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论中国公路网规划环境影响评价主要目标与内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《中华人民共和国公路法》和《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》相关内容的解读,从环评的角度论述了公路网规划的特点,总结了应在公路网规划阶段控制的生态环境问题。在此基础上,文中从决策支持、规划完善和预防措施3个方面全面阐述了公路网规划环评的主要目标,以上述目标为导向提出了中国当前开展公路网规划环评的指导思想与工作原则,并全面介绍了为实现上述目标,公路网规划环评所应包含的主要内容。  相似文献   

李晓青  黄升 《中国水运》2007,5(11):173-175
交通部发布的、根据《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》制定的多个配套规章中,在经营许可部分的有关条文,都出现"注明许可事项",笔者认为有些规定有与《行政许可法》相抵触之处,交通部发布的《道路运输条例》配套规章是不能设立行政许可事项的。本文以《道路危险货物运输管理规定》为例,并结合工作实践中的案例来分析,进一步阐述这个观点。  相似文献   

许小兵 《港工技术》2021,58(2):72-75
在沿海主要港口铁矿石疏港"公转铁"大趋势下,朔黄铁路沿线地区钢铁企业利用朔黄铁路运输铁矿石势在必行.与目前黄骅港综合港区及天津港朔黄铁路返程运输铁矿石相比,黄骅港煤炭港区开展朔黄铁路返程运输铁矿石管理协调更加顺畅,综合物流成本最低,最适宜开展铁矿石运输业务.  相似文献   

刘利祥 《港口科技》2009,(10):10-13
秦皇岛港长期以来以煤炭输出为主,但散货仍是港口经营的重要组成部分。介绍了秦皇岛港杂货运输发展状况,用SWOT分析法确定了秦皇岛港杂货运输的发展战略并制定了量化的战略目标。提出了秦皇岛港杂货运输发展战略的路径规划,并对确保战略实施的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刘长兵 《水道港口》2012,33(6):532-535
以秦皇岛煤炭港口为例,筛选煤粉尘(TSP)作为典型大宗散货港口大气环境优先污染物,通过对港口区域现有重点煤尘污染源、烟尘污染源和工业粉尘污染源排放和治理状况以及大气污染物迁移扩散规律的研究,结合社会、经济和环境因素,以满足秦皇岛煤炭作业环境和周边地区大气环境功能区环境质量标准为约束条件,探求了港口大气污染物排放总量及环境承载力控制目标。  相似文献   

随着海峡西岸经济区开发的加快进行,福建沿海港湾资源的布局正重新整合、调整,煤炭、原油、集装箱等能源、物流基础设施建设正全面展开。尽管海峡西岸具有海域条件良好的兴化湾、湄州湾、泉州港、厦门港等港湾,但随着海运船舶的大型化,港口工程向外海发展也成为趋势。由于特殊的水域条件,在台湾海峡外海建设港口项目有着特殊的要求。结合最近几年在海峡外海按照工程总承包模式建设的几个大型原油、散货码头工程,提出工程建设的经验和体会。  相似文献   

港口水工建筑物检测评估与耐久性寿命预测技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对交通部新近颁布的《港口水工建筑物检测与评估技术规范》中关于已建港口水工建筑物检测与评估的前提条件、检测与评估工作的基本程序、检测评估内容及评估分级标准等主要规定作技术说明,重点介绍和说明港口水工建筑物耐久性检测与评估的相关技术规定。  相似文献   

