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A precise estimation of vehicle velocities can be valuable for improving the performance of the vehicle dynamics control (VDC) system and this estimation relies heavily upon the accuracy of longitudinal and lateral tyre force calculation governed by the prediction of normal tyre forces. This paper presents a computational method based on the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) method to estimate both longitudinal and lateral velocities and develops a novel quasi-stationary method to predict normal tyre forces of heavy trucks on a sloping road. The vehicle dynamic model is constructed with a planar dynamic model combined with the Pacejka tyre model. The novel quasi-stationary method for predicting normal tyre forces is able to characterise the typical chassis configuration of the heavy trucks. The validation is conducted through comparing the predicted results with those simulated by the TruckSim and it has a good agreement between these results without compromising the convergence speed and stability.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法研究鼓式制动器的温降过程,结合ANSYS对制动鼓的温度场进行有限元分析,并利用台架试验验证有限元模型的准确性;找出温降的规律及其影响因素,提高温度降低的速度,使积留在制动器的热量减少,从而避免热衰退现象,并为长大下坡道路的建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文主要对制动器的性能要求,在某一附着条件下所需的制动器制动力,在制动过程中的能量负荷及约束条件进行了描述,并运用遗传算法对摩擦制动器轻量化进行计算和设计  相似文献   

提出了采用支持向量机对CVT夹紧力控制阀进行质量分类的方法.并设计了相应的提取夹紧力控制阀性能特征参数的试验方案与夹紧力控制阀SVM多类分类器.利用试验得到的性能参数对SVM分类器进行训练,然后分别使用训练成熟的SVM分类器与RBF神经网络分类器对夹紧力控制阀进行质量分类.结果表明,采用SVM分类器的分类准确率明显高于RBF神经网络分类器.  相似文献   

土与结构动力相互作用的有限元模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对某桥墩与地基土层相互作用,采用通用有限元程序ANSYS,进行了二维动力有限元数值模拟计算,计算中均匀地基土体的本构模型采用ANSYS程序里的Drucker-Prager模型,通过EI Centro地震波输入,对比分析了土-结构动力相互作用特性的影响因素.  相似文献   

The evaluation of creep forces is a complex task and their calculation is a time-consuming process for multibody simulation (MBS). A methodology of creep forces modelling at large traction creepages has been proposed by Polach [Creep forces in simulations of traction vehicles running on adhesion limit. Wear. 2005;258:992–1000; Influence of locomotive tractive effort on the forces between wheel and rail. Veh Syst Dyn. 2001(Suppl);35:7–22] adapting his previously published algorithm [Polach O. A fast wheel–rail forces calculation computer code. Veh Syst Dyn. 1999(Suppl);33:728–739]. The most common method for creep force modelling used by software packages for MBS of running dynamics is the Fastsim algorithm by Kalker [A fast algorithm for the simplified theory of rolling contact. Veh Syst Dyn. 1982;11:1–13]. However, the Fastsim code has some limitations which do not allow modelling the creep force – creep characteristic in agreement with measurements for locomotives and other high-power traction vehicles, mainly for large traction creep at low-adhesion conditions. This paper describes a newly developed methodology based on a variable contact flexibility increasing with the ratio of the slip area to the area of adhesion. This variable contact flexibility is introduced in a modification of Kalker's code Fastsim by replacing the constant Kalker's reduction factor, widely used in MBS, by a variable reduction factor together with a slip-velocity-dependent friction coefficient decreasing with increasing global creepage. The proposed methodology is presented in this work and compared with measurements for different locomotives. The modification allows use of the well recognised Fastsim code for simulation of creep forces at large creepages in agreement with measurements without modifying the proven modelling methodology at small creepages.  相似文献   

用自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)建立了轮胎的侧向力模型,并与反向传播神经网络(BPNN)建模结果作出比较。  相似文献   

Advanced empirical, and physical-based tyre models have proven to be accurate for simulating tyre dynamics; however, these tyre models typically require expensive and intensive tyre parameterisation. Recent research into wheeled unmanned ground vehicles requiring vertical force analysis has shown good results using a simple linear spring model for the tyre which demonstrate the continued use for simple tyre models; however, parameterisation of the tyre still remains a challenge when load test equipment is not available. This paper presents a cost-effective tyre vertical stiffness parameterisation procedure using only measured tyre geometry and air pressure for applications where high-fidelity tyre models are unnecessary. Vertical forces calculated through an air volume optimisation approach are used to estimate tyre vertical stiffness. Nine tyres from the literature are compared to evaluate the performance of the vertical force estimation and stiffness parameterisation algorithms. Experimental results on a pair of ATV tyres are also presented.  相似文献   

