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Redesign and reuse of waterfronts are a common experience today. Small cities presented with a deteriorating waterfront are faced with formidable economic and institutional impediments to their efforts to reverse the decline. This paper presents some design principles that if followed provide a framework for developing restoration plans. It also describes the efforts of the California State Coastal Conservancy to apply these principles to assist three small cities along California's coast to revitalize their waterfronts. Their experience indicates that in an era of limited budgets waterfront redevelopment can occur with substantial economic benefit where limited funds are applied to often small but crucial elements that result in creating waterside amenities.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs are one of a number of tools that should be considered by scientists and managers when planning coastal zone restoration and/or mitigation projects. In this article, the details of one project from the West Florida Shelf are presented. Two types of artificial reefs were used to mitigate pipeline construction impacts on natural hardbottom ledges in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The project's primary objective was to avoid the paradigm of building artificial reefs as fish attraction devices, and to instead implement a design that would mimic, not augment, natural hardbottom conditions. Fish assemblage parameters (species richness and commercial fish abundances) were compared between the artificial habitats and natural hardbottom reference sites. Results indicate that species richness trends are similar among artificial and natural reefs, while certain commercial fish abundances are significantly higher on the artificial reefs. Recommendations for future restoration/mitigation projects using artificial reefs are discussed.  相似文献   


State coastal zone management programs are responding to the potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise through a wide range of activities and policies. This article provides a brief overview of the Coastal Zone Management Act and other federal laws that provide the basis for coastal state regulatory activities. It surveys the level of response to sea level rise by state coastal management programs in 24 marines coastal states, from formal recognition to implementation of policies addressing the issue. Individual state CZMP responses and policies that have been implemented or proposed are categorized. The adaptation of sea level rise to ongoing institutional objectives is discussed and policy constraints and trends are summarized.  相似文献   


Abstract This case study, prepared by an interdisciplinary group of several scientists and planners and a lawyer, reviews the handling by the decision process of an application to the Baltimore District Corps of Engineers for permission to construct a marina. The study determines that while the project in question may not present a significant environmental threat, the project when considered in conjunction with other pending projects on the same subtributary would contribute to boat congestion and degradation of water quality. Changes in the decision process are suggested which would facilitate consideration of the cumulative impacts from a series of coastal alterations.  相似文献   

California has a forty-year history of successful coastal zone management. The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, the California Coastal Commission, and the State Coastal Conservancy have protected and made accessible hundreds of miles of shoreline. While each agency has played a critical role, this article focuses on the Coastal Commission. Implementing the California Coastal Act, the Coastal Commission has partnered with local government, other agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the public to concentrate new development in already developed areas, and much of the rural coastal zone looks as it did in 1972. The Commission has protected and expanded public shoreline access through its regulatory actions. Using strong ecological science the Commission has protected a wide variety of sensitive habitats and wetlands. And under the authority of the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Commission has reviewed thousands of federal projects to assure that they are consistent with the Coastal Act. Challenges continue, though, including population growth, sea-level rise, and inadequate funding to update local coastal land use plans to address new issues, such as climate change adaptation. New investment is needed at the national, state, and local level to continue the success of the California program.  相似文献   


The physical characteristics of Korea have had a profound impact on the uses of the coastal zone that have, in turn, been determined by and reinforced the nation's economic development strategy. While coastal zone management in many developed economies is more heavily oriented toward environmental protection and the resolution of user conflicts, policies for coastal zone management in Korea have emphasized the role of coastal space and other resources for economic development and industrial needs. Increasing demand for land reclamation to provide ever‐increasing industrial sites and human settlements, traditional and future needs of the fishery, and concern for the environment have led to a vast array of competition and, finally, often to conflicts. The basic pattern of coastal zone use in Korea has changed from the linear expansion of coastal zone to integrated coastal uses. An increased number of critical coastal zone issues and interactions was reflected in the creation of new governance that dealt with coastal zone resources and environment.  相似文献   


Threats to the survival of West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) vary throughout their range so that protection of this endangered species requires careful planning on a regional and local basis. The importance and vulnerability of various components of manatee habitats in the Crystal River area of northwestern Florida were assessed, using an ordinal‐combination mapping technique similar to procedures practiced in urban and regional planning. Habitat components were mapped and evaluated in juxtaposition with relevant characteristics of human use of the area, to identify areas of existing and potential manatee/human conflicts in need of reconciliation. Areas evaluated as the most important manatee habitats within this region include Crystal Bay and River, Homosassa River, and the Suwannee River estuary. Existing overlap of human activities with important manatee habitats is most critical near the urban communities of Crystal River and, to a lesser degree, Homosassa Springs. The need for integration of this ecological information into coastal land‐use planning is discussed.  相似文献   

