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The basis for coastal zone management in the United States is established in legislation. In comparison, Canadian federal and provincial governments have adopted a piecemeal approach for managing a variety of concerns examined here: water quality, ecological protection, public access, aesthetics, natural hazards, and water dependency. As a result of this approach, which is characterized by a minimum of federal, provincial, and interjurisdictional coordination, the British Columbia coastal zone is showing signs of stress. For example, major shellfish harvesting areas are being lost to water pollution; ecologically sensitive habitats are being consumed by urban, commercial, and industrial expansion; recreation and tourism opportunities are being impaired by clear cutting and other inappropriate developments; and infrastructure is allowed in flood and erosion‐prone areas. Recommendations to improve the approach to coastal management in British Columbia include a variety of innovations. New federal and provincial policies, legislation, institutions, and experimentation with local and regional integrated resource planning are required to better govern the coastal zone. Increased support for existing agencies, public involvement, and access to information as well as more common use of environmental impact studies are needed to justify proposed coastal developments.  相似文献   


Coastal Louisiana is currently experiencing extensive urban growth as its natural resources are exploited. Such growth is projected to continue for the foreseeable future. This article examines problems encountered in developing wetland areas for community use. The urban development process in the coastal zone is examined using a problem‐identification methodology. This methodology consists of examining each of the stages of wetlands development sequentially, determining potential problems and their results, and specifying how the regulatory system for urban development needs strengthening in order to mitigate these problems. For those development practices determined not to be regulated at all or inadequately regulated, local ordinance amendments and other restrictive measures applicable to specific development stages are proposed. The study concludes with a brief discussion of a goals‐oriented process for deriving future urban development regulations for the enhancement of regional planning efforts.  相似文献   


The Sefton Coast Management Scheme in northwest England uses an area‐based project to achieve coordinated land management. It is founded on the ‘'Heritage Coast'’ model pioneered by the Countryside Commission where a ‘"Project Officer”; is employed to promote the Scheme and translate the aims into practical achievement. The Sefton Coast is described and a summary of British coastal planning policy precedes a detailed analysis of the Scheme. The Scheme is assessed with reference to practical management work, its success in competition for scarce financial resources, and the involvement of volunteers. It is established that the Project Officer is crucial to the success of the Scheme and that area‐based management can best be achieved through the local government planning process. Coastal planning needs now to be reviewed at national level to develop a policy for the whole coast using the experience of projects such as the Sefton Coast Management Scheme.  相似文献   


During the past century, traditional ownership, control, and use of coral reef habitats in the U.S.‐affiliated islands in the Pacific have declined, exposing them to increased construction for plantation, transportation, military, urban, aquaculture, fisheries, mineral, and resort development. Dredging, filling, and other construction in coral reef and related ecosystems are expected to continue at high levels. Collectively, these activities have resulted in major adverse ecological impacts, many of which can be avoided or reduced to minor levels. Improvements in the design, siting, and construction of coastal projects can be accomplished by early integration of environmental objectives. Ecological baseline surveys; environmental impact assessments; regulatory conditions; guidelines and standards during construction; monitoring of construction; post‐construction evaluation; and long‐range research, planning, and management are among the most useful of the environmental tools to describe reefs and to identify measures to reduce or avoid adverse impacts on coral reefs.  相似文献   


Designing environmental monitoring programs to deal with widespread, subtle, and/or cumulative impacts on a regional basis is challenging. It requires a shift away from focusing primarily on individual point sources to a more regional perspective. It also necessitates involving scientists and managers together in a cooperative effort to establish priorities and articulate clear objectives. In our view, this objective‐setting task is neither a strictly scientific nor a strictly management activity. It depends on effective communication between scientists and managers but is confounded by differing perspectives, value systems, and behaviors. We present a conceptual framework to assist managers and scientists in this process. This is intended to structure such communication by helping to create a context that permits fruitful give‐and‐take between the two groups. We then describe a six‐part model for specifying the key elements of regional monitoring objectives.  相似文献   


