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Moshe Givoni 《运输评论》2013,33(5):593-611

The inauguration of the Shinkansen high‐speed train service between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, at 210 kph maximum operating speed some 40 years ago marked the comeback of the train as an important passenger mode of transport. Since then high‐speed train (HST) services have been introduced in many countries and are planned in many more, and the train has once more become the dominant mode of transport on many routes. This review summarizes the different elements of HST operation with the aim of characterizing HST operation and putting in context its impact in terms of what it is best designed for and what it can deliver. The review concludes that the HST is best designed to substitute conventional railway services on routes where much higher capacity is required and to reduce travel time, further improving the railway service, also against other modes, therefore leading to mode substitution. However, the high investment in HST infrastructure could not be justified based on its economic development benefits since these are not certain. Finally, the following definition for HST services is suggested: high capacity and frequency railway services achieving an average speed of over 200 kph.  相似文献   


A two‐way interaction between transport and land‐use has been one of the central research topics of transport studies. Thus, it is not surprising that there have been numerous approaches taken to investigate this reciprocal relationship. This paper critically examines the existing literature to see how effectively the current models represent this mutual interaction. This examination process intends to form a prototype reference that compares and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of the various models. This undertaking is dealt with based on theoretical, methodological and operational characteristics of a respective model. Some conclusions and suggestions are also drawn.  相似文献   

J. C. Sutton 《运输评论》2013,33(2):167-182
The changing role of Dial‐a‐Ride systems in the period 1969 to 1985 is reviewed as a case study in transport innovation. The first phase Dial‐a‐Ride systems were conceived and planned as transport services to complement and even replace conventional transit. However, their failure to attract any sizeable part of the public transport market combined with their high operating costs led to their demise in the mid‐1970s, to be superseded by the second phase Dial‐a‐Ride systems as paratransit services to the elderly and handicapped. These later systems were often initiated by community‐based transport agencies which have demonstrated their ability as transport innovators in meeting passenger needs. It is suggested that other transport services could learn valuable lessons from the experiences of community Dial‐a‐Ride, and that Dial‐a‐Ride itself will prove historically to be an important transitional agent in the reorganization of passenger transport services in the post‐deregulation environment of the late 1980s and 1990s.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the main studies on transit users’ route choice in the context of transit assignment. The studies are categorized into three groups: static transit assignment, within‐day dynamic transit assignment, and emerging approaches. The motivations and behavioural assumptions of these approaches are re‐examined. The first group includes shortest‐path heuristics in all‐or‐nothing assignment, random utility maximization route‐choice models in stochastic assignment, and user equilibrium based assignment. The second group covers within‐day dynamics in transit users’ route choice, transit network formulations, and dynamic transit assignment. The third group introduces the emerging studies on behavioural complexities, day‐to‐day dynamics, and real‐time dynamics in transit users’ route choice. Future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   


Although per‐capita car trip distance (measured in passenger‐km) and car driving distance (measured in vehicle‐km) in the UK have kept increasing, their growth rates slowed considerably in the 1990s when compared with the 1970s and 1980s. The paper investigates the main driving forces behind the changes in car trip and car driving distances, and it examines the determining factors for the slow down of growth in the 1990s on the basis of the analysis of data from the National Travel Survey (1975/76, 1989/91, 1992/94, 1995/97 and 1999/2001). In particular, it emphasizes the significance of changes in car ownership levels as a key driving force and attempts to separate this ‘car ownership effect’ from other effects. The log‐mean Divisia index decomposition method is applied to measure the relative contribution of each effect. Separate analyses are undertaken according to trip purpose. Other underlying causes, such as changes in fuel price and road capacity, are also examined.  相似文献   

Based on a large study of bus crime in Los Angeles, this article discusses a method for estimating the number of transit crimes and examines sources of information loss within existing transit crime statistics. Using data from a victimization survey of 1088 households in west central Los Angeles, it was estimated that there were about 23,000 bus and bus-related crimes occurring in the survey area during 1983. This is 25 to 30 times the number reported by the Southern California Rapid Transit District for their entire service area. Comparisons with the 1980 census were made to evaluate bias in the sample, and it was found that the sample has probably underestimated the total amount of bus crime in the survey area. Results consistent with Los Angeles Police Department records was shown. Bus and bus-related crimes account for 20 to 30% of all crimes experienced by the central city population. Major sources of information loss are (a) crimes occurring outside buses, but during a trip; (b) non-reporting of crimes by victims; (c) non-response by police even when crimes were reported; and (d) statistical “loss” from reports taken by local police; local police do not categorize crimes by transit use. It was recommended that transit agencies cross-classify existing police reports for more accurate information. Local police should be encouraged to systematically collect data on transit behavior for both victims and assailants.  相似文献   

