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Eddy systems are a unique ecosystem, usually having high biological masses and primary production in the sea. In this study, both particulate and dissolved phases of cadmium in the water column of 15 stations over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea were determined to obtain their spatial distributions. This allows us to confirm that cyclonic eddy systems play the role of a Cd pump in the sea.Results showed that particulate Cd (PCd) and dissolved Cd (DCd) concentrations in water varied greatly, ranging over two orders and one order of magnitude, respectively. Large spatial variability was found not only for PCd but also for DCd in the upper water, apparently due to the effects of the cyclonic eddy system on the Cd distributions over the study area. DCd accounts for about 99% of the total Cd. For the surface water, DCd concentration at the eddy center was about five times the average of the water surrounding the eddy center. The depth distributions of DCd exhibited a typical surface depletion and a subsequent increase with depth; however, the PCd distribution showed the opposite, i.e. a surface maximum and a subsequent decline with depth. In general, the DCd maxima were found at depths of 600–1000 m, agreeing well with the literature. It reflected the internal biogeochemical cycling of Cd in the water column, which was driven by the utilization of Cd by plankton in the euphotic zone and by the regeneration of Cd at depth. In addition, a remarkably high DCd concentration existed in near-bottom water around the cyclonic eddy center.The horizontal distributions of both PCd and DCd in the upper water shared a common feature with elevated concentrations centering around the eddy center and a decline in concentration with distance from the eddy center. This shows that the cyclonic eddy could bring up the Cd-rich deep water to the surface water around the eddy center and could then expand toward eddy's vicinity via advection–diffusion. It is thus likely that it produces ample biological masses over the eddy system. Hence, this work can demonstrate that the ascending nutrient-rich water driven by the cyclonic eddies can serve as an important source not only for many nutrients but also for Cd in the sea.  相似文献   

Trace metal inventories and transboundary fluxes were estimated for the surface waters of the eastern Gotland Basin, and a mass balance for this water body was derived.The study area was delineated by a box which bordered vertically by the sea surface and the halocline and horizontally by the coast of Gotland and the coast of Latvia/Lithuania. For the calculation of the trace metal inventories in the box, a high-resolution sampling was carried out during different seasons. Additional sediment trap studies were performed to calculate the vertical particulate trace metal fluxes through the halocline.The following transboundary fluxes have been estimated: (a) atmospheric input of trace metals; (b) lateral transport from adjacent bodies of surface water; (c) diapycnal fluxes of dissolved trace metals at the halocline; (d) sinking of trace metals, associated with particles, through the halocline, (e) vertical advection through the halocline.The lateral transport into and out of the surface box is important for the metals (Cd, Cu, Zn) with “nutrient-like” behaviour. For particle reactive elements like lead, vertical sedimentation and lateral transport out of the box as much as atmospheric input and lateral input into the box are in the same order of magnitude. Turbulent diapycnal mixing plays a minor role compared to the advective fluxes.The estimated range for the residence times for the region under investigation are  0.5–1.3 years for Pb;  2–11 years for Zn,  7–36 years for Cd and 42–89 years for Cu. This demonstrates that the system reacts very fast for particle reactive elements like Pb, while for copper sedimentation processes are not the preferential sink and can be neglected.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic, current, and microstructure measurements, and tide-forced ocean models, to estimate benthic and interfacial mixing impacting the evolution of a bottom-trapped outflow of dense shelf water from the Drygalski Trough in the northwestern Ross Sea. During summer 2003 an energetic outflow was observed from the outer shelf ( 500 m isobath) to the  1600 m isobath on the continental slope. Outflow thickness was as great as  200 m, and mean speeds were  0.6 m s− 1 relative to background currents exceeding  1 m s− 1 that were primarily tidal in origin. No outflow was detected on the slope in winter 2004, although a thin layer of dense shelf water was present on the outer shelf. When the outflow was well-developed, the estimated benthic stress was of order one Pascal and the bulk Froude number over the upper slope exceeded one. Diapycnal scalar diffusivity (Kz) values in the transition region at the top of the outflow, estimated from Thorpe-scale analysis of potential density and measurements of microscale temperature gradient from sensors attached to the CTD rosette, were of order 10− 3−10− 2 m2 s− 1. For two cases where the upper outflow boundary was particularly sharply defined, entrainment rate we was estimated from Kz and bulk outflow parameters to be  10− 3 m s− 1 ( 100 m day− 1). A tide-forced, three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model with Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme for diapycnal mixing yields results consistent with a significant tidal role in mixing associated with benthic stress and shear within the stratified ocean interior.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a study on the distribution of pore water phosphates and ammonia, and their fluxes under anoxic condition in a deep (> 70 m) accumulation-type bottom of the south-eastern Baltic Sea, namely in the Gdańsk Deep and the adjacent areas, are presented. All measurements were taken during the growth period, i.e. in September 2000, April 2001 and June 2002. Benthic phosphate and ammonia fluxes were estimated using Fick's First Law. Phosphate and ammonia concentrations ranged from 7.5 to 266.3 μmol dm− 3 and from 53.6 to 1248.3 μmol dm− 3, respectively. The values recorded in the central part of the Gdańsk Deep were lower than those found both on its slopes and on the SW slope of the Gotland Deep. The lowest phosphate contents were typical of the Oblique Sill which separates the Gdańsk and Gotland Deeps.In 1993–2002, as a result of anoxia the sediments in the Gdańsk Deep released about 5.1 × 103 t P and 22.8 × 103 t N. These loads supplied on average 1.5% and 0.9% of phytoplankton's demand for P and N, respectively. In comparison to the total external load of nutrients discharged to the Gulf of Gdańsk (i.e. 8.79 × 103 t year− 1 Ptot and 130.79 × 103 t year− 1 Ntot; [Witek, Z., Humborg, Ch., Savchuk, O., Grelowski, A. and Łysiak-Pastuszak, E., 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea). Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 57:239–248.]), the return flux of P and N from the anoxic sediments to the water column in the Gdańsk Deep was a minor source of these elements.  相似文献   