The due diligence obligation of sponsoring states requires state parties to enact laws and take administrative measures to secure effective regulation of the contractors of deep seabed mining and ensure that the contractors comply with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and regulations issued by International Seabed Authority (ISA). China has invested significantly in the exploration and exploitation of the deep seabed resources in the Area and China enacted its deep seabed mining law (DSM Law) in 2016 to fulfill its due diligence obligation as a sponsoring state. Environmental regulation is an important part of devising the international legal regime of deep seabed mining, and the ISA has been in the process of drafting Environmental Regulations. It is the sponsoring states' obligation to ensure that the contractors comply with the environmental rules issued by the ISA. China's DSM Law has many provisions stating the environmental obligations of its contractors; however, these provisions are phrased in rather general terms. It is necessary for China to take the next step as a sponsoring state and promulgate its domestic environmental regulation under its DSM Law in order to further fulfill its due diligence obligation. A procedure-oriented approach should be adopted for drafting the environmental regulation under China's DSM Law. Ideally, the environmental regulation under China's DSM Law should specify the rights and obligations of the contractors and domestic regulatory agency, delineating the environmental measures that the contractors need to take in different stages of exploring and exploiting deep seabed resources in order to comply with the environmental rules issued by the ISA.  相似文献   


Ports are an important driving force for world economic growth, but they consume considerable energy. The marine sector has proposed the development of green ports to achieve low-carbon sustainable development. This paper presents a green project scheduling model of port construction to optimize comprehensive economic and environmental efficiency. Various realistic constraints are considered, including investment scale, energy savings, emissions reduction, and project priority. Comprehensive efficiency involves cost reduction, energy savings, emissions reduction, and other efficiency goals. The problem is formulated as an integer program and is solved using CPLEX in a general algebraic modeling system (GAMS). We use a representative port in China as a case port in solving its green project scheduling. The results show that the port can save 6,527 tons of standard coal, reduce 40,875 tons of CO2, and save 49 million yuan per year in the five-year implementation period. The payback in investing in these green projects is less than six years. From an economic and environmental perspective, the comprehensive efficiency achieved is significant.  相似文献   

葛军 《水道港口》2007,28(5):366-369
以国投在曹妃甸拟建年吞吐量5 000万t的煤码头为例,介绍了曹妃甸港区的环境空气质量和环境关心点,利用《环境影响评价技术导则》认可的预测方法和预测软件对大型煤码头营运期煤粉尘扩散范围进行了预测计算。结果表明:为大型煤码头选址于曹妃甸港区有效地避开了居民居住区,避免了煤炭运输带来的最大的环境问题对人类居住环境的影响,大型煤码头在曹妃甸港区的选址具有合理性。  相似文献   


Balancing economic activities with socio-environmental considerations has become a global standard for the construction of large scale infrastructure projects, including ports. In this discourse, stakeholder participation and environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) have been stressed as important tools that can help port managers to co-create values, avoid conflicts and promote inclusive growth. Drawing on qualitative research tools and stakeholder theory, this paper explores whether and to what extent local stakeholders’ inclusion has substantial influence on addressing their socio-cultural concerns and interest. This is illustrated with a case study of an ongoing port expansion project at Ghana’s largest port of Tema. The findings suggest that although the port authority conducted an ESIA and engaged local stakeholders as part of the planning process, this did not translate into preventing the loss of valuable cultural resources of the local communities. The port authority did not place ‘value’ on cultural resources of the local communities that cannot be expressed in monetary terms. Further, lack of good faith engagement with local stakeholders led to conflicts in some cases that triggered a court action and delays. The paper concludes that stakeholder participation if not applied well, can become a ‘post-political’ tool.  相似文献   


In the early 1970s, Seattle Piers 90/91 were declared surplus federal property by the GSA. These obsolescent half‐mile‐long piers and their adjacent uplands were purchased by the Port of Seattle for redevelopment. This urban waterfront site of almost 200 acres presents the Port of Seattle with a number of severe planning problems. While it is the last large deep‐water site on Elliott Bay, it is also in a very sensitive location, since it is overlooked on two sides by vocal residential communities with a history of active intervention in development projects on visual and other environmental grounds.

At Piers 90/91, public concerns over the visual effects of port redevelopment include:

1. nuisance effects of night‐operations lighting on adjacent hillside residences;

2. nighttime obstruction of distant views due to increased foreground illumination;

3. day and night view obstruction by tall structures such as container‐handling cranes;

4. alteration of the character of both day and nighttime views by new port facilities.

