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We examined different model specifications to detect the presence of preference heterogeneity in a mode choice context. The specification that worked best allows for both systematic and random variations in tastes, with parameters obtained at the individual level using Bayesian methods. Subjective values of travel time (SVT) and expected individual compensated variation were derived and aggregated to obtain measures of social welfare. Results suggest that the benefit measures, both at the individual and at the social level, are sensitive to preference heterogeneity assumptions. SVT and welfare changes derived from travel time reductions could be underestimated if the traditional assumption of taste homogeneity is made (we detected differences up to 30% in both types of measures). We also obtained an empirical value for the error made when evaluating changes in social welfare using an approximation of the expected individual compensated variation (expressed as a function of individual SVT) rather than its exact expression.  相似文献   

Travel behavior researchers have been intrigued by the amount of time that people allocate to travel in a day, i.e., the daily travel time expenditure, commonly referred to as a “travel time budget”. Explorations into the notion of a travel time budget have once again resurfaced in the context of activity-based and time use research in travel behavior modeling. This paper revisits the issue by developing the notion of a travel time frontier (TTF) that is distinct from the actual travel time expenditure or budget of an individual. The TTF is defined in this paper as an intrinsic maximum amount of time that people are willing to allocate for travel. It is treated as an unobserved frontier that influences the actual travel time expenditure measured in travel surveys. Using travel survey datasets from around the world (i.e., US, Switzerland and India), this paper sheds new light on daily travel time expenditures by modeling the unobserved TTF and comparing these frontiers across international contexts. The stochastic frontier modeling methodology is employed to model the unobserved TTF as a production frontier. Separate models are estimated for commuter and non-commuter samples to recognize the differing constraints between these market segments. Comparisons across the international contexts show considerable differences in average unobserved TTF values.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the tradeoff in time allocation between maintenance activities/travel and discretionary activities/travel. We recognize that people generally must travel a minimum amount of time in order to allocate one unit of time to the activity. This minimum amount of travel is represented by the travel time price, a ratio obtained by dividing the total amount of time traveling to maintenance or discretionary activities by the total amount of time spent on activities of the same type; it is the time equivalent of the monetary price for performing an activity. Using the San Francisco Bay Area 1996 Household Travel Survey data and applying the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) of demand equations, we found that with respect to the time equivalent of income elasticities of maintenance and discretionary activities, the former is less than unity and the latter is greater than unity. In other words, maintenance activities are a necessity and discretionary activities are a luxury. With respect to the own travel time price elasticities, if the travel time price of performing a certain type of activity increases (for reasons such as traffic congestion), one would reduce the time allocated to that type of activity. Time spent on maintenance activities is less elastic than the time spent on discretionary activities. As for the cross travel time price elasticities (changes in time allocated to activity type i in responses to changes in the time price for activity type j), we found that ɛdm>0 and ɛmd>0, suggesting a substitution effect between maintenance and discretionary activities.  相似文献   


This study was designed to present an online model which predicted travel times on an interurban two-lane two-way highway section on the basis of field measurements. The study included two parts: an evaluation of the performance of the model, and an examination of the possibility to improve the model in case of unsatisfactory performance. The model was based on MLP neural networks. The main results of the evaluation showed that the prediction model outperformed a non-predictive system. However, the model for one section had not performed as well during the trial period as was expected. This might be due to a slight change in the congestion phenomenon. After further development, the findings showed that the model could be improved considerably with new data. The main implication was that even a simple prediction model improves the quality of travel time information substantially, compared to estimates based directly on the latest measurements.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通网络脆弱性分析是城市轨道交通网络规划的重要组成部分。在各种突发事件的影响下,城市轨道交通网络的通行效率将大大降低,网络中的乘客将遭受额外的出行时间损失。基于网络中乘客的出行时间总损失,本文定义了城市轨道交通网络脆弱性概念,即城市轨道交通网络组成单元在受到突发事件影响后,整个网络在网络组成单元间相互作用以及突发事件持续影响下所引起的出行时间总损失,并在此基础上构建了城市轨道交通网络脆弱性评估模型,以网络平均出行时间损失为测度,度量网络中各区段组成单元的脆弱性并对网络整体的脆弱性进行评估。最后,通过一个算例分析对所构建的模型进行演算,结果表明该模型在评估城市轨道交通网络脆弱性方面是有效的。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the predictability of travel time with a model based on travel time data measured in the field on an interurban highway. Another purpose was to determine whether the forecasts would be accurate enough to implement the model in an actual online travel time information service. The study was carried out on a 28-kilometre-long rural two-lane road section where traffic congestion was a problem during weekend peak hours. The section was equipped with an automatic travel time monitoring and information system. The prediction models were made as feedforward multilayer perceptron neural networks. The main results showed that the majority of the forecasts were close to the actual measured values. Consequently, use of the prediction model would improve the quality of travel time information based directly on the sum of the latest measured travel times.  相似文献   