The northernmost basin of the Baltic Sea, the Bothnian Bay, is ice-covered for about half the year. During this time, distinct under-ice river plumes develop, even seaward of the smallest rivers, that are substantially thicker and larger in extent than during the summer months. Wind mixing is negligible, and during late spring in April or May, the highest annual discharge occur while the sea is ice covered, thus providing conditions for the formation of extensive under-ice plumes. These plumes are characterised by high levels of trace elements (e.g., Al, Fe and Zn), organic matter (TOC and dissolved organic carbon [DOC]), nutrients and also optically active substances (colored dissolved organic matter, CDOM). The under-ice plumes provide an important pathway for undiluted transport of land-derived substances to the pelagic waters of the basin, affecting the salinity, chemistry and optical properties of coastal waters. Freshwater ice growth on the underside of an existing sea ice sheet also restricts the buildup of sea ice and under-ice algal communities, potentially in large areas along the coasts. Plume water influences the optical characteristics of coastal waters for a period of time after ice break-up, potentially affecting primary production in these areas. Furthermore, the formation of under-ice plumes potentially has a positive feedback on the ice season length due to freshening of the coastal waters (earlier freeze-up) and restricted oceanic heat flux (slower melting).  相似文献   

The onset of spring bloom in temperate areas is a transition period where the low productive, winter phytoplankton community is transformed into a high productive spring community. Downwelling irradiance, mixing depth and the ability of the phytoplankton community to utilize the light, are key parameters determining the timing of the onset of the spring bloom. Knowing these parameters would thus provide tools for modeling the spring bloom and enhance our knowledge of ecophysiological processes during this period.Our main objective with this study was to provide data for the growth characteristics of some key species forming the spring bloom in the Gulf of Finland, and to apply those results in a simple dynamic model for the onset of the spring bloom, in order to test if the timing of the spring bloom predicted by the models corresponds to field observations. We investigated the photosynthetic characteristics of three diatoms and two dinoflagellates (Chaetoceros wighamii, Melosira arctica, Thalassiosira baltica, Scrippsiella hangoei and Woloszynskia halophila), at low temperatures (4–5 °C). All of these species are common during spring bloom in the Baltic Sea.Cultures of these species were acclimated to different irradiance regimes prior to measurements of photosynthesis, respiration, pigment concentration and light absorption. We did not find a positive relationship between respiration and growth rate, and we hypothesize that this relationship, which is well established at higher temperatures, is negligible or absent at low temperatures (< 10 °C). Photosynthetic maximum (Pm), and maximum light utilization coefficient (α) was lowest and respiration (R) highest in the dinoflagellates.We made a model of the onset of the spring bloom in the western part of Gulf of Finland, using the obtained data together with monitoring data of mixing depth and water transparency from this area. Model results were compared to field observations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration. There was a good agreement between the model predictions and the observed onset of the spring bloom for the diatoms. S. hangoei, however, was not able to reach positive production in the model, and W. halophila had the similar growth characteristics as S. hangoei. Consequently, these species must have other competition strategies enabling them to exist and grow during spring bloom.  相似文献   