On dynamic coastal sites, subject to rapid and sometimes unpredictable shoreline changes, management problems can be aggravated if legally authoritative maps are obsolete. These difficulties are illustrated by two case studies from County Donegal in northwest Ireland. The first case study outlines the problems that arise where statutory functional area boundaries are based on a near century-old map. The second case study deals with the problems of planning development on a site where a customized map only a few years old has been rendered obsolete by rapid coastal erosion. Other problems are caused by the inappropriate use of maps. Suggestions are made to mitigate the effects of outdated maps.  相似文献   

Stresses impacting the coastal zone in the Asia-Pacific region are briefly reviewed under the headings of sustainable coastal activities, coastal ecosystem management, community/resource interactions, coastal resource economics and sustainability, coastal area planning, and integrated coastal policies. Recent contributions on mitigation of these stresses are introduced, with emphasis on the Coastal Zone Asia-Pacific Conference, held in Bangkok, May 2002, where various innovative approaches to research, education, information sharing, and coastal policies aiming at improving the state of the coastal areas were presented. These include the roles of community in integrated coastal management; tools and planning for management of coastal areas; education program and capacity building; and the establishments of national and regional frameworks for integrated coastal management. As appropriate information and its transfer are critical to these processes, an analysis is presented of the content of the database on coastal projects in the region, highlighting areas of research interests, funding sources, and achievements. Another database on coastal ecosystems, currently under development, is presented as an example of the type of resource that can be expected to help advance our knowledge and ability to improve the management of coastal areas. Overall, these tools should allow us, given the political will, to improve the state of coastal areas.  相似文献   


This article analyzes support for and opposition to state land‐use planning in Oregon, using voting records from the 1976 referendum to repeal Oregon's regulatory legislation and survey data. Support for controlled growth legislation is found to be a product of both individual‐level characteristics and characteristics of the larger community where one resides. The most influential contextual variables are the county's economy and the class composition of the city. The authors conclude that coastal zone managers must exercise caution when interpreting individual survey data which indicate support for various environmental concerns. Contextual differences must be taken into consideration because sources of support for coastal zone management may vary among individuals, depending on the nature of the communities in which they live.  相似文献   

Cage fish farming is one of the fastest growing food industries, both worldwide and in Turkey. There are growing concerns about the manner of resolving the competing claims for the use of limited coastline and water body space. Matters connected with the siting of fish farming increase the need for the integrated coastal zone planning of aquaculture. This should be undertaken in collusion with other coastal stakeholders and with the cooperation of the government ministries that promote and regulate aquaculture development. In this study the integration and coexistence of fish farms is evaluated in the context of other activities in Izmir Bay. This study shows how different terrestrial and marine activities interact with each other, and that certain areas are subject to layers of multiple usages. One of the major sea users of the Bay, for example, is the fishery sector, which utilizes 850.4 km2 of a total surface area of Izmir's Bay of 960.4 km2. This overlaps with the 113.4 km2 that are used by marine transportation. Military zones encompass 63.1 km2 and fish farming utilizes only 1.23 km2. This study uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to build a spatial database that analyzes conflicting claims for integrating fish farming with other claimants. Clearly planned and properly managed fish farming development should be undertaken within a broader framework of integrated coastal zone management.  相似文献   

Book review     
Since society values both, it is desirable to implement management solutions that protect these species while minimizing social and economic impact, even if it is not required by law. This case study analyzed management issues relating to sea turtle bycatch in a small-scale gillnet fishery that targets flounder in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. A primary goal of this research was to examine the feasibility of achieving both biological and social objec­tives by determining if any compatibility existed between those different objectives. This was done by cross-referencing quantitative social data with management measures that would achieve biological goals. Qualitative data also provided insight into scientific issues, obstacles to management effectiveness, and potential solutions. Overall, this article discusses the possibility of implementing solutions that reflect multiple societal values while operating under the Endangered Species Act.  相似文献   


Western Australia is fortunate that there have been few natural disasters on the coast. However, low levels of coastal erosion during the 1970s demonstrated the need to establish coastal zone management in that state of Australia. The erosion was quickly contained because private ownership to the high water mark is almost nonexistent, private property being set back behind coastal reserves along most of the coast. The provision of coastal reserves has been part of a deliberate nonstatutory coastal planning and management approach. As a result Western Australia has been able to use existing acts, coordination between existing government agencies, and coastal policies rather than enact specific coastal legislation to manage the coast.  相似文献   


The authors present an assessment of the Coastal Conservancy's efforts to consolidate small, substandard lots in the Santa Monica Mountains. Emphasis is placed on the ‘ ‘lessons learned’ ‘ by the Conservancy in its project experience as those lessons may be applicable to related efforts elsewhere. Finally, alternative means of lot consolidation are suggested. This assessment should be of relevance to other programs nationwide to address the problem of antiquated subdivisions.  相似文献   

