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This paper presents the methodology and results of a study commissioned by the Division of Coastal Resources of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The objective of the study was to assess the economic and social impacts of potential energy activities on New Jersey's shorefront recreational resources for the purpose of formulating policies concerning the location of energy facilities on the coast. The Coastal Tourism Response Model developed as part of the project is briefly described and suggestions are offered for model application. The paper reviews the literature assessing the impacts of environmental changes on human attitudes and behavior and further discusses energy facilities and tourists in particular. It concludes that energy facilities, if carefully planned, can coexist with tourism activities, and stresses the role of regional differences and local attitudes toward development and preservation as key factors in determining the state policy.  相似文献   


Abstract This case study, prepared by an interdisciplinary group of several scientists and planners and a lawyer, reviews the handling by the decision process of an application to the Baltimore District Corps of Engineers for permission to construct a marina. The study determines that while the project in question may not present a significant environmental threat, the project when considered in conjunction with other pending projects on the same subtributary would contribute to boat congestion and degradation of water quality. Changes in the decision process are suggested which would facilitate consideration of the cumulative impacts from a series of coastal alterations.  相似文献   


There is increasing concern regarding the impacts of recreational four-wheel driving (4WDing) on sandy beach environments. The ghost crab Ocypode cordimanus is a widely distributed Australian species that utilizes beaches and dunes for constructing burrows and for foraging. Comparisons of ghost crab abundances (using burrow counts) in areas “open” and “closed” to recreational 4WDing were conducted on exposed sandy beaches on North Stradbroke Island, off the coast of southeast Queensland. Beaches where recreational 4WD activity is present had significantly lower ghost crab abundances than beaches where it is absent. The most plausible reason for this difference in abundance is that ghost crabs are highly vulnerable to being crushed by beach traffic when feeding on the beach at night. To mitigate the impacts of recreational 4WDing on ghost crab population management intervention is needed. Possible changes to the management of recreational 4WD activity include the setting aside of areas free of recreational 4WD activity for the conservation of biodiversity, or a prohibition on driving on the beaches between dusk and dawn. There is also a need for a consistent and transparent approach in Queensland for quantifying and monitoring 4WD activity in sandy beach environments.  相似文献   


This introductory piece traces the growth of knowledge and activity associated with visual resource management in general. A specific framework of questions regarding methods of coastal zone visual resource management is presented. The state‐of‐the‐art in methodological studies is listed for each question, and the methodological questions are related to the major articles with the special issue of the Coastal Zone Management Journal. Major legal federal statutes, state statutes, and court cases are reviewed in light of visual resource management in the coastal zone. The remaining articles within the special issue that deal with integration of VRM into decision‐making are then arrayed against a management framework. This framework includes regulatory situations for (1) public land management and planning, (2) public projects involving private lands, and (3) public regulation of private projects.  相似文献   


During the past century, traditional ownership, control, and use of coral reef habitats in the U.S.‐affiliated islands in the Pacific have declined, exposing them to increased construction for plantation, transportation, military, urban, aquaculture, fisheries, mineral, and resort development. Dredging, filling, and other construction in coral reef and related ecosystems are expected to continue at high levels. Collectively, these activities have resulted in major adverse ecological impacts, many of which can be avoided or reduced to minor levels. Improvements in the design, siting, and construction of coastal projects can be accomplished by early integration of environmental objectives. Ecological baseline surveys; environmental impact assessments; regulatory conditions; guidelines and standards during construction; monitoring of construction; post‐construction evaluation; and long‐range research, planning, and management are among the most useful of the environmental tools to describe reefs and to identify measures to reduce or avoid adverse impacts on coral reefs.  相似文献   


In some cases, the major risk encountered by an industry seeking to site a facility is that of community acceptance. Without community acceptance of a proposed project, construction can be delayed, taxes can be prohibitive, and operations can be prevented through the opposition and influence of local groups. This paper describes the community acceptance risk, the traditional industrial approach to countering local opposition, and a positive approach to achieving community acceptance. This positive approach entails careful site selection; affirmative management of the community acceptance problem, including explicit planning of the community acceptance effort, assignment of staff with specific responsibilities to implement plans, and a budget for mitigating the impacts of the project on the community; acquisition of sufficient land to buffer unavoidable impacts of the project; a carefully formed corporate policy on the public release of information concerning the project; and constructive participation in state and local government policy development.  相似文献   

