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一、知识经济时代的到来对海港系统人才资源的影响 1.知识经济时代海港系统需要复合型人才 知识经济时代,是经济全球化时代,是合作取胜、协作竞争的时代.既充满激烈竞争,又急需协作.适应全球化时代需求的新型人才,必定是协作型人才.今天,随着科学技术的综合化、整体化及人文科学相互渗透、融合的趋势加速,随着社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,海港系统对人才的多样性、适应性需求日益增强,海港系统要求新型人才应是多功能人才.他们不仅一专一能,而且多专多能,具有多才多艺的特点.仅以当前迅猛兴起的信息技术而言,它就熔铸了计算机、微电子、光电传输、卫星技术、自动化、半导体、多媒体等多学科多领域的知识和技术.所以,海港系统越来越需要集科技、文学、经贸、外语于一身的复合型人才.  相似文献   

刘佳平 《中国水运》2006,3(1):238-239
女性性受害者是心理咨询中比较特殊的一类求助者,意外受到性侵害使她们饱受身心的双重摧残.积极关注女性性受害者,为她们提供及时、安全、有效的心理支持,帮助她们建立心理康复机制,是心理咨询工作面临的一个重要问题.恐惧感、负罪感、自卑感、消极宿命、反社会心理,是该人群中普遍存在的心理特点.女性性受害者的心理疗法主要包括1.行为疗法;2.存在--人本主义疗法;3.理性情绪疗法.  相似文献   

船舶交通系统模拟技术的开发与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述已研发的船舶交通系统模拟仿真技术及其软件包.内容包括船舶交通的数据搜集、数据库建立、系统建模、系统模拟及避碰模型和应用等.并在船舶交通系统建模的基础上,提出一种新的基于航路的船舶交通系统模拟方法,它可将船舶交通实态观测所得数据通过计算机处理确定航路型状.该方法考虑了船舶交通的随机性,可任意修改航路,使模拟结果更加符合客观实际.系统可输出船舶交通密度图、航迹图、门线图以及各种船舶的交通参数.以大连港为例,通过各航道段水域的观测和研究.验证了模拟模型的可信性.  相似文献   

一、SARACOM公司简介 SARACOM公司是韩国专业从事海上通信导航及陆上移动和数字设备的专业公司,在无线射频及海上通信设备制造领域具有技术优势.公司主要产品有: 1.船用通信导航设备,包括GMDSS设备、磁罗经、船用雾笛、AIS、SSAS等产品. 2.移动卫星电视接收系统、高清晰度电视发射机等. 3.个人/车辆/船舶用GSM/CDMA产品.  相似文献   

"船等机"主因是差距 记者:目前,世界船用中速柴油机市场呈现什么样的格局? 金东寒:国外著名的中速柴油机制造厂家主要有德国的MAN Diesel、MTU,法国的S.E.M.T.Pielstick,芬兰的Wartsila、美国的Caterpillar、韩国的Hyundai、日本的洋马,新泻、大发等公司.  相似文献   

档案是人类活动的真实记录,是人们认识和把握客观规律的重要依据.借助档案,我们能够更好地了解过去、把握现在、预见未来.照片作为档案的一种特殊载体,以其特殊的形式,生动、翔实、形象地再现了历史的一个个精彩瞬间.因此,照片档案有着文字材料无法替代的作用.  相似文献   

严麦 《珠江水运》2012,(20):32-37
新世纪以来,马士基集团吹起了一股变革之风,管理变革、高层变革、业务重塑、流程再造,危机中的丹麦航商以壮士断腕般的决心重装上阵。从A.P.穆勒集团到A.P.穆勒-马士基  相似文献   

LED灯具具有寿命长、安全舒适、节能降耗、保护环境等特点.为节约能源,在港区仓库应用LED灯具.介绍港区仓库的照明现状和LED灯具的优点,着重介绍LED灯具在港区仓库的应用.该应用取得良好经济效益.  相似文献   

中央选定船舶工业为体制改革的突破口 邓小平对于船舶工业发展的指示,在中国造船界引起了极大震动.当时,国内拥有的船舶工业能力依然按照建国初期时的分布,隶属多个部门领导.分散经营管理.从中央到地方,我国的船舶工业分别隶属于机械制造、国防工业、交通航运、渔业水产、军队以及各省市、自治区等,错综复杂.同时,在机构内部,也是问题多多.  相似文献   

通过对智能船舶设备安装形式的分类归纳,研究其安装实质,分成轮机设备安装、箱柜式智能设备安装、轮机设备与管系连接安装、传感器安装等,总结出各自实用的安装工艺和技术指标,形成智能船舶上大量设备可以通用的安装工艺。  相似文献   

