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Assessing the accuracy of the Sydney Household Travel Survey with GPS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past few years, GPS has been used in a number of surveys in the US to assess the accuracy of household travel surveys. The results have been somewhat alarming in that most of these exercises have shown that the standard trip-based CATI survey conducted in the US under-reports travel by about 20–25%. It was decided to use GPS to assess the accuracy of the Sydney Household Travel Survey, a continuous survey conducted by face-to-face interviewing. The procedure used was for the interviewers to recruit households for the household travel survey in the normal manner, and then, if the household met certain criteria, to endeavour to recruit the household to also undertake a GPS survey. A small sample of about 50 households was obtained, and GPS devices successfully retrieved that measured data on the same day as the travel diary was completed. In addition, participants in the GPS survey completed a prompted recall survey a week or two later, using maps and tabulations of travel obtained from the GPS devices, to identify mode, purpose and occupancy for trips measured by the GPS, and also to check for accuracy in defining trip ends and total number of trips. Based on the analysis of the GPS compared to the diary results, it was found that respondents under-reported their travel by about 7%, which is much less than in the US CATI results. Respondents were also found to under-report travel distances and over-report travel times. There was also a high incidence of non-reporting for VKT.
Peter StopherEmail:


Smartphones have been advocated as the preferred devices for travel behavior studies over conventional surveys. But the primary challenges are candidate stops extraction from GPS data and trip ends distinction from noise. This paper develops a Resident Travel Survey System (RTSS) for GPS data collection and travel diary verification, and then uses a two-step method to identify trip ends. In the first step, a density-based spatio-temporal clustering algorithm is proposed to extract candidate stops from trajectories. In the second step, a random forest model is applied to distinguish trip ends from mode transfer points. Results show that the clustering algorithm achieves a precision of 96.2%, a recall of 99.6%, mean absolute error of time within 3?min, and average offset distance within 30 meters. The comprehensive accuracy of trip ends identification is 99.2%. The two-step method performs well in trip ends identification and promotes the efficiency of travel survey systems.  相似文献   

文章结合GPS在水文测量中的应用,探讨在仪器设备先进的情况下,如何更有效地提高水下地形测量的精度和工作效率,介绍流态观测和流量测量定位的新方法,总结GPS在水文测量中值得注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Procedures to transform GPS tracks into activity-travel diaries have been increasingly addressed due to their potential benefit to replace traditional methods used in travel surveys. Existing approaches for data annotation however are not sufficiently accurate, which normally involves a prompted recall survey for data validation. Imputation algorithms for transportation mode detection seem to be largely dependent on speed-related features, which may blur the quality of classification results, especially with transportation modes having similar speeds. Therefore, in this paper we propose an enhanced integrated imputation approach by incorporating the critical indicators related to trip patterns, reflecting the effects of uncertain travel environments, including bus stops and speed percentiles. A two-step procedure which embeds a segmentation model and a transportation mode inference model is designed and examined based on purified prompted recall data collected in a large-scale travel survey. Results show the superior performance of the proposed approach, where the overall accuracy at trip level reaches 93.2% and 88.1% for training and surveyed data, respectively.  相似文献   

Travel mode identification is an essential step in travel information detection with global positioning system (GPS) survey data. This paper presents a hybrid procedure for mode identification using large-scale GPS survey data collected in Beijing in 2010. In a first step, subway trips were detected by applying a GPS/geographic information system (GIS) algorithm and a multinomial logit model. A comparison of the identification results reveals that the GPS/GIS method provides higher accuracy. Then, the modes of walking, bicycle, car and bus were determined using a nested logit model. The combined success rate of the hybrid procedure was 86%. These findings can be used to identify travel modes based on GPS survey data, which will significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of travel surveys and data analysis. By providing crucial travel information, the results also contribute to modeling and analyzing travel behaviors and are readily applicable to a wide range of transportation practices.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies have been increasingly considered as an alternative to traditional travel survey methods to collect activity-travel data. Algorithms applied to extract activity-travel patterns vary from informal ad-hoc decision rules to advanced machine learning methods and have different accuracy. This paper systematically compares the relative performance of different algorithms for the detection of transportation modes and activity episodes. In particular, naive Bayesian, Bayesian network, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron, support vector machine, decision table, and C4.5 algorithms are selected and compared for the same data according to their overall error rates and hit ratios. Results show that the Bayesian network has a better performance than the other algorithms in terms of the percentage correctly identified instances and Kappa values for both the training data and test data, in the sense that the Bayesian network is relatively efficient and generalizable in the context of GPS data imputation.  相似文献   

