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Existing origin constrained and doubly constrained gravity models have not been compared, theoretically or empirically, in terms of their forecasting power. Due to the newly advanced technology of intelligent transport systems, the expanded data presently available have made various models more comparable in terms of forecasting power. This paper uses archived automatic passenger counting (APC) data for urban rail in the Seoul metropolitan area. The APC data contains information about each trip's origin, destination, ticket type, fare, and distance on a daily basis. The objective of this paper is to compare the goodness-of-fit of aggregate and disaggregate gravity modeling using these data. A Hyman aggregate gravity model is used as the aggregate model without the spatial effect. The disaggregate model adopts a multinomial logit as the destination choice model with the spatial effect. In general, while the formulation of aggregate and disaggregate gravity model models are similar, the calibration and parameter estimation methods of the two models are different. As a result, this empirical study demonstrates that the variation in goodness-of-fit and forecasting power largely depends on the estimation method and selected variables. The forecasting power of the disaggregate modeling approach outperforms that of the aggregate model. This paper further confirms that spatial arrangement plays important roles in gravity modeling.  相似文献   


This paper has been written as a response to the paper of Metz (2002) on 'The limitations of transport policy'. It is argued that the issues involved are more complex than Metz implies, and that many current travel patterns stem from decisions made previously about lifestyles, as a result of changing patterns of work, the availability of home-computing facilities, and increasing aspirations and income. Neither the models nor the data sources available to transport planners reflect these trends, and transport policy tends to be simplistic. Many of the transport policy issues stem from increasing car dependency, with its implications, particularly for the elderly and for the young. It is argued that transport policy has not been very effective in the past, and it is likely to be even less so in the future. Hence, there is a need to redefine the role of the transport planner and recognize the limitations of transport policy.  相似文献   

Freight transportation demand: A survey of recent econometric studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper surveys econometric studies of freight transportation demand which have been published since the mid-1970s. It describes the variables, data sources, and estimation procedures utilized by the studies. In addition, it summarizes their statistical results. The studies included in this survey typically accounted for freight rates and service characteristics (e.g., transit time and reliability). Data sources often varied across the studies.Based on the data they utilized, the surveyed studies are classified as either aggregate or disaggregate. The data in the aggregate studies consist of information on total flows by modes at the regional or national level, while the data in the disaggregate studies pertain to individual shipments. The earlier aggregate studies estimated linear logit models. It has been pointed out that when they are estimated on aggregate data these models are subject to certain shortcomings. To avoid these shortcomings, more recent aggregate studies have estimated flexible forms such as translog functions. The disaggregate studies surveyed in this paper used either logit or probit models.Statistical results often varied with the commodities analyzed, making it somewhat difficult to generalize the findings of the different studies. One finding common to several studies is that freight rates have a significant impact on shipment decisions. This paper discusses certain theoretical and empirical limitations of the surveyed studies. It also offers suggestions for future research in freight transport demand. Freight demand models can be used to examine various effects of the recent deregulation in freight transportation.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the application of tractable route choice models and presents a set of methods for deriving relevant disaggregate and aggregate route choice indicators, namely link and route flows. Tractability is achieved at the disaggregate level by the recursive logit model and at the aggregate level by the mental representation item (\(\mathrm {MRI}\)) approach. These two approaches are analyzed here, and extensions of the \({\mathrm {MRI}}\) approach are presented. The analysis elaborates on the features of each model and allows to draw insights into the use of a specific model, depending on the needs of the application and the data availability. The performance of the two models is tested on real data. The results demonstrate the validity of the \({\mathrm {MRI}}\) model that is intended for aggregate analysis.



