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The issue of whether power plants should be located on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan shore or inland is addressed in this article. It is quite likely that sites for several large power plants will be needed before the year 2000. Available evidence on the comparative costs of condenser cooling indicates that there may or may not be substantial economies from locating these plants at lakeshore sites depending on site characteristics, fuel costs, and other variables. Environmental impacts of coastal and inland siting are surveyed and also appear to be highly site‐specific. Important issues arise with respect to the intense competition for coastal land and the aquatic impacts at both coastal and inland sites. A third alternative, that of utilizing sites that are in the coastal zone but set back from the water's edge, has some promising aspects, but data on costs are scarce and inconclusive. Conclusions center on the importance of not ruling out either coastal or inland locations in future efforts to identify suitable power plant sites, the need to review current water‐quality measures, and the need for further research on institutions to facilitate sound siting decisions.  相似文献   


This paper examines the activities of the California State Coastal Conservancy. It will examine the agency's procedures and identify those factors critical to its success. Finally, suggestions for improvements in its operations are given.  相似文献   


Legislation authorizing the national marine sanctuary program was enacted a decade ago. Since this time, six national sanctuaries have been designated and several additional offshore sites have been reviewed. This paper reviews issues associated with implementation of the program since its inception and focuses on four sites which have undergone review as illustrative of primary programmatic issues: The Channel Islands and Point Reyes‐Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuaries; the Flower Garden Banks; and Georges Bank.  相似文献   


Identifying the information needs of managers and other stakeholders is an important first step in designing an evaluation of management effectiveness for marine protected areas (MPAs) that will be relevant to local circumstances and useful for improving management practices. Information requirements for evaluating effectiveness were investigated at two MPAs in Indonesia. Results show that, despite similar management objectives, information needs for evaluation differ between sites and those differences reflect the unique context within which management operates in each case. The scope of information needs at each site covers a broad range of issues including context, planning, resources, processes, outputs, and outcomes. Relevant components of a variety of different evaluation tools will need to be used to satisfy information needs at these sites. Evaluation tools that are based primarily on stated management objectives or the expressed views of a few key stakeholders are unlikely to be very useful for improving management in these cases.  相似文献   


Tankers and offshore exploration and production facilities are the main sources of marine oil spills in the North Sea. Both Norway and the United Kingdom conduct vigorous programs to improve oil spill response, including systematic research and testing of oil spill cleanup technology, regional stockpiling of oil spill response equipment, training of response personnel, and conducting periodic in‐water oil spill “war games.”; The United Kingdom relies on chemical dispersants, while Norway prefers the use of mechanical containment and recovery devices. Norway also requires its offshore operators to demonstrate that their oil spill response equipment and contingency plans meet specific performance standards.  相似文献   


Recent land use legislation pays particular attention to the coastal zone where age‐old conflicts have recently accelerated. Flexibility is required in policy because visible conflicts are tied into complex physical and social systems which may require changing patterns of land use over time. Public policy is altering property rights and a thorough understanding of the economic and social roles played by those rights is required. Economic models can be used to understand some major changes such as types of alteration of the environment, but may be ignored or misused unless a better understanding of coastal decision processes is developed.  相似文献   


An estuarine sanctuary is a store of public values due to the ecological, cultural, recreational, aesthetic, historic, and economic services provided by the preserve. These values may be expected to increase over time because of (1) growth in the population demanding estuarine services, (2) growth in the willingness to pay for such services, and (3) growth in the actual quality and quantity of services which are provided by a protected natural system. Thus an estuarine sanctuary will be more valuable to future generations than to current generations. When weighing the cost and benefits of a preservation or development decision, a preservation decision which seems currently undesirable may in fact be socially beneficial when growth in the value of estuarine services is included.  相似文献   


Major air pollutants from maritime shipping operations are sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter emissions from combustion of fuel oil during cruise, berth, and start‐up modes. Sulfur oxides emissions are substantial from steamships burning high‐sulfur residual fuel oil, where shipping contributes 66 percent of the total sulfur dioxide emissions from transportation sources, and almost 3 percent of the total for Harris county, Texas. Nitrogen oxides emissions are significant during cruise conditions for both steamships and motor ships, while particulate emissions are substantial during start‐up and tube cleaning.