Howard Ris 《Coastal management》2013,41(3-4):299-311

This paper concerns the limitations on integrating visual management into the coastal zone planning process as exemplified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a state with a strong tradition of “home rule”; and a CZM implementation program based on a “networking”; of existing state authorities. The implications of the Massachusetts experience are that: (a) management of esthetic resources at the state level continues to be much less of a priority than management of ecological resources such as wetlands or floodplains; (b) visual management has yet to engender a strongly supportive constituency beyond that concerned with historic preservation; (c) project review focusing on visual impacts may be a more appropriate activity for local rather than state government; and (d) the technical aspects of visual management or impact assessment are far more advanced than their political acceptability. Political realities, together with the decision that implementation of the program should be based on a networking of existing authorities, thus determined the degree to which visual management could be incorporated into the state's program. As a result, the program's principal instruments of visual management became a strengthening of existing programs such as Wild and Scenic Rivers, reliance on wetland protection statutes to indirectly protect natural scenic values, and the use of the federal consistency provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Act to foster focused growth patterns through provision of publicly funded infrastructures. Esthetically oriented project review, with the exception of potential impacts on historic sites, was left to the discretion of local government, and a technical assistance program was created to provide funding or professional skills to communities interested in developing their own esthetic controls or design review processes. Maine, Rhode Island, and other New England states have followed a similar course.  相似文献   


This paper examines the management issues relating to the potential closure of the mouth of Australia's largest river. The importance of maintaining the river mouth is outlined, together with the implications of restricted river flow and the management response following the most recent closure of the mouth in 1981. One of the major unresolved issues is the question of responsibility and funding, which has arisen because of overlapping jurisdictions on either side of the river mouth and a lack of jurisdiction f or the mouth itself, which is an administrative boundary.  相似文献   


Greater commitments of aquatic resources are required as aquaculture activities expand and intensify. At the same time, increasing recreational and residential uses of the coast are placing other demands on many of the same resources. Multiple use disputes are arising and conflicts are intensifying. This paper is a problem analysis based on recent public debates in the state of Washington which surrounded the mechanical harvest of clams, raft culture of mussels, and pen rearing of salmon. Subjects of potential conflict are shown in the questions of continuing the subtidal harvest of geoducks, raft culturing of marine algae for food and chemical extracts, and continuing the use of public nearshore aquatic areas for private oyster farming. This report also suggests that better coastal management techniques need to be developed which address: (1) how environmental impacts and risks are determined; (2) how claims for esthetic quality can be evaluated and measured; and (3) which methods can be used to plan for the aquatic areas which recognize the special features of the aquatic areas.  相似文献   


The issue of whether power plants should be located on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan shore or inland is addressed in this article. It is quite likely that sites for several large power plants will be needed before the year 2000. Available evidence on the comparative costs of condenser cooling indicates that there may or may not be substantial economies from locating these plants at lakeshore sites depending on site characteristics, fuel costs, and other variables. Environmental impacts of coastal and inland siting are surveyed and also appear to be highly site‐specific. Important issues arise with respect to the intense competition for coastal land and the aquatic impacts at both coastal and inland sites. A third alternative, that of utilizing sites that are in the coastal zone but set back from the water's edge, has some promising aspects, but data on costs are scarce and inconclusive. Conclusions center on the importance of not ruling out either coastal or inland locations in future efforts to identify suitable power plant sites, the need to review current water‐quality measures, and the need for further research on institutions to facilitate sound siting decisions.  相似文献   


Straits and canals have always served as key nodes in shipping networks. The blockage of a strait or canal will lead to ship deviations and increased transportation costs. To measure this impact on the Chinese fleet, our study develops a mathematical model that is based on a programming formulation. Each strait or canal is assumed to be blocked in turn, and the increased transportation costs for the Chinese fleet in different scenarios are calculated and compared using the proposed programming formulation in order to measure the impact of the blocked strait or canal on the Chinese fleet. Larger increases in transportation costs have greater impacts on the fleet. The results show that a blockage of the Strait of Hormuz would have the greatest impact of all straits and canals; it would cause the Chinese fleet to lose a portion of its import and export market, and such a blockage cannot be addressed through ship deviations. Based upon increased transportation costs, the four straits or canals that would have the greatest impact if blocked are the Mandeb Strait, the Suez Canal, the Sunda Strait and the English Channel.  相似文献   


This paper reports on research conducted in support of a coastal zone management effort to reduce erosion and sedimentation impacts in a wetland watershed, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey County, California. The research reviews methods of determining soil erosion susceptibility and relating it to land‐use intensity within the watershed, measured by a land disturbance index. Erosion susceptibility is measured in three ways: by a combination of slope and the erosion factor of the Universal Soil Loss Equation; by field measurement of erosion and deposition on selected sites; and by computer‐assisted terrain analysis of data from secondary sources. Land use is shown to be a more important factor than landform in influencing relative erosion susceptibility.  相似文献   


This article is a short response to a critique by William Odum and Stephen Skjei of an earlier article by this author in this Journal entitled “Wetlands Preservation and Management on Chesapeake Bay: The Role of Science in Natural Resource Policy.”; It is a continuation of themes begun in that paper. It focuses on the question of determining the social value of wetlands preservation and the contradictory positions which ecologists fall into when discussing the value of wetlands.  相似文献   


State coastal zone management programs are responding to the potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise through a wide range of activities and policies. This article provides a brief overview of the Coastal Zone Management Act and other federal laws that provide the basis for coastal state regulatory activities. It surveys the level of response to sea level rise by state coastal management programs in 24 marines coastal states, from formal recognition to implementation of policies addressing the issue. Individual state CZMP responses and policies that have been implemented or proposed are categorized. The adaptation of sea level rise to ongoing institutional objectives is discussed and policy constraints and trends are summarized.  相似文献   


