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本文以贵州省道路客运交通运输中出租车和公交车作为研究对象,采用IPCC能耗统计法计算客运交通运输温室气体中CO2的排放、在NEDC工况下对温室气体CH4、N2O排放进行核算,建立了2017年贵州省交通道路运输温室气体碳排放清单。结果显示,贵州省道路客运交通中出租车万人均碳排放量为公交车的2.67倍。CH4排放的主要来源于天然气为燃料的公交车,N2O排放的主要来源于汽油为燃料的出租车。  相似文献   

In the fight to reduce CO2 emissions from international shipping, a bunker-levy is currently under consideration at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Faced with the inability of the IMO to reach an agreement in the short term, the European Commission is now contemplating a unilateral measure of a speed limit for all ships entering European Union (EU) ports. This paper argues that this measure is counterproductive for two reasons. Firstly, because it may ultimately generate more emissions and incur a cost per ton of CO2 which is more than society is willing to pay. Secondly, because it is sub-optimal compared to results obtained if an international bunker-levy was to be implemented. These elements are illustrated using two direct transatlantic services operated in 2010.  相似文献   


This paper outlines the issues involved in the problem of global warming. The road transport sector's contributions to this problem are then detailed and various policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from private cars are discussed. The paper then describes a model which forecasts greenhouse gas emissions from cars. The effects of various policy options are then modelled and the results compared. Policies considered include: raising fuel prices in terms of the UK government's commitment to increase road fuel duties; subsidising public transport in terms of reduced public transport fares; and a tax differentiated by engine size.  相似文献   

This paper derives the energy efficiencies and CO2 emissions for electric, diesel and hydrogen traction for railway vehicles on a well-to-wheel basis, using the low heating value and high heating value of the enthalpy of oxidation of the fuel. The tank-to-wheel and well-to-tank efficiency are determined. Gaseous hydrogen has a WTW efficiency of 25% low heating value, if produced from methane and used in a fuel cell. This efficiency is similar to diesel and electric traction in the UK, US, and California. A reduction of about 19% in CO2 is achieved when hydrogen gas is used in a fuel cell compared to diesel traction, and a 3% reduction compared to US electricity.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a set of measures for transport efficiency improvements from the perspective of the road haulier, particularly regarding improvements suitable for urban distribution and their effects. The first part of the paper addresses literature within the area of transport efficiency. The second part reviews potential transport efficiency improvements with respect to environmental impact and the number of actors involved in the decision. The third part presents results from interviews with the CEOs of two road hauliers regarding their opinions of the transport efficiency measures. Finally, the conclusions about transport efficiency measures are summarized in a matrix, taking into account whether these measures can be considered as costs or benefits for the actors involved. The results show ambiguous and often intricate relations with regard to costs and benefits for the actors in the system. They also explain part of the inertia to change within the freight industry. However, an increasing number of transport operators are now offering more sustainable transport solutions and this service might gain them a competitive advantage in the future.  相似文献   


This paper quantifies and evaluates, utilising a ‘bottom-up’ approach, the effect on CO2 emissions of a modal shift from short-haul air travel to high-speed rail (HSR), based on projected passenger movements, between Sydney and Melbourne, Australia during the period 2010–2030. To date, peer-reviewed studies assessing the CO2 emissions from these competing modes of high-speed transportation have been restricted principally to a cross-sectional assessment, with a Eurocentric bias. This present comparative study seeks to address a gap in the literature by assessing, longitudinally, the CO2 emissions associated with the proposed operation of HSR against the ‘business-as-usual’ air scenario between Sydney and Melbourne. Under the assumed 50/50 modal shift, and the Australian government's current renewable electricity target, an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 14% could be achieved when compared with a ‘business-as-usual’ air scenario. This percentage reduction represents a 62 kt reduction in base year, 2010, and a 114 kt reduction in the final year, 2030. In total, the overall reduction achieved by such a modal shift, under the assumed conditions, during the period 2010–2030, equates to approximately 1.87 Mt of CO2. Importantly, if the electrical energy supply for HSR operations was further ‘decarbonised’, then it follows that a greater emission reduction would be achieved.  相似文献   

Eco-Driving, a driver behaviour-based method, has featured in a number of national policy documents as part of CO2 emission reduction or climate change strategies. This investigation comprises a detailed assessment of acceleration and deceleration in Eco-Driving Vehicles at different penetration levels in the vehicle fleet, under varying traffic composition and volume. The impacts of Eco-Driving on network-wide traffic and environmental performance at a number of speed-restricted road networks (30?km/h) is quantified using microsimulation. The results show that increasing levels of Eco-Driving in certain road networks result in significant environmental and traffic congestion detriments at the road network level in the presence of heavy traffic. Increases in CO2 emissions of up to 18% were found. However, with the addition of vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technology which facilitates dynamic driving control on speed and acceleration/deceleration in vehicles, improvements in CO2 emissions and traffic congestion are possible using Eco-Driving.  相似文献   

