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杨甲锋 《人民交通》2021,(19):60-61
本文对某顶管施工过程进行数值模拟,计算得到顶管施工中各阶段过程对表层土体及上方道路的扰动影响.结果表明:在纵向上,随着顶管顶进距离增加,顶管正上方土体的变形量增加,同时在顶管机机头处呈现先隆起后沉降的变形趋势;在横向上,顶管施工存在一定的横向扰动范围,随着顶进距离的增加,顶进面前方隆起范围增加而顶面后方沉降范围减小.  相似文献   

深圳华强北至华新地铁站区间通道工程采用矩形顶管机施工,具有大断面、小间距、浅覆土、上穿地铁隧道、下穿多条地下管线、多条顶管平行施工等特点。文章通过建立数值模型,对注浆压力和机头作用的模拟方法进行了讨论和改进,分析了顶管施工对周边环境的影响。计算结果表明,矩形顶管施工引起的地表沉降槽同样符合Peck公式,土体损失在地层位移的形成中起主导作用;随着多条顶管先后施工,地表沉降槽从V型分布向W型分布转变,地铁隧道竖向位移不断叠加;管棚的支护作用有效减小了地表变形和地下管线变形。  相似文献   

文章基于盾构理论依据,结合上海市轨道交通7号线沪南路-白杨路区间隧道监测实际,对双线盾构下穿越已运营隧道施工引起的地表变形规律进行了探讨,分析盾构隧道下穿越施工引起土体移动的影响因素,为今后同类工程的设计与施工提供参考。  相似文献   

作为一种地下非开挖技术,顶管法施工中,容易影响到管道周围土体原有的平衡,造成地面的沉降。结合郑州中州大道下穿顶管工程,对超大断面顶管掘进过程中周围土体的变化情况进行了监控,并根据现场监测结果,对超大断面顶管施工产生的周围土体变形特性进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

文章以宁波地铁某车站出入口大断面矩形顶管工程为依托,对顶管推进过程中切口前方地面所产生的较大隆起进行研究。通过结合现场顶进的施工情况,对顶管整个顶进过程地表变形的监测数据进行分析。并采用PLAXIS有限元软件模拟不同顶推力和无土体加固情况下的顶管推进施工,与监测数据进行对比分析。结果表明:地表产生较大隆起是因为顶推力过大,当顶推力大时地表主要发生隆起,反之,地表主要发生沉降;在紧邻结构的顶管出入口处使用旋喷桩加固,效果并不理想,并造成了刚开始顶进地表即隆起的现象。在软土地层中顶管顶进挤压时地表隆起迅速,而顶推面过后的地表沉降缓慢,施工中要格外注意。  相似文献   

文章基于盾构隧道统一土体移动模型基本假定,建立了隧道上浮作用下的两圆顶部相切土体移动模型;利用Melan公式计算得出了隧道上浮引起的土体变形(上浮力作用下的土体变形,再叠加土体损失引起的土体变形)二维解;应用ABAQUS有限元分析软件,结合在建南昌地铁1号线抚河桥区段工程,建立计算模型,对隧道上浮引起的土体变形进行了模拟计算。结果表明,推导的土体变形二维解与数值模拟结果比较吻合;越江隧道上浮引起的土体变形规律是河底表面呈"倒沉降槽"形,深层土体呈"双弓"形,且其幅度随距隧道轴线距离增大而减小。  相似文献   

盾构推进引起地面变形的分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
盾构隧道地面变形是由盾构推进对周围土体扰动引起的。根据盾构所处的相对位置,将地面变形分为以五个部分:盾构达前的地面变形、盾构到达时的地面变形、我通过时的地面变形、盾构通过后瞬时地形变形和地面后期固结变形,本文分析了地面变形的影响因素和盾构推进对周围土体的影响范围,提出了地面变形的计算方法,并与实测结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

在城市轨道交通换乘通道、市政过街通道等工程中,面对搬迁难度较大的重要地下管线时,大断面矩形顶管施工技术为其提供了可靠的工法。通过对顶管施工过程的三维有限元模拟,探讨了土体位移特征,分析了对下方垂直相交的电力隧道的变形影响,得出了一些结论,可为顶管施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   

上海市轨道交通4号线浦东南路车站的1,2号出入口采用矩形顶管法施工,该工程的接收井宽度小紧贴管线、项管离大口径管线极近、施工难度很高。介绍为保护管线而采取的顸管工作井、接收井的土体加固以及洞口加固等技术措施。  相似文献   

文章针对砂砾地层电力顶管施工引起的地面变形开展研究。首先,基于现有散粒土的沉降理论计算公式,进行某砂砾地层电力隧道顶管施工引起地面变形的理论计算和分析;其次,通过理论分析和现场实测,得到砂砾地层顶管施工引起的地面变形规律;最后,在现有理论计算公式和监测数据的基础上,利用规划求解,提出适用于砂砾地层顶管施工引起地面变形的沉降槽宽度系数计算公式。研究结果表明,土体损失是引起地面沉降的主要影响因素,沉降计算时必须考虑土体损失在顶进过程中的动态变化;修正沉降槽宽度系数计算公式能够较好地适用于砂砾地层中顶管施工引起的地面沉降计算。  相似文献   