Significant marine air pollutant emission sources are found in busy harbor areas such as the Houston Ship Channel. Offshore terminals for unloading large tankers may result in emissions of 10 to 20 tons of sulfur oxides daily per ship, and 3 to 5 tons of nitrogen oxides daily per ship during pumping operations. Trace‐metal constituents present in the oil may catalyze sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide oxidation to their respective sulfate and nitrate aerosols in the humid Texas Gulf Coast atmospheres to aggravate photochemical air pollution problems once the air masses reach industrial and populated urban areas on land. Onshore sulfur dioxide and particulate‐matter emission controls may be necessary for some large ships in port to minimize potential impact on coastal zone air quality.  相似文献   


A watershed‐based approach to water quality management is necessary for protecting coastal water quality, but the relative importance of inland pollution sources on estuaries is often overestimated. This can lead to a misallocation of coastal water protection resources and ignorance of coastal zone pollution sources. This overestimation of upstream contributions is attributable to a failure to recognize that many estuaries have little or no inland drainage area, the confusion of basinwide pollutant loading with pollutant delivery to estuaries, the low delivery ratios for many pollutants within drainage basins, and disproportionately high pollutant delivery for sources within the coastal zone. Examples are given from North Carolina. As a general rule, resources expended on pollution control within or near the coastal zone will result in more coastal water quality improvement per unit effort than resources expended upstream.  相似文献   


How vessel crews perceive safety on board (shipboard safety) is a useful indication for the general safety level. In this study a theoretical model was explored, involving factors that could possibly influence shipboard safety. Based on a survey questionnaire (n = 244), safety climate, shipowner efficiency demands and regulatory activities were investigated as influencing factors. Structural equation modelling gave support to the theoretical model and the findings illustrate that simultaneous involvement of various levels of the maritime system (crews, shipowners, regulators) can be effective for safety improvements. The study indicates that shipboard safety is affected by actions and prioritization by external actors through safety climate. It suggests that the maritime industry will profit from monitoring safety climate as part of the ongoing risk considerations, as a supplement to reactive parameters such as accident statistics.  相似文献   

Kaohsiung City and its neighborhood in the southwestern coastal plain of Taiwan have suffered serious air pollution since the region became the largest center for heavy-industry on the island. In order to unravel the air pollution history of the region, four 210Pb- and 137Cs-dated sediment box cores recovered in 2006 from offshore of this area were chosen for magnetic and petrographic analyses. The data were used to distinguish changes in concentration, composition and grain size of magnetic particles in the sediments due to inputs of anthropogenic magnetic spherules. Sedimentation rates have been reasonably constant for the last one hundred years, except at the core tops which were affected by a turbidite layer induced by a typhoon in 2005. Down-core profiles of mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (χ) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) are similar among the cores, and reflect similar trends to magnetic spherule counts. This reveals that χ and SIRM of modern marine sediments can be used as air pollution indicators for nearby industrialized upwind areas. The studied record indicates that industrialization of the area was gradual during 1950–1980 and boomed afterward, resulting in a high production of airborne magnetic spherules, which is consistent with evidence for poor air quality at that time. Optical and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) surveys of magnetic extracts indicate that the magnetic spherules have grain sizes ranging from a few micrometers up to 50 μm and consist mainly of iron oxides with variable Si, Al, and Ca contents. X-ray diffraction analysis on magnetic extracts from different depths in the cores further indicates that magnetite and pyrrhotite, which are derived from terrigenous detritus, form the magnetic constituents of the sediments before the area was industrialized. In contrast, during the industrial boom, anthropogenic magnetite and hematite spherules became the dominant magnetic particles in the sediments. Down-core profiles of hard isothermal remanent magnetization (HIRM) below the turbidite layer also reveal similar trends to the corresponding magnetic spherule counts, which indicate that the concentration of hematite in the sediments is also closely related to the extent of air pollution. In addition, relatively low values of χARM/χ, which are indicative of coarse magnetic grains, started to occur when large magnetite spherules became significant during the industrialized period. The air pollution history elucidated from our sediment core data not only reflects the development of Kaohsiung from a small village to a highly industrialized metropolitan area in the 20th century, but it is also consistent with the most recent air pollution trends revealed by real time air quality measurements of PM10. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of magnetic parameters for delineating the air pollution history of coastal marine sediments down-wind of nearby industrialized regions.  相似文献   