F. Tauber   《Journal of Marine Systems》2009,75(3-4):421-429
Two dumping test sites of dredged sediment (glacial till, mixed sediment with sand) in the south-western Baltic Sea were repeatedly investigated with sidescan sonar. The first survey was conducted before dumping, the second survey 1 week after dumping, and eight more surveys were run during the following three and a half years. Sidescan mosaics were calculated from raw data. Comparing the mosaics, it becomes obvious that the initial strong microrelief of the dumping sites vanishes with time. The heaps of dumped material were eroded. Coarse material remains at the surface, fine material fills in the gaps between the heaps. Fine sediment structures (filaments and aureoles) created by the dumping process, and elongated traces of dumped material outside the dumping places disappeared with time.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of the sulfur cycle in a ca. 5-m-long sediment core from the eastern slope (221 m water depth) of the Landsort Deep in the west-central Baltic Sea was investigated by analyzing the solid phase records of sulfur isotopes and pyrite textures, besides selected main and minor elements. The sediments were deposited during post-glacial history of the Baltic Sea when the basin experienced alteration of brackish (Yoldia Sea, Littorina Sea) and freshwater (Baltic Ice Lake, Ancylus Lake) conditions. The stable isotopic composition of total sulfur was analyzed as a function of depth. In selected samples pyrite (FeS2), greigite (Fe3S4), and barite (BaSO4) fractions were separated for isotope analyses. Pyrite textures were analyzed by SEM and optical microscopy.Microbial reactions associated with the oxidation of organic matter resulted in assemblages of authigenic sulfide minerals which for the post-Ancylus Lake brackish water environment are dominated by pyrite and for freshwater environments by Fe-monosulfides. The sulfur isotopic composition of the brackish water Littorina Sea sediments (δ34S between −40 and −27‰ vs. V-CDT) is believed to be determined by cellular sulfate reduction rates and reactions involving intermediate sulfur species. The availability of reactive iron and decomposable organic matter as well as sedimentation rate and the chemocline position are important variables upon the δ34S values of sulfides in brackish water environment. The syn-depositional abundance of sulfur and organic matter, and transport of dissolved sulfur species vs. rates of microbial reactions determine δ34S in the freshwater sediments. The upper part of the Ancylus Lake sediments is sulfidized by downward diffusing H2S and/or sulfate from overlying brackish water sediments. Minor concretionary barite formation in the freshwater sediments is most likely due to the reaction of pore water sulfate diffusing downward from brackish water sediments with barium desorbed from freshwater sediments. The size distribution of pyrite framboids in the brackish sediments indicates that the formation mainly occurred from anoxic pore waters, although some pyrite formation in an anoxic water column cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

100-years-changes in the phytoplankton community of Kiel Bight (Baltic Sea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Literature data from 1905/06, 1912/13 and 1949/50 were compared with recent data (2001–2003) from Kiel Bight in order to investigate changes in phytoplankton composition and biomass, which may serve as indicators of environmental changes. In terms of biomass, diatomophyceae and dinophyceae are by far the most important groups. Their ratio is still close to unity. The share of diatomophyceae increased strongly in years with exceptionally high summer blooms (2001) or exceptionally early spring blooms (2003). The summer and autumn blooms of Chaetoceros and Skeletonema, detected in the early 20th century, are replaced by other diatoms (Cerataulina pelagica, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, Proboscia alata, Pseudo-nitzschia spp.). Chaetoceros and Skeletonema are still important components of the spring blooms. Now as before, the autumn blooms are dominated by Ceratium spp., sometimes also by diatoms. Newly appearing bloom-forming species are mostly potentially toxic (Dictyocha speculum, Prorocentrum minimum, Pseudo-nitzschia spp.). The total phytoplankton biomass has roughly doubled in the course of the last century. The reference condition for phytoplankton biomass in Kiel Bight in the sense of the Water Framework Directive was defined at 55 mg C m− 3 (± 10%, annual mean). The mean annual biomass of diatomophyceae and dinophyceae was 25 mg C m− 3 (± 40%) for each, indicating that the sum of their carbon biomass amounted to 90% (± 10%) of the total phytoplankton biomass on an annual average. Diatomophyceae represented at least 80% of carbon biomass in the spring bloom peak at the beginning of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic processes control many geochemical and ecological processes in the sea. In this paper, the influence of up- and downwelling and entrainment on the ecosystem components are studied. The ecohydrodynamic model was initially used to simulate the whole Baltic Sea to get the boundary conditions for the Gulf of Riga. Then, to study the influence of different hydrodynamic conditions on the algal bloom, three simulations were made for the Gulf of Riga using different boundary and entrainment conditions. It appears that upwelling in the gulf was strongly dependent on open boundary conditions between the Baltic Proper and the gulf. The vertical transport in the Gulf of Riga was many times more intensive in the calculation system Baltic Proper and Gulf of Riga, than in the case where only the Gulf of Riga was simulated. The blue–green algal bloom was influenced by the vertical transport due to different nutrients' limitation mechanism.  相似文献   