Adapting to changing coastlines is an unprecedented planning challenge as coastal hazards, including those associated with climate change, influence all areas of resource management. Tools have been developed to aid in understanding coastal hazards and to facilitate the planning and implementation of adaptation strategies. Through interviews with members of eight geographically distributed state Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Programs and several federal and nonprofit partners, we explored the utility of current tools for on-the-ground adaptation planning and implementation needs. State CZM Programs operate as trusted information brokers at the nexus between national resources and local needs. Here we provide seven recommendations for how to overcome the challenges identified with tool discovery, lack of trust, and the coarse spatial resolution of national tools. Our findings suggest local community needs are better addressed when end-users play a role in the tool development process. We also recommend leveraging CZM Program connections because they have the knowledge and expertise to identify solutions and disseminate information. While the recommendations presented here were taken from the perspective of state CZM Programs regarding coastal tools, the lessons learned may provide valuable insight into the tool development process for other resource management fields.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean area plays a pivotal role within the definition and implementation of regional strategies for integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). Under the umbrella of the Regional Framework Operation BeachMed-e, a research project was carried out in five Mediterranean EU regions (East Macedonia and Thrace in Greece, Lazio, Liguria, and Emilia Romagna in Italy and Languedoc-Roussillon in France), in order to study the different approaches to ICZM that have been applied and also to test new approaches to these regions. The aim of this article is to present and discuss the results of the common surveys conducted in order to investigate the institutional stakeholders’ perception on ICZM in the five Mediterranean regions considered. The results are presented region by region, while comparisons are carried out among regions. Summarizing the results it can be stated that some differences and common problems affecting the coastal decision-makers of the five Mediterranean regions considered were identified. Particularly, stakeholders involved in coastal management generally perceived a lack of collaboration and a poor information exchange in all the regions, resulting sometimes in a lack of awareness on coastal erosion issues.  相似文献   


This paper is written in response to a recent publication (Walker, 1973) which questions both the biological basis for wetlands preservation and the usefulnesss of scientific participation in the formulation of management policies. Our major points are that: (1) considerable evidence exists linking wetlands primary production to aquatic secondary production, (2) all available information suggests that large‐scale wetlands destruction results in lowered production of estuarine organisms of interest to man, (3) more than economics needs to be considered in attempts to analyze the procedures by which the wetlands controversy is to be resolved, and (4) uncertainty about the applicability of scientific findings to a particular problem situation does not destroy the usefulness of those findings in reaching a solution to a public controversy.  相似文献   


In this article, an overview of the status of coastal zone management (CZM) in South Africa is presented. Firstly, it provides background to the development of various initiatives to promote sustainable use of coastal resources within the context of sociopolitical changes in South Africa. Thereafter, it examines the progress made with respect to key attributes underpinning most CZM programs. Finally, it identifies obstacles to achieving effective CZM in South Africa and makes recommendations to address these shortcomings. The review reveals that whilst considerable progress has been made in certain areas of program development, such as resource conservation and pollution control, there are several gaps and inadequacies within existing efforts. These include the absence of a clear policy to guide efforts, lack of coordination amongst government departments involved in CZM, as well as inadequacies in our legal and administrative system. The promulgation of a Coastal Zone Management Act and the establishment of a Coastal Unit charged with the coordination and review of all activities impinging on coastal resources are amongst the recommendations made.  相似文献   


The basis for coastal zone management in the United States is established in legislation. In comparison, Canadian federal and provincial governments have adopted a piecemeal approach for managing a variety of concerns examined here: water quality, ecological protection, public access, aesthetics, natural hazards, and water dependency. As a result of this approach, which is characterized by a minimum of federal, provincial, and interjurisdictional coordination, the British Columbia coastal zone is showing signs of stress. For example, major shellfish harvesting areas are being lost to water pollution; ecologically sensitive habitats are being consumed by urban, commercial, and industrial expansion; recreation and tourism opportunities are being impaired by clear cutting and other inappropriate developments; and infrastructure is allowed in flood and erosion‐prone areas. Recommendations to improve the approach to coastal management in British Columbia include a variety of innovations. New federal and provincial policies, legislation, institutions, and experimentation with local and regional integrated resource planning are required to better govern the coastal zone. Increased support for existing agencies, public involvement, and access to information as well as more common use of environmental impact studies are needed to justify proposed coastal developments.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief introduction to the theme issue on “The role of geography in contemporary coastal management policy and practice.” The theme is addressed through a suite of seven articles that collectively consider how geographical understandings and methods relate to contemporary coastal policy and practice. The key theme to emerge from the articles is that geography forms an underlying framework for considering integrated coastal management, largely due to the integrative nature of geography itself.  相似文献   

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