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As a result of the liberalisation of airline markets; the strong growth of low cost carriers; the high volatility in fuel prices; and the recent global financial crisis, the cost pressure that airlines face is very substantial. In order to survive in these very competitive environments, information on what factors impact on costs and efficiency of airlines is crucial in guiding strategic change. To evaluate key determinants of 58 passenger airlines’ efficiency, this paper applies a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, with partially bootstrapped random effects Tobit regressions in the second stage. Our results suggest that the effects of route optimisation, in the sense of average stage length of the fleet, are limited to airline technical efficiency. We show that airline size and key fleet mix characteristics, such as aircraft size and number of different aircraft families in the fleet, are more relevant to successful cost management of airlines since they have significant impacts on all three types of airline efficiency: technical, allocative and, ultimately, cost efficiency. Our results also show that despite the fuel saving benefits of younger aircraft, the age of an airline’s fleet has no significant impact on its technical efficiency, but does have a positive impact on its allocative and cost efficiency.  相似文献   


US airports negotiate legally binding contracts with airlines and finance large investment projects with revenue bonds. Applying insights from transaction cost economics, we argue that the observed variation in contractual and financing arrangements at US airports corresponds to the parties' needs for safeguarding and coordination. The case evidence presented reveals that public owners set the framework for private investments and contracting. We suggest that airline contracts and capital market control result in comparative efficient investments and act as a check on the cost inefficiency typically linked to public ownership.  相似文献   

To comply with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) 2020 global sulphur limit for maritime shipping, low-sulphur fuel oils (LSFOs) and scrubbers are the most commonly applied approaches in practice, as a result of which, however, shipowners’ profits will be affected. This paper is to identify a more economical sulphur reduction approach, for which a 19,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit container ship sailing between Far East and Europe is set as a case study. Using the cost-benefit analysis, the use of scrubbers is proved to be more economical due to the higher net present value and lower annual unit cost. The sensitivity check suggests that a scrubber is more attractive in most cases except for two scenarios where LSFOs are more popular. That is, a scrubber is losing its attractiveness when prices of LSFOs and heavy fuel oil (HFO) move in the same direction with the price spread is equal to or below US$56 per ton, and when prices of HFO rise and prices of LSFOs fall with the price spread is equal to or below US$16 per ton. This finding well explains the current popularity of installing scrubbers among shipowners although retrofitting still faces many challenges.  相似文献   


Most airlines across Asia are struggling to cope with an unprecedented economic crisis which they have very little control over, and the survival of some remains in doubt. The continuing uncertainty generated by the crisis has accelerated the process of change in the aviation industry and has highlighted the need for adaptability, and its effects have been deeper and longer lasting than previously anticipated. After a year-long slump in the Asian travel market, airlines are now considering a range of options and rehabilitation programmes including a series of cost-cutting measures. There appears to be a trend towards the extension and consolidation of strategic alliances, structural and operational reorganization, and the application of new technologies. The success of these measures will become apparent over time, but action is necessary to minimize the adverse consequences of the crisis which has dominated the region since 1997.  相似文献   

Three responses that reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in maritime transport are slower speeds, larger vessels and slender hull designs. We use crude oil carriers as our illustrative example; these represent nearly a quarter of international sea cargo movements. We estimate the potential and costs in these which can all be described as capital substituting for energy and emissions. At different degrees of flexibility and time scales: speed reductions are feasible immediately when there are vessels available, though more capital will be tied up in cargo. Deployment of larger and more slender vessels to a greater extent requires fleet renovation, and also investments in ports and infrastructure. A novel finding in our analysis is that if bunker costs rise as a result of emission costs (fees, quotas), then this may depress speeds and emissions more than if they result from higher oil prices. The reason is that for higher oil prices, more capital tied up in cargo may give cargo owners an interest in speeding up, partly counteracting the impulse from fuel costs that tends to slow vessels down. Emission costs, in contrast, do not raise cargo values.  相似文献   