In this work, laboratory experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of feedback on decision-making under uncertainty, with and without provided information about travel times. We discuss the prediction of travelers’ response to uncertainty in two route–choice situations. In the first situation travelers are faced with a route–choice problem in which travel times are uncertain but some external information about routes’ travel times is provided. The second situation takes place in a more uncertain environment in which external information about travel times is not provided, and the travelers’ only source of information is their own experience. Experimental results are in conflict with the paradigm about traveler information systems: As a consequence of information, the propensity of travelers to minimize expected travel time is not necessarily increased. Providing travelers with static information about expected travel times reveals an increase in the heterogeneity of travelers’ choices and reduces the maximization rate.  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,满足个性化需求是现代地理服务软件、交通服务部门的目标之一,基于活动出行的时空可达性研究更具实践意义。本文综合时空约束理论与效用模型,提出了基于出行效用的城市轨道时空可达性模型,其影响因子不仅包含了站点的活动吸引力、个体出行的时间和费用成本,还有站点在整个轨道交通系统中的区位因素。和以往模型相比,考虑的影响因素更加全面,实现了更接近于反映真实状况的个人出行可达性研究。最后,通过对广佛地铁可达性进行实证验算,结果表明该方法在分析特定时空约束条件下可达性分布特征的有效性,可为个体出行活动地点推荐以及智能交通出行提供最优的出行选择方案。  相似文献   

Travel to work and household responsibility: new evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Turner  Tracy  Niemeier  Debbie 《Transportation》1997,24(4):397-419
A persistent empirical finding in the research on travel patterns is that women tend to engage in shorter work commutes than men. Research evaluating the degree to which this gender differential in commuting may be explained by the division of labor in the household has produced decidedly mixed findings. This paper presents a critical review of the methods and results of recent research on the gender differential in commuting along with the associated implications for the household responsibility hypothesis (HRH). While all of the articles reviewed are informative and unique, not all conclusions are well supported. The paper then tests the HRH using the 1990 NPTS travel data. The new evidence confirms that women continue to exhibit shorter commute times and distances than men and provides support for the HRH. The paper concludes with a summary of findings and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   


Despite the wide use of utility theory to model travellers' behaviour, the interest in non-expected utility theories has increased due to their potential to capture more realistic behaviour. A main question raised is whether travellers are better described as utility maximizers or should be qualified differently.

This paper presents a literature review on the use of expected utility theory (EUT), prospect theory (PT) and regret theory (RT) to model travellers' behaviour. Gaps in the literature are identified and a discussion about advantages and disadvantages of each theory is presented. A case study illustrates the differences between the theories.

Under certain conditions, PT and RT restrict themselves to EUT. Their added value, however, is the possibility of capturing loss aversion, risk aversion and risk-seeking (PT) and regret aversion (RT). On the practical level, the use of EUT is well established, while contributions of PT and RT are marginal. On the theoretical level, however, RT seems to be (marginally) more suitable to model travellers' behaviour, while EUT and PT are equally suitable. This suggests that the large use of EUT is highly influenced by its very tractable framework. We do not claim the superiority of any theory, but propose to compare them through a systematic review.  相似文献   

《Transportation Research》1978,12(5):355-356
It is shown how travel demand elasticities can be obtained for socio-economic explanatory variables in the case of the multinomial logit model.  相似文献   

With the approach of introducing the conceptions of mental account and mental budgeting into the process of travelers’ route choice, we try to identify why the usages of tolled roads are often overestimated. Assuming that every traveler sets a mental account for his/her travel to keep track of their expense and keep out-of-pocket spending under control, it addresses these questions such that “How much money can I spend on the travel?” and “What if I spend too much?”. Route tolls that exceed the budget are much more unacceptable compared to those within budget due to the non-fungibility of money between different accounts. A simple network with two nodes and two routes is analyzed firstly, the analytical solutions are obtained and the optimal road tolls supporting the user equilibrium as a system optimum are also derived. The proposed model is then extended to a generalized network. The multiclass user equilibrium conditions with travel mental budgeting are formulated into an equivalent variational inequality (VI) problem and an equivalent minimization problem. Through analyses with numerical examples, it is found that the main reason that the usages of high tolled roads are often overestimated is due to the fact that travelers with low and moderate out-of-pocket travel budget perceive a much higher travel cost than their actual cost on the high tolled roads.  相似文献   

