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The “no net wetland loss” goal has not been met in urban coastal regions where conditions continue to exacerbate wetland losses. Under the Clean Water Act (Section 404) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U. S. Environmental Protection Agency share responsibility for regulating placement of fill material in wetlands. The `no discharge of fill' rules threaten coastal wetlands with continuing losses due to effects of changing climate, including rising sea levels, higher storm surges, and flooding. Where inland migration is limited by development, or where sediment accretion rates are lower than the rate of sea level rise, urban wetlands will be lost unless marsh topography is elevated. We explored regulatory and design approaches in recent Hudson-Raritan Estuary (HRE), San Francisco Bay Estuary and coastal Louisiana restorations, including creation of new marshland using dredge material. Questions related to sea level rise, ecological position within the landscape, or potential effects of extreme storm events were not addressed in the HRE restoration designs; these concerns were taken into account in other regions. We suggest benefits of marsh `replenishment' should be acknowledged in Federal regulatory policy and that consistent policies supportive of low-lying coastal marsh preservation in all regions should be enacted.  相似文献   

U.S. ports are facing competitive pressures similar to those being felt by ports elsewhere around the world. Despite the public enterprise nature of U.S. port authorities, they tend to function as 'business-like' organizations. This enterprise-like approach stems from their evolution from being primarily private railroad ports in the 19th century to public competitive port authorities in the 20th century. This paper provides an overview of the evolution of U.S. ports and the ongoing effect of earlier legislation, the varied resulting institutional structures, and current national and regional level issues. Although there is no national ports plan or strategy in the U.S.A. (the Constitution limits federal actions in the ports field) the federal government is involved in providing dredging services through the Army Corps of Engineers, navigation aids via the Coast Guard and other minor port-related services. U.S. ports typically come under the jurisdiction of state or local governments. Increasing competition coupled with other port issues (growing financial constraints, difficulties in obtaining dredging permits, environmental concerns and restricted landside access) is forcing some U.S. ports to enter into strategic alliances with others at a regional level.  相似文献   

邢述炳 《水运工程》2013,(8):147-151
大型船闸人字闸门因门体较高、启闭时雍水阻力及风阻力较大,背拉杆大多采用预应力结构。为延长其顶底枢的使用寿命,常在最低通航水位以下设置浮箱。结合下坝复线船闸,先介绍预应力背拉杆及浮箱的布置形式,再着重引入美国陆军工程师兵团SHERMER C L提出的理论进行设计计算,最后对有浮箱结构的人字闸门背拉杆预应力施加方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

在缺少海洋水文观测资料的情况下,利用风浪后报推算设计波浪参数是工程上常用的方法。探究了我国现行《海港水文规范》中“深水风浪要素计算图解法”诺谟图存在的缺陷,并与美国工兵团新版《海岸工程手册》的波浪图解 后报方法进行了比较分析,所得结论对于我国海岸与近海工程的波浪后报计算具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Published research suggests the presence of a large wind resource off the U.S. coast. Although there is considerable interest among wind power developers in the coastal states, few projects have been proposed to date. A major factor constraining resource development is the lack of a regulatory framework to provide access to the ocean space and allocate property rights to the submerged lands where the wind turbines can be installed. Efforts to address this void began in 2005 at the federal level, but it has progressed unevenly and unsuccessfully since that time. At the state level, no coastal state has adopted a comprehensive and detailed regime to regulate, manage, and oversee this new ocean use in state waters. This article examines various approaches taken by coastal states to facilitate existing and emerging ocean uses and recommends a regulatory framework for installing offshore wind turbines in state waters.  相似文献   

NMCI-美国海军陆战队专用网   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
梁炎 《舰船电子工程》2005,25(5):29-32,116
作为美国海军网络中心战的新一代的联合计划网络,海军陆战队专用网(NMCI)将全美33.6万海军和海军陆战队用户的计算机连接成网,支持与舰载IT-21和海军陆战队战术网的连接.以“台位管理”合同采办的NMCI为海军及其陆战队的日常事务和作战行动提供全程的网络信息服务,包括加密访问语音、影像和数据通信服务.  相似文献   

By extending a methodology developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, firm-specific short-run costs of a barge company are estimated in this paper. The estimated costs include average costs, marginal costs, and cost elasticities. These estimates led to a breakeven analysis and an analysis of financial conditions of the barge industry in general. Findings include that the breakeven ton-mile rates range from 0. 52 to 0.72 cents for a full-capacity operation and that the costs of barge services are highly inelastic. A questionnaire survey of 256 barge and towing companies has also been shown to corroborate the findings of this paper.  相似文献   