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a goal that one billion gallons of renewable jet fuel is consumed by the US aviation industry each year from 2018. We examine the economic and emissions impacts of this goal using renewable fuel produced from a Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) process from renewable oils. Our approach employs an economy-wide model of economic activity and energy systems and a detailed partial equilibrium model of the aviation industry. If soybean oil is used as a feedstock, we find that meeting the aviation biofuel goal in 2020 will require an implicit subsidy from airlines to biofuel producers of $2.69 per gallon of renewable jet fuel. If the aviation goal can be met by fuel from oilseed rotation crops grown on otherwise fallow land, the implicit subsidy is $0.35 per gallon of renewable jet fuel. As commercial aviation biofuel consumption represents less than 2% of total fuel used by this industry, the goal has a small impact on the average price of jet fuel and carbon dioxide emissions. We also find that, under the pathways we examine, the cost per tonne of CO2 abated due to aviation biofuels is between $50 and $400.  相似文献   

Previous research has examined asymmetric effects of fuel price uncertainty on energy demand. If we consider that energy demand is related to travel demand, the changes in fuel prices may have asymmetric effects on highway travel demand via fuel price uncertainty. In other words, when in general fuel price is steadily rising, the highway traffic volume decreases by a small percentage. On the other hand, the highway traffic volume increases by a large percentage when fuel prices are falling. We hypothesize that the uncertainty in fuel prices generates this kind of asymmetric effect on highway traffic volume in Korea. We use the Korean monthly fuel price and highway traffic volume data from 2001 to 2009, and define the intra-month (weekly) fuel price changes as monthly fuel price volatility which is a proxy for monthly fuel price uncertainty. We found that the direction of the change in fuel prices had asymmetric effects on highway travel demand and that the fuel price uncertainty led drivers to respond asymmetrically to the changes in fuel prices.  相似文献   

This study investigates the asymmetric effects of gasoline prices on public transportation use in Taiwan. The empirical results obtained are as follows. First, we verify that gasoline price is an important determinant of transit demand. Gasoline prices have significantly positive effects on bus and mass rapid transit (MRT) use. Second, MRT ridership is more sensitive than bus and railway ridership to gasoline price and income. In the face of oil prices escalation and economic growth, the MRT system should have higher priority in public transportation planning. Third, the effects of gasoline prices on bus and MRT use are asymmetric. Bus and MRT use increases faster when gasoline prices rise than it decreases when gasoline prices fall. The transit agencies should adjust operating strategies faster in the rising of oil prices than in the falling of oil prices. It is important for transit planning to use oil prices as signals and increase the flexibility of operation in dealing with the changes in ridership. Some strategies, such as enhancing the availability of transfer information and updating transit information timely, are helpful to move passengers efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the existing fleet in the shipping industry can be adapted to the new emission regulations through the two main techniques that currently exist: (a) the use of low-sulphur marine diesels; and (b) the installation of scrubbers. A method is presented here for drawing up an economic assessment of both these techniques under uncertainty. It enables the best option to be selected at any given time taking into account fuel prices (spot and futures), scrubber installation costs, the time that the vessel operates in an Emission Control Area (ECA) and the remaining useful lifetime of the vessel. The paper also considers the possibility of an unexpected change from a non-ECA navigation area to an ECA. The assessment is carried out in a manner consistent with marine diesel and crude oil spot and futures market quotes. Our results show the net present value of investing in the installation of scrubbers and investing in changing fuel types for different assumptions on how vessels are operated. We also analyse increases in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as a consequence of using scrubbers and how they affects the financial analysis if such incremental emissions must be paid under a CO2 pricing mechanism.  相似文献   