The Lancaster Sound Regional Study serves as a pilot project for regional planning in the Arctic. Probably the most biologically productive area of all arctic regions, Lancaster Sound represents a unique Canadian heritage. And since it occupies the strategic eastern entrance to the Northwest Passage, the Sound has long been a summer shipping route. Now, proposals are under review that would permit year‐round shipping of oil and gas from the Beaufort Sea by means of ice‐breaking tankers. Also proposed are the exploration and development of possible hydrocarbon reservoirs within the Sound. Actual decisions for the area's use must respect the interests of the native Inuit who have lived there for centuries as well as the preservation of the environment. This paper describes the preliminary phase of the regional planning for the region: the preparation of a public discussion paper to elicit informed comment and opinion on future uses of the Sound. It is a first step toward recommending suitable management and use options for the region.  相似文献   


This article suggests a method of estimating economic losses for estuary‐dependent faunal species under conditions whereby the impact of a given degrading development on a particular estuary has a significant degree of uncertainty associated with it. The approach draws on standard theories from a variety of disciplines to provide an operational procedure capable of joint application by biologists, economists, and other related disciplines with working responsibility in the subject area. Consideration is given to probability estimation of possible impacts, sensitivity to underlying assumptions, and decisional safety under conditions of uncertainty. Applied results are demonstrated in a simulation of a negative developmental impact on the estuary‐dependent salmon resources of the Fraser River in British Columbia.  相似文献   


One of the least understood aspects of coastal zone utilization is how communities respond and adapt to changes occurring in the marine environment and to changes which transform the socioeconomic, political, and administrative environment of the coastal zone. In Atlantic Canada, it is estimated that there are some 1,300 “fishing communities,”; yet these communities vary considerably in terms of population size, proximity to urban centers, and dependence upon the local resource base to provide employment opportunities and alternatives. Although numerous government planning documents have purported to support “community revitalization”; and “self‐sufficiency/self‐reliance,”; few inquiries have been directed toward ascertaining how communities have maintained resiliency in the face of unexpected and sudden shock, or have adapted to more gradual change. This essay argues that human communities and ecological systems may have similar attributes, and that appropriate resource development and management planning should take account of these traits as well as the sustaining structural support mechanisms.  相似文献   


Most Florida manatees depend on localized warm-water refuges in the southern two-thirds of Florida to survive winter; about 60% use outfalls from 10 power plants, whereas 15% use 4 natural warm-water springs. Future availability of these refuges is in doubt; most of these power plants may be retired within the next 20 years and groundwater withdrawals for human use threaten natural springs. This article examines possible effects on manatees from losing major warm-water refuges and alternative management actions. Because of manatee site-fidelity patterns, plant retirements may increase cold-stress-related deaths and significantly decrease manatee abundance. A forward-looking management strategy is urgently needed before decisions are made to retire plants now used by large numbers of manatees. Possible management alternatives include: gradually weaning manatees off plant outfalls, maintaining the flow of springs now used by manatees, enhancing access to suitable warm-water springs now little used or unused by manatees, constructing new non-industry dependent warm-water refuges, and creating new thermal basins to retain warm-water pockets able to support overwintering manatees.  相似文献   


Viewing the urban coast from the national perspective one sees not only the sheer number and complexity of the federal programs involved but the lack of adequate coordination and the different often cross‐purpose missions. It goes without saying that to date, no one federal agency or program has been specifically charged with overseeing the urban coastal resource as an entity, nor is it likely that one will. However, national concern regarding various aspects of the urban coastal issues has been expressed. A very clear‐cut national interest has been constitutionally declared in navigation, defense, and interstate commercial activities, most of which affect the water area. A more diffuse though no less important national involvement can be traced through a number of federal activities which add up to considerable federal interest and investment in our urban coastal areas. Beginning in the early 1960s with waterfront related urban renewal activity for example the activities have accelerated more recently with such things as the administration's urban initiative, the Urban Recreation Study and the Urban Waterfront Study (HCRS), the Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Program (HCRS), the Maritime Preservation Program (HCRS and NHT), public investment in harbor cleanup (EPA), shorefront access and planning (OCZM), special waterfront demonstration projects (OCZM), and the State Coastal Zone programs coming in line to mention a few. Building on the existing framework and growing enthusiasm there is an unexcelled opportunity to make incremental progress in creating a new and better urban environment by effectively managing this unique portion of the city—the urban waterfront.  相似文献   


