meet demand. Several previous studies have developed models for long-term vehicle queue length prediction at ferry terminals using terminal operation data. Few studies, however, have been undertaken for short-term vehicular queue length prediction. In this study, machine learning methods including the artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) are applied to predict vehicle waiting queue lengths at ferry terminals. Through time series analysis, the existence of a periodic queue-length pattern is established. Hence, methodologies used in this study take into account periodic features of vehicle queue data at terminals for prediction. To further consider the cyclical characteristics of vehicle queue data at ferry terminals, a prediction approach is proposed to decompose vehicle waiting queue length into two components: a periodic part and a dynamic part. A trigonometric regression function is introduced to capture the periodic component, and the dynamic part is modeled by SVM and ANN models. Moreover, an assembly technique for combining SVM and ANN models is proposed to aggregate multiple prediction models and in turn achieve better results than could be attained from a lone predictive method. The prediction results suggest that for multi-step ahead vehicle queue length prediction at ferry terminals, the ensemble model outperforms the separate prediction models and the hybrid models, especially as prediction step size increases. This research has important practical significance to both traffic service management interests and the travelers in cities along waterfront areas.  相似文献   

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