Heavy fuels are likely to remain the dominant fuel source for two-stroke, low-speed diesel engines for large ship propulsion for the next decade or more. There is however, potential for increased use of pure vegetable oils (PVO) as an alternative and, by emitting lower levels of several pollutants, this can help the attainment of Annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78 convention aimed at large ships using fuels with less than 4.5% sulphur or 1.5% sulphur in SOX emission control areas The use of alternative fuels can also influence the attainment of the Kyoto protocol that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced by 5% by 2010 compared to 1990. This paper analyses the physical and chemical properties of various pure vegetable oils as an alternative to heavy fuel oil for large ship propulsion.  相似文献   


The use of fossil fuels in transportation is an important topic as a result of growing concerns over global warming. Automobile petrol demand has been of particular interest to researchers and policy-makers, given that the automobile is a major contributor to the enhanced greenhouse effect. This paper forecasts Australia's automobile petrol demand up to the year 2020 based on the best performing forecasting model selected out of eight models. In order to establish ways to reduce the demand for petrol, and the consequent by-product of reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, we have estimated the impact on CO2 for several potential policy instruments, using Transportation and Environment Strategy Impact Simulator (an integrated transport, land use and environmental strategy impact simulation programme). We find that a carbon tax of AU$0.50/kg can reduce automobile kilometres by 5.9%, resulting in reduced demand for petrol and a reduction in CO2 of 1.5%.  相似文献   

如何有效地利用部分分散、孤立、沉睡的信息资源,实现数据的共享是当前道路旅客运输企业信息化建设中亟待解决的问题。本文根据道路旅客运输企业管理需求,梳理了运输企业信息化系统总体设计要求,探讨了总体框架设计、系统技术构架、数据库设计与信息资源共享、综合业务平台与现有系统关联、系统层次结构设计等关键技术,建立了道路旅客运输企业综合业务应用系统平台,实现了企业内部各系统之间、企业上下级单位之间的资源的交互共享,最大程度的提高了数据资源的利用率。  相似文献   

Road freight transport continues to grow in Germany and generates 6% of the country’s CO2 emissions. In logistics, many decisions influence the energy efficiency of trucks, but causalities are not well understood. Little work has been done on quantifying the potential for further CO2 reduction and the effect of specific activities, such as introducing computer assisted scheduling systems to trucking firms. A survey was survey out and linked fuel consumption to transport performance parameters in 50 German haulage companies during 2003. Emission efficiency ranged from 0.8 tonne-km to 26 tonne-km for 1 kg CO2 emissions. The results show potential for improvements given a low level of vehicle usage and load factor levels, scarce use of lightweight vehicle design, poorly selected vehicles and a high proportion of empty runs. IT-based scheduling systems with telematic application for data communication, positioning and navigation show positive effects on efficiency. Fuel use and transport performance was measured before and after the introduction of these systems.  相似文献   

Transport accounts for nearly a quarter of current energy-related carbon dioxide emissions with car travel constituting more than three quarters of all vehicle kilometres travelled. Interventions to change transport behaviour, and especially to reduce car use, could reduce CO2 emissions from road transport more quickly than technological measures. It is unclear, however, which interventions are effective in reducing car use and what the likely impact of these interventions would be on CO2 emissions. A two-stage systematic search was conducted focusing on reviews published since 2000 and primary intervention evaluations referenced therein. Sixty-nine reviews were considered and 47 primary evaluations found. These reported 77 intervention evaluations, including measures of car-use reduction. Evaluations of interventions varied widely in the methods they employed and the outcomes measures they reported. It was not possible to synthesise the findings using meta-analysis. Overall, the evidence base was found to be weak. Only 12 of the 77 evaluations were judged to be methodologically strong, and only half of these found that the intervention being evaluated reduced car use. A number of intervention approaches were identified as potentially effective but, given the small number of methodologically strong studies, it is difficult to draw robust conclusions from current evidence. More methodologically sound research is needed in this area.  相似文献   

Potential costs and benefits of policy options for reducing offshore ship pollution are examined using a meta-analysis of studies synthesized regionally for the US West Coast. Net benefits of reducing SO2 emissions from cargo ships in the US West Coast waters are found to range between $98 million and $284 million, annually; the benefit–cost ratio varies between 1.8 and 3.36, depending on the size of the control area and the sulfur content limit. The results show that about 21,000 tons of on-land equivalent SO2 emissions or about 33% of SO2 emissions from all mobile sources in California in 2005 can be reduced annually if the US West Coast exclusive economic zone is designated as an International Maritime Organization-compliant SOx emission control area (SECA) with fuel-sulfur content not exceeding 1.5%. The analysis demonstrates that designating this area reduces more emissions than establishing a smaller zone at a lower but favorable benefit-cost ratio. Control measures that require 0.5% low-sulfur fuels reduce more SO2 emissions, and also may have higher net benefits. Technological alternatives may achieve benefits of emissions reductions on the US West Coast across higher ranges of potential fuel prices. Combinations of fuel switching and control technology strategies provide the most cost-effective benefits from SECAs on the US West Coast and other world regions.  相似文献   