The Lake Shiwha Project was planned in the late of 1980s about 10 years before establishing ICZM policy and wetland conservation policy in Korea. The project was to build a dike of 12.7 kilometers in the mouth of a estuary, thereby to keep freshwater instead of brackish in the lake and to create land of 110 square kilometers for agriculture and industrial complex by draining out of associated wetland. However the Korean government abandoned keeping freshwater in the lake as soon as completing the dike because of not being able to control of serious pollution in the lake. This article analyzes the characteristics of the project such as bias of feasibility, degree of transformation and time period of loss of goal that led into environment disaster and extracts some implications for lessons.  相似文献   


The successful implementation of structural and nonstructural solution to problems of shoreline erosion is greatly facilitated if the accumulation and analysis of data sets are accomplished within a design framework which has both theoretical validity and practical application. An inventory of beach resources based upon breaking‐wave energy and beach mobility is presented as a basis for a beach classification system. This method should be used with existing inventories compiled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A simplified means of determining changes in beach position and slope is suggested; this will facilitate gathering data in a daily time series at numerous locations by a minimum number of people. Examples of how the inventories may be conducted and a sample classification system are presented for selected portions of the shoreline of New Jersey.  相似文献   


Risk from the “natural event system”; of hurricanes varies greatly along the U.S. coastline, and so do the property and lives at risk. Damage potential from storm surge in the Miami area is less than a third that of the Tampa area. However, damage potential from winds in the Boston and New York areas exceeds that of either the Miami or Tampa areas. Passage of time since the great hurricane disasters near the turn of the century and improvements in the warning system may make coastal dwellers underestimate the likelihood of a hurricane catastrophe. But population growth near the coast has been more than three times the national average, and 10 of 58 coastal segments 50 miles in width more than doubled in population between 1960 and 1970. Twenty‐two segments increased by more than 25,000 people with six increasing by 150,000. Legislative response to the growing hazard has varied as widely as risk but is not clearly correlated with risk.  相似文献   


Evacuation inland ("horizontal evacuation") is the traditional method of saving life in areas forecast as the site of hurricane landfall. But “high confidence”; warning time is only 12 hours, while some coastal areas are now so densely populated that twice that time is required for evacuation. Coastal managers must therefore risk the ire of local citizens “unnecessarily”; evacuated early, and the associated risk that several false alarms will reduce citizen compliance, or the risk that evacuation will be too long delayed.

The alternative of vertical evacuation (going upstairs in hurricane‐proof buildings) is resisted by planners who are concerned that its risks are too high and that partial acceptance of the concept would vitiate compliance with the horizontal component. But in some areas there may no longer be a choice: prudent coastal managers must determine the potential need and capability for vertical evacuation in their areas. Effective integration of both vertical and horizontal evacuation will require development of new plans and policies.  相似文献   


