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翁海颖 《时代汽车》2023,(9):159-161
汽车中的发动机具有“心脏”作用,可以将其他能量进行机械能转换,让汽车运转。发动机运行时,机油具有关键作用,主要起到减震缓冲、减磨、润滑以及其他方面作用。行车运行时,应该对机油状态进行充分掌握,比如若是机油不足,那么无法运转发动机,影响汽车行驶安全。所以需要借助机油状态传感器对机油状态展开实时监测。对此,本文阐述了机油状态传感器含义与机油传感器原理,分析了传感器故障检测监测方法,介绍了传感器故障检修要点,希望能够为相关单位与人员提供参考。  相似文献   

润滑油在发动机工作中起着很重要的作用,它具有润滑零件摩擦表面、减少磨损、清除摩擦表面的磨屑杂质、冷却摩擦表面、密封和防腐等多项功能。但润滑油经工作一段时间后,由于本身不断发生氧化、缩聚反应,产生氧化物、胶质和油泥,老化变质,同时,润滑油中不断渗入许多零件摩擦产生的金属磨屑及其他机械杂质,这些杂质如果进入润滑油路,将加速发动机零件的早期磨损或阻塞油道,以致发生拉缸、烧瓦、断曲轴等故障。因此合理选用机油滤芯保持润滑油不变质,对延长发动机使用寿命有很大作用。  相似文献   

<正>机油滤清器(图1)是发动机润滑系统的重要组成部分。在发动机运行过程中,需要清洁的机油提供润滑,而机油的清洁则由机油滤清器来保证。因此机油滤清器必须具有滤清能力强,流通阻力小,使用寿命长等特点。1机油滤清器的作用随着发动机的运转,金属磨屑、尘土、高温氧化产生的积炭和胶质等不断混入机油中,使机油中的杂质不断增多,若机油不经过滤直接进入润滑油路,就会将机油中含有的杂质带到运动副的摩擦表面,加速零件的磨损,影  相似文献   

柴油发动机轴瓦故障现象①轴承与连杆接头处温度较高,用手触摸时严重烫手.并伴随机油温度升高、油压下降、振动加大。②检查轴瓦,会发现轴瓦合金严重拉伤,局部烧熔:检查离心滤清器和机油过滤器时,会发现大量铝合金屑。③曲轴箱通风口冒烟异常加重,发动机转速和功率下降.严重时发动机自动熄火。柴油发动机轴瓦故障原因①发动机缺机油或者机油使用不当造成烧瓦。缺少机油时,轴瓦与轴颈之间出现严重干摩擦.易烧瓦:若机油中混入水、柴油,则降低了机油的润滑性能。或者机油不清沽’7昂右,l、靳黼挚席话转时易产堆沟槽特百  相似文献   

故障现象一辆2011款日产天籁公爵车,搭载VQ25发动机,累计行驶里程约为18万km。车主反映,车辆行驶过程中仪表盘上的发动机故障灯异常点亮,每次清除故障代码后车辆行驶半个多月故障才会再次出现。故障诊断接车后,用故障检测仪检测,读得的故障代码为"P0011进气门时间控制-B1"。询问之前的维修人员得知,在上次维修过程中发现发动机机油油位低于机油标尺的下刻度线,怀疑是因缺机油导致油压不稳定进而引起上述故障,当时添加了足量的机油,清除故障代码后将车辆交还给车主,并让车主后期用车过程中继续观察。鉴于发动机故障灯再次点亮,拔出机油标尺检查,发现发动机机油并未减少。  相似文献   

故障现象一辆2018款大众宝来传奇车,搭载DCF发动机,累计行驶里程约为5.7万km。车主反映,该车早上行驶5 km左右后,仪表盘上的发动机机油灯偶尔会亮起,将发动机熄火后再次起动,发动机机油灯会熄灭。故障诊断用故障检测仪(VAS6150E)检测,发现发动机控制单元中存储有故障代码P15A600(机油压力调节有调节偏差,超出上限)和故障代码P15AA00(发动机机油压力,低于下极限值)。  相似文献   

故障现象1998年7月生产的桑塔纳轿车装备1.8L发动机,行驶里程为23万km。车主介绍在高速行驶途中,机油报警器突然响起。立即减速停车,检查机油,但机油位正常,重新启动后一切正常。过一段时间故障会重现,故障现象时有时无,有时几天都很正常。经特约维修站修理,故障未能排除。故障诊断机油报警原因有以下几点:发动机机油压力低;机油压力开关失效;线路出现断路或短路;机油报警器工作不稳定。根据分析,应进行逐项常规检测。启动发动机,检测机油压力开关,高压开关与缸体之间导通,低压开关与发动机之间断开,油压开关正常。检查机油压力,经测量在高…  相似文献   