As part of a program to study the effects of alternative redevelopment strategies for Piers 90/91, the Port has undertaken a through examination of the visual effects of different uses, their visual appropriateness, and the ways by which adverse visual effects can be mitigated. The results were incorporated into an environmental impact statement which documented compliance with the Seattle Shoreline Master Program and with view protection and glare provisions of the City's S.E.P.A. guidelines.

A systematic Visual Resource Management (VRM) approach was successfully employed on this coastal zone project. Major elements included visibility mapping, key view selection, analysis of existing visual character, simulation of alternatives, assessment of relative visual compatibility, and determination of effective mitigation measures. Community involvement has also been a critical element in this approach to assessing and managing the visual effects of redevelopment in a major urban port.  相似文献   


Seaport expansion often generates tensions between the national interest in efficient transport and local interests in water quality and habitat preservation. The governing American permitting system, however, establishes an extraordinarily cumbersome, legalistic, and costly method for balancing environmental and economic considerations. A case study of the Port of Oakland illustrates the tendency. For four years, plans to find an environmentally acceptable site for dredged material have been stymied by a sequence of inconclusive regulatory and judicial proceedings. Meanwhile, large container ships can enter and leave Oakland harbor only at high tide, and not fully loaded. Despite the absence of any authoritative determination concerning environmental risks, the port was compelled to accede to progressively more expensive disposal methods. Such “adversarial legalism”; is not unique to the Oakland harbor case, but recurs in other policy spheres. It stems from a governmental structure that fragments decision‐making power among many agencies, that constrains regulatory discretion with legal demands for scientific certainty, and that by allowing agency decisions to be challenged readily in court, encourages legalistic defensiveness and extortion rather than compromise. The article concludes with a discussion of the conditions under which regional planning bodies might overcome these centrifugal tendencies.  相似文献   

基于满意度指数的港口竞争力测评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水运是我国贸易的主要运输方式,伴随着中国经济和港口经济不断的持续增长,港湾建设的竞争不断加剧,港口竞争力测评的研究已经成为提升港口竞争能力的重要途径之一。文中在分析现有港口竞争力测评方法存在问题的基础上,提出了基于满意度指数的港口竞争力测评思想,运用结构方程的方法构建了港口满意度测评体系和模型,为港口竞争力的测评提供了一个创新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

梅燕 《中国水运》2007,5(10):33-34
长江港口通过多年大规模的建设,已成为沿江综合运输体系的重要枢纽,承担了沿江能源、外贸物资、石油、集装箱、煤、矿石等货物的运输任务。近十几年来是长江港口基础设施投入资金最多,基础设施建设最快,港口结构调整成效显著,港口吞吐量增长迅速,科技含量、管理水平和人员素质迅速提升的时期,港口建设取得了巨大的成就,港口综合竞争力明显提高。如何综合考核港口发展状况是当前的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

环境风险分析在港口规划环境影响评价中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出了适合于港口总体规划特点的环境风险评价的内容与模式,并通过在营口港总体规划环境风险分析中的应用,讨论了港口规划环境风险分析应注意的问题,认为港口总体规划的环境风险分析的重点在于最大可信事故的风险影响程度、范围与周边其它功能区及相邻敏感点的空间关系。  相似文献   

秦皇岛作为我国北方海域的重要航海口岸,自古人类活动以来,就与中原地区发生了海上联系,其航海地位已初具雏形。自先秦至隋唐时期,由于历代帝王对秦皇岛航海地位的重视,使秦皇岛与山东、辽东及东南沿海的联系更加密切,其航海规模一次比一次宏大。迨至明清时期,因秦皇岛所处的战略地位,以军事运输为主的航海活动空前活跃起来。设置"海运厅"后,秦皇岛地区的海运管理更趋健全和严密;为保障行船安全,出现了早期的导航标志和组织,是秦皇岛航海技术和航海设施的重大进步。清末,秦皇岛自开口岸被帝国主义骗占后,其航海地位是悲惨和畸形的,直到1948年秦皇岛解放,其航海地位揭开了崭新的一页。本文比较系统地概述了古代秦皇岛航海地位,对文史工作者研究秦皇岛古代航海活动有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   