This paper documents victims of bus crime and examines the extent to which fear of personal security affects bus ridership. Using data from a victimization survey of 1088 households in west central Los Angeles, it was found that frequency of bus use was the most important correlate of being victimized. Examining moderate and heavy bus users only, it was found that the elderly, women, Hispanics and low-income persons were more likely to be victimized than other subpopulations. There was a general perception that bus travel to downtown Los Angeles was more dangerous than travel within residential neighborhoods, and that night travel was much more dangerous than day travel. Women, Hispanics and persons of low education level were more likely to perceive bus use as dangerous, indicating a subpopulation correspondence between the likelihood of victimization and perceptions of safety from bus crime. In addition, persons who had been victimized by a bus crime or who knew persons who had been victimized were more likely to perceive bus use as less safe. Lastly, it appears that victims of bus crimes, persons who had witnessed bus crimes and persons who perceived bus travel as less safe may be less likely to use buses, especially on certain routes and during certain times, but these variables are secondary in importance to automobile access, the convenience of bus travel and age.  相似文献   

Traveler behavior plays a role in the effectiveness of travel demand management (TDM) policies. Personal travel management is explored in this paper by analyzing individuals' adoption and consideration of 17 travel‐related alternatives in relation to socio‐demographic, mobility, travel‐related attitude, personality and lifestyle preference variables. The sample comprises 1282 commuters living in urban and suburban neighborhoods of the San Francisco Bay Area. Among the findings: females were more likely to have adopted/considered the more ‘costly’ strategies; those with higher mobility were more likely to have adopted/considered travel‐maintaining as well as travel‐reducing strategies; and those who like travel and want to do more are less likely to consider travel‐reducing strategies. These findings, when combined with those of earlier work on this subject, present a compelling argument for the need to further understand traveler behavior – particularly in response to congestion and TDM policies.  相似文献   


This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art for assessing the value of a statistical life (VSL) as a component of the costs of road accidents. It focuses on the most popular approaches for assessing the VSL, with respect to its theoretical foundations, current state-of-research and empirical evidence. Our paper also provides a first (to our knowledge) compendium of results for the VSL based on Stated Choice (SC) methods. Among the analysed alternatives, the willingness-to-pay (WTP) appears to be the leading approach for assessing the VSL and the SC methods represent the current state-of-the-art for determining the WTP for non-market goods. We conclude that the SC approach overcomes some of the most important shortcomings of the alternative approaches and offers a significant flexibility that can be used to address its own limitations. We also identify a significant need for research, as a gap between the methods employed in research (SC methods) and the state-of-the-practice (other methods) has emerged.  相似文献   

In Hong Kong the high cost of land reclamation servicing has made it necessary to plan land use through zoning commercial and industrial activity and by adopting very high densities for residential accommodation. Traffic has concentrated along particular corridors where its volume now exceeds road capacity. The imperative development of an urban rail system has affected the economic stability of most public transport. Simultaneously, private motoring has increased so rapidly that fiscal restraints have been imposed, generating a serious proposal for electronic road pricing. The future growth of links with China will end Hong Kong's relative isolation and present new transport planning challenges.  相似文献   

Experiences with time‐of‐day transit pricing in the U.S. are reviewed in this article and compared to those in other countries. Emphasis is placed on examining ridership, financial and efficiency impacts associated with time‐of‐day pricing, along with highlighting innovative approaches to implementing fare differentials. American time‐of‐day fare structures have been about evenly split between off‐peak discounts, peak‐period surcharges, and programmes involving differential rates of fare increases between peak and off‐peak hours. Although most American operators introduced time‐of‐day differentials to encourage ridership shifts to the off‐peak period, available evidence suggests that they have been only marginally successful in doing so. Off‐peak users were generally found to be far more fare‐sensitive to discounts than peak passengers were to surcharges. Only in a handful of American cities were significant efficiency and financial benefits from time‐of‐day pricing recorded, though in those few places, they tended to be substantial. The most successful American programmes have been those which collect fares on the basis of bus runs and direction of trips (rather than the exact time) and which aggressively market their programmes under the aegis of ‘bargain fares’. It is concluded that useful lessons can be gained by sharing policy insights from experiments with differential transit pricing in both the US and elsewhere.  相似文献   

S. T. Atkins 《运输评论》2013,33(2):111-125

The possibility of experiencing attack, assault, violence, robbery, harassment or other anti‐social behaviour has become an important influence on traveller decision‐making. Fear and apprehension about personal security can affect all aspects of travel choice (e.g. choice of route, mode, time of journey, etc.), including whether to travel at all. Indeed, in some locations an informal curfew is reported to operate. However, both the degree and widespread extent of such fears indicate that unacceptable constraints on personal liberty do exist in many locations.

This paper firstly reviews the extent and nature of the problem considering recorded crime statistics, reported levels of fear and apprehension when using transport facilities and subsequent modifications to travel behaviour. Secondly, a range of possible responses by transport operators, policing agencies and national and local government are examined under four broad headings: policing and staffing; situational crime prevention; social crime prevention; and the level and quality of transport service provision.

It is concluded that personal security considerations need to be explicitly incorporated into decisions concerning the design, planning, operation and management of transport systems. It is also important that institutional structures exist to permit the issue both to be recognized and tackled.  相似文献   

A lot of resources have .been committed to the provision of transport infrastructure in Eastern and Southern Africa. Some of these resources have been borrowed from outside and have to be repaid. Hence the need to maximize their use. However, this is being minimized by non‐infrastructural bottlenecks to traffic flow. These range from macro‐economic constraints with implications for passenger (bus) transport such as the non‐availability or acute shortage of foreign exchange to slow, cumbersome documentation procedures particularly for cross‐border traffic.