Processes involved in erosion, transport and deposition of cohesive materials are studied in a transect from shallow (16 m) to deep (47 m) water of the SW Baltic Sea. The wave- and current-induced energy input to the seabed in shallow water is high with strong variability and suspended matter concentrations may double within a few hours. Primary settling fluxes (from sedimentation traps) are less than 10 g m−2 day−1, whereas resuspension fluxes (evaluated from sedimentation flux gradients) are 15–20 times higher and the residence time for suspended matter in the water column is 1–2 days. Settling velocities of aggregates are on average six times higher than for individual particles resulting in an enhanced downward transport of organic matter. Wave-induced resuspension (four to six times per month) takes place with higher shear stresses on the bottom than current-induced resuspension (three to five times per month). The short residence time in the water column and the frequent resuspension events provide a fast operating benthic–pelagic coupling. Due to the high-energy input, the shallow water areas are nondepositional on time scales longer than 1–2 weeks. The sediment is sand partly covered by a thin fluff layer during low-energy periods. The presence of the fluff layer keeps the resuspension threshold very low (<0.023 N m−2) throughout the year. Evaluated from 3-D sediment transport modeling, transport from shallow to deep water is episodic. The net main directions are towards the Arkona Basin (5.5×105 t per year) and the Bornholm Basin (3.7×105 t per year). Energy input to the bottom in deep water is low and takes place much less frequently. Wave-induced resuspension occurs on average once per month. Residence time of particles (based on radioactive isotopes) in the water column is half a year and the sediment accumulation rate is 2.2 mm year−1 in the Arkona Basin.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that dissolved silicate (DSi) yields [kg km− 2 yr− 1] of 82 major watersheds of the Baltic Sea can be expressed as a function of the hydraulic load (HL) as a measure of water residence time and the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration, both variables potentially increasing the DSi yield. Most boreal rivers fitted a linear regression model using HL as an independent variable to explain the DSi yield. Rivers with high HL, i.e., shortest residence times, showed highest DSi yields up to 2300 kg km− 2 yr− 1. This is most likely caused by an excess supply of DSi, i.e., the geochemical sources prevail over biological sinks in these boreal watersheds. The DSi yield for regulated and unregulated larger rivers of the boreal watersheds constituting about 40% of the total water discharge and of the total DSi load to the Baltic Sea, respectively, can be expressed as: DSi yield = 190 + 49.5 HL[m yr− 1] + 0.346 TOC [µM] (R2 = 0.80). Since both HL and TOC concentrations have decreased after damming, the DSi yields have decreased significantly in the regulated boreal watersheds, for the River Luleälven we estimated more than 30%. The larger eutrophic watersheds draining cultivated landscape of the southern catchment of the Baltic Sea and representing about 50% of the annual water discharge to the Baltic Sea, deviated from this pattern and showed lower DSi yields between 60–580 kg km− 2 yr− 1. DSi yields showed saturation curve like relationship to HL and it appears that DSi is retained in the watersheds efficiently through biogenic silica (BSi) production and subsequent sedimentation along the entire river network. The relationship between HL and DSi yields for all larger cultivated watersheds was best fitted by a Freundlich isotherm (DSi = 115.7HL109; R2 = 0.73), because once lake and reservoir area exceeds 10% of the watershed area, minimum DSi yields were reached. To estimate an uperturbed DSi yield for the larger eutrophic southeastern watersheds is still difficult, since no unperturbed watersheds for comparison were available. However, a rough estimate indicate that the DSi flux from the cultivated watersheds to the Baltic Sea is nowadays only half the uperturbed flux. Overall, the riverine DSi loads to the Baltic Sea might have dropped with 30–40% during the last century.  相似文献   