The main goal of this study is the development of an aggregate air itinerary market share model. In order to achieve this, multinomial logit models are applied to distribute the city-pair passenger demand across the available itineraries. The models are developed at an aggregate level using open-source booking data for a large group of city-pairs within the US air transport system. Although there is a growing trend in the use of discrete choice models in the aviation industry, existing air itinerary share models are mostly focused on supporting carrier decision-making. Consequently, those studies define itineraries at a more disaggregate level using variables describing airlines and time preferences. In this study, we define itineraries at a more aggregate level, i.e. as a combination of flight segments between an origin and destination, without further insight into service preferences. Although results show some potential for this approach, there are challenges associated with prediction performance and computational intensity.  相似文献   

Among disaggregate vehicle ownership models, which model the number and/or type of vehicles owned at the household level, one can distinguish holdings models, which deal with the (optimal) household fleet at a single point in time, and transactions models. The latter type of model explains changes to the household fleet, such as replacement and disposal. The paper describes previous attempts at such dynamic models and sketches how a vehicle transactions model could look (as an example we discuss an application to The Netherlands). This includes discussions of transaction probabilities, two-stage budgeting, introducing vehicle quality in the utility functions, and the envisaged model structure and data it could use.  相似文献   


The paper provides a comprehensive review of a large amount of previously unpublished British evidence about the valuation of new railway rolling stock and its effects on demand. An important conclusion is that incentives to bias Stated Preference responses and unfamiliarity with the rolling stock being considered have led to inflated values. This has broader implications for the use of Stated Preference techniques. Also provided is fresh empirical evidence for a range of different types of rolling stock and specific rolling stock attributes. A novel aspect of the research was the use of disaggregate Revealed Preference choice data. The estimated rolling stock values are much lower than those obtained from previous studies.  相似文献   


Monitoring bicycle trips is no longer limited to traditional sources, such as travel surveys and counts. Strava, a popular fitness tracker, continuously collects human movement trajectories, and its commercial data service, Strava Metro, has enriched bicycle research opportunities over the last five years. Accrued knowledge from colleagues who have already utilised Strava Metro data can be valuable for those seeking expanded monitoring options. To convey such knowledge, this paper synthesises a data overview, extensive literature review on how the data have been applied to deal with drivers’ bicycle-related issues, and implications for future work. The review results indicate that Strava Metro data have the potential—although finite—to be used to identify various travel patterns, estimate travel demand, analyse route choice, control for exposure in crash models, and assess air pollution exposure. However, several challenges, such as the under-representativeness of the general population, bias towards and away from certain groups, and lack of demographic and trip details at the individual level, prevent researchers from depending entirely on the new data source. Cross-use with other sources and validation of reliability with official data could enhance the potentiality.  相似文献   


This paper underlines the important role played by the interaction between transport and land use in the way cities develop and the need to use a fully integrated land‐use/transport model to assess the longer‐term impacts of urban policies. Since most of the models of this type had never been properly tested, the Transport and Road Research Laboratory in the early 1980s set up a collaborative study to examine critically their performance and to assess the impacts of a range of commonly applied policies.

The paper briefly describes the first phase of the study in which nine models from seven countries were subjected to a rigorous set of tests covering a variety of policies. For practical reasons each model was applied to the city on which it was originally calibrated. To overcome some of the problems of comparison, a second phase of the study was conducted in which some models were applied to several cities each so that the differences due to the particular characteristics of the cities could be identified. In carrying out this phase, some cities were examined by several models and discrepancies in the results analysed. The setting up of the second phase of the study is outlined in this paper, but not the results, which are given in later papers in this and subsequent issues of Transport Reviews.  相似文献   

