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The purpose of this article is to describe a program of agricultural land preservation in Carlsbad, California. This program focuses on agricultural subsidies and has been adopted and certified by the California State Coastal Commission and is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 1982.

This subsidy program is a variation of development rights transfer. Although no property rights are actually transferred, owners of land designated for agricultural use are subsidized by fees imposed on land designated for potential conversion to residential use. The Carlsbad program is placed into context by means of a brief review of similar proposals which attempt to preserve agricultural land in a fair and equitable manner.

The importance of agricultural land preservation is emphasized through discussions of urban development pressure, the significance of agriculture in the Carlsbad coastal zone, and the work of the California State Coastal Commission.  相似文献   


In a public opinion survey conducted in Santa Barbara county, California, respondents were interviewed regarding their feelings on coastal zone development, within a context of broader environmental and political issues.

A high degree of expressed concern for the environment was found, but the data also indicate a widespread reluctance to allocate a greater share of personal income to improve environmental quality.

Among the issues dealt with are citizen views on environmental problems, the effectiveness of government in the environmental field, offshore oil drilling, and coastal zone development.

The results show that on each of the issues analyzed, a person's education, age, and the extent of his political participation are the major factors which determine his concern for the environment. Additional variables appear to have some significance in determining attitudes toward local environmental projects and perceptions of government.

Offered are implications of the findings for the future of organized action on environmental problems.  相似文献   


Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other gases are expected to warm the earth several degrees in the next century by a mechanism known as the greenhouse effect. Such a warming could cause sea level to rise two to five feet by expanding ocean water, melting mountain glaciers, and perhaps eventually causing polar glaciers to melt and slide into the oceans.

A rise in sea level of even three feet could cause substantial erosion of beaches and coastal wetlands, increased flooding, and intrusion of saltwater into rivers, bays, and aquifers. Fortunately, many of the adverse consequences can be avoided by taking timely measures in anticipation of sea level rise. Nevertheless, many coastal zone managers are reluctant to take these measures until the prospect of sea level rise becomes more certain.

This article examines the implications of future sea level rise and identifies anticipatory measures that may be appropriate today in spite of current uncertainties.  相似文献   


This paper examines the activities of the California State Coastal Conservancy. It will examine the agency's procedures and identify those factors critical to its success. Finally, suggestions for improvements in its operations are given.  相似文献   


Risk assessment is a methodology which has been used to evaluate the safety of major public projects, notably aerospace programs, liquefied natural gas import facilities, and nuclear power plants.

This article begins with a review of public attitudes toward risk and then describes the basic components of a risk assessment. Subsequent critical analysis suggests the pitfalls inherent in the technique, especially in regard to the establishing of a criterion of safety against which the results of a risk assessment will be compared. The author identifies three such criteria and rejects two of them, including the one most commonly used in federal government agency decision‐making, as unreliable or philosophically unacceptable.

The article concludes with comments on the applicability of risk assessment in coastal zone management.  相似文献   


In the early 1970s, Seattle Piers 90/91 were declared surplus federal property by the GSA. These obsolescent half‐mile‐long piers and their adjacent uplands were purchased by the Port of Seattle for redevelopment. This urban waterfront site of almost 200 acres presents the Port of Seattle with a number of severe planning problems. While it is the last large deep‐water site on Elliott Bay, it is also in a very sensitive location, since it is overlooked on two sides by vocal residential communities with a history of active intervention in development projects on visual and other environmental grounds.

At Piers 90/91, public concerns over the visual effects of port redevelopment include:

1. nuisance effects of night‐operations lighting on adjacent hillside residences;

2. nighttime obstruction of distant views due to increased foreground illumination;

3. day and night view obstruction by tall structures such as container‐handling cranes;

4. alteration of the character of both day and nighttime views by new port facilities.

As part of a program to study the effects of alternative redevelopment strategies for Piers 90/91, the Port has undertaken a through examination of the visual effects of different uses, their visual appropriateness, and the ways by which adverse visual effects can be mitigated. The results were incorporated into an environmental impact statement which documented compliance with the Seattle Shoreline Master Program and with view protection and glare provisions of the City's S.E.P.A. guidelines.

A systematic Visual Resource Management (VRM) approach was successfully employed on this coastal zone project. Major elements included visibility mapping, key view selection, analysis of existing visual character, simulation of alternatives, assessment of relative visual compatibility, and determination of effective mitigation measures. Community involvement has also been a critical element in this approach to assessing and managing the visual effects of redevelopment in a major urban port.  相似文献   


The Florida Keys are an example of a fragile resource threatened by development. The early division of the area into small lots made conventional planning and regulation difficult. This paper describes the creation of a conservancy for the Keys—the history of development, the conditions necessitating a conservancy, and the political wrangling it took to implement the conservancy.  相似文献   


This article is a short response to a critique by William Odum and Stephen Skjei of an earlier article by this author in this Journal entitled “Wetlands Preservation and Management on Chesapeake Bay: The Role of Science in Natural Resource Policy.”; It is a continuation of themes begun in that paper. It focuses on the question of determining the social value of wetlands preservation and the contradictory positions which ecologists fall into when discussing the value of wetlands.  相似文献   


Authority to designate marine sanctuaries was established by Title III of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. One may view this authority as the ocean water counterpart to our National Parks and Seashores. Contained herein is a discussion of the components of the Title and how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) plans to carry out the program. Nominations received to date are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Leah Pagan 《Coastal management》2013,41(2-4):223-236

Port O'Connor, Texas, a small unincorporated community on the Gulf Coast, was studied to assess the residents’ attitudes toward the potential growth related to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) development. In contrast to attitudes of residents in many East Coast communities, residents of Port O'Connor do not feel threatened by OCS‐related growth. Rather, the risks they perceive result from increased tourism. They are well familiar with the social costs of tourism. They are less familiar with the social risks involved in increased OCS activities.

