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Coastal Louisiana is currently experiencing extensive urban growth as its natural resources are exploited. Such growth is projected to continue for the foreseeable future. This article examines problems encountered in developing wetland areas for community use. The urban development process in the coastal zone is examined using a problem‐identification methodology. This methodology consists of examining each of the stages of wetlands development sequentially, determining potential problems and their results, and specifying how the regulatory system for urban development needs strengthening in order to mitigate these problems. For those development practices determined not to be regulated at all or inadequately regulated, local ordinance amendments and other restrictive measures applicable to specific development stages are proposed. The study concludes with a brief discussion of a goals‐oriented process for deriving future urban development regulations for the enhancement of regional planning efforts.  相似文献   


The economic and environmental consequences of a proposed Louisiana superport have been studied by researchers during the last three years. These studies provided technical information and management alternatives. Management alternatives included state control to avoid multiple superport developments, details for an Environmental Protection Plan, comparisons of onshore and offshore sites, and planning for ancillary development. Policy decisions which resulted include many of the recommendations of the research. It is suggested that environmental research can influence policy decisions and limit the options available to a decision maker provided some legal structure is created, quality control is implemented, and technological and environmental problems are recognized. Various analytical tools, such as energy cost accounting, group critique, and simulation models, have wide application for use in coastal zone management.  相似文献   

Two major environmental problems currently affecting the Louisiana coastal zone are a high rate of wetland loss and high levels of surface water pollution. The application of secondarily treated wastewater to wetlands can be a means of dealing with both of these problems. The benefits of wetland wastewater treatment include improved surface water quality, increased accretion rates to balance a high relative water level rise due mainly to subsidence, improved plant productivity and habitat quality, and decreased capital outlays for conventional engineering treatment systems. Wetland treatment systems can, therefore, be designed and operated to restore deteriorating wetlands. Hydrologically altered wetlands, which are common in the Louisiana coastal zone, are appropriate for receiving municipal and some types of industrial effluent. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined wetland wastewater treatment is effective in treating municipal effluent, it has discouraged the use of natural wetlands for this purpose. At the same time, funds are being used for the construction of artificial wetlands to treat municipal effluent. In the Louisiana coastal zone, however, wetlands are deteriorating and disappearing due to hydrological alteration and a high rate of relative sea level rise. If no action is taken, these trends will continue. Effluent discharge to existing wetlands should be incorporated into a comprehensive management plan designed to increase sediment and nutrient input into subsiding wetlands in the Louisiana coastal zone, improve water quality, and result in more economical waste‐water treatment. The authors believe that the Louisiana example serves as a model for other coastal areas especially in light of projections of accelerated sea level rise.  相似文献   


A survey of coastal state legislation reveals several types of statutes affecting activities occurring in coastal regions: Coastal management statutes, wetland statutes, and shoreline statutes. Each coastal state has adopted methods to delineate coastal areas or features, whether an entire coastal zone, a limited feature such as wetlands, or shorelands. Boundary delineation is done according to linear measurements, political boundaries, roads and highways, vegetation, elevation, tidal flow, and other factors. An appendix is provided containing state statutory provisions relating to boundary‐delineation techniques.  相似文献   


This study examines the relationships of four general landscape characteristics to viewer preference for a coastal landscape including oil and gas development. Landscape management possibilities that address these characteristics are apparent naturalness, compatibility of development with its setting, and ephemeral characteristics, including tidiness.

Forty residents of and visitors to a Louisiana Gulf Coast island were interviewed. They were asked to describe and rate the attractiveness of local views. Three hundred and ninety‐three views containing a total of 99 features were described. A content analysis determined which of the 99 features were present in each view. Then factor analysis was performed on the feature presence classifications to suggest viewtypes. The 26 factors, or viewtypes, resulting were related to view ratings in a regression analysis.

Results suggest that, while natural‐appearing coastal landscapes are attractive, some developed landscapes may also be attractive. Compatibility, nighttime viewing, and tidiness enhance the attractiveness of developed landscapes. Where these characteristics become part of the design and maintenance program for oil and gas facilities, viewer preference may increase.  相似文献   


This article examines the sociocultural, economic, and environmental causes of the decline of the artisanal fisheries in the rocky coast of Cape Creus (NW Mediterranean) over the past decades. The changes that have occurred over time have favored trawlers, purse-seiners, shellfish fisheries, and tourism activities, to the detriment of artisanal fisheries. This article shows that the establishment of a marine reserve in 1998 could not reverse the observed decline in the artisanal fisheries. This raises the necessity of implementing a fishery management plan integrated into a coastal management plan, which should accompany the habitat protection. These plans could assist in the maintenance and the sustainable development of the artisanal fishing sector in Cape Creus as well as in other Mediterranean coastal areas where artisanal fisheries are also declining.  相似文献   


