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港口是典型的资产密集型企业,设备的平稳运行是保障港口生产的决定性因素之一。秦皇岛港引入了以工单为主线的企业资产管理(EAM)系统,通过应用EAM系统实现了企业管理、基础数据积累、业务流程优化、人力物力管理和应用系统的有效整合,全面提升了设备管理水平。  相似文献   

安静 《港口科技》2011,(9):44-44
近日,日照港股份一公司EAM设备资产管理信息系统投入试运行。该管理系统启用了资产管理、维修管理、运行管理、统计查询等模块,将固定资产档案、设备维修标准等基础数据录入系统,设备基础管理实现计算机网络化。该系统通过计算机,对设备资产的前期、档案、运行状态、维护维修为中心的设备全寿命周期进行管理,  相似文献   

<正> 美国Datastream公司是专业从事资产管理的公司,在该行业中有很高的信誉和影响。该公司研制的资产设备管理软件(EAM)在全世界被广泛运用。近年来,该公司与拥有多年在集装箱港口、集装箱堆场计算机管理系统开发与实施及在港口装卸设备维修维护丰富  相似文献   

<正>宁波舟山港集团有限公司穿山港区引进企业资产管理EAM系统,使码头公司在资产以及相关联的维修、物资、成本、项目等方面的管理能力得到显著提升,在行业内具备了较强的竞争能力近年来,随着集装箱运输的持续快速发展,集装箱码头之间的竞争日趋激烈。为了能够在行业内领先一步,各码头公司也都在探索创新的道路,其中不乏对企业资产管理方式的革新。宁波舟山港集团有限公司穿山港区(大型集装  相似文献   

<正>日前,盐城港集团顺利完成集装箱码头生产操作系统(TOS)、电子口岸系统、港机设备物资管理系统(EAM)、散杂货生产管理系统(MES)数据资产质量评价及价值评估,并获得《数据资产登记证书》,成为盐城市首批完成数据资产登记的企业之一,也是全国首个港口企业数据资源入表案例。  相似文献   

<正>主要产品集装箱TOPS-C件杂货TOPS-B滚装船TOPS-R码头智能道口EAM资产管理系统信息化规划咨询系统集成服务运营维护服务船舶营运SOMS船代管理SAMS堆场管理YMS车队管理TMS内支线调度平台集卡互拖平台公司简介上海海勃物流软件有限公司(Shanghai Harbor e-logistics Software Co.,Ltd.)是上海国际港务(集团)股份有限公司旗下高科技企业。公司业务范围涵盖软件开发、系统集成、运营维护、网络通信、项目监理和信息规划等方面,具有国内、外各类型物流企业信息化建设的丰富经验,能够为港口物流企业提供完整的业务信息化解决方案。  相似文献   

港口物流应用系统结构设计(2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭维德 《集装箱化》2007,18(8):36-39
4重点应用系统功能设计 4.1业务流程管理应用 配合集团发展规划、管理目标和管理流程,在现有的以及已经规划建设的业务处理系统支持下,有计划地实施集团有关关键业务流程管理功能,如综合办公管理、生产组织与统计管理、项目(合同)管理、资产与设备管理、安全质量管理、党群工作管理、人力资源管理、财务与业务一体化管理和绩效管理等。  相似文献   

文中介绍了搜救应急管理的业务流程,提出了基础层、数据层、支撑层、应用层和展现层的水上搜救应急管理信息系统总体架构设计,结合湖北省水上搜救应急管理系统“数据中心、两级搜救平台、三大应用系统”的建设情况,介绍了系统建设和应用效果。  相似文献   

物流系统的开发框架是建设物流应用系统的基础,所有的新应用在此基础上快速开发。它完成之后将提供一些应用系统最基本的功能:系统配置、应用管理、安全管理,日志管理、数据访问,ASP应用等功能。  相似文献   

计算机控制故障监测系统在船舶柴油机中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机控制故障监测系统是用于柴油机状态监控和故障诊断的监控系统。文章通过分析该系统在船舶柴油机中的应用,研究了他的结构原理和特点,并结合实际系统总结了柴油机诊断与管理的方法,提出了对船舶柴油机的运行状况的应用管理要点,为机舱的安全运行管理提供了技术保障。  相似文献   

自主水下航行器(AUV)作为探索海洋、开发资源和军事作战等水下应用的重要手段,其速度和续航力是评价其性能优劣的重要方面。AUV在水下航行时的阻力主要取决于其几何形状和尺寸以及其表面的光滑程度,因此,研究AUV的几何形状和外观尺寸便显得尤为重要。对AUTOSUB,HUGIN,REMUS,BLUEFIN1和BLUEFIN2这5种艇型建立几何模型并进行阻力性能分析。通过采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法进行数值模拟,并将所得结果与理论结果进行对比分析,以验证CFD模拟的可靠性及模拟的最优模式。通过对比不同直径、不同舵的展弦比、带舵和无舵、有整流罩以及相似径长比的不同艇型来比较AUV的阻力性能,最终得到艇型的阻力性能特点以及最佳艇型。研究表明:在5种艇型中,AUTOSUB型最优,其次是HUGIN型、REMUS型和BLUEFIN1型,最后是BLUEFIN2型,其中AUTOSUB型和HUGIN型适合中、高速航行,REMUS型和BLUEFIN型适合低速航行。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe the experimental assessment of the ultimate strength of a severely corroded box girder subjected to a uniform bending moment resulting from four-point loading. Three box girders that could simulate the behaviour of midship sections have been deteriorated in corrosive seawater environment to simulate different levels of corrosion degradation of ageing ship structures. During the deterioration process, various parameters have been controlled and the total weight lost was registered. Corroded plate thicknesses have been measured in 212 points and a statistical analysis has been performed. The resulting corrosion wastage has been fitted by a non-linear time variant degradation model. The experimental results of the ultimate strength test of a severely corroded box girder subjected to a four-point loading have been analysed. The load-displacement and moment-curvature relationship is discussed, different failure modes are identified, and the strain gauges readings are analysed.  相似文献   