The aviation community is increasing its attention on the concept of predictability when conducting aviation service quality assessments. Reduced fuel consumption and the related cost is one of the various benefits that could be achieved through improved flight predictability. A lack of predictability may cause airline dispatchers to load more fuel onto aircraft before they depart; the flights would then in turn consume extra fuel just to carry excess fuel loaded. In this study, we employ a large dataset with flight-level fuel loading and consumption information from a major US airline. With these data, we estimate the relationship between the amount of loaded fuel and flight predictability performance using a statistical model. The impact of loaded fuel is translated into fuel consumption and, ultimately, fuel cost and environmental impact for US domestic operations. We find that a one-minute increase in the standard deviation of airborne time leads to a 0.88 min increase in loaded contingency fuel and 1.66 min in loaded contingency and alternate fuel. If there were no unpredictability in the aviation system, captured in our model by eliminating standard deviation in flight time, the reduction in the loaded fuel would between 6.12 and 11.28 min per flight. Given a range of fuel prices, this ultimately would translate into cost savings for US domestic airlines on the order of $120–$452 million per year.  相似文献   


While the period of heightened oil prices in 2005–2014 has attracted considerable academic and policy attention, there is scant cross-disciplinary research considering energy price, transport and land use together. In car dependent societies many socio-economically disadvantaged areas often lack public and active transport accessibility. Emerging research focus has been placed on issues of transport equity including effects of fuel prices. We reviewed 45 years (1972–2017) of publications about fuel price impacts, transport, and urban context, drawn from Web of Science listed publications. Bibliographic citation analysis reveals eight major research clusters with a set of inter-city comparative studies at their centre. The historical evolution, geographical trends, research approaches and the key themes are revealed by context analysis. The paper highlights the need for further studies looking at energy, transport and land use interaction, and suggests a greater focus on transport equity.  相似文献   

In this paper, airline energy efficiency is divided into two stages: Operations Stage and Carbon Abatement Stage. This new two-stage operating framework is a modification of existing ones. Then the model, Network SBM with weak disposability, is presented to evaluate the efficiency of 22 international airlines from 2008 to 2012. The results show that: (1) Most airlines’ energy efficiencies have not declined in the period. (2) The average efficiency of European airlines is higher than that of non-European airlines. (3) Non-European airlines have smaller advancements in efficiency score than European airlines. (4) Most airlines’ efficiencies in Operations Stage are higher than Carbon Abatement Stage.  相似文献   

Using data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index, this paper examines changes in the productivity of the major United States passenger airlines from 2000 to 2004. The analysis finds that there was a significant improvement in the productivity of the carriers at transforming labor, fuel and passenger seating capacity into available seat-miles during this period. Most of the productivity improvements came about from the efficiency laggards catching up with the efficiency leaders in the industry. To a lesser extent, the adoption of new technologies improved productivity over this period.  相似文献   

Due to the ongoing increase in the number of commercial flights, greenhouse gas emissions from aviation are expected to rise significantly. Balancing the pursuit of productivity growth with environmental-footprint control policies comprises a long-term regulatory challenge. In this light, the main goals of the present paper are: (i) to measure the CO2 emissions of European airlines from 2000 to 2010, (ii) to compute airlines’ productivity in developing an environmental-sensitive productivity index, (iii) to compare the obtained results with those resulting from a traditional index, and (iv) to identify the drivers affecting productivity changes. Our results show that on average, airlines’ relative CO2 emissions have decreased. Although the airlines we studied experienced an average productivity increase—both considering and not considering negative externalities production—environmentally sensible productivity growth is lower than traditional productivity growth. Finally, we find that improvements in load factor as well as a combined increase in stage length and aircraft size affect productivity changes positively, while fuel efficiency is significant only in the case of a CO2-sensitive measure of productivity.  相似文献   

In recent years, China’s rapid economic growth resulted in serious air pollution, which caused substantial losses to economic development and residents’ health. In particular, the road transport sector has been blamed to be one of the major emitters. During the past decades, fluctuation in the international oil prices has imposed significant impacts on the China’s road transport sector. Therefore, inspired by Li and Zhou (2005), we propose an assumption that China’s provincial economies are independent “economic entities”. Based on this assumption, we investigate the China’s road transport fuel (i.e., gasoline and diesel) demand system by using the panel data of all 31 Chinese provinces except Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. To connect the fuel demand system and the air pollution emissions, we propose the concept of pollution emissions elasticities to estimate the air pollution emissions from the road transport sector, and residents’ health losses by a simplified approach consisting of air pollution concentrations and health loss assessment models under different scenarios based on real-world oil price fluctuations. Our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to address the transmission mechanism between the fuel demand system in road transport sector and residents’ health losses in the transitional China.  相似文献   