Coastal zone management in Oregon is based on the state's general land‐use law. This body of law is designed to deal with population increase, urbanization, and preservation of agricultural land, as well as with other problems throughout the state. Early planning and policy recommendations for the coast were in the hands of a commission having predominantly local membership. This commission produced an extensive series of studies, policies, and recommendations which were assembled as a proposed management tool for natural resources. Staff of the commission was then absorbed into the state land‐management agency, which developed final goals and guidelines for compliance with the Coastal Zone Management Act. Adoption of the coastal goals in December 1976 has triggered deadlines for local government compliance within the coastal zone. The management program is now undergoing federal review.  相似文献   

Shaul Amir 《Coastal management》2013,41(2-3):189-223

Presently, much of Israel's 190‐kilometer‐long Mediterranean coast is either unoccupied, devoted to unsuitable uses, or is in use by activities which have no special need to be near the water's edge. This has resulted from years of lack of appreciation by policy‐makers of the coast as a valuable resource, of national development policies that directed attention to other regions, and of the relatively limited demand for coastal recreation.

In the last decade the importance of these factors has diminished. In turn, there is now mounting pressure for the development of coastal land. Increasingly, rising standards of living with a greater demand for recreational facilities, the growth of tourism as a major industry, and demands of the environmental lobby for conservation of part of the coastal land are factors bound to cause intensive change along the coast and to affect the quality of its resources. These trends have brought about public intervention in deciding the future of the coast. This paper reviews and analyzes Israel's coastal policy and its resource management programs, and also discusses the potential challenges to their full implementation.

Three types of programs were suggested as the main management tools: a coastal research and development effort, national coastal land use planning and pollution prevention, and monitoring and control programs. Major objectives of the programs were to be achieved through land use controls. Consequently, an important role is given in the development and implementation of the coastal program to agencies responsible for the management of physical land use planning and development.

Successful implementation of the management program, however, will depend on the ability of its administrators to coordinate the actions of many interests, on success in changing attitudes among decision‐makers as to the value of the coast, and on widening support for coastal resource conservation among a presently uninvolved public.  相似文献   

疏浚工程造价作为工程建设过程中十分重要的部分,直接影响工程项目的质量好坏。近年来,疏浚工程走向内陆湖泊河道,对环保疏浚要求逐渐提高,工程造价也需要因地制宜的发生变动,避免计算误差,对提高项目经济效益是非常有益的。以内湖环保疏浚工程为例,根据相关设计方案,结合施工区具体施工条件,提出应避免的问题,对疏浚定额进行修编,编制其工程造价,力争减少误差,提高工程造价精确度。  相似文献   


State coastal zone management programs are responding to the potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise through a wide range of activities and policies. This article provides a brief overview of the Coastal Zone Management Act and other federal laws that provide the basis for coastal state regulatory activities. It surveys the level of response to sea level rise by state coastal management programs in 24 marines coastal states, from formal recognition to implementation of policies addressing the issue. Individual state CZMP responses and policies that have been implemented or proposed are categorized. The adaptation of sea level rise to ongoing institutional objectives is discussed and policy constraints and trends are summarized.  相似文献   


Viewing the urban coast from the national perspective one sees not only the sheer number and complexity of the federal programs involved but the lack of adequate coordination and the different often cross‐purpose missions. It goes without saying that to date, no one federal agency or program has been specifically charged with overseeing the urban coastal resource as an entity, nor is it likely that one will. However, national concern regarding various aspects of the urban coastal issues has been expressed. A very clear‐cut national interest has been constitutionally declared in navigation, defense, and interstate commercial activities, most of which affect the water area. A more diffuse though no less important national involvement can be traced through a number of federal activities which add up to considerable federal interest and investment in our urban coastal areas. Beginning in the early 1960s with waterfront related urban renewal activity for example the activities have accelerated more recently with such things as the administration's urban initiative, the Urban Recreation Study and the Urban Waterfront Study (HCRS), the Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Program (HCRS), the Maritime Preservation Program (HCRS and NHT), public investment in harbor cleanup (EPA), shorefront access and planning (OCZM), special waterfront demonstration projects (OCZM), and the State Coastal Zone programs coming in line to mention a few. Building on the existing framework and growing enthusiasm there is an unexcelled opportunity to make incremental progress in creating a new and better urban environment by effectively managing this unique portion of the city—the urban waterfront.  相似文献   


Most tourist development takes place in the coastal zone. Concentrated tourist use continues in spite of opposition by groups who feel that any tourism, especially international, threatens both the natural environment and local values. Although shorelines and “coastscapes”; belong to all, decisions regarding them are made by relatively few. The number of community organizations involved in coastal zone management decisions varies from almost none in some Third World countries to dozens in places like Hawaii or California. Constructive use of coastal zones requires an understanding of the interactions between biophysical and social systems. Planning tourism in this context requires that all groups with an interest in the coastal zone join in a new “cooperative tourism”; in which all contribute to decisions and face ultimate responsibilities.  相似文献   