This paper offers a conceptual exploration of the potential impacts of ICTs on leisure activities and the associated travel. We start by discussing what leisure is and is not. We point out that the boundaries between leisure, mandatory, and maintenance activities are permeable, for three reasons: the multi-attribute nature of a single activity, the sequential interleaving of activity fragments, and the simultaneous conduct of multiple activities (multitasking). We then discuss four kinds of ways by which ICT can affect leisure activities and travel: the replacement of a traditional activity with an ICT counterpart, the generation of new ICT activities (that may displace other activities), the ICT-enabled reallocation of time to other activities, and ICT as a facilitator of leisure activities. We suggest 13 dimensions of leisure activities that are especially relevant to the issue of ICT impacts: location (in)dependence, mobility-based versus stationary, time (in)dependence, planning horizon, temporal structure and fragmentation, possible multitasking, solitary versus social activity, active versus passive participation, physical versus mental, equipment/media (in)dependence, informal versus formal arrangements required, motivation, and cost. The primary impact of ICT on leisure is to expand an individual’s choice set; however whether or not the new options will be chosen depends on the attributes of the activity (such as the 13 identified dimensions), as well as those of the individual. The potential transportation impacts when the new options are chosen are ambiguous.  相似文献   


Walking from origins to transit stops, transferring between transit lines and walking from transit stops to destinations—all add to the burden of transit travel, sometimes to a very large degree. Transfers in particular can be stressful and/or time‐consuming for travellers, discouraging transit use. As such, transit facilities that reduce the burdens of walking, waiting and transferring can substantially increase transit system efficacy and use. In this paper, we argue that transit planning research on transit stops and stations, and transit planning practice frequently lack a clear conceptual framework relating transit waits and transfers with what we know about travel behaviour. Therefore, we draw on the concepts of transfer penalties and value of time in the travel behaviour/economics literature to develop a framework that situates transfer penalties within the total travel generalized costs of a transit trip. For example, value of time is important in relating actual time of waiting and walking to the perceived time of travel. We also draw on research to classify factors most important to users’ perspectives and travel behaviour—transfer costs, time scheduling and five transfer facility attributes: (1) access, (2) connection and reliability, (3) information, (4) amenities, and (5) security and safety. Using this framework, we seek to explicitly relate improvements of transfer stops/stations with components of transfer penalties and changes in travel behaviour (through a reduction in transfer penalties). We conclude that the employment of such a framework can help practitioners better apply the most effective improvements to transit stops and transfer facilities.  相似文献   


Despite the hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on infrastructure development -- from roads, rail and airports to energy extraction and power networks to the Internet -- surprisingly little reliable knowledge exists about the performance of these investments in terms of actual costs, benefits and risks. This paper presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost performance in transport infrastructure projects. The sample used is the largest of its kind, covering 258 projects in 20 nations worth approximately US$90 billion (constant 1995 prices). The paper shows with overwhelming statistical significance that in terms of costs transport infrastructure projects do not perform as promised. The conclusion is tested for different project types, different geographical regions and different historical periods. Substantial cost escalation is the rule rather than the exception. For rail, average cost escalation is 45% (SD=38), for fixed links (tunnels and bridges) it is 34% (62) and for roads 20% (30). Cost escalation appears a global phenomenon, existing across 20 nations on five continents. Cost estimates have not improved and cost escalation not decreased over the past 70 years. Cost estimates used in decision-making for transport infrastructure development are highly, systematically and significantly misleading. Large cost escalations combined with large standard deviations translate into large financial risks. However, such risks are typically ignored or underplayed in decision-making, to the detriment of social and economic welfare.  相似文献   

Understanding how destination choice and business clusters are connected is of great importance for designing sustainable cities, fostering flourishing business clusters, and building livable communities. As sharing locations and activities on social media platforms becomes increasingly popular, such data can reveal destination choice and activity space which can shed light on human-environment relationships. To this end, this research models the relationship between characteristics of business clusters and check-in activities from Los Angeles County, California. Business clusters are analyzed via two lenses: the supply side (employment data by industry) and the demand side (on-line check-in data). Spatial and statistical analyses are performed to understand how land use and transportation network features affect the popularity of the identified clusters and their relationships. Our results suggest that a cluster with more employment opportunities and more types of employment is associated with more check-ins. A business cluster that has access to parks or recreational services is also more popular. A business cluster with a longer road network and better connectivity of roads is associated with more check-ins. The visualization of the common visitors between clusters reveals that there are a few clusters with outstanding strong ties, while most have modest ties with each other. Our findings have implications on the influence of urban design on the popularity of business clusters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore an important and unique role which community participation and involvement can play in a revised transportation planning process. A review of diverse views about community participation, as well as a critique of the current urban transportation planning process, reveals that the former has played, primarily, ad hoc opportunistic and diverse roles, and that the latter is in desperate need for dynamic, subjective, impact information — required to assess attractive transportation systems. The contributions of several disciplines — economics, operations research, management science, political science, public administration, and others — are reviewed to assist in the development of a conceptual framework for a new community participation role, as a provider of key information to the planning process. An eclectic, experimental approach is recommended to explore the possibilities further.  相似文献   

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