故障现象:一辆桑塔纳2000型轿车,中、高速行驶中出现机油压力报警现象。 故障检查:停车熄灭发动机后抽出机油尺检查,机油加注量符合规定,机油质量符合技术要求;检查机油压力表和机油压力传感器,二者工作正常。此时启动发动机,  相似文献   

正案例1奥迪C6车机油压力报警故障现象一辆累计行驶里程约为10.5万km的奥迪C 6车(装备2.0 T BPJ发动机),车主反映仪表盘上偶尔会出现机油压力报警的现象。故障诊断接车后试车,发现该车仪表盘上并没有出现机油压力报警的现象,但是由于机油压力事关重大,于是便根据以往的经验,检查了机油液位、机油压力开关等,并没有发现异常。用故障检测仪进行检测,也没有相关故障  相似文献   

阐述了机油状态传感器的结构和工作原理,介绍了传感器故障检测。同时认为,车辆安装机油状态传感器对保证发动机维持正常的机油状态是非常必要的,且在机油状态传感器出现故障时要及时检测修复。  相似文献   

公路运行速度特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取自由流车辆作为分析样本,采用统计分析软件,对各观测点的试验数据进行处理分析,获得了自由流条件下的速度样本统计参数及累计频率曲线。分别利用K-S检验和S-W检验对所取得的样本进行正态分布检验。为获取运行速度特征值,在分析运行速度累计分布曲线变化规律的基础上,引入离差的概念,对运行速度取不同百分位值时的离散程度进行了分析,得出了运行速度特征值的定量化标准。结果表明:运行速度样本服从正态分布的假设;用于路线设计的运行速度应取速度累计分布曲线上的85%分位值;所得结论为公路运行速度的合理取值提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Pareto optimisation of bogie suspension components is considered for a 50 degrees of freedom railway vehicle model to reduce wheel/rail contact wear and improve passenger ride comfort. Several operational scenarios including tracks with different curve radii ranging from very small radii up to straight tracks are considered for the analysis. In each case, the maximum admissible speed is applied to the vehicle. Design parameters are categorised into two levels and the wear/comfort Pareto optimisation is accordingly accomplished in a multistep manner to improve the computational efficiency. The genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to perform the multi-objective optimisation. Two suspension system configurations are considered, a symmetric and an asymmetric in which the primary or secondary suspension elements on the right- and left-hand sides of the vehicle are not the same. It is shown that the vehicle performance on curves can be significantly improved using the asymmetric suspension configuration. The Pareto-optimised values of the design parameters achieved here guarantee wear reduction and comfort improvement for railway vehicles and can also be utilised in developing the reference vehicle models for design of bogie active suspension systems.  相似文献   

通过对发动机工作过程的研究,得到任一时刻发动机各缸动力学特性曲线形状相同,沿时间坐标存在一定偏移的结论。基于Matlab软件,将各缸动力学特性曲线的偏移转化为该曲线中离散点组成的向量内数据的偏移,通过向量的偏移、叠加等计算得到整机动力学特性的数值表达形式,据此判断发动机的平衡情况。用户只需输入特定发动机的必要参数,然后运行程序即可快速得到平衡分析结果。通过对常见机型进行平衡分析,验证了该方法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

不同的道路平面线形几何设计对于驾驶人车道保持能力的需求是有差异的,驾驶人受疲劳程度影响也会呈现车道保持能力下降的趋势,当前的研究未综合考虑以上2个因素:线形和疲劳程度对驾驶横向表现的交互影响.邀请41位被试者分别开展550 km的实车实验,获取车辆位置信息GPS以匹配道路线形类型,基于问卷调查方法获取驾驶过程疲劳等级.分析不同疲劳程度、不同平面线形类型以及弯道半径条件下的车道偏离标准差参数,构建了多元线性回归模型.数据分析结果表明,相同疲劳程度下驾驶人在圆曲线段驾驶的偏离值要超过直线段以及缓和曲线段;当弯道半径超过5 500 m时,曲线段弯道半径越大,车道偏离差值越高.同时,考虑了线形影响的多元线性回归模型对疲劳程度的预测精度要高于未考虑线形因素的模型,进一步说明在针对驾驶疲劳行为表现开展研究时,有必要对道路设计参数加以考虑以提高疲劳辨识精度.   相似文献   

