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疲劳驾驶是交通事故的起因之一   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过大量的事例说明疲劳驾驶是产生特大交通事故的主要原因之一,提出了预防疲劳驾驶、减少交通事故的措施。  相似文献   

统计数据表明,在交通事故造成的死亡事件中,因疲劳驾驶而造成的死亡事故高达50%之多。可见,疲劳驾驶已成为引发道路交通事故的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

到目前为止,人们也不能界定一个准确的 "疲劳驾驶定义",但时间是衡量疲劳驾驶的一个重要标准。很多数据统计都指出驾驶者全天的驾驶时间不得超过12个小时,每周驾驶时间在44个小时以内,所以,一定要保证充足的睡眠。要知道一天驾驶超过10小时以上,睡眠不足4.5小时,事故  相似文献   

夏季天气炎热,驾驶室内温度高,空气流通性差。在这样的环境下,驾驶员很容易疲劳。精神疲倦,往往会使驾驶员的视线变得模糊,思维变得迟钝。尤其是在午后,行车时驾驶员容易犯困打瞌睡,甚至出现瞬间失去记忆的现象。这时,勉强驾驶车辆就容易导致交通事故发生。在夏季炎热的天气里行车,我们应尽量保持驾驶室内的空气畅通,确保温度和湿度适宜,以防出现疲劳驾驶。一旦出现疲劳,就应及时停车休息,不能继续勉强驾驶车辆。  相似文献   

在全球范围内,司机疲劳驾驶已成为导致交通安全事故的重要原因之一。根据美国国家公路交通安全署的统计,在美国的公路上,每年由于司机在驾驶过程中进入睡眠状态而导致大约10万起交通事故,其中约有1500起直接导致死亡,7.1万起事故导致人身伤害。在欧洲的情况也大致相同。据德国保险公司协会估计。在德国境内的高速公路上,  相似文献   

驾驶员的正确操作在很大程度上取决于他们的工作能力.所谓工作能力是指驾驶员的正确判断能力和操纵能力.当驾驶员疲劳时,工作能力就会大幅度下降.根据统计资料,驾驶员连续驾车12小时后发生严重交通事故的概率是连续驾车8小时的1.5倍;此外,连续工作7小时以上的驾驶员所造成的交通事故数约占交通事故总数的1/3以上.统计资料还表明40~70%的交通事故与驾驶员疲劳有关.  相似文献   

驾驶疲劳   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对驾驶员行车中出现的驾驶疲劳现象,分析了其产生原因及对驾驶行为的影响,提出了预防驾驶疲劳的措施。  相似文献   

2007年11月20日上午.北京市朝阳区法院审理了一起血淋淋的交通惨案。据报道,2007年4月23日早晨6时许.因熬夜后疲劳驾车,44岁的河北籍男子胡某驾车驶入逆行道,撞向步行去工地上班的人群,造成2死、17伤的重大交通事故。  相似文献   

陕西“8·26”特别重大道路交通事故再次把驾驶员的疲劳驾驶问题推到前台.据悉,在所有因驾驶员因素造成的交通安全事故中,大约有10%到13%的因素是因驾驶员疲劳驾驶造成的。  相似文献   

Traffic accident statistics suggest that the human errors contributing to major crash types in Japan are predominantly failures in safety confirmation and hazard recognition that result in delayed response. A naturalistic driving data acquisition system was developed to investigate the human factors that contribute to such accidents. A preliminary analysis was performed to evaluate the efficiency of the collected naturalistic data. An analysis of vehicle-to-motorcycle conflict data demonstrated that types of recognition failure differ by types of traffic situation encountered. This result suggests that naturalistic driving data can provide valuable information for investigating the factors that contribute to the risk of human error.  相似文献   

驾驶员在驾驶过程中易因疲劳、烦躁和压力等不良生理反应引发事故,而心率变异性(HRV)作为评价人体自主神经系统活性,反映人体生理状态的重要指标,能够准确评估驾驶员的精神状态。为了有效预防事故发生,文章介绍了驾驶员在驾车过程中HRV指标的变化及其应用。结果表明HRV指标结合相应算法模型对驾驶员生理状态识别的准确率高达90%以上,能够有效降低事故发生率。  相似文献   