During the past century, traditional ownership, control, and use of coral reef habitats in the U.S.‐affiliated islands in the Pacific have declined, exposing them to increased construction for plantation, transportation, military, urban, aquaculture, fisheries, mineral, and resort development. Dredging, filling, and other construction in coral reef and related ecosystems are expected to continue at high levels. Collectively, these activities have resulted in major adverse ecological impacts, many of which can be avoided or reduced to minor levels. Improvements in the design, siting, and construction of coastal projects can be accomplished by early integration of environmental objectives. Ecological baseline surveys; environmental impact assessments; regulatory conditions; guidelines and standards during construction; monitoring of construction; post‐construction evaluation; and long‐range research, planning, and management are among the most useful of the environmental tools to describe reefs and to identify measures to reduce or avoid adverse impacts on coral reefs.  相似文献   


The application of the input‐output method to regional analysis of coastal zone production and consumption activities is examined. A review of previous Northeastern input‐output studies provides a framework for analyzing selected methodological procedures utilized in this type of analysis. While commercial fishing and other marine‐related activities have been shown to have important economic impact on coastal communities, the review indicates that in certain cases the methodological procedures adopted tended to yield an upward bias to the estimation of economic impacts. Standardization of procedures is recommended for future studies.  相似文献   


Western Australia is fortunate that there have been few natural disasters on the coast. However, low levels of coastal erosion during the 1970s demonstrated the need to establish coastal zone management in that state of Australia. The erosion was quickly contained because private ownership to the high water mark is almost nonexistent, private property being set back behind coastal reserves along most of the coast. The provision of coastal reserves has been part of a deliberate nonstatutory coastal planning and management approach. As a result Western Australia has been able to use existing acts, coordination between existing government agencies, and coastal policies rather than enact specific coastal legislation to manage the coast.  相似文献   


Major challenges are ahead in managing the coastal zone of western Canada. Until now there has been no legislated focus through a coastal zone management act nor a policy for the management of coastal resources. Instead, policies and institutions have been evolving out of existing legislation responding to opportunities and needs as they have arisen. Management is predominantly a bargaining process the success of which depends on opportunities for informed participation by the affected interests. Considering the relatively small investments in management, bargaining appears to have worked rather well, but there are weaknesses. Fortunately, significant opportunities exist to improve performance at relatively low cost. In particular, there should be a shift from the past emphasis on inventorying, monitoring, and coordination, to the development of functional knowledge and sectoral planning that can be the basis for informed and representative bargaining.  相似文献   


The term “mitigation”; has been used in connection with habitat losses attributable to federal water projects as early as the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934. Most of the current requirements to mitigate habitat losses associated with water development projects apply to wetlands, as they are biologically productive and have been destroyed at an increasing rate during recent years by developers seeking prime land in the coastal zone. A case study of the Port of Coos Bay and the City of North Bend, Oregon, provides an actual experience of estuarine mitigation in a dredging project and an airport fill. The case was developed as part of a larger curriculum research study for seaport management. This article is primarily written as a case with a brief introduction and discussion of mitigation requirements, followed by the text of the case and ending with a series of hypotheses for further research.  相似文献   


This article concerns optimizing the use of environmental information for creative planning. It arose from a detailed study of the status and management of the coastal dunes of New South Wales, Australia, and discusses the way in which ideas for optimizing the management process were developed, and applied to three beach environments on the coast of New South Wales, Australia.

The problem of coastal beach/dune management may be thought of as being similar to a production function in which the inputs are the land resource, the skills and knowledge of managers, finance, and materiel. The outcomes are in the form of experiences, or opportunities for experiences, either passive or active, either consumption values or option values, desired by the coastal user population (which includes the resource managers themselves). The resource manager's task is to manipulate the “production function”; in order that the outputs will best mesh with the expectations of the user population and with the capability of the land resource to deliver on a sustained basis. An aim of the project was to develop a method for the specification of different possible outputs from the production function, in different beach/dune environments, and that could be used to assist in the preparation of advice on appropriate recreational development, allowing decisions to be based on both environmental data and information on the expectations, activities, and amenity preferences of beach users.  相似文献   


This model statute sets out a mechanism for the management of the coastal zone by the coastal states. It provides a possible state response to the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. The authors recognize that most states presently have some form of management or legal control over their coastal zone, and the model statute has been written with the intention that all or parts of it could be adapted to the wide variety of state regulatory schemes with the aim of providing unitary management to the valuable resource of the coastal zone.  相似文献   

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