In this paper we review freight forecasting models and current advances and needs with respect to data and model development. We then present a case study to suggest which models should be developed for the State of California in the US. We suggest several alternatives including an aggregate commodity flow model, a disaggregate regional logistics model and a hybrid regional logistics model with a truck touring model. We point out however, that the data requirements for the latter model would be extensive. In addition, the development of hybrid models, for example progress in the integration of regional logistics models with urban truck touring models, will introduce new problems such as reconciling the outputs of multiple models for consistency.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analytic aggregation procedure for disaggregate demand models similar to the one proposed in earlier publications by Westin (1974) and McFadden and Reid (1975). The technique, which uses a multivariate normal approximation for the distribution of the vector of attributes, is based on the multinomial profit algorithm proposed by Daganzo, Bouthelier and Sheffi (1977) and can be applied to an arbitrary number of alternatives. The procedure is computationally so efficient that it enables us to calibrate disaggregate models with aggregate data by maximum likelihood using the same or slightly modified codes developed for disaggregated data. The paper also contains a small scale numerical example intended to illustrate the important highlights of the aggregation-estimation problem.  相似文献   

Methods of updating disaggregate discrete choice models have been proposed as a means of obtaining better transferability. However, the temporal transferability of models updated for better spatial transferability has rarely been analysed, and the factors affecting temporal transferability have not been determined. This paper deals with one updating method—the use of disaggregate data to update alternative-specific constants—and investigates the factors affecting the temporal transferability of the updated constants. In the analysis, repeated cross-section data collected in the Chukyo metropolitan area are divided, efficiently generating many application areas. The analysis showed that the factors can depend on regional characteristics and past travel behaviours (inertia), and are anti-symmetric and path-dependent of changes in the level of service.  相似文献   


This paper outlines the issues involved in the problem of global warming. The road transport sector's contributions to this problem are then detailed and various policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from private cars are discussed. The paper then describes a model which forecasts greenhouse gas emissions from cars. The effects of various policy options are then modelled and the results compared. Policies considered include: raising fuel prices in terms of the UK government's commitment to increase road fuel duties; subsidising public transport in terms of reduced public transport fares; and a tax differentiated by engine size.  相似文献   


Hybrid choice modelling approaches allow latent variables in mode choice utility functions to be addressed. However, defining attitude and behavior as latent variables is influenced by the researcher's assumptions. Therefore, it is better to capture the effects of latent behavioral and attitudinal factors as latent variables than defining behaviors and attitudes per se. This article uses a hybrid choice model for capturing such latent effects, which will herein be referred to as modal captivity effects in commuting mode choice. Latent modal captivity refers to the unobserved and apparently unexplained attraction towards a specific mode of transportation that is resulting from latent attitude and behavior of passengers in addition to the urban transportation system. In empirical models, the latent modal captivity variables are explained as functions of different observed variables. Empirical models show significant improvement in fitting observed data as well as improved understanding of travel behavior.  相似文献   


A trio of closely related land‐use/transport interaction models was developed using Marcial Echenique & Partners’ software package MEPLAN. The models were for the cities of Bilbao, (Spain), Dortmund (West Germany) and Leeds (England). All were calibrated using data drawn from earlier studies. The three models were used to predict the effects (relative to a base case) of a common programme of land‐use and transport policies or scenarios. This paper explains briefly the theoretical basis of the MEPLAN package as applied to urban models such as these three; describes the types of policies that have been assessed; and presents some of the key results.  相似文献   

The Mixed Logit model: The state of practice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The mixed logit model is considered to be the most promising state of the art discrete choice model currently available. Increasingly researchers and practitioners are estimating mixed logit models of various degrees of sophistication with mixtures of revealed preference and stated choice data. It is timely to review progress in model estimation since the learning curve is steep and the unwary are likely to fall into a chasm if not careful. These chasms are very deep indeed given the complexity of the mixed logit model. Although the theory is relatively clear, estimation and data issues are far from clear. Indeed there is a great deal of potential mis-inference consequent on trying to extract increased behavioural realism from data that are often not able to comply with the demands of mixed logit models. Possibly for the first time we now have an estimation method that requires extremely high quality data if the analyst wishes to take advantage of the extended behavioural capabilities of such models. This paper focuses on the new opportunities offered by mixed logit models and some issues to be aware of to avoid misuse of such advanced discrete choice methods by the practitioner.  相似文献   