驾驶过程中使用手机的行为存在安全隐患,是当今导致交通安全事故的原因之一.文章借助于信息技术开发出采集使用手机行为数据的App,从真实数据出发,客观地分析驾驶员在开车过程中使用手机这一不良驾驶行为的覆盖程度及危险程度,并提出将手机使用行为作为驾驶风险评价因子.  相似文献   

In Cambodia, motorcycle use has spread rapidly in recent years, and serious accidents involving motorcycles have increased. Motorcycle accidents involving young people are particularly common, and there are various issues concerning traffic safety. To understand the situation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, we conducted a questionnaire survey on driving attitude and behavior of motorcycle users targeted at high school and college students and a video observation survey of motorcycle driving conditions. Based on the survey analysis results, we held a traffic safety workshop (WS) comprising practical skills and classroom learning centered on hazard anticipation. In this study, we conducted a statistical comparative analysis of driving behavior frequency on non-intersection intervals of arterial roads before and after the WS, based on observational results from video cameras mounted on motorcycles. The results showed that the WS effects were associated with a reduction in average travel speeds and changes in driving behavior, such as frequency of lane changing. Different responses to the WS were observed according to attributes, and thus, the relationship between the content of this kind of traffic safety WS and behavioral changes needs to be clarified and a more advanced traffic safety WS program developed.  相似文献   

水泥稳定粒料基层结构强度与龄期、温度关系的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在总结水泥稳定粒料基层强度影响因素的基础上。通过室内、外试验。分析这类基层强度与温度、养生期之间的关系。明确在施工质量控制中。现场取芯考虑温度、龄期对强度的影响,并提出初步结果。  相似文献   


Indoor simulator and on-road instrumented vehicle are the most popular ways to analyze driving behaviors by using collected Vehicle Sensor Data (VSD). However, for a same driver, the driving performance could be different in the real world and in the simulated world. Even though many studies have been conducted to discover the differences of driving behaviors in these two circumstances, little research has focused on analyzing the differences in driving style, which can provide more integrated knowledge of a driver from the natural structure, stimulus–response mechanism, of driving behaviors. Therefore, in this paper, the driving styles in both the real world and the simulated world are extracted by implementing the nonnegative matrix factorization method on the collected VSD data. Through this analysis, the driving style differences can be quantitatively described and discussed in detail. It is found that the drivers tend to be more unstable and sometimes aggressive when driving the simulator and the deviation in the perception of temporal gap in two circumstances is also discovered. The research findings are particularly valuable to calibrate the driving simulator and construct more reliable driving behavior models.  相似文献   

Sleepiness is an important factor in traffic accidents caused by human error. The purpose of this paper is to review a number of studies conducted over the years regarding the effect of the lack of sleep on the incidence of traffic accidents as well as the individual effects of various sleep disorders on accidents. In addition, we discuss recent advances in methods of detecting sleepiness and strategies for preventing traffic accident by using these methods.  相似文献   

There have been several investigations to find out how drivers experience a change in vehicle-handling behaviour. However, the hypothesis that there is a correlation between what the driver perceives and vehicle- handling properties remains to be verified. To define what people feel, the human feeling of steering systems was divided into dimensions of perception. Then 28 test drivers rated different steering system characteristics of a semi-trailer tractor combination in a moving base-driving simulator. Characteristics of the steering system differed in friction, damping, inertia and stiffness. The same steering system characteristics were also tested in accordance with international standards of vehicle-handling tests resulting in characteristic quantities. The instrumental measurements and the non-instrumental ratings were analysed with respect to correlation between each other with the help of regression analysis and neural networks. Results show that there are correlations between measurements and ratings. Moreover, it is shown that which one of the handling variables influence the different dimensions of the steering feel.  相似文献   

通过对软粘土的在不同荷和不同时间作用下的抗剪强度参数试验,得到抗剪强度参数内聚力c,内摩擦角φ与荷载P、固结时间t(即固结度U)的关系数据,并据此分析了c、φ与P、U的相关关系式。  相似文献   

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