制约小件运输发展的瓶颈之一是站到站运输与客户门到门需求之间的矛盾,目前道路客运企业正大力发展门到门的取送货业务,但缺少一套切实可行的取送货运输组织调度方案,基于此,文章建立了考虑客户时效性需求的车辆路径调度数学模型并设计了一种改进的遗传算法进行求解。通过实例证明该算法可以求得满意解,为道路客运企业发展小件快运的最后一公里取送货服务提供运输组织调度方案参考。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impacts of a targeted policy designed to influence car purchasing trends towards lower CO2 emitting vehicles. Vehicle registration tax and annual motor tax rates in Ireland changed in July 2008 from being based on engine size to emissions performance of cars. This paper provides a one year ex-post analysis of the first year of the tax change, tracking the change in purchasing trends arising from the measure related to specific CO2 emissions, engine size and fuel, and the implications for car prices, CO2 emissions abatement, and revenue gathered. While engine efficiency improvements had been offset by purchasing trends towards larger and generally less efficient cars in the past, with the average MJ/km remaining constant from 2000 to 2007, this analysis shows that in the first year of the new taxation system the average specific emissions of new cars fell by 13% to 145 g/km. This was brought about, not by a reduction in engine size, but rather through a significant shift to diesel cars. Despite an unexpected reduction in car sales due to a recession in 2008, the policy measure has had a larger than anticipated impact on CO2 emissions, calculated to be 5.9 ktCO2 in the first year of the measure. The strong price signal did however result in a 33% reduction in tax revenue from VRT, in financial terms amounting to a drop of €166 million compared to a baseline situation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the well-to-wake energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of several key SOX abatement options in marine transportation, ranging from the manufacture of low sulfur fuels to equipping the vessel with suitable scrubber solutions. The findings suggest that a scrubber system, used with current heavy fuel oils, has the potential to reduce SOX emissions with lower well-to-wake energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions than switching to production of low sulfur fuels at the refinery. A sensitivity analysis covering a series of system parameters shows that variations in the well-to-tank greenhouse gas emissions intensity and the energy efficiency of the main engine have the highest impacts in terms of well-to-wake emissions.  相似文献   

Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation has become increasingly important and challenging especially for developing countries. This paper takes the inter-city passenger transport in China as a case, and develops a system dynamics model for policy assessment and CO2 mitigation potential analysis. It is found that the future demand for China’s inter-city passenger transport is expected to be large, with the turnover volume growing at a rate of 9% per annum and amounting to 6600 billion p-km in 2020. Major emissions reduction potential exists in inter-city passenger transport. In 2020, comparing to the case without any specific policies stressing mitigation, the reduction of CO2 emissions ranges from 26% to 32% under those scenarios with policy controls. Sensitivity analysis reveals that the CO2 mitigation will be best achieved by accelerating the development of railway network, together with slowing down the extension of highway network and imposing fuel taxes.  相似文献   


This paper reviews evidence from British experience of the valuation of rail crowding obtained over 20 years from 17 studies. It summarizes these studies, places some useful empirical evidence in the public domain and draws lessons from this considerable body of evidence and experience. Crowding valuations, both for standing and seated in crowding conditions, are summarized in terms of time multipliers, which are inherently more transferable than monetary equivalents. A meta‐analysis of 208 valuations is reported, finding the valuations to vary with load factor and journey purpose. The seating multiplier averages 1.19 and the standing multiplier averages 2.32. The latter is in line with widely used multipliers applied to walking and waiting time. The most recent evidence is based around the number of standing passengers per square metre, thereby providing a more accurate measure of the discomfort of standing since, unlike load factor, it allows for the layout of the carriage and ease with which crowding can be accommodated. As far as methodology is concerned, the paper covers issues such as presenting crowding in ‘stated preference’ exercises and the realism of the crowding levels offered, non‐linearities in the relationship between crowding multipliers and the severity and amount of crowding time, and probabilistic versus deterministic representations of crowding. The paper also identifies future areas for research.  相似文献   

"物流化"是当今道路运输企业发展的必然趋势。文章在对道路运输企业物流化进行阶段划分的基础上,通过研究道路运输企业物流化的战略目标定位问题,提出了加快道路运输企业物流化步伐的策略。  相似文献   

Shipping has traditionally been viewed as the least environmentally damaging mode of freight transport. Recent studies have increasingly questioned this perception, as attention has focused on both the greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2) and the emission of health-damaging pollutants (such as sulphur, nitrogen oxides and particulates) by ships. This paper reviews the available evidence on the atmospheric emissions of shipping. It proposes that the profit objective has prompted the pursuit of greater fuel efficiency within the sector, but that reliance on market forces alone is insufficient to deliver on the environmental imperative. The paper outlines the current and planned regulatory regime for the atmospheric emissions from ships and posits that greater, and more diverse, market regulation is required. Alternative general approaches to regulatory compliance are categorised as ‘alternative sources of energy’ or ‘abatement technologies’ and the characteristics of a range of specific options are analysed. The paper concludes that although the shipping industry has been slow to improve its environmental credentials, a combination of regulation and technological innovation provides it with significant potential to dramatically reduce its environmental impact.  相似文献   

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