Identifying the information needs of managers and other stakeholders is an important first step in designing an evaluation of management effectiveness for marine protected areas (MPAs) that will be relevant to local circumstances and useful for improving management practices. Information requirements for evaluating effectiveness were investigated at two MPAs in Indonesia. Results show that, despite similar management objectives, information needs for evaluation differ between sites and those differences reflect the unique context within which management operates in each case. The scope of information needs at each site covers a broad range of issues including context, planning, resources, processes, outputs, and outcomes. Relevant components of a variety of different evaluation tools will need to be used to satisfy information needs at these sites. Evaluation tools that are based primarily on stated management objectives or the expressed views of a few key stakeholders are unlikely to be very useful for improving management in these cases.  相似文献   


Most federal and state coastal laws were framed with a distinct emphasis on preservation of rural/recreational areas. Yet in recent years a rural/urban coastal dichotomy has emerged. This has been especially prominent in the siting of energy facilities since these operations are often water dependent; power plants, for example, need huge amounts of cooling water, and offshore oil and gas extraction requires onshore support facilities. Recently, this issue has gained special prominence on the East Coast with the commencement of offshore oil and gas exploration. A case study was conducted in Hudson County, New Jersey, in New York harbor. In this area five oil‐related facility proposals were rejected from 1972 to 1976, primarily due to citizen opposition. Citizen activists now see the urban waterfront as a special place to which they want access and amenity uses rather than a continuation of past, almost exclusive industrial development. Hudson County citizens share the aspirations of those in several urban coastal areas which have experienced waterfront revitalization, including Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, New Haven, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Toronto. Innovative siting which utilizes inland, rather than coastal, locations is suggested as one way to lessen urban/rural siting tensions.  相似文献   


The first comprehensive attempt at development control along the Canadian Great Lakes shoreline was the 1976 lakeshore regulation policy adopted by the Regional Municipality of Haldimand‐Norfolk on the north Lake Erie shore. This innovative strategy was initiated at the municipal level as a component of the regional land‐use planning process. Determination of efficiency and effectiveness of the policy implementation process is based on analysis of permit approval files. All development applications submitted between 1976 and 1980 in the Turkey Point and Long Point Peninsulas are evaluated. Those areas, the most popular cottaging areas in the region, are most susceptible to flood and erosion hazards. Of the total applications submitted during the four‐year study period, 37 percent were in these areas. The policy was ineffective and inefficient in controlling development in the two peninsulas. Applications were approved in the majority of cases, despite regulatory prohibition of developments in hazard‐susceptible areas. There were lengthy decision‐making delays, often exceeding one year, and frequent violations of regulatory procedures. Recommendations are suggested to improve policy implementation.  相似文献   


In the early 1970s, Seattle Piers 90/91 were declared surplus federal property by the GSA. These obsolescent half‐mile‐long piers and their adjacent uplands were purchased by the Port of Seattle for redevelopment. This urban waterfront site of almost 200 acres presents the Port of Seattle with a number of severe planning problems. While it is the last large deep‐water site on Elliott Bay, it is also in a very sensitive location, since it is overlooked on two sides by vocal residential communities with a history of active intervention in development projects on visual and other environmental grounds.

At Piers 90/91, public concerns over the visual effects of port redevelopment include:

1. nuisance effects of night‐operations lighting on adjacent hillside residences;

2. nighttime obstruction of distant views due to increased foreground illumination;

3. day and night view obstruction by tall structures such as container‐handling cranes;

4. alteration of the character of both day and nighttime views by new port facilities.

As part of a program to study the effects of alternative redevelopment strategies for Piers 90/91, the Port has undertaken a through examination of the visual effects of different uses, their visual appropriateness, and the ways by which adverse visual effects can be mitigated. The results were incorporated into an environmental impact statement which documented compliance with the Seattle Shoreline Master Program and with view protection and glare provisions of the City's S.E.P.A. guidelines.