Major air pollutants from maritime shipping operations are sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter emissions from combustion of fuel oil during cruise, berth, and start‐up modes. Sulfur oxides emissions are substantial from steamships burning high‐sulfur residual fuel oil, where shipping contributes 66 percent of the total sulfur dioxide emissions from transportation sources, and almost 3 percent of the total for Harris county, Texas. Nitrogen oxides emissions are significant during cruise conditions for both steamships and motor ships, while particulate emissions are substantial during start‐up and tube cleaning.

Significant marine air pollutant emission sources are found in busy harbor areas such as the Houston Ship Channel. Offshore terminals for unloading large tankers may result in emissions of 10 to 20 tons of sulfur oxides daily per ship, and 3 to 5 tons of nitrogen oxides daily per ship during pumping operations. Trace‐metal constituents present in the oil may catalyze sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide oxidation to their respective sulfate and nitrate aerosols in the humid Texas Gulf Coast atmospheres to aggravate photochemical air pollution problems once the air masses reach industrial and populated urban areas on land. Onshore sulfur dioxide and particulate‐matter emission controls may be necessary for some large ships in port to minimize potential impact on coastal zone air quality.  相似文献   

针对是否全面提高港口工程结构设计使用年限的问题,回顾目前我国港口工程结构设计使用年限确定的过程,对比分析国内外工程结构设计使用年限的规定,总结国内外设计使用年限100 a时的设计规定,分析提高港口工程设计使用年限需考虑的因素,讨论提高设计使用年限需开展的工作。研究认为,全面提高港口工程结构设计使用年限在技术上是可行的,但需要开展作用取值、结构可靠度分析、耐久性设计方法等多方面研究工作。参考国内其他行业和国外港口工程结构设计使用年限规定,结合我国港口使用现状,提出永久性港口建筑物设计使用年限仍采用50 a,对于特别重要的港口工程,可结合业主要求,采用50 a以上的建议。  相似文献   

Given the private sector character of the UK port system it might well be thought that, so far as port development is concerned, the market ruled. There are of course permissions to be obtained, including planning consent under the Town and Country Planning Acts; but this process has not so far been considered to interfere with market function. Ports are already well used to the process of obtaining approval, to negotiations with objectors and environmental interests, and to mitigating the effects of development when defining projects and seeking approval.

However, as ports policy is being brought into line with transport policy generally, and in particular with Government policy for sustainable development, ports are being faced with a more challenging regulatory framework. The search for sustainable transport is leading Government towards a broader based approach to the approval of development applications in which market need and commercial viability are simply two of a number of considerations which ports must take into account in designing projects which also meet environmental concerns.

There has been a long standing requirement for developers of major projects to carry out Environmental Impact Assessments. In addition Government policy is set out in a number of publications, applying sustainability and the associated “New Approach to Transport Assessment” (NATA) to the ports sector. In a separate and broader initiative it has also considered a radical reform of the planning system and the establishment of national priorities for infrastructure combined with a simplification of the Public Inquiry process. In the event it has been decided not to establish national priorities in the ports sector, although the aim of simplification of the Inquiry process remains.

The aim of this paper is to explore the emerging theoretical and practical issues arising within the development approval process. These are of most concern in the development of major projects for cargoes which have broad hinterlands, and where there are competing locations for new facilities. The most important example of this is in the deep sea container sector where there is a demand for new capacity and a choice of widely spaced locations in the south east of the UK. Some comment will be made on this sector and on the issues arising at the Public Inquiries for the proposed container port developments at Dibden Bay (Southampton) and the London Gateway at Shellhaven on the north bank of the Thames.  相似文献   

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