甄亮  张显裕  李晓军 《现代隧道技术》2022,(2):167-171and181
浅埋矩形顶管掘进机和管节与土体间存在摩擦,当掘进机无减阻或防背土装置时,机土间较大的摩擦力将诱发整体背土效应。文章介绍了考虑机(管)土摩擦差异的整体背土效应判别方法,依托上海陆翔路—祁连山路矩形顶管工程试验段,基于实测数据进行了整体背土效应监测分析,并介绍了处理措施。研究结果表明,该方法成功预判了试验段发生的整体背土破坏,计算的临界机(管)土摩擦系数为0.35,破坏时最大顶程预测值为31.05 m(实际为34 m),顶管发生整体背土效应的横向范围约等于覆土深度与断面等效半径之和;隆起的影响区间约3.0L(L为机头长度),地表变形在工作面通过3.0L时由隆起变为沉降。  相似文献   

大口径输气管道穿越沼泽地段时,由于沼泽地土壤含水饱和度过大,管道易产生自然沉降。管道的过量变形会导致输气管道在运行过程中应力不能满足安全要求,故需要对沼泽地段的大口径输气管道进行应力的敏感性研究。使用应力分析软件CAESAR II对沼泽地段某大口径输气管道进行数值模拟,针对沉降量及压重块间距对管道应力的影响进行分析得出:管道的自然沉降对沼泽地输气管道的应力最敏感,即影响最大。建议在沼泽地管道施工中要做好防沉降措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents the technology measures, equipment selection and required grout properties and re-lated techniques for the grouting base-station arrangement of the drag reduction system of the Fuchun River pipe jacking project, which is characterized by a combined stratum, a longitudinal curve with a large falling head, a large gradient and high water pressure. Drag reduction by grouting can effectively reduce the friction coefficient in pipe jacking construction, decrease the time and frequency of the relay station, improve construction efficiency, and re-duce the grout loss along the stratum fissure while guaranteeing grouting pressure of the terminal, is favorable for sta-ble annular bentonite grouting between the stratum fissure and the segment. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Based on a shield-driven running tunnel project of Hangzhou Metro Line 2, this paper carries out field measuring of the ground surface deformation caused by two different shield machines in double-tube tunnelling in soft soil areas, obtains the laws of the surface deformation caused by shield-driven double-tube tunnelling and verifies the applicability of the modified Peck formula to double-tube tunnelling. The results show that in soft soil areas the impacts on ground surface deformation caused by different shield construction parameters in the previously and subsequently excavated tunnels are different, while the surface deformation changes sharply before and after the shield machine passing through the cutting face, and a rebound phenomenon occurs when the shield tail passes through the cutting face due to the influence of the grouting; The cutterhead torque of the shield machine in soft soil areas can be composed of five calculation factors, and the calculation results are in good agreement with the measured values. The larger the opening rate of the shield cutterhead is, the larger the average torque value will be, the higher the percentage of large ground loss rate will be, and the larger the maximum ground surface settlement will be; The ratio of cutterhead torque T to mucking volume per ring Q is used as the control parameter for analyzing the ground surface settlement, and a certain positive correlation between the ratio and the surface settlement value is determined, the smaller the cutterhead opening rate is, the more accurate the fitting results will be. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

文章以重庆双碑嘉陵江大桥高低塔斜拉桥施工监控为背景,用桥梁博士有限元软件建立梁单元模型,针对该桥的跨中合龙顶推控制进行计算分析,并通过理论计算顶推力所产生的位移与合龙前试顶实际结果的对比,最终确定水平顶推力及相应的控制位移值,以确保施工安全及达到设计要求。  相似文献   

CHF土壤固化剂是具有自主知识产权的液态离子型土壤固化剂,属于高分子复合材料,可增加黏土强度,减少吸水膨胀性,提高水稳定性。文章结合四川省泸渝高速公路路基工程实例,介绍采用CHF土壤固化剂改良风化泥岩土壤的配合比与原材料技术要求,阐述了采用该土壤固化材料铺筑路基试验段的施工工艺流程,并通过施工检测分析得出结论:采用CHF土壤固化剂改良后,路基的抗压强度和水稳性可以得到显著提升,经历雨天后,路基表面不再翻浆和变形,完整性较好,可满足规范和设计要求。  相似文献   

为了促进国产连续管线管在油田的推广应用,对国产X52C连续管线管的管材性能和应用优势进行了分析.结果表明:管材各项性能指标满足并优于API Spec 5LCP《连续管线管》标准要求,且具有良好的耐蚀性.国产X52C连续管线管作为集输管线管在青海油田涩北气田得到了成功应用,与常规20#无缝钢管相比,作业时间缩减了75%,并降低了施工费用,提高了管线运行的可靠性.连续管线管具有良好的技术和经济优势,将在陆地及海洋集输管线上得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

The newly-built tunnel passing closely under the existing station will inevitably lead to settlement of the existing station, and especially deformation joints are prone to differential settlement. Based on the Suzhoujie Station of Beijing Subway Line 16 passing closely under the existing Line 10, this paper analyzes the overall settlement of the existing station and the differential settlement at deformation joints through a combination of field measurement and numerical simulation. The study results show that installing jacks significantly prevents the settlement of the existing station, after installation of jacks the settlement of the existing station is reduced by about 58%, and the jacking force of the jack shall be controlled between 180-450 t; the impact of construction on the single-deck station structure side at deformation joints is greater than that on the double-deck station structure side, the stress on the socket is gradually increased with the excavation of the lower tunnel, and reduced after installation of jacks, indicating that the jack can effectively reduce the tensile stress of the existing station and maintain the safety of the existing station; with the action of the jacking force of jacks, the settlement curve of the existing station presents a stepwise change at the jack installation points, while the upper ground surface settlement is relatively uniform. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

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