We investigate a ferry network design problem with candidate service arcs (FNDP-SA), which is a new variant motivated by areal-world case from Zhuhai Islands. In this research, the design of a ferry schedule must conform to strict constraints including technical feasibility, safety issues, environmental impacts and moreover, avoid conflicting with ferries from neighboring cities (i.e. HongKong, Shenzhen and Macao). Therefore, a set of cautiously approved service arcs are firstly given, based on which the ferry service network is optimized. This study is among the first to formally describe the FNDP-SA and model it as an integer program. A hybrid variable neighborhood descent (VND)-based algorithm is developed. Two sets of instances are generated based on the case of Zhuhai Islands, where the first set is based on historical ticket sales data while the second set is derived by incorporating increased demands in the future according to a questionnaire survey. Numerical studies have shown that 59% cost reduction on the first set can be achieved by the proposed VND algorithm when compared with manual results. Research outcomes of this study have been adopted and implemented to facilitate the sustainable development of the ferry service of Zhuhai Islands.  相似文献   


The application of the input‐output method to regional analysis of coastal zone production and consumption activities is examined. A review of previous Northeastern input‐output studies provides a framework for analyzing selected methodological procedures utilized in this type of analysis. While commercial fishing and other marine‐related activities have been shown to have important economic impact on coastal communities, the review indicates that in certain cases the methodological procedures adopted tended to yield an upward bias to the estimation of economic impacts. Standardization of procedures is recommended for future studies.  相似文献   


To improve the security and efficiency of terminal operations, a key issue for land area layout at a foreign trade container terminal is to plan and design an inspection area. Since it directly affects terminal traffic, while determining inspection area site selection, we should pay a great attention to operations and management of terminal traffic as well as container inspection. This paper employs a system decomposition technique to develop an integrated simulation framework, which enables us to flexibly obtain the whole picture of terminal traffic conditions and evaluate traffic impacts of inspection area site selection. A real-world terminal with typical patterns of land area layout is chosen to carry out a case study, which shows that traffic flow is unevenly distributed on the terminal road network and that the distribution is influenced by truck streams at the terminal. New findings also include: (1) traffic volume at the terminal apron is rather unbalanced in association with the non-continuous utilization of berths; (2) a proper inspection area should be located near the gate if the terminal conditions permit from the perspective of terminal traffic. This work may provide a decision-making reference for the planning and construction of foreign trade container terminals.  相似文献   


The use of environmental impact assessment (EIA) is relatively recent in the People's Republic of China (PRC). China is committed to a reversal of the environmental degradation resulting from its industrialization and the central government has initiated a requirement for environmental planning and assessment for large development projects. Today large scale harbor developments are subject to the requirements of the National Environmental Protection Law (1979) and the Marine Environmental Law (1982). Because the third phase expansion of the coal port of Qinhuangdao would increase the ports’ capacity to handle coal by 30 to 50 million tons, an EIA was required.

Since 1981, the Environment and Policy Institute of the East‐West Center (EWC), Honolulu, has had a program of research focusing on the environmental impacts of coal transportation. On the basis of workshops in China that centered on the problems associated with planning coal transportation projects, the Ministry of Communications of the PRC invited the EWC to participate in the environmental assessment for the third phase coal port expansion at Qinhuangdao. A 10‐member team with specialities in environmental assessment and port environmental problems from five countries representing the EWC worked with a 25‐member team from four different agencies of the PRC Ministry of Communications.

This article describes the environmental regulations in the PRC that affect this harbor expansion, discusses the process by which the EWC assisted the PRC in the preparation of the environmental assessment and evaluates the assessment product against PRC regulations and U.S. standards. The most important contribution of the EWC was the provision of guidelines adapted from the EIA experience in several countries which will assist the PRC in the environmental evaluation of future pon expansion projects.  相似文献   


Analysis of recent substantive coastal land use management laws shows that their main thrust is to provide for protection of the coastal environment from adverse impacts of uncontrolled development. The four purposes cited most frequently among laws of 17 states were: Protection of wildlife and fisheries, protection of ecosystems or the natural environment, control of development, and enhancement of esthetic values. Other purposes were to: Protect life and property, enhance public recreation, conserve soil, and protect water resources. Development and economic purposes were cited in relatively few laws.  相似文献   


A method is suggested for beginning identification of coastal amenities and noneconomic values, which are often assumed to be too vague and highly individualized for explicit consideration in coastal zone planning and management decisions. Through an examination of selected works—primarily naturalists’ essays and some poetry and fiction—several recurring perceptions of coastal qualities and values emerged. A framework of six dominant themes (the senses of life and continuing creation, time and timelessness, space and distance, imperviousness to man and man's actions, energy and conflict, and mystery and spirituality) as well as the concepts comprising and linking these themes is discussed and supported by quotations from the literature studied.  相似文献   

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