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汽车改装渐渐也成为了一种文化、一种生活方式、一种现代人的个性和品位。玩改装还是玩的一种意境、一种个性、自己喜欢就好。如今在街上看到的改装车越来越多,渐渐的国内的汽车改装也成为了一种文化、一种生活方式、一种现代人的个性和品位。前不久又  相似文献   

赵婉彤 《中国电动车》2014,(12):252-252
赏识本身就是一种爱,那么赏识教育就是一种带着爱心去开展教育教学的一种手段,它是带着浓郁色彩的一种教育方式,它是带着一种美的教育方式,它包含着艺术、包含着知识、包含着一种强大的生命力的一种教育。赏识教育对学生自信心的培养、促进心理健康发展以及高尚人格的构建有着更深刻的意义。  相似文献   

新的XJ绝对可以让全世界的捷豹品牌拥趸们重拾我们对一种弥足珍贵的优雅,对一种不可复制的姿态,对一种似曾相识的味道,对一种魂牵梦萦的感觉的追求。  相似文献   

章云 《驾驶园》2012,(8):92-92
我们都应该要学会宽容,懂得宽容别人!宽容应该是一种人类精神,是一种善良,一种美;是一种胸怀和气度;更是一种境界。只有善良的人,心胸中才有宽容,只有慈悲的心灵里才能放得下宽容。宽容是美好心灵的代表!宽容别人不但自己轻松自在,别人也舒服自然。宽容是一种坚强,而不是软弱。是一种修身之法,是一种充满智慧的处世之道。宽容别人其实就是宽容自己,它可以化解许多不必要的误会。多一点对别人的宽容,我们生活就会多一点空间。  相似文献   

袁吉英 《运输车辆》2012,(22):98-98
近日,南京徐工汽车制造公司又获得了8项专利授权。这8项专利分别为:T型独立前悬架、矿用自卸车车箱、一种新型重型汽车转向系统、一种交叉式车门玻璃升降器、一种吊耳支架、一种新型车用电器接线盒、一种新型车用电器接线盒、一种带发动机工作时间显示的电子仪表等7项实用新型专利;车门外把手等1项外观专利。  相似文献   

人类的灵魂可以以若干形式飞翔——读书是一种飞翔;看电影是一种飞翔;享受爱情是一种飞翔;听音乐是一种飞翔。万商音响,引领时尚,诗化生活。——万商副总经理林灿斌  相似文献   

李惠艳 《驾驶园》2011,(1):89-89
奏响生命的乐章 是一种结束 也是一种开始 在穿越三百六十五个日夜之后 时间在这一刻 绽放成一种新的梦想  相似文献   

重型汽车加强型牵引钩;一种大型翼开式厢货车;一种越野汽车散热器防护装置;一种车厢支承装置。  相似文献   

专利名称:一种新型重型汽车车架横梁专利申请号:CN200420096837.2公开号:CN2753648申请人:中国重型汽车集团有限公司本实用新型涉及一种新型重型汽车车架横梁,特别涉及一种重型汽车车架布置空间有限时的一种新的横梁设计。该横梁  相似文献   

我们为什么工作?我们如何做出高质量的产品?我们怎么让自己耗费精力、财力和智力的新产品不怕被抄袭,不怕被仿冒?这篇文章回答了这些问题。工匠精神,是一种态度,一种信仰,一种追求,一种品质,一种财富;工匠精神是一份挚爱,一份专注,一份坚持,一份执着,一份诚信。如果一家企业的CEO具备这种工匠精神,相信这家企业的员工也会有这样的工匠气质,这家企业的产品无法模仿,也无需打假。  相似文献   

介绍了一起货车与轿车侧面恶性擦撞事故的损伤情况,分析了两车相撞的部位、相撞前的相对速度及事故原因。  相似文献   

8月21日下午,在浙江省温岭市泽坎线城东街道新开河路段,一辆行驶着的大货车前轮胎突然飞出,引发了两起交通事故,幸好无人员伤亡.  相似文献   

In recent studies, the dynamic response of a passenger car to a gyrostat was investigated for a series of driving manoeuvres, but the gyrostat was assumed to be rigidly supported, thus neglecting the effect of rotor precession. The aim of the present study is the modelling and investigation of the gyrostat-vehicle interaction for elastically mounted gyrostats. For this purpose, a general model describing the motion of a gyrostat elastically supported by a moving platform is derived. Emphasis is placed on the mathematical derivation, where all considerations that are necessary to arrive at the final result are included. Thus, the presented considerations and results can be easily adopted and are suitable to serve beyond their actual purpose as a reference work for other applications. The derived model is tested with the aid of vehicle dynamics simulations and the simulation results prove to be consistent with the results of the rigid attachment model, provided that the elastic approach is subjected to high-bearing stiffnesses. However, it is shown that at lower bearing stiffnesses the solutions are progressively different, since low-bearing stiffnesses enable the gyrostat to move, due to the compliance of the bearings itself, relative to the vehicle chassis with high-angular velocities.  相似文献   

Worldwide, the tire market requires safe and eco-friendly tires. In this study, a self-inflating tire (SIT) was studied and manufactured. Self-inflating tire refers to a technique for maintaining appropriate tire pressure. An internal regulator senses when tire inflation pressure has dropped below the set air pressure. The tire boosts air through the valve when rolling and compressed air enters into the tire. This procedure keeps the tire air pressure at an appropriate level and increases tire safety. In this study, a regulator was used as a negative-pressure system. A check valve was selected the minute flow check valve depending on the shape of the configured system. In addition, the material of the tube was developed with excellent physical properties and resistances (elastic rebound, working temperature, etc.) owing to its complete compression and restoration. A tube performance tester was developed and a computer aided engineering (CAE) model was modeled for comparison with the test results. Using the tester and model, it was possible to optimize the shape of the tube and regulator. Finally, the reliability of the study was verified through the prototype test. The developed equipment and systems can be used for the manufacture of high-performance and safe tires.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于CATIA软件平台对V型散装水泥半挂车的锥形筒体展开、套料及编程的一种方法。  相似文献   

商用车驾驶室模态测试与误差来源分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对商用车驾驶室振动工况进行分析,提出模态分析的边界条件和载荷条件。根据模态分析的约束和载荷条件,提出进行模态分析的试验流程和试验设备。对某型商用车进行模态测试,并对测试结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

又到岁末年初,在这辞旧迎新的时刻,中国汽车行业最有热度的话题莫过于“自主创新”了。  相似文献   

曲涛 《运输车辆》2009,(4):44-45
“新能源客车”无疑是2008年以来客车业最流行的词语。在环保和节能的大趋势下,新能源是必然的技术走向。有专家指出,谁能抓住新能源技术快速发展的机会,谁就可能成为传统汽车行业的颠覆者。  相似文献   

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