The Preferential Trade Area (PTA) for Eastern and Southern Africa is geared to the reduction and eventual elimination of actual and potential non‐physical barriers to traffic flow, for which it has instituted a number of schemes. After introductory remarks on the sub‐regional economy, its transport sector and avenues for sub‐regional cooperation and the implementation of these schemes is assessed and other non‐physical barriers yet to be addressed by the PTA are examined before conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   


This paper presents a review of time-series analysis of road safety trends, aggregated at a national level, which has been performed in the period 2000–12 and applied to European national data sets covering long time periods. It provides a guideline and set of best practices in the area of time-series modelling and identifies the latest methods and applications of national road safety trend analysis in Europe. The paper begins with the methodological framework adopted for aggregate time-series modelling that will be considered, and then discusses a number of relevant applications to long-period data aggregated at the national level, whether for countries alone, or for groups of countries. Some analyses, which were performed at the disaggregated level, are also provided, as they are being used more and more. Finally, the paper summarizes and discusses the significant changes in aggregate road safety trend analysis which occurred during the period and provides recommendations for continuing these research efforts.  相似文献   


The economic development and spatial impacts of high-speed rail (HSR) are quite varied and mixed. Studies of economic impacts of HSR fall into two categories: predictions and empirical observations. We first review studies that examine predicted HSR impacts related to job growth, real estate development, and other economic effects. These are followed by studies examining observed effects of realized projects using the same categories. Several patterns emerge. Predictive studies are largely optimistic of the rail's positive effects. On the other hand, observational studies tend to identify both benefits and shortfalls. Yet, neither of these patterns are universal and depend on a number of other factors. One consistent pattern is that gains associated with HSR appear to be stronger in first-tier cities. Nevertheless, certain small towns and second-tier cities have undergone noteworthy transformations as a result of HSR, especially where the public sector has actively pursued new investment.  相似文献   

In the generally more dynamic modern business environment new modes of strategic planning have emerged, in which a premium is attached to the maintenance of flexibility in resource deployment. This paper discusses the principles involved, and considers the capacity of a segment of the sea ferry industry to exploit strategic flexibility as a means of coping with a rapidly changing environment. Potential sources of flexibility are examined in the paper and possible constraints identified. For the sector in question, it appears that strategic flexibility has been unduly limited by the nature of the resources employed, by prevailing corporate values, and by a tendency to respond to environmental uncertainty by short‐term reactions rather than long‐term measures. The general conclusion of the paper is that the sector examined, and possibly the industry as a whole, is strategically weak.  相似文献   


Despite considerable examination of the impact of telecommunications on travel, little empirical evidence sheds light on the impact of e‐shopping on travel—a recent and increasingly popular form of telecommunications. This paper analyses determinants of online buying and their relationship with in‐store shopping, using empirical data obtained from Minneapolis, USA, and Utrecht, the Netherlands. Based on chi‐square tests and logistic and ordinary least‐squares regressions, the results indicate that online buying is affected by sociodemographics and spatial characteristics of people, their Internet experience, and their attitudes towards in‐store shopping. US respondents who prefer to see products in person are less likely to buy online. Dutch respondents are more likely to buy online as travel times to shops are shorter. At first sight, this counterintuitive result might be related to an urban, innovative lifestyle that supports e‐shopping. A more detailed analysis of Dutch online buyers reveals that they make more shopping trips than non‐online buyers and have a shorter shopping duration. The results indicate that the relationship between online buying and in‐store shopping is not one of substitution but of complementarity.  相似文献   


There is a growing tendency in cities around the world to invest in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems in an attempt to improve the capacity and quality of public transport services. The appeal of BRTs is based on their ability to combine the service level of rail transit systems with the flexibility of buses at relatively lower investment costs, and this was the motivation behind the opening of such a system in the Turkish city of Istanbul in 2007. This system has attracted mixed opinions as to its performance, as while passenger ridership figures are extremely high, proving the effectiveness of the system, there is an argument that the corridor should have been developed with rail technology, and that the BRT is failing to meet the demand. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of this system, assessing its planning and performance through a comparative analysis of a number of BRTs in the world and Istanbul's metro and tram systems. The analysis confirms the success of the system in terms of passenger statistics, but also highlights a number of problems in certain planning decisions that should be addressed, thus taking the discussion beyond a simplified comparison of bus and rail technologies.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of deregulation of motor carriers in Australia. It is particularly concerned with the implications of regulatory reform beyond the transport sector and uses a general equilibrium approach to examine the economy wide effects of deregulation. Among other things the paper shows that the effects of deregulation are not evenly distributed across all types of industries. Furthermore it concludes that the magnitude of the effects from deregulation in any given industry is not necessarily correlated with the share of total costs devoted to the purchase of transportation services.


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