为建立考虑冲击效应的船撞实用荷载模型,建立6艘不同吨位驳船的有限元精细化模型,采用驳船撞击刚性圆柱模型,通过数值仿真得到252条不同速度和不同径宽比下的撞击力时程原始样本。通过对样本的观察与分析,提出采用修正半波正弦函数作为撞击力过程的近似荷载模型,并通过数理统计的方法确定具体模型参数,由此根据驳船吨位、撞击速度、撞击径宽比等因素直接确定撞击荷载曲线。基于简化模型推导过程,指出修正半波正弦荷载模型的3个误差来源,并以2座不同结构形式的桥梁为例进行动力反应计算分析。以驳船接触碰撞的动力响应为基准,分析简化荷载模型计算结果的准确性,并进一步讨论3个误差来源对荷载模型误差的贡献大小与误差机理。研究结果表明:模型参数取值的精度良好;2个算例的动力响应对比分析得出,提出的修正半波正弦荷载模型对于柔性及刚性的桥梁结构均有良好的整体计算精度,具有广泛的实际工程应用价值。  相似文献   

为探究超高速公路路线设计确保车辆行车安全的圆曲线最小半径值,引入可靠度理论,以汽车在圆曲线路段行驶时不产生横向滑移为约束条件构建动力学模型,利用该模型对圆曲线半径进行分析,并提出圆曲线半径的可靠度功能函数.对功能函数中的车辆运行速度、路面横向摩擦系数、道路超高值等相关参数进行统计,并分析其分布规律.求解设计速度分别为1...  相似文献   

This article compares the dynamic behaviour of different configurations of radial and conventional two-axle bogies. In general, the design parameters for a better curve negotiation are not compatible with those for good stability. As the main target of this article is to compare the curving performances of different bogies under the same design basis, several bogie configurations with the same level of stability, obtained by choosing proper primary suspension stiffnesses, have been used. The comparison includes a conventional bogie and three radial bogies with differing self-steering and forced-steering principles in three different passenger services: High Speed, Regional and Mass Transit. The analysis has been concentrated on parameters such as stability, lateral wheel-track forces in curve and wheel wear indices. The results show that the radial bogie configurations studied do not make significant contributions in general applications with regard to a conventional bogie. It is only under specific running conditions and types of service that some radial bogie configurations provide advantages with respect to the conventional bogie.  相似文献   

This article compares the dynamic behaviour of different configurations of radial and conventional two-axle bogies. In general, the design parameters for a better curve negotiation are not compatible with those for good stability. As the main target of this article is to compare the curving performances of different bogies under the same design basis, several bogie configurations with the same level of stability, obtained by choosing proper primary suspension stiffnesses, have been used. The comparison includes a conventional bogie and three radial bogies with differing self-steering and forced-steering principles in three different passenger services: High Speed, Regional and Mass Transit. The analysis has been concentrated on parameters such as stability, lateral wheel-track forces in curve and wheel wear indices. The results show that the radial bogie configurations studied do not make significant contributions in general applications with regard to a conventional bogie. It is only under specific running conditions and types of service that some radial bogie configurations provide advantages with respect to the conventional bogie.  相似文献   

Wheel–rail wear is one of the important problems in the railway industry, especially from the point of safety, maintenance, and replacement cost. To investigate this phenomenon, it is necessary to simulate the wheel–rail interaction. The simulation results and in particular the wear number is not tangible enough to explain the wear condition of the system. For one set of simulation performed on two different railway systems one could obtain the same wear numbers, of say 100, while having two completely different wear rates. In order to have a better understanding of the wear condition, it is proposed to convert the wear numbers to wear rates. In doing so by measuring the wear rate, one determines the rate at which the wheel flange thickness is reduced. In this research, a new approach has been proposed to determine the wheel wear rate through multi-body dynamic analysis and simulation and the field measurements carried out on the fleet of one of Tehran's subway lines. This procedure could also be expanded to determine a wear criterion for specific lines and their fleets. Having this wear criterion would provide a better understanding of the simulation results either prior to the construction of railway lines or for the presently used ones. In other words, designers can simulate a railway line, not being constructed yet, and with a good approximation determine the critical points along the line with high wear rates, and make necessary modifications to decrease the wear.  相似文献   

沥青混合料旋转压实密实曲线信息及其应用   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
为了在配合比设计阶段预测沥青混合料的可施工特性和路用性能,采用高性能沥青路面(Superpave)旋转压实仪SGC对美国战略公路研究计划(SHRP)中推荐的粗、细沥青混合料进行了旋转压实,对密实曲线作了深入分析,提出了密实曲线斜率和密实能量指数概念以反映沥青混合料的内在信息。采用该方法对两种级配沥青混合料施工可压实特性和抵抗交通荷载抗变形能力进行了分析并结合车辙试验和试验路对指标的合理性进行了验证,研究表明:粗型级配沥青混合料的抗变形能力未必优于细型级配沥青混合料。  相似文献   

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