The paper presents an anti-lock braking system (ABS) control logic based on the measurement of the longitudinal forces at the hub bearings. The availability of force information allows to design a logic that does not rely on the estimation of the tyre–road friction coefficient, since it continuously tries to exploit the maximum longitudinal tyre force.

The logic is designed by means of computer simulation and then tested on a specific hardware in the loop test bench: the experimental results confirm that measured wheel force can lead to a significant improvement of the ABS performances in terms of stopping distance also in the presence of road with variable friction coefficient.  相似文献   

The excitation force of a powertrain is one of major sources of interior noise in a vehicle. This paper presents a novel approach to predict the interior noise caused by the vibration of the powertrain by using the hybrid TPA (transfer path analysis) method. Although the traditional transfer path analysis (TPA) is useful for the identification of powertrain noise sources, it is difficult to modify the structure of a powertrain by using experiments for the reduction of vibration and noise. In order to solve this problem, the vibration of the powertrain in a vehicle is numerically analyzed by using the finite element method (FEM). The vibration of the other parts of the vehicle is investigated by using experiments based on vibrato-acoustic transfer function (VATF) analysis. These two methods are combined for the prediction of interior noise caused by a powertrain. Throughout this research, two papers are presented. This paper presents a simulation of the excitation force of the powertrain exciting the vehicle body based on numerical simulation. The other paper presents a prediction of interior noise based on the hybrid TPA, which uses the VATF of the car body and the excitation force predicted in this paper.  相似文献   

Providing accurate information about bus arrival time to passengers can make the public transport system more attractive. Such information helps the passengers by reducing the uncertainty on waiting time and the associated frustrations. However, accurate estimation of bus travel time is still a challenging problem, especially under heterogeneous and lane-less traffic conditions. The accuracy of such information provided to passengers depends mainly on the estimation method used, which in turns depends on the input data used. Hence, developing suitable estimation methods and identifying the most significant/appropriate input data are important. The present study focused on these aspects of development of estimation methods that can accurately estimate travel time by using significant inputs. In order to identify significant inputs, a data mining technique, namely the k-NN classifying algorithm, was used. It is based on the similarity in pattern between the input and historic data. These identified inputs were then used in a hybrid model that combined exponential smoothing technique with recursive estimation scheme based on the Kalman Filtering (KF) technique. The optimal values of the smoothing parameter were dynamically estimated and were updated using the latest measurements available from the field. The performance of the proposed algorithm showed a clear improvement in estimation accuracy when compared with existing methods.  相似文献   

综合数字图像识别技术、几何形状矢量化原理和有限元网格自动生成理论,得到能够应用于力学计算的有限元模型。首先识别出二维混合料的细观结构,然后通过几何形状矢量化原理将细观结构矢量化,最后利用有限元网格自动生成技术得到沥青混合料细观结构的有限元网格模型。以马歇尔试件为例,证明该法是可行的。  相似文献   

应用三维非线性有限元法,对三峡库区泄滩滑坡在抗滑桩加固后的应力与变形,特别是对抗滑桩本身变形进行研究。结合经典材料力学弯矩与挠度、弯矩与剪力以及轴力与伸长的关系,推导了抗滑桩各截面弯矩、剪力和轴力随高程变化的解析式,为抗滑桩结构设计的内力和配筋计算提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为提高网络延迟攻击下自动驾驶车辆定位估计算法的精确度,研究了延迟模型下自动驾驶车辆定位的无偏差有限脉冲响应(UFIR)估计器设计方法,并仿真实验.搭建延迟攻击下的车辆运动学模型,拓展模型至有限长度的时间窗口,推导UFIR算法按批处理式与迭代式表达形式,分析Apollo系统各功能模块的数据流动,基于LG开源自动驾驶仿真器...  相似文献   