By extending a methodology developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, firm-specific short-run costs of a barge company are estimated in this paper. The estimated costs include average costs, marginal costs, and cost elasticities. These estimates led to a breakeven analysis and an analysis of financial conditions of the barge industry in general. Findings include that the breakeven ton-mile rates range from 0. 52 to 0.72 cents for a full-capacity operation and that the costs of barge services are highly inelastic. A questionnaire survey of 256 barge and towing companies has also been shown to corroborate the findings of this paper.  相似文献   

This article addresses federal, state, and local regulatory regimes for controlling commercial advertising in coastal waters. It focuses on a new method of outdoor advertising that utilizes a billboard towed by a tug in coastal waters. Specifically, it explores the extent to which legal action to regulate advertising from floating billboards in U.S. waters could withstand constitutional scrutiny. The issue is examined within the contexts of commercial speech and navigational servitude. Additionally, the article discusses the preservation of viewscapes along the coast and the applicability of the public trust doctrine. Jurisdictional issues are examined along with the role of states' harbor management plans and local ordinances in regulating commerce and providing anchorage limitations. The article argues that regulation of floating billboards must not necessarily be based on aesthetics, but the public trust doctrine. The article concludes that the language of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) and interpretations of its scope, as well as Supreme Court decisions in favor of aesthetic zoning, support the inclusion of such regulations in states' coastal zone management plans.  相似文献   


The successful implementation of structural and nonstructural solution to problems of shoreline erosion is greatly facilitated if the accumulation and analysis of data sets are accomplished within a design framework which has both theoretical validity and practical application. An inventory of beach resources based upon breaking‐wave energy and beach mobility is presented as a basis for a beach classification system. This method should be used with existing inventories compiled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A simplified means of determining changes in beach position and slope is suggested; this will facilitate gathering data in a daily time series at numerous locations by a minimum number of people. Examples of how the inventories may be conducted and a sample classification system are presented for selected portions of the shoreline of New Jersey.  相似文献   

The United States has a new national ocean policy that adopts ecosystem-based management (EBM) as its first principle for managing U.S. ocean spaces and marine resources. However, U.S. laws that govern the uses of ocean spaces present a challenging tangle of authorities and mandates that do not easily facilitate ecosystem-based policies. For over 30 years, U.S. marine fisheries management has been guided by eight Regional Fishery Management Councils. Working under the many laws that guide setting stewardship priorities for ocean ecosystems, councils provide the Federal Government with advice on fisheries harvest levels, fish habitat protections, and fishing community needs. Implementing EBM for any ocean ecosystem requires a careful examination of the laws and policy processes that affect human interaction with that ecosystem. This article explores the U.S. perspective on federal ecosystem-based fisheries management, its part in U.S. national ocean policy, and how fishery management councils might position themselves as both EBM policymakers and policy takers for ocean resource management.  相似文献   


Abstract This case study, prepared by an interdisciplinary group of several scientists and planners and a lawyer, reviews the handling by the decision process of an application to the Baltimore District Corps of Engineers for permission to construct a marina. The study determines that while the project in question may not present a significant environmental threat, the project when considered in conjunction with other pending projects on the same subtributary would contribute to boat congestion and degradation of water quality. Changes in the decision process are suggested which would facilitate consideration of the cumulative impacts from a series of coastal alterations.  相似文献   

比较了新IGC规则、旧IGC规则和USCG规则在C型独立舱设计蒸气压力计算上的差异,并以小型液化天然气运输船、液化乙烯运输船、全压式LPG船为例进行比较分析。介绍USCG的有关修改通函和ASME压力容器规范,指出以后采用C型独立舱的气体运输船从国际海域航行到美国领海,无需每个舱设置2套压力释放阀。相关结果对今后气体运输船的设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   


The legal battles employed as a strategy to secure increased environmental safeguards identified by the technical studies demonstrate the role of public opinion in shaping federal actions. This article approaches the question of risk from OCS oil production activities by discussing the methodology developed to identify the probability of impact to the south shore of Long Island from the potential of an oil spill, either from drilling or transport activities. A set of probability curves were developed in accordance with seasonal climatic and current patterns in order to establish a range of hazard zones to enable the development of regulatory policy for the location and relocation of shipping lanes that would minimize direct impact to the near shore waters and coastline of Long Island.  相似文献   