In terms of coastal zone management policy, this study highlights the importance of attending to the concerns of local residents for their social structure and way of life. The social risks imposed by increased OCS activity must be considered important factors in plans for OCS development.  相似文献   


The authors present an assessment of the Coastal Conservancy's efforts to consolidate small, substandard lots in the Santa Monica Mountains. Emphasis is placed on the ‘ ‘lessons learned’ ‘ by the Conservancy in its project experience as those lessons may be applicable to related efforts elsewhere. Finally, alternative means of lot consolidation are suggested. This assessment should be of relevance to other programs nationwide to address the problem of antiquated subdivisions.  相似文献   


Ports are often at the center of conflicts regarding the use of coastal areas and their management. Yet, it is often impossible to forecast the future development patterns of a port due to its dependence on shifting international relations and markets. Such inherent uncertainty complicates the management of coastal areas affected by the port. This article looks at how such a case is being addressed in Eilat, Israel's Red Sea port.

The development of Eilat's port has been a function of the changing geopolitical situation in the Middle East. At the same time it is in the center of a number of local conflicts involving the management and planning of Israel's Red Sea coast. Evaluation of the two alternatives proposed to address these conflicts is hampered by the inherent uncertainty regarding the port's growth patterns. The use of robust evaluation techniques is suggested as one way to address inherent uncertainties.  相似文献   


Natural resource management entities such as the Regional Fishery Management Councils established by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 depend heavily on science to inform policymakers and to legitimate the policy process. This paper discusses the importance of fishery science to the council system, contrasts the functions of Scientific and Statistical Committees (SSCs) serving the Pacific Fishery Management Council and the New England Fishery Management Council, and remarks on the implications of differences in the display of scientific authority by these SSCs.  相似文献   


The coastal setback line program in Florida represents an effort to achieve more efficient location decisions, protect beachfront properties from storms, and control beach erosion. This article examines the reasons why the regulation of shoreline development might be necessary, describes the coastal setback program in Florida, discusses some of the problems encountered in its implementation, and examines its potential success.  相似文献   


This model statute sets out a mechanism for the management of the coastal zone by the coastal states. It provides a possible state response to the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. The authors recognize that most states presently have some form of management or legal control over their coastal zone, and the model statute has been written with the intention that all or parts of it could be adapted to the wide variety of state regulatory schemes with the aim of providing unitary management to the valuable resource of the coastal zone.  相似文献   


Historic shipwrecks are a recently recognized group of historic resources. These shipwrecks attract sport divers, archeologists, and treasure hunters. States have always claimed the historic shipwrecks embedded in their submerged lands. States manage these resources as part of their historic preservation programs. However, since 1981, state authority has been challenged by the federal court sitting in admiralty. Cases have been decided in Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, Texas, and Georgia; however, only one Florida case went against the states but the expensive litigation has been a drain on state treasuries.

Bills currently before the U.S. Congress will affirm state title and encourage states to put effort into state programs for historic shipwrecks. This article briefly describes the populations interested in shipwrecks, current case law, state law and state programs, and finally the federal legislative proposal.  相似文献   


Under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, the federal government cooperates with states, the fishing industry, and public constituencies to regulate fisheries. This paper notes changes in U.S. fisheries over the last decade, remarks on the effectiveness of the Act, and makes suggestions for an improved fishery management process.  相似文献   


Debate over the appropriateness of U.S. approaches to coastal management procedures for developing countries has increased over the past few years. The coastal management program which was developed for American Samoa offers the opportunity to test the utility of the U.S. approach to CZM for developing nations.

American Samoa represents a blend of traditional and new cultures and thus may be a microcosm of developing countries. American Samoa's development of a CZM plan is examined with emphasis on similarities and differences with U.S. experience. A culture‐oriented framework is presented which can shape programs appropriate to developing countries. Finally, a process and a set of guidelines provide an outline for those attempting the difficult task of applying U.S. environmental planning and management to other countries.  相似文献   


Evacuation inland ("horizontal evacuation") is the traditional method of saving life in areas forecast as the site of hurricane landfall. But “high confidence”; warning time is only 12 hours, while some coastal areas are now so densely populated that twice that time is required for evacuation. Coastal managers must therefore risk the ire of local citizens “unnecessarily”; evacuated early, and the associated risk that several false alarms will reduce citizen compliance, or the risk that evacuation will be too long delayed.

The alternative of vertical evacuation (going upstairs in hurricane‐proof buildings) is resisted by planners who are concerned that its risks are too high and that partial acceptance of the concept would vitiate compliance with the horizontal component. But in some areas there may no longer be a choice: prudent coastal managers must determine the potential need and capability for vertical evacuation in their areas. Effective integration of both vertical and horizontal evacuation will require development of new plans and policies.  相似文献   


Aquaculture and its specialized cousin, mariculture, provide some potential additional food sources and economic revenues. Technological barriers to increased mariculture production are being removed, but many legal and institutional barriers remain. Examples of the current and potential regulation of mariculture in Texas by state and federal authorities are examined. The effect of various state and federal regulations on the development of mariculture is discussed from a legal and institutional viewpoint. The potential for growth of mariculture is considered questionable without regulatory reforms, particularly at the federal level.  相似文献   

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