The literature on valuation of time charter contracts and real options in shipping generally relies on the complete markets hypothesis and the risk-neutrality of agents. However, these assumptions fail completely in some shipping market segments. This study proposes a numerical approach—based on discounting the certainty equivalent payoff at the risk-free rate—which incorporates the agent’s risk preferences through an exponential utility function. The method comprises an iterative Monte Carlo nested simulation with the real probability measure. This method is applied to a case of Suezmax tankers. The stochastic evolution of the time charter rates is modelled as a geometric mean-reverting process. The case study supports the applicability of the proposed method and evidences that the effect of risk preference may be significant, mainly for more risk-averse agents. Although the method involves intensive computation, it has the benefits of theoretical ease and flexibility, which could encourage utilisation by practitioners.  相似文献   


Sixty percent of the Philippine's population resides in the coastal zone. Women and men in coastal communities depend chiefly on the sea for subsistence. Over fifty percent of the dietary protein requirements of coastal communities are derived from municipal fisheries and shallow coastal habitats (reef fishes, marine plants, and mangroves). Coastal populations are young and expanding at rates that exceed regional and national averages. Expanding human pressures and man-made disturbances (over harvesting, destructive fishing, siltation, etc.) that offset natural processes are destroying habitats and creating protein food security crises and increasing malnutrition. At the same time conflicts among users of coastal resources are escalating. Access constraints, gender inequities, and cultural barriers stymie options for women and men to plan their families and create alternative livelihoods. National and local government agencies are addressing food security concerns through vertical policies and programs (e.g., fisheries management, integrated coastal management). The IPOPCORM project uses a cross-sectoral approach and quasi-experimental evaluation design to test the hypothesis that food security will be achieved more quickly when coastal resources management (CRM) and reproductive health (RH) management are implemented together. The purpose of this article is to review the project's experience and highlight the trends observed in program monitoring and evaluation during 2001–2004, which suggest better impact on RH, CRM, and gender indicators in the sites where the synergistic approach is being applied.  相似文献   


Inspections play a key role in keeping vessels safe. Inspection authorities employ different policies to decide which vessels to inspect, including type of vessel, age, and flag. Attention for vessel history is usually restricted only to past detentions. This paper demonstrates that the correlation between the probabilities of detention and (very serious and serious) incidents is very low and that proactive prevention of future incidents is improved by accounting for both risk dimensions, that is, by combining past incident and detention information for targeting high-risk vessels for inspection. Five combined methods are presented to classify vessels based on these two risk dimensions, each of which involves extensive sets of factors. These combined classification methods have predictive power for future incidents. Depending on the applied inspection rate, incorporation of incident risk improves inspection hit rates for vessels with future incidents by 30–50% compared to using only detention information. It is recommended to focus on vessels where both risks are relatively high. A practical example shows how the methods can be applied for inspection selection and for prioritizing inspection areas defined in terms of eight risk domains that include collisions, groundings, engine and hull failures, loss of life, fire, and pollution.  相似文献   


The current regime of fisheries management and the prospects for attaining a more locally oriented, collaborative system of fisheries management in Diani-Chale, Kenya are examined. At present fisheries management in Diani-Chale is characterized by diminished government capacity for regulation, weakened local institutions, and little ability to exert control over the use of fisheries. Local level management requires the development and use of local institutions that can govern the use of fishery resources. The fish landing sites used by fishers and their associated fishing grounds were identified to be at the appropriate level for resolving fishery management issues. A more formal role for these entities, the clarification of fishing ground tenure and access rights, and support for the development and enforcement of local fishing rules can further local management. The socioeconomic condition of fishers, their fear of losing landing sites, and the continued perception of the imposition of a marine reserve pose barriers to initiatives seeking to further local level management.  相似文献   


local wastewater management policies can be important tools for protecting marine water quality when coordinated with sound land use and environmental planning. that relationship is examined through a review of the point and nonpoint source pollution issues associated with centralized versus decentralized wastewater management approaches, sewerage extension and plant expansion effects, and sewerage management practices. we use information provided by 161 local jurisdictions in coastal regions of the southeastern united states and various secondary regions of the southeastern united states and various secondary sources. the article concludes with a discussion of policy implications and recommendations to improve the coordination of local sewerage extension/expansion practices and land use planning.  相似文献   

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