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分析了城市群交通发展的新方式,指出了城市群交通规划中"四阶段"模型的缺陷,它不能准确地反应城市发展过程中城市之间的联系程度和交通需求强度。为此,将可达性贯穿于城市群交通规划中,阐述了传统路网可达性的计算方法在城市群规划中的不适用性,提出了基于节点重要度的城市群可达性计算新方法,能比较准确地反应不同阶段城市群内部之间的联系程度,为交通规划提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

国务院发展研究中心于2008年11月7日在“城市化与轨道交通建设”国际研讨会上发布报告,首次披露在建、报批以及筹建城轨的各大城市名单,全国拥有轨道交通的城市将达40余座,其中济南、青岛为“正在筹备建设城市”。国家发改委国土开发与地区经济研究所副所长肖金成透露,正在加速的城市化以及目前需要刺激内需的经济环境,使得城市建设轨道交通准入条件可能放宽。报告透露,目前我国40余城市在建或筹建地铁和轻轨等城市轨道交通设施,已获批的15个城市规划在2015年之前建成1700km的城市轨道交通,  相似文献   

作为准公共产品,轨道交通具有巨大的正外部性,最明显的就是促进了沿线土地的增值。基于经济学外部性理论,分析了城市轨道交通的外部性机理,并结合城市地租理论分析了城市轨道交通沿线土地增值原理,建立了城市轨道沿线土地增值模型。  相似文献   

Overhead rigid conductor arrangements for current collection for railway traction have some advantages compared to other, more conventional, energy supply systems. They are simple, robust and easily maintained, not to mention their flexibility as to the required height for installation, which makes them particularly suitable for use in subway infrastructures. Nevertheless, due to the increasing speeds of new vehicles running on modern subway lines, a more efficient design is required for this kind of system.

In this paper, the authors present a dynamic analysis of overhead conductor rail systems focused on the design of a new conductor profile with a dynamic behaviour superior to that of the system currently in use. This means that either an increase in running speed can be attained, which at present does not exceed 110 km/h, or an increase in the distance between the rigid catenary supports with the ensuing saving in installation costs.

This study has been carried out using simulation techniques. The ANSYS programme has been used for the finite element modelling and the SIMPACK programme for the elastic multibody systems analysis.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通系统轨道结构随机动力响应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以随机振动理论为基础,考虑轨道不平顺的影响,采用Wilson-θ数值积分方法,得到了列车荷载作用下轻轨系统轨道、道床的垂向动力响应特征,并做了相应的功率谱密度估计.结果表明,钢轨的垂向振动能量主要集中在高频段区域,道床的振动能量则主要集中在100 Hz左右.  相似文献   

Health monitoring systems with low-cost sensor networks and smart algorithms are always needed in both passenger trains and heavy haul trains due to the increasing need for reliability and safety in the railway industry. This paper focuses on an overview of existing approaches applied for railway vehicle on-board health monitoring systems. The approaches applied in the data measurement systems and the data analysis systems in railway on-board health monitoring systems are presented in this paper, including methodologies, theories and applications. The pros and cons of the various approaches are analysed to determine appropriate benchmarks for an effective and efficient railway vehicle on-board health monitoring system. According to this review, inertial sensors are the most popular due to their advantages of low cost, robustness and low power consumption. Linearisation methods are required for the model-based methods which would inevitably introduce error to the estimation results, and it is time-consuming to include all possible conditions in the pre-built database required for signal-based methods. Based on this review, future development trends in the design of new low-cost health monitoring systems for railway vehicles are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了公路项目前期工作的主要内容,结合实际运作情况提出了几个经验,对从事规划人员做好公路项目前期工作具有理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

城市道路交通状态分析方法回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了城市道路交通状态分析的必要性,通过对实时交通状态进行科学分析和划分,为区域路网的交通流控制、诱导等提供交通管理决策支持。并对现有的交通状态分析方法进行评述,提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

Reliability of the railway vehicle suspension system is of critical importance to the safety of the vehicle. On-line health condition monitoring for the suspension system of rail vehicles offers a number of benefits such as preventing further deterioration of vehicle performance, enhancing vehicle safety, increasing operational reliability and availability, and reducing maintenance costs. It is desirable to timely detect the fault and monitor the performance degradation of vehicle suspension systems. In this paper, a comparative study on fault detection methods of urban rail vehicle suspension systems is considered. A novel sensor configuration is proposed where the underlying vehicle system is equipped with only acceleration sensors in the four corners of the carbody, the leading and trailing bogie, respectively. A mathematical model is developed for the considered vehicle suspension system. Both model-based and data-driven approaches are studied for the suspension fault detection problem. The robust observer, the Kalman filter combined with the generalised likelihood ratio test method, the dynamical principle components analysis and the canonical variate analysis approaches are applied to the fault detection problem. The simulation is carried out by means of the professional multi-body simulation tool, SIMPACK. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are compared. The simulation results show that the data-driven methods outperform the model-based methods.  相似文献   

The response of a motorcycle is heavily dependent on the rider’s control actions, and consequently a means of replicating the rider’s behaviour provides an important extension to motorcycle dynamics. The primary objective here is to develop effective path-following simulations and to understand how riders control motorcycles. Optimal control theory is applied to the tracking of roadway by a motorcycle, using a non-linear motorcycle model operating in free control by steering torque input. A path-following controller with road preview is designed by minimising tracking errors and control effort. Tight controls with high weightings on performance and loose controls with high weightings on control power are defined. Special attention is paid to the modelling of multipoint preview in local and global coordinate systems. The controller model is simulated over a standard single lane-change manoeuvre. It is argued that the local coordinates point of view is more representative of the way that a human rider operates and interprets information. The simulations suggest that for accurate path following, using optimal control, the problem must be solved by the local coordinates approach in order to achieve accurate results with short preview horizons. Furthermore, some weaknesses of the optimal control approach are highlighted here.  相似文献   

The validation of vehicle mathematical models is a key part of the virtual acceptance process since it is essential to ensure a precise representation of the reality. The model validation procedure should include validation of stationary but also dynamic tests. However, parameter identification from on-track tests is a challenging task due to the non-controlled excitation and the great variability of the test results. Thus, an alternative solution by means of a vehicle modal analysis is proposed, developing a parameter identification methodology for dynamic vehicle model parameters. This methodology calculates estimated values of the vehicle model parameters that have an influence on the excited vehicle vibration modes. Moreover, a new criterion for taking into account the effect of the measurement uncertainties on the selection process of the vehicle parameters is developed. Finally, experimental results show that not only estimations of the suspension stiffness parameters can be obtained, but damping values and structural frequencies from the vehicle bodies can also be estimated.  相似文献   

The multibody simulation of railway vehicle dynamics needs a reliable and efficient method to evaluate the contact points between wheel and rail, because their positions have a considerable influence on the direction and intensity of the contact forces. In this work, an innovative semi-analytic procedure for the detection of the wheel/rail contact points (named the DIFF method) is presented. This method considers the wheel and the rail as two surfaces whose analytic expressions are known and is based on the idea that in the contact points the difference between the surfaces has local minima and is equivalent to solving an algebraic two-dimensional system. The original problem can be reduced analytically to a simple scalar equation that can be easily solved numerically (since the problem dimension is one, even elementary non-iterative algorithms can be efficient).  相似文献   

The history of wheel/rail contact mechanics is an integrated part of contact mechanics. Problems of wheel/rail contact (damage phenomena and influence of contact mechanics on vehicle dynamics, especially on vehicle stability) have been investigated since the middle of the 19th Century. In 1855, Redtