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航道是航运发展的关键要素,航道等级差异会给船舶通航带来一定的阻抗.在轴辐式网络单分配模型的基础上,考虑由航道等级差异造成的船舶转驳,建立最小化运输成本和转驳流量的双目标规划模型,并使用ε-约束算法进行优化求解,通过算例实验验证了模型的有效性.实验结果表明,航道等级差异对航运网络结构和航运效益影响显著.当航线船型固定时,...  相似文献   

2008年9月4日,作为"中国吉林东北亚投资贸易博览会"系列活动的一部分,中国、俄罗斯、韩国、日本四国有关方面签署了合作协议,开通中国东北继东海之后的第二条出海航线.该航线长约800海里,自中国吉林省珲春市,陆路抵达俄罗斯扎鲁比诺港,海上经停韩国束草港,最后抵达日本新泻,被称做"四国陆海联运定期航线",环日本海航运通道将由此打通.  相似文献   

传统的集装箱班轮网络优化中,通常假设航线网络对于港口集装箱货运需求无影响,但是大量的案例表明该假设并不成立.实际上航线网络与港口集装箱货运需求之间具有相互影响的动态反馈关系.针对这一问题,提出了新的集装箱班轮网络优化模型.模型以航线最大收益为目标,基于上述动态反馈关系,优化干线航线的靠泊港口、靠泊顺序以及为干线港选择支线喂给港,并为求解该模型开发了基于遗传算法的启发式算法.实验计算表明,模型和算法可有效地提高集装箱班轮航线的运营效率.  相似文献   

航运经营者在市场激烈竞争的今天必须根据航道、港口、航线、货源合理选配船型,充分利用航运资源,增强企业经济效益。  相似文献   

[关注]马士基等三大航运集团合作优化太平洋航线日前,马士基航运、地中海航运和达飞海运等三家班轮公司,准备优化三方合作经营的一条上海至加利福尼亚地区的太平洋航线。根据计划,该合作航线将从8月20日起,对航线挂靠进行变更,增加挂靠上海外高桥。  相似文献   

上海远洋运输公司目前已拥有各类船舶153艘、305万载重吨,航线遍及150多个国家和地区的600多个港口,年货运量在1800万吨以上。现已开辟了38条班轮航线,其中集装箱班轮航线31条,杂货班轮航线7条,每月开出76班次,航迹遍布五大洲、三大洋。其中集装箱船队的发展尤为令人瞩目。近五年来,这家公司瞄准国际大市场,跻身世界航运竞争,成功地建成我国航运史上第一个环太平洋集装箱网络。目前这个网络有59艘各类集装箱船舶投入营运,航行于环太平洋的15个国家和地区的40多个港口。据国际权威运输机构统计,以“上远”船队为主力的中国远洋集装箱船队,不论船舶数量还是箱位,  相似文献   

为更好地推动港航企业参与北极东北航线集装箱运输,设计优化亚欧集装箱航线网络。对环绕模式北极东北航线集装箱运输的发展潜力进行论述,构建综合考虑航次收益和航次效率的北极东北航线环绕模式集装箱航线阶段优化模型,设计改进的嵌套启发式算法求解,并运用亚欧航运案例对其有效性进行模拟验证。结果表明:北极东北航线环绕模式运输具有经济性优势,嵌套启发式求解算法能有效地求解环绕模式集装箱航线优化问题,优化后的航次均天利润提高约0.81万美元,且呈现先增后减的趋势。  相似文献   

于全虎 《船舶》2023,(4):35-45
为推进特定航线河海直达运输发展,提高河海直达运输船舶的标准化水平,该文通过梳理特定航线江(河)海直达船舶技术标准、标准船型主尺度系列和通航管理规定的修订情况,以及京杭运河江苏段至洋山港航线通航条件,结合特定航线江(河)海直达典型船型发展现状分析,在船舶主尺度、舱室布置、船体结构、船舶线型、推进与航速、节能减阻技术、适航和耐波性、吃水与浮态、绿色船舶技术、智能船舶与助航技术等方面分析特定航线河海直达标准船型的技术特点,最后简介了4种船型方案。政策发力和航运市场需求的蓬勃发展为该船型展现了良好的发展前景,基于生命周期评价,运用先进技术、满足船舶能效设计指数(energy efficiency design index, EEDI)的绿色节能型智能船舶是标准船型的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

2008年9月4日,作为“中国吉林·东北亚投资贸易博览会”系列活动的一部分,中国、俄罗斯、韩国、日本四国有关方面签署了合作协议,开通中国东北继东海之后的第二条出海航线。该航线长约800海里,自中国吉林省珲春市,陆路抵达俄罗斯扎鲁比诺港,海上经停韩国束草港,最后抵达日本新泻,被称做“四国陆海联运定期航线”,环日本海航运通道将由此打通。在理想状况下,中国东北货物运到日本所需时间,可由之前从陆路到大连,经渤海、黄海再辗转于日本海所需的12天,缩短为1天半。  相似文献   

为促进苏州市内河集装箱运输业发展,推动苏州市运输结构优化调整,分析其内河集装箱运输业的现状及发展内河集装箱运输业的必要性,指出其存在的内河干线航道达标率和覆盖率低、京杭运河与长江黄金水道缺乏水运联系、南部与北部航道网相对独立、相关体系不健全等问题,并为此提出进一步优化航道网络、合理布局内河集装箱港口、开辟示范航线、研发适用船型、建立航运综合服务体系等建议。  相似文献   

A real liner shipping problem of deciding optimal weekly routes for a given fleet of ships is considered and a solution method for solving the problem is proposed. First, all feasible routes for each ship are generated together with the cost and the duration for each route. The routes are given as input to an integer programming (IP) problem. By solving the IP problem, routes for each ship are selected such that total transportation costs are minimized and the demand at each port is satisfied. The total duration for the routes that are selected for a given ship must not exceed one week.

The real liner shipping problem is solved together with four randomly generated test problems. The computational results show that proposed solution method is suitable for designing optimal routes in several liner shipping problems.  相似文献   

A real liner shipping problem of deciding optimal weekly routes for a given fleet of ships is considered and a solution method for solving the problem is proposed. First, all feasible routes for each ship are generated together with the cost and the duration for each route. The routes are given as input to an integer programming (IP) problem. By solving the IP problem, routes for each ship are selected such that total transportation costs are minimized and the demand at each port is satisfied. The total duration for the routes that are selected for a given ship must not exceed one week.

The real liner shipping problem is solved together with four randomly generated test problems. The computational results show that proposed solution method is suitable for designing optimal routes in several liner shipping problems.  相似文献   

It is important to study the risk posed by heavy shipping traffic to a subsea pipeline located near an industrial port area. In this context, it is essential to estimate the accident frequency in an attempt to eliminate subjectivity in the analysis process. This study proposes a model for estimating the ship sinking frequency over the subsea pipeline in the Madura Strait area. The Madura Strait is one of the busiest shipping lanes in Indonesia. Many ships pass through the fairway in the strait, and many industrial ports have been built in this area. The proposed model is developed based on Fujii’s Model, and it uses Automatic Identification System (AIS) data as a ship traffic survey. Ship sinking accidents are considered based on ship–ship collisions over the critical subsea pipeline area. The ship–ship collision locations around the subsea pipeline and the ship traffic distribution models are estimated using AIS data. The causation probability Pc is determined based on a synthetics approach using a Bayesian network modified from Det Norske Veritas’ and Hänninen’s models. The causation probability is estimated by considering factors such as human performance, weather, technical problems, and support. The proposed model is validated by comparing its result with actual accident records for the Madura Strait area. The ratio value of 0.33 is considered to be reasonably agreement (ratio value ≥0.2).  相似文献   

We use linear programming (LP) for solving the problem of the optimal deployment of an existing fleet of multipurpose or fully containerized ships, among a given set of routes, including information for lay-up time, if any, and type and number of extra ships to charter, based on a detailed and realistic model for the calculation of the operating costs of all the ship types in every route and on a suitable LP formulation developed in earlier work of the authors. The optimization model is also applicable to the problem of finding the best fleet compostion and deployment, in a given set of trade routes, which may be the case when a shipping company is considering new or modified services, or a renewal of the existing fleet. In addition, two promising mixed linear-integer programming formulations are suggested.  相似文献   

台湾海峡冬季大风浪时的航法探讨技   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂礼肃 《世界海运》2002,25(1):15-16
台湾海峡是我国南北海运的必经之道,台湾岛是我国东南沿海各港口通往太平洋各国的重要驿站,实现两岸直接“三通”,将有力地推动海峡两岸的海运事业的发展,推进两岸经济的共同繁荣。为确保航行安全,根据实践经验,提出几条在大风浪条件下主要直航航线的航法及注意事项。  相似文献   

The trend towards global warming and the rapid decline in the extent of summer Arctic sea ice over recent years has increased the feasibility of international Arctic shipping. In this study we propose a seasonal NSR (North Sea Route)/SCR (Suez Canal Route)-combined shipping service linking Shanghai and Rotterdam, using the Northern Sea Route during the economical navigable window but using the traditional Suez Canal Route at other times. Different from the previous literatures, this paper dynamically considers the sea ice extent in the model, which is more reasonable for the assessment of Arctic container shipping, because fuel consumption is highly related to ship speed, while ship speed is determined by the relative distances of ice-covered and ice-free route stages. A new approach is developed to predict the time points at which the ship enters and exits the ice-covered stage, given that both the ship position and the extent of sea ice are constantly changing. The results show that the NSR/SCR-combined Arctic container service can be more economical than the SCR, given lower NSR tariffs.  相似文献   

沿海内贸集装箱班轮航线优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓佳  乐美龙 《中国水运》2007,7(11):19-20
随着沿海内贸集装箱运输市场的快速发展,各大班轮公司如何把船舶安排到最佳航线上,使有限的船舶资源创造最大的经济利益,成为各大公司研究的课题。根据沿海几大干线港口之间的运量需求,建立非线性规划与整数规划相结合的混合模型,选择典型航线建立运输网络,并对其进行优化。该数学模型可应用于解决我国沿海内贸集装箱船舶运输航线配置问题,进而实现利润最大。  相似文献   

A novel methodology is developed for determining the characteristics of a cargo roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ship and the fleet size required for a given short sea shipping route. The ship and required fleet size to satisfy the transportation demand (for each pair of speed and freight rate) are determined using a database of existing cargo ro-ro ships to obtain the main technical characteristics of the most suitable ship. The time charter, voyage costs and revenue are then calculated considering the technical characteristics of each ship. Fuel costs are corrected for the actual ship speed and loading condition. A number of restrictions in the transportation problem are considered leading to the exclusion of unfeasible solutions. The maximum profit over the period of a year is identified among the feasible pairs of speed and freight rate. This general methodology is applied in a case study that considers the route between Leixões (Portugal) and Rotterdam (Netherlands). The study allows the identification of the most suitable ship and fleet sizes for different market penetration levels and quantifies the impact on shipping company profit of changes in parameters such as fuel costs, time charter costs, emission control area, installed propulsion power and stacking factor.  相似文献   

动力电池装船有利于节能减排,但目前主要应用在短距离小尺度船上,在大型船舶上的应用和研究均较少。基于Carnival Vista 62.4 MW动力系统技术参数和航速信息,采用多种能量管理算法,对比分析原型和动力电池替代主机动力系统方案的动力性和燃油经济性,阐明动力电池装船的资本回报周期,为大型船舶动力系统节能减排提供参考。  相似文献   

寇雄  成圣复 《船舶工程》1997,(6):10-12,18
本文应用人工神经网络方法,以经济指标为衡准,在考虑了航线的船型,港口装卸效率等因素后,对我国煤炭海运系统中的主要航线运量分配方案最优化进行讨论,为国家有关决策部门制订合理发展我国煤炭海运计划提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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