Deregulating European aviation — A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
European international scheduled aviation has been characterised by bans on market entry, price collusion, and capacity sharing. High fares were charged compared to world standards and the fares charged by European charter airlines.In May 1986 new entrants with pricing freedom were permitted on the London-Dublin route which was then the third largest in European scheduled international aviation. Prior to deregulation the route experienced high fare growth. The unrestricted fare ex-London increased 72.6 per cent compared to a Retail Price Index increase of 41.5 per cent. There was a growth in passenger numbers in the years 1980–85 of 2.8 per cent.Since deregulation passenger numbers have risen to 2.3 million compared to 994,000 before deregulation. Fares have declined by an estimated 37 per cent ex-Dublin and 42 per cent ex-London in real terms. There have been four cases of market entry and one of market exit. The estimated share of the new entrants in the second half of 1989 was 28 per cent. The preregulation earnings data of Aer Lingus, the market leader, indicated that protection allowed staff to earn economic rents. A two-tier structure was introduced in response to competition.Remaining barriers to contestability in UK/Ireland aviation include hub airport dominance, ground handling monopolies, and the ability of airlines with routes in both regulated and deregulated markets to engage in geographical price discrimination against airlines with routes in deregulated markets only. A pro-contestability aviation policy in Europe will require measures to prevent the abuse of dominant positions by established airlines over new market entrants and to prevent collusion between established airlines.  相似文献   

Since the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last revisited its wildlife strike disclosure policy in 2009, the American domestic airline industry has undergone a significant increase in concentration. We analyze how the aforementioned shift in market structure has impacted the voluntary repair cost disclosure of US airlines following a damaging wildlife strike event. We also investigate the related relationship between profitability and disclosure using an instrumental variables strategy. Lastly, we examine the interaction between competition and profits. Our results show the probability of large American airlines disclosing direct repair costs after a wildlife strike event are linked to market competition and profitability. These findings could directly inform policies managing the economic burden of wildlife strikes, most importantly, the current voluntary disclosure policy.  相似文献   

为降低西部原油管道管输能耗,通过计算管道在不同季节、不同流量下的摩阻损耗,结合管道参数和输油泵特性曲线,分析得出影响输油生产单位能耗的因素包括管输流量和输油温度。进一步计算得出了不同流量和不同季节对应的输油生产单耗。结果表明,流量对输油生产单耗影响较大,西部原油管道管输流量在1 000~1 400 m~3/h区间时生产单耗相对较低;流量大于1 600 m3/h时,生产单耗随流量上升接近线性增长。而输油温度对生产单耗的影响较小,同一流量下冬季生产单耗略高于夏季生产单耗。  相似文献   

This paper assesses cost as a function of abatement options in maritime emission control areas (ECA). The first regulation of air pollutions from ships which came into effect in the late 1990s was not strict and could easily be met. However the present requirement (2015) for reduction of Sulfur content for all vessels, in combination with the required reduction of nitrogen and carbon emissions for new-built vessels, is an economic and technical challenge for the shipping industry. Additional complexity is added by the fact that the strictest nitrogen regulations are applicable only for new-built vessels from 2016 onwards which shall enter US or Canadian waters. This study indicates that there is no single answer to what is the best abatement option, but rather that the best option will be a function of engine size, annual fuel consumption in the ECA and the foreseen future fuel prices. However a low oil price, favors the options with the lowest capex, i.e. Marine Gas Oil (MGO) or Light Fuel Oil (LFO), while a high oil price makes the solutions which requires higher capex (investments) more attractive.  相似文献   

随着石油储量的减少和油价的持续走高,油耗已经成为大家关注的焦点.文章通过基于底盘测功机的汽车燃油消耗量的测试研究,获得了不同车况和车速下的油耗曲线,试验结果比较科学地反映了车辆的真实油耗,可供各种汽车油耗测试参考.  相似文献   

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