Travel time estimation and its variation for urban expressways are vital to both the information provision to road users, and the system evaluation and management for traffic administrators. Fruitful research efforts have been made to develop methodologies of reconstructing spatiotemporal traffic states mainly for freeways based on one or multiple data sources. However, few studies specifically focused on urban expressways. There are more intensive merging and diverging traffic due to short distances between ramps, for example, 300–500 m. Based on the empirical analysis of traffic data collected on a typical segment of a congested urban expressway, this study proposes an extended generalized filter algorithm for the urban expressway traffic state estimation based on heterogeneous data. More specifically, the multiple sources of data include both fixed sensor data (e.g., inductive loops or radar data) and global positioning system (GPS) probe vehicle data. This study compares the proposed algorithm and the traditional algorithm for freeways using data collected on the segment of expressway in Beijing, China. Results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method, as well as its feasibility and effectiveness.  相似文献   

The function of vehicle dynamics control system is adjusting the yaw moment, the longitudinal force and lateral force of a vehicle body through several chassis systems, such as brakes, steering and suspension. Individual systems such as ESC, AFS and 4WD can be used to achieve desired performance by controlling actuator variables. However, integrated chassis control systems that have multiple objectives may not simply achieve the desired performance by controlling the actuators directly. Usually those systems determine the required tire forces in an upper level controller and a lower level controller regulates the tire forces through the actuators. The tire force is controlled in a recursive way based on vehicle state measurement, which may not be sufficient for fast response. For immediate force tracking, we introduce a direct tire force generation method that uses a nonlinear inverse tire model, a pseudo-inverse model of vehicle dynamics and the relationship between longitudinal force and brake pressure.  相似文献   


The road roughness acts as a disturbance input to the vehicle dynamics, and causes undesirable vibrations associated with the ride and handing characteristics. Furthermore, the accurate measurement of road roughness plays a key role in better understanding a vehicle dynamic behaviour and active suspension control systems. However, the direct measurement by laser profilometer or other distance sensors are not trivial due to technical and economic issues. This study proposes a new road roughness estimation method by using the discrete Kalman filter with unknown input (DKF-UI). This algorithm is built on a quarter-car model and uses the measurements of the wheel stroke (suspension deflection), and the acceleration of the sprung mass and unsprung mass. The estimation results are compared to the measurements by laser profilometer in-vehicle test.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new method to solve the problem of suspension system state estimation using a Kalman Filter (KF) under various road conditions. Due to the fact that practical road conditions are complex and uncertain, the influence of the system process noise variance and measurement noise covariance on the estimation accuracy of the KF is first analysed. To accurately estimate the road condition, a new road classification method through the vertical acceleration of sprung mass is proposed, and different road process variances are obtained to tune the system’s variance for the application of the KF. Then, road classification and KF are combined to form an Adaptive Kalman Filter (AKF) that takes into account the relationship of different road process noise variances and measurement noise covariances under various road conditions. Simulation results show that the proposed AKF algorithm can obtain a high accuracy of state estimation for a suspension system under varying International Standards Organisation road excitation levels.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel nonlinear dynamic model of a multi-axle steering vehicle to estimate the lateral wear amount of tires. Firstly, a 3DOF nonlinear vehicle dynamic model is developed, including dynamic models of the hydropneumatic suspension, tire, steering system and toe angle. The tire lateral wear model is then built and integrated into the developed vehicle model. Based on the comparison of experimental and simulation results, the nonlinear model is proved to be better than a linear model for the tire wear calculation. In addition, the effects of different initial toe angles on tire wear are analyzed. As simulation results shown, the impact of the dynamic toe angle on the tire wear is significant. The tire wear amount will be much larger than that caused by normal wear if the initial toe angle increases to 1° - 1.5°. The results also suggest that the proposed nonlinear model is of great importance in the design and optimazation of vehicle parameters in order to reduce the tire wear.  相似文献   

王少凯 《客车技术》2011,(2):15-18,21
以某款12 m纯电动客车的实车参数为基准,使用Cruise和Matlab两款软件对整车的动力性能进行了联合建模与仿真.其中利用Cruise建立纯电动客车的整车模型,利用Matlab建立纯电动客车的整车控制器模型.通过仿真结果与理论和实验结果比较表明基于CRUISE软件分析汽车性能的可行性.  相似文献   

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