Activities of the naturally occurring, short-lived and highly particle-reactive radionuclide tracer 234Th in the dissolved and particulate phase were measured at three shallow-water stations (maximum water depths: 15.6, 22.7 and 30.1 m) in Mecklenburg Bay (south-western Baltic Sea) to constrain the time scales of the dynamics and the depositional fate of particulate matter. Activities of particle-associated (> 0.4 μm) and total (particulate + dissolved) 234Th were in the range of 0.08–0.11 dpm L− 1 and 0.11–0.20 dpm L− 1, respectively. The activity ratio of total 234Th and its long-lived and conservative parent nuclide 238U was well below unity (range: 0.09–0.19) indicating substantial radioactive disequilibria throughout the water column, very dynamic trace-metal scavenging and particle export from the water column at all three stations. For the discussion the 234Th data of this study were combined with previously published water-column 234Th and particulate-matter data from Mecklenburg Bay (Kersten et al., 1998. Applied Geochemistry 13, 339–347). The resulting average vertical distribution of total 234Th/238U disequilibria was used to estimate the depositional 234Th flux to the sediment. There was a virtually constant net downward flux of 234Th of about 28 dpm m− 2 d− 1 leaving each water layer of one meter thickness. Thorium-234-derived net residence times of particulate material regarding settling from a given layer in the water column were typically on the order of days, but with maximum values of up to a couple of weeks. Based on an average ratio of particulate matter (PM) to particle-associated 234Th a net flux of about 145 mg PM m− 2 d− 1 was estimated to leave each water layer of one meter thickness. The estimated cumulative water-column-derived particulate-matter fluxes at the seafloor are higher by a factor of about 2 than previously published sediment-derived estimates for Mecklenburg Bay. This suggests that about half of the settling particulate material is exported from the study area and/or subject to processes such as mechanical breakdown, remineralisation and dissolution. Lateral particulate-matter redistribution and particle breakdown in the water column (as opposed to the sediment) seem to be favoured by (repeated) particle resuspension from and resettling to the seafloor before ultimate sedimentary burial. The importance of net lateral redistribution of particulate material seems to increase towards the seafloor and be particularly high within the bottommost few meters of the water column.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of the surface water CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and the chlorophyll a fluorescence were performed in the Baltic Sea using a fully automated measurement system deployed on a cargo ship. The ship commuted regularly at two day intervals between the Mecklenburg Bight (Luebeck) and the Gulf of Finland (Helsinki). The pCO2 data collected during June 2003 and September 2004 were used to identify biological production events such as the spring bloom and the midsummer cyanobacteria bloom in five different sub-regions. To quantify the net biomass production, the decrease of the total CO2, NCT (normalized to a uniform alkalinity), during the production periods was calculated using the pCO2, temperature and salinity records and the mean alkalinity. Taking into account the CO2 air/sea exchange and the formation of dissolved organic carbon, a simple mass balance yielded the net production of particulate organic carbon which represents the total biomass. The chlorophyll a concentrations obtained from the fluorescence data showed peaks that in most cases coincided with the production maxima and thus supported the interpretation of the pCO2 data. The production during both the spring bloom (2004) and the midsummer nitrogen fixation period (2003) increased by a factor of about three from the southwest to the northeast. For the spring bloom our estimates were significantly higher than those based on the winter nutrient supply and Redfield C / N and C / P ratios. This indicated the existence of additional nutrient sources such as dissolved organic nitrogen, early nitrogen fixation and preferential P mineralization. Midsummer NCT minima were observed only in 2003 and used to quantify the nitrogen fixation activity and to characterize its interannual variability.  相似文献   