以船舶轴舵系安装设备为例,使用SolidWorks软件设计建立轴舵系安装设备的三维实体模型,研究轴舵系安装设备的安装过程和安装工艺,并对轴舵系安装设备的干涉检查及装配约束进行仿真分析,以验证轴舵系安装设备在设计及安装工艺方面的准确性和适用性,对提高造船设备产品质量、降低产品设计误差、缩短生产周期、优化装配流程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A subsea flowline jumper(FJ) is a basic connected component for the wet oil tree, subsea pipeline and riser base, and it plays an irreplaceable role in the subsea production system. During the installation of FJ, collisions often happen between FJ and other equipment, which may cause serious damage. Besides, as the operating water depth increases, the demand for the installation equipments, such as the crane and winch, will increase. The research of deepwater FJ installation in China is still in the primary stage, thus an installation method for the deepwater FJ is proposed in this paper. Finite element models of a typical M-shaped FJ installation system are built to simulate the installation procedures. Analysis results show that the installation steps designed are feasible and valid for the deepwater FJ. In order to ensure the safety of the installation process, the collision-sensitive analysis for the FJ is conducted, and results show that it is necessary to set the pick up speed at a proper value, in order to avoid collision in the installation process. Besides, the mechanical characteristics of FJ during the installation are investigated under a range of environmental conditions and it is found that the maximum stress of the FJ always happens at its central position. The basic requirements for the installation equipment are also obtained through the analysis of the main installation steps.  相似文献   

针对洋浦港神头港区神北三港池南防波堤工程扭王字块的水下定点安装问题,对比分析现有解决方案,提出扭王字块RTK系统定点安装工艺。该工艺通过采用中海达RTK系统,使RTK移动站与扭王字块质心平面坐标重合,并配置易于使用的平板电脑作为定位信息交互终端,解决了扭王字块的水下定点安装精度不高、效率低下及操作复杂的问题。对比现有解决方案,扭王字块RTK系统定点安装工艺提高了定点安装精度和安装效率,虽然在安装紧密勾连方面存在欠缺,但仍是一种经济可行的施工工艺。  相似文献   

王志珍  张潮宏 《船舶工程》2020,42(1):109-115
以航通公司建造的一艘3700立方全压式LPG远洋运输船液货罐安装技术为例,分析和介绍了全压式LPG船液货罐安装的特点和需要解决的问题,在实船安装中采取环氧胶泥和层压木组合安装技术,文章介绍有关安装技术关键,并结合有关规范要求进行分析计算研究,提出合理模型。实践证明,该施工技术对类似船舶液货罐的安装具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Subsea flowline jumper (FJ) is basic connection component for the wet oil tree, the subsea pipeline and the riser base, playing an irreplaceable role in the subsea production system. During the installation of FJ, collisions often happen between FJ and other equipment, which may cause serious damage. Besides, as the operating water depth increases, the demand for the installation equipments like the crane and winch will increase. The research of deepwater FJ installation in China is still in the primary stage, so an installation method for deepwater FJ is proposed in this paper. Finite element models of a typical M-shape FJ installation system were built to simulate the installation procedures. Analysis results showed that the installation steps designed for the FJ are feasible and valid for deepwater FJ. In order to ensure the safety of the installation process, the collision-sensitive analysis for the FJ was conducted, and results show that it is necessary to set the pick up speed at a proper value, in order to avoid collision in installation process. Besides, the mechanical characteristics of FJ during the installation were investigated under a range of environmental conditions and it was found that the maximum stress of the FJ always happens at its central position. The basic requirements for the installation equipment were also obtained through the analysis of the main installation steps.  相似文献   

针对LNG船围护系统安装平台小型模块化建造过程中因模块数量多造成的场地资源占用多,模块搭载效率慢,吊车资源浪费等问题,以某型LNG动力船为例,将整舱围护系统安装平台作为单一模块建造并进行整体安装,分析解决制约整体安装的吊装工艺、吊环、吊装强度等因素,实船上实施验证表明,整体安装技术和分析方法可行,提供一种缩短LNG船围...  相似文献   

海上风力机安装技术研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wind power has made rapid progress and should gain significance as an energy resource, given growing interest in renewable energy and clean energy. Offshore wind energy resources have attracted significant attention, as, compared with land-based wind energy resources, offshore wind energy resources are more promising candidates for development. Sea winds are generally stronger and more reliable and with improvements in technology, the sea has become a hot spot for new designs and installation methods for wind turbines. In the present paper, based on experience building offshore wind farms, recommended foundation styles have been examined. Furthermore, wave effects have been investigated. The split installation and overall installation have been illustrated. Methods appropriate when installing a small number of turbines as well as those useful when installing large numbers of turbines were analyzed. This investigation of installation methods for wind turbines should provide practical technical guidance for their installation.  相似文献   

插槽式横梁为一种内置空腔的新型结构,在安装时不同于高桩码头纵梁等上部预制构件,其无下部构件作为支撑面,且需要将桩基套入构件内置空腔内,施工未有先例,安装难度大。针对插槽式构件的安装工艺,开发了构件安装操作平台、集成精确定位装置等,并研究不同形式起重船的安装方法。通过国内首个全装配式高桩码头上实践应用,取得良好的效果,可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

魏成革  程涛  张秋华 《中国造船》2012,53(Z1):101-106
目前,海洋平台上大都采用大型透平发电机来供电。以SOLAR Taurus 60透平发电机为例,详细介绍了透平发电机的安装工艺及步骤,并且归纳了安装中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

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