A systematic Visual Resource Management (VRM) approach was successfully employed on this coastal zone project. Major elements included visibility mapping, key view selection, analysis of existing visual character, simulation of alternatives, assessment of relative visual compatibility, and determination of effective mitigation measures. Community involvement has also been a critical element in this approach to assessing and managing the visual effects of redevelopment in a major urban port.  相似文献   


Port–city relationships have attracted paramount attention from a variety of scientific disciplines for several decades, such as geography, history, planning, regional science, sociology, and economics to name but a few. Yet, the extent to which maritime traffic specialization obeys the same spatial distribution than other economic activities remains underexplored today. This article tackles these lacunae head-on by proposing an empirical analysis of the way vessel tonnage per main categories of flows (e.g. containers, bulks, passengers) coincides with the demographic size of the world’s coastal and inland city-regions, using novel data on global inter-port vessel movements and harmonized population data over the period 1977–2008. Our main results confirm that such traffic is far from being randomly distributed, as its volume, value, and diversity concentrate at the top of the urban hierarchy. This research motivates the need to further integrate physical connectivity into the study of cities and their development mechanisms.  相似文献   


A power plant siting procedure which accounts for the protection and preservation of aquatic resources, defined as sensitive life forms and life stages of economically valuable species of finfish and shellfish, is presented as it was executed on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Negative effects of power plant development and operation are generated principally by the cooling water intake and discharge system. The site‐selection procedure is thus presented as a two‐faceted process, termed regional screening, requiring the separate but simultaneous identification of land‐based sites and cooling systems. Criteria included in regional screening for cooling systems reflected life‐sustaining processes essential to the maintenance of aquatic resources. Major sources of effects of power plants on aquatic resources and siting principles as they affect aquatic resources are defined. Information‐gathering techniques included extensive interviews with key research scientists, state personnel, and numerous Chesapeake Bay watermen.  相似文献   


In this article we consider a linear programming model for assessing the aggregate impact of land‐use activities scattered over a large area on the resultant pollutant concentrations in coastal waters. The dispersion to coastal waters of the adverse environmental loads generated by the land uses is described by a set of transport coefficients that measure the attenuation of pollutants, such as industrial BOD, carried to the coast along surface drainage basins. Further dispersion in the waters caused by tidal action is then described by the simple procedure know as “pollution susceptibility.”; The model seeks to minimize the steady‐state concentrations of pollutants by establishing an optimal spatial configuration of residential, commercial, and industrial land uses. This configuration is constrained by a number of restrictions based on local and regional targets for growth and development. The methodology discussed in this article is intended to be useful to regional planners, and is based on a study conducted for the Long Island area.  相似文献   


The Florida Keys are an example of a fragile resource threatened by development. The early division of the area into small lots made conventional planning and regulation difficult. This paper describes the creation of a conservancy for the Keys—the history of development, the conditions necessitating a conservancy, and the political wrangling it took to implement the conservancy.  相似文献   


This article analyzes support for and opposition to state land‐use planning in Oregon, using voting records from the 1976 referendum to repeal Oregon's regulatory legislation and survey data. Support for controlled growth legislation is found to be a product of both individual‐level characteristics and characteristics of the larger community where one resides. The most influential contextual variables are the county's economy and the class composition of the city. The authors conclude that coastal zone managers must exercise caution when interpreting individual survey data which indicate support for various environmental concerns. Contextual differences must be taken into consideration because sources of support for coastal zone management may vary among individuals, depending on the nature of the communities in which they live.  相似文献   


An essential aspect of economic analysis associated with planning efforts is identifying the composition of existing economic activity and understanding historical trends in economic change. The shift‐share model is a useful and inexpensive tool for this purpose. Shift‐share analysis evaluates changes in local economic activities relative to changes in a reference area (usually the state or nation). Economic change is separated into a reference area component, an industry mix component, and a local share component. These measure, respectively, the effect on the local economy due to changes in the reference area, factors specific to the local mix of industries, and the changing competitive position of the local area relative to the reference area.

A shift‐share analysis of Florida's coastal counties reveals that all grew much faster over the 1965–1975 period than did the national economy. This rapid growth is primarily a result of a net shift of economic activity toward the study area relative to the nation. However, a few coastal counties did exhibit a mix of slow‐growing industries. Specific industry results for Florida counties at the eighty‐industry level reveal that many industries showed significant shifts toward Florida's coastal counties. The performance of individual industries in the coastal counties generally exceeded that of the same industries in noncoastal counties.  相似文献   

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