During a dumping experiment on 20/21 June 2001, an extensive data record was collected to understand the dynamical processes in the water column of the investigation area and to validate model results. Weak westerly winds with strongly changing cloud coverage characterized the meteorological situation. During the second day the wind calmed down and moved shortly to easterly directions. The water column was characterized by a strong vertical stratification with discontinuity layers in temperature and salinity in 12 and 16 m. The current regime was dominated by outflow at the water surface and inflow along the German coast, with strong current shearing in the dumping area. The suspended matter clouds could be identified by optical methods and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) scattering intensity. During the experiment the suspended matter plumes were only visible at the surface up to 1 h after the dumping. The aerial photographs document that the particle clouds at the surface drifted to the west and, after approximately 40 min, they were only weakly visible. The fine material was concentrated in the discontinuity layer leading to substantially higher values of optical parameters and suspended matter concentration than measured in the surface clouds. Due to the vertical current shears the material was transported in the water column in different directions. At the first day the maximum of the suspended matter in the discontinuity layer was in the north-western corner and in the bottom layer in the northeast corner of the dumping area. Strong wind conditions after the dumping led to periodical resuspension processes.  相似文献   

A carbon budget for the exchange of total dissolved inorganic carbon CT between the Greenland Sea and the surrounding seas has been constructed for winter and summer situations. An extensive data set of CT collected over the years 1994–1997 within the European Sub-polar Ocean Programmes (ESOP1 and ESOP2) are used for the budget calculation. Based on these data, mean values of CT in eight different boxes representing the inflow and outflow of water through the boundaries of the Greenland Sea Basin are estimated. The obtained values are then combined with simulated water transports taken from the ESOP2 version of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). The fluxes of inorganic carbon are presented for three layers; a surface mixed layer, an intermediate layer and a deep layer, and the imbalance in the fluxes are attributed to air–sea exchange, biological fixation of inorganic carbon, and sedimentation. The main influx of carbon is found in the surface and the deep layers in the Fram Strait, and in the surface waters of direct Atlantic origin, whereas the main outflux is found in the surface layer over the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the Knipovich Ridge, transporting carbon into the Atlantic Ocean via the Denmark Strait and towards the Arctic Ocean via the Norwegian Sea, respectively. The flux calculation indicates that there is a net transport of carbon out of the Greenland Sea during wintertime. In the absence of biological activity, this imbalance is attributed to air sea exchange, and requires an oceanic uptake of CO2 of 0.024±0.006 Gt C yr−1. The flux calculations from the summer period are complicated by biological fixation of inorganic carbon, and show that data on organic carbon is required in order to estimate the air–sea exchange in the area.  相似文献   

A new transport model for metals (named NOSTRADAMUS) has been developed to predict concentrations and distributions of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the southern North Sea. NOSTRADAMUS is comprised of components for water, inorganic and organic suspended particulate matter transport; a primary production module contributes to the latter component. Metal exchange between dissolved (water) and total suspended particulate matter (inorganic + organic) phases is driven by distribution coefficients. Transport is based on an existent 2-D vertically integrated model, incorporating a 35 × 35 km grid. NOSTRADAMUS is largely driven by data obtained during the Natural Environment Research Council North Sea Project (NERC NSP). The sensitivity of model predictions to uncertainties in the magnitudes of metal inputs has been tested. Results are reported for a winter period (January 1989) when plankton production was low. Simulated ranges in concentrations in regions influenced by the largest inflows, i.e. the NE English coast and the Southern Bight, are similar to the ranges in the errors of the concentrations estimated at the northern and southern open sea boundaries of the model. Inclusion of uncertainties with respect to atmospheric (up to ± 54%) and riverine (± 30%) inputs makes little difference to the calculated concentrations of both dissolved and particulate fractions within the southern North Sea. When all the errors associated with the inputs are included there is good agreement between computed and observed concentrations, and that for dissolved and particulate Cd, Cu and Zn, and dissolved Ni and Pb, many of the observations fall within, or are close to, the range of values generated by the model. For particulate Pb, model simulations predict concentrations of the right order, but do not reproduce the large scatter in actual concentrations, with simulated concentrations showing a bias towards lower values compared to those observed. A factor which could have contributed to observed concentrations, and which is not included in the model, is considered to be a substantial benthic input of dissolved lead during this winter period, coupled to a rapid and extensive scavenging of the dissolved lead to particles. Significant reductions in riverine and aeolian inputs of total Cd and Cu of 70% and 50%, respectively, consistent with aims of North Sea Conferences, are predicted to lead to minor decreases (~ 10%) in water column concentrations of dissolved and particulate Cd and Cu, except near river sources, where maximum reductions of ~ 30–40% may occur.  相似文献   

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