Transport policy aims to assist the transport system to work more efficiently and effectively. An understanding of the reasons why people choose to move freight in a certain manner is critical to the development of appropriate policies. This article outlines a data collection approach and the development of a disaggregate mode choice model applicable to the analysis of freight shipper decision making. It focuses on the choice between rail and road in Java, Indonesia. The model indicates that safety, reliability and responsiveness are major attributes influencing rail/road freight mode choice. Transport policies aimed at improving these dimensions should increase the attractiveness of rail transport.  相似文献   


Numerous methodologies measuring walkability have been developed over the last years. This paper reviews the Walkability Index (WI) literature of the last decade (2009–2018) and highlights some limitations in the current approaches. Only a few studies have evaluated walkability in Latin America, mainly in big cities but not in medium and small-sized cities in the region, which present their own urbanisation dynamics, security issues, sidewalk invasion problems, and poor planning. Furthermore, most WIs in the literature use objective mesoscale variables to assess walkability in a given area. This paper contributes to filling these gaps by generating new evidence from a medium-sized city in Latin America to question if characteristics of the built environment encourage walking trips, as found in the literature, are transferable among regions. The study also proposes a novel index comprised of microscale and mesoscale built environment variables to assess walkability using virtual tools and considering users’ perceptions. The WI estimation relies on ranking probability models. The results of the case study suggest that subjective Security and Traffic Safety are the most crucial factors influencing walkability in these kind of cities, which is different from what is found in the literature from cities in developed countries where Sidewalk Condition and Attractiveness are the most important factors. Security appeared to be strongly associated with a subjective dimension, represented by the fear of crime or perceived risk for crime, instead of the actual occurrence of crimes. This result evidences the importance of the physical attributes of the real world and how they are captured, judged, and processed by pedestrians. Then, regional transferability of WIs needs to be done carefully. Finally, results in this paper highlight the importance of microscale built environment characteristics in the WI formulation in these cities. Results are in line with other research in some cities of the region, which found that microscale variables such as pavement quality and presence of obstacles on the sidewalks are relevant components to promote walkability.  相似文献   


This paper presents a scientometric and bibliometric review of the research on autonomous vehicles (AVs) to identify its main characteristics, evolution, and potential trends for future studies. Relevant articles were searched on WoS, yielding a research corpus of 10,580 papers, and the software CiteSpace was subsequently used for analysis. The results showed that AV research is heterogeneous and registered a growing demand over time. Multidisciplinarity is present, with 96 science fields being identified. As in any other sector, it is necessary to understand broader aspects of this industry such as the market factors surrounding it, as well as other economic and managerial issues. In this sense, we observed a migration of the research field from multidisciplinarity to pluridisciplinarity with a greater number of studies focusing on the latter. We understand that terminology standardisation contributes to achieving pluridisciplinarity. As such, it is important to highlight that sustainability, public policies, liability, and safety, as well as business issues such as performance and business models are some of the tendencies in the field of AVs. For future studies, we suggest a more in-depth analysis of publications in terms of individual search terms, as well as the sub-areas identified as trends in this paper.  相似文献   


Geographic Information System (GIS) is an “intelligent” technology which integrates attribute data and spatial features and manages the relationship between them. GIS is widely used in many activities, but its application in transportation is less common. The extension of GIS into transportation (GIS‐T) offers the potential to integrate transportation data into GIS. The integration of transportation data in GIS faces a number of barriers that are discussed in the paper. These barriers can be broadly categorized into data attribution and network representation issues. This paper analyzes these issues and reviews the potential for overcoming these constraints with current GIS technology. A fully developed GIS‐T has to meet many diverse needs including transportation inventory, modeling and operational problems. If GIS is to succeed as a transportation technology, it must be capable of integrating different levels of network representation and data attribution and have the ability to link with other transportation technologies.  相似文献   

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