This article reviews key measures of public opinion on sea-level rise (SLR): beliefs, attitudes, issue prioritization, and policy support. To do so, we first assess the influence of SLR beliefs and attitudes on issue prioritization and policy support using state-level data. Then, we compare the state findings to other surveys conducted in a hot spot of rising coastal waters, the U.S. Mid-Atlantic, to better understand the landscape of public opinion. Our findings indicate that, as in studies of climate change public opinion, belief certainty that SLR is happening and attitudes about its consequences significantly influence issue prioritization and policy support. Compared to climate change, SLR demonstrates less salience, but is similarly a low public priority. Nevertheless, the public supports governmental policies that address the issue, preferring strategies that discourage new construction in high risk areas and employ “soft” protection through natural barriers. Among the least popular approaches are those that implement hard barriers to defend against encroaching seas. Communication programs and public consultation by governments can benefit from the use of survey data to support evidence-based decision-making.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, the US inland waterway transportation industry has significantly reduced its fuel consumption and improved its efficiency, with the side effect of less fuel tax collected per ton of cargo carried, despite the increase in cargo traffic. Fuel tax revenues are used for rehabilitation and construction projects in the inland waterway system, hence the US Army Corps of Engineers, providing us with relevant data over the interval in question, asked us to investigate this surprising reduction, and determine the main technical and fleet management improvements that caused it. Our research involved both visits with most major US inland waterway fleets, interviews with their engineers and managers, as well as statistical analysis of the above data. Technical improvements (such as engine plant efficiency increases), lighter, stronger building materials (such as light steel), and improved designs for better hydrodynamics, were not as important compared to management improvements (such as the use of computer-aided monitoring systems and advanced telecommunications, optimized tow configuration and speed, and increased triangular trips as opposed to simple round trips with returns empty). In addition, the demand for less expensive, imported steel for the US has resulted in an increased percentage of fully loaded return trips from New Orleans to the US Midwest, and hence also in increased fleet utilization.  相似文献   


Coastal Louisiana is currently experiencing extensive urban growth as its natural resources are exploited. Such growth is projected to continue for the foreseeable future. This article examines problems encountered in developing wetland areas for community use. The urban development process in the coastal zone is examined using a problem‐identification methodology. This methodology consists of examining each of the stages of wetlands development sequentially, determining potential problems and their results, and specifying how the regulatory system for urban development needs strengthening in order to mitigate these problems. For those development practices determined not to be regulated at all or inadequately regulated, local ordinance amendments and other restrictive measures applicable to specific development stages are proposed. The study concludes with a brief discussion of a goals‐oriented process for deriving future urban development regulations for the enhancement of regional planning efforts.  相似文献   


The U.S. National Marine Sanctuary Program was established in 1972 by Title III of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. §1431 et seq.). In this article, we discuss the development of the sanctuary concept, and the original intent of Congress, and analyze how it was applied by the sanctuary program. Differences in interpretation of the program's purpose are examined, including discussion of the multiple‐use management concept, an important but controversial management technique used in the sanctuaries. The continuing efforts by Congress and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to clarify the program's purpose are investigated. The program's administrative history is explained and the current sanctuaries and active candidates are briefly described. In light of the 1988 reauthorization of the Marine Sanctuary Act, the current issues facing the program are analyzed. Finally, we draw conclusions and make recommendations for the program's future.  相似文献   


This article argues that using the public sector and the private market in the historically delineated and traditional ways offers only the bluntest of tools with which to approach the complex problem of coastal zone management. It therefore seeks to provide a basis for reformulating our understanding of sectoral responsibility with regard to resources management. First, it conceptually analyzes the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two sectors. Second, it examines three examples of coastal resources management—beaches and shorelands, artificial reefs, and coastal wetlands—in analyzing the complexities of the coastal management challenge and the limitations of our current approaches. Finally, we provide an alternative perspective on how these common property resource allocation decisions can be made.  相似文献   

This article discusses the regulatory and operational issues which have recently confronted a number of U.S. ports as a result of their dredging programmers. It describes the environmental concerns which have led community groups to raise legal objections to the traditional practice of ocean dumping of dredged material, the federal/state regulatory framework within which these objections have been considered and recent legislative changes to that framework. The paper describes in some detail the specific case of the Port of New York and New Jersey, which has experienced severe delays in its dredging programme since 1992 (and a resulting loss of business) as well mounting costs for dredged material disposal. The paper concludes that, complicated as the technical problems involving dredged material disposal may be, it is the political and economic issues involved which are likely to be decisive in the eventual outcomes for affected ports.  相似文献   

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