Eighteen-year (1985–2002) mean monthly SST Pathfinder data with 9 km spatial resolution have been used to estimate surface gradients by finite differences. Then the seasonal climatological means have been calculated from the intensity of these gradients, and surface thermal fronts present in the Patagonian Continental Shelf (PCS) have been located. Moreover, 6 years (1998–2003) of SeaWiFS data with approximately 4 km spatial resolution have been used to estimate monthly composite images of surface chlorophyll concentration, after which seasonal climatological means distributions have been generated. Both seasonal distributions have been analyzed together and by combining the knowledge of oceanographic processes and phytoplankton responses to light and nutrient availability, regions where the presence of a thermal front affects photosynthetic activity have been identified. Subjective criteria have been applied to define eighteen areas where phytoplankton biomass is influenced by the presence of a thermal front. In these areas, the surface chlorophyll (spatial mean and total), its relationship with the surface chlorophyll of the whole region, and the seasonal evolution of this relationship have been calculated. All frontal areas cover less than 15% of the total surface, but they contribute with over 23% of the phytoplankton annual mean biomass. Considered as a group, during summer they show high chlorophyll values very similar to those in spring. During the cold period, when the water column is vertically mixed in practically the whole of PCS, the influence of physical fronts over the biological production is minimum. The frontal zone image remains clearly defined during summer, when approximately 85% of the area will have a determined mean chlorophyll concentration, while the other 15% has a 2.45 times larger value. While three pattern trends have been identified in the frontal areas, only two of them condition the pattern of the group, due to their horizontal extension.  相似文献   

风暴中船舶安全池破损问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李远林 《中国造船》2004,45(1):14-19
选用实际在航货船船型,运用理论和模型试验相结合的方法确定非线性横摇运动方程各系数,研究了随机波浪和随机风中船舶安全池的破损问题.引入定量分析方法,考虑扰动波谱(例如ITTC谱)对安全池破损的影响以及脉动风速谱的作用,进一步揭示了安全池破损的内在机理及影响因素.本文认为,计算安全池时应选择合适的扰动波谱,风速脉动特性的影响是不能忽略的.  相似文献   

分析研究了国内外几种港口工程规范中关于船舶风荷载计算的方法特点并应用同一算例进行了计算结果间的对比分析,评价了O ptim oor软件的可用性。  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the impact of exchange rate risk on the performance of major shipping companies from two important maritime nations, Japan and Norway. For the shipping industry, such risk is exacerbated by freight rates fixed in US dollars which must then be converted into numerous other currencies. The appreciation of the Yen against the US dollar has been such that Japanese companies have been impelled to insulate themselves from exchange rate movements by natural hedging. For Norway, where fluctuations of the Krone against the US dollar have been less dramatic, exposure has been maintained, allowing an element of speculation. In both cases the market indicates that exchange rate risk is a significant factor in the determination of corporate performance.  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the impact of exchange rate risk on the performance of major shipping companies from two important maritime nations, Japan and Norway. For the shipping industry, such risk is exacerbated by freight rates fixed in US dollars which must then be converted into numerous other currencies. The appreciation of the Yen against the US dollar has been such that Japanese companies have been impelled to insulate themselves from exchange rate movements by natural hedging. For Norway, where fluctuations of the Krone against the US dollar have been less dramatic, exposure has been maintained, allowing an element of speculation. In both cases the market indicates that exchange rate risk is a significant factor in the determination of corporate performance.  相似文献   

Radionuclides (99Tc, 125Sb, 90Sr, 137Cs) discharged from La Hague in France have been used to trace advection and dispersion of water masses in the “European Coastal Current” from the English Channel to the Baltic. Time-series of radionuclide measurements in water samples taken in the English Channel, at the Netherlands coast, in the German North Sea sector and in Danish waters have been compared with reported discharge values. The prospects for using 129I measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) as an oceanographic tracer have been evaluated as positive. The 99Tc analytical procedure have been improved and background levels of 99Tc, 137Cs and 90Sr in open North Atlantic seawater without influence from European discharges have been determined. An intercomparison programme have documented the quality of the measured 99Tc and 125Sb data. Transit times and transfer factors from La Hague to different locations in the study area have been estimated. It is concluded, that 10% of the La Hague discharge is transported through Kattegat and that 1/3 of the inflowing Kattegat bottom water originates from the coastal current. Three fundamentally different numeric models have been further developed under the project. The measured data have then been compared with values simulated by the three models. Models as well as measured data indicate, that a close coastal transport with longer transit times and often higher concentrations than seen in the open water main current is taking place. This coastal transport is important when contaminant transport is monitored. It is concluded, that the collected data gives a unique opportunity to evaluate models on advection and dispersion of coastal water masses and contaminants. The database will be made available as a tool for the evaluation of such models.  相似文献   

高峰  况贶 《船舶》2015,(5):46-50
文章介绍了小水线面双体船型的特点,阐述其在军事领域的应用和发展前景。运用数值仿真方法计算水下非接触爆炸作用下小水线面双体船的结构变形和冲击环境,分析此船型结构抗冲击特性和全船冲击环境特点,提出在抗冲击设计时的重点设计区域和优化方向,为其军事应用提供技术积累。  相似文献   

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