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The Work Meeting on Auto Product Quality sponsored by the Ministry of Machinery Industry (MMI) was held in Tianjin from Oct. 24 to 26 of 1996. Mr. Sun Changji, Vice-minister of the MMI delivered a speech to the 150 participants at the opening ceremony calling on all the employees of auto industry to work hard to bring  相似文献   

For the sustainable development of China auto industry, PES'96 on Electric Vehicles and Substitutional Fuel Vehicles as held in Beijing from Dec. 6 to Dec. 14 of 1996. This PSE '96, which w.as another important activity in China auto sector this year, was paid a great attention from the auto circles home and abroad. Present at the opening ceremony were Bao Xud  相似文献   

General Since the reform and opening up, the Auto Clutch Industry has made a great progress by means of reorganization, development and expansion, which can be seen from the following four points. 1.1 Production concentration rate raised In China, there are more than 150 enterprises (not including private workshops) engaging in auto clutch production in 1999, and producing around 5 million sets of clutch assembly, and nearly 10  相似文献   

The formation of the 1994-based Industrial Policy for the Auto Industry took the form of broadly soliciting comments from various sources full coordination and consultancy among government departments; hearing comments from experts; taking advice from companies in the auto industry. However, as it was a result of discussions within government and inside the industry, it mainly reflected the ideas of the government departments and manufacturers as well as the interests of auto producers. From the view point of the making of governmental public policies, it lacked publicity, transparency and broadness, together with a low degree of public involvement.  相似文献   

Editor's note: With a joint expectation of governments and common publics, China is speeding up to enter into the World Trade Organization and may be a member of WTO family soon. The concerns on the China's accession to WTO are what kinds of deep impacts will be brought on the China Auto Industry. Therefore, from now on, here's a series of articles collected to discuss that, covering whole auto industry, car industry, auto market, as well as after-market, etc. Meanwhile, I am grateful for any responses on this issue at your convenient time.  相似文献   

On the occasion of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we'd like to give our readers a rough picture reviewing how China auto industry has grown up, and what China auto industry has done during the 50 years. We hope you enjoy it.  相似文献   

The Annual Work Meeting on China Auto Industry was held from Jan. 20 to 21 of 1996 in Beijing. Participated by the officials from the Ministry of Machinery Industry (MMI) and more than 150 delegates from the local authorities in charge, the main auto enterprises, R&D institutes, universities & colleges, and other kind of organizations, etc.. Having Reviewed the experiences & achievements during the 8th Five-Year Plan period and in 1995, the  相似文献   

On the occasion of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we'd like to give our readers a rough picture reviewing how China auto industry has grown up, and what China auto industry has done during the 50 years. We hope you enjoy it.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The way to the continuous development of China auto industry China auto industry began its step on the basis of equipment & technologies importation from the former USSR. From 1980s, for the sake of developing China car industry and nar  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, China Automotive Technology and Research Centre (CATARC) has evolved into a comprehensive research institution, which is famous in the world and authoritative in China. To better serve the government departments, the auto industry and for the sake of its own development, Automotive Industry Development Institute (AIDI), engaging in comprehensive soft science research, has come into being in Beijing. AIDI integrates the resources of CATARC concerning indus…  相似文献   

1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non-tariff devices. But the U.S., Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it's incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.  相似文献   

1 Status quo of China auto parts industry1.1 General According to "China Auto Industry Yearbook 2000", by the end of 1999, there were altogether 1,452 auto parts suppliers in China (51 were auto engine manufacturers) with a total of 709 thousand employees (63 thousand of whom were engineers and technicians). As an important part of China's national economy and Chinaauto industry, the Chinese auto parts sector of 1999 enjoyed an original value of fixed assets of RMB 64.9 billion yuan, a gross industrial output value of RMB  相似文献   

China Automotive Industry Yearbook is currently available with the price of US$ 350, jointly published by China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC) and China Automotive Industry League (CN12-1228/U). It is the only one large comprehensive reference book in Chinese auto sector, with the history of over 20 years and enjoys higher reputation both in home and abroad.China Automotive Industry Yearbook provides data, analysis, and expert advice to strategic planners, business …  相似文献   

Q: Auto Industry Bureau (AIB) of MMI has organized 3 international PSEs in 1994, 1995 and 1996 successively. Would you please give a comment to them? What influences would these PSEs impose to the development of China auto industry? Is AIB going to sponsor another PSE again next year? If yes, what will be the theme of that PSE?  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Development Strategy for China' s Auto Parts Industry Carrying the whole industry forward breaking through in critical areas, achieving simultaneous development and joining the international division of labor.  相似文献   

1. Chances facing the auto industry In Feb 19, a senior forum on the development of auto parts segment was held in Zhejiang province and a couple of experts attending the conference delivered their speeches. Experts suggested that China is likely to becom…  相似文献   

Fourthly, the situation of duplication of similar projects with scattering and turmoil in the auto industry was not radically altered. Since the issue of the Industrial Policies for the Motor Industry, the above-mentioned has somehow changed. However, driven by the excessive profits derived from high tariffs and the strict market access limit, some localities and organs still indulge in the construction of auto projects and the momentum is ever increasing. As a result, the limited capital and market resources have not been used effectively.  相似文献   

1. Outline of China Auto In-dustry China auto industry com-menced in the early 1950s, but slow in progress during the period between 1950s and 1980s. Its gross output of vehicles in 1991 was up to 710,000 units, and thereafter the output has been increased more rapidly. In 1992, 1,060,000 vehi-cles were produced, which was the first time to exceed one million. In 1998 the output was 1,638,000 u-  相似文献   

On June 1, 2004, NDRC issued its Auto Industry Development Policy (AIDP). For foreign investors, comprehension of AIDP can help avoid the investment risks in China. 1. A broader development space provided AIDP simplifies the examination and approval procedures towards foreign-owned auto makers. Its Article 48 writes that identical foreign auto maker is allowed to establish no more than two businesses producing same kinds of vehicles ( by passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle and moto…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Status of Auto Instrument Industry in China Begun in the year of 1951, China's auto instrument manufacturing industry has a long history of more than 40 years. Now, it hms an annual production capacity of 2 million sets, and an employee of more than 10 thousand per  相似文献   

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