This paper applies the concept of entropy to mine large volumes of global positioning system (GPS) data in order to determine the purpose of stopped truck events. Typical GPS data does not provide detailed activity information for a given stop or vehicle movement. We categorize stop events into two types: (1) primary stops where goods are transferred and (2) secondary stops where vehicle and driver needs are met, such as rest stations. The proposed entropy technique measures the diversity of truck carriers with trucks that dwell for 15 min or longer at a given location. Larger entropy arises from a greater variety of carriers and an even distribution of stop events among these carriers. An analysis confirms our initial hypothesis that the stop locations used for secondary purposes such as fuel refills and rest breaks tend to have higher entropy, reflecting the diversity of trucks and carriers that use these facilities. Conversely, primary shipping depots and other locations where goods are transferred tend to have lower entropy due to the lower variety of carriers that utilize such locations.  相似文献   

A geo-positioning satellite (GPS)-based survey, using a web-based prompted recall tool, was conducted on a sample of 94 students at the University of Toronto from November 2008 to April 2009. The sample included students with and without telephone land lines, allowing for a statistical comparison of demographic and travel behaviour attributes. The same subjects simultaneously completed a traditional trip reporting survey, modelled on the household travel survey in Toronto, allowing for a comparison between the travel behaviour information obtained from the GPS and that reported by the participants in the traditional survey. Students with a land line are more likely to live in houses, with parents, and to live in suburban areas than students without a land line. They also make fewer trips in total, fewer discretionary trips, more transit and auto trips and fewer active trips than students without a land line. By comparing questionnaire-based data and GPS data, we found that most participants reported in the questionnaire either the same number of GPS-based trips or fewer. On average, the GPS survey captured 1.29 more daily trips per participant than the corresponding trips reported in the questionnaire.  相似文献   

Recent advances in global positioning systems (GPS) technology have resulted in a transition in household travel survey methods to test the use of GPS units to record travel details, followed by the application of an algorithm to both identify trips and impute trip purpose, typically supplemented with some level of respondent confirmation via prompted-recall surveys. As the research community evaluates this new approach to potentially replace the traditional survey-reported collection method, it is important to consider how well the GPS-recorded and algorithm-imputed details capture trip details and whether the traditional survey-reported collection method may be preferred with regards to some types of travel. This paper considers two measures of travel intensity (survey-reported and GPS-recorded) for two trip purposes (work and non-work) as dependent variables in a joint ordered response model. The empirical analysis uses a sample from the full-study of the 2009 Indianapolis regional household travel survey. Individuals in this sample provided diary details about their travel survey day as well as carried wearable GPS units for the same 24-h period. The empirical results provide important insights regarding differences in measures of travel intensities related to the two different data collection modes (diary and GPS). The results suggest that more research is needed in the development of workplace identification algorithms, that GPS should continue to be used alongside rather than in lieu of the traditional diary approach, and that assignment of individuals to the GPS or diary survey approach should consider demographics and other characteristics.  相似文献   


In recent years, public transport has been developing rapidly and producing large amounts of traffic data. Emerging big data-mining techniques enable the application of these data in a variety of ways. This study uses bus intelligent card (IC card) data and global positioning system (GPS) data to estimate passenger boarding and alighting stations. First, an estimation model for boarding stations is introduced to determine passenger boarding stations. Then, the authors propose an innovative uplink and downlink information identification model (UDI) to generate information for estimating alighting stations. Subsequently, the estimation model for the alighting stations is introduced. In addition, a transfer station identification model is also developed to determine transfer stations. These models are applied to Yinchuan, China to analyze passenger flow characteristics and bus operations. The authors obtain passenger flows based on stations (stops), bus lines, and traffic analysis zones (TAZ) during weekdays and weekends. Moreover, average bus operational speeds are obtained. These findings can be used in bus network planning and optimization as well as bus operation scheduling.  相似文献   


The distinctions between short-run and long-run public transport demand elasticities have been highlighted in the literature, but the identification of long-run travel demand has been constrained by existing research methodology and the unavailability of longitudinal travel survey data. The pseudo panel data approach using repeated cross-sectional data has been suggested as an alternative to conducting a longitudinal travel demand analysis when genuine panel data are not available. This paper comprehensively reviews the background and the current practices of pseudo panel data research, and introduces the challenges in applied research that need further investigation, particularly for public transport. A case study using the Sydney Household Travel Survey data is presented to demonstrate pseudo panel data construction and to identify the short-run and long-run public transport demand elasticities using a pseudo panel data approach. The research findings suggest that the public transport demand elasticity of price in Sydney is ?0.22 in the short run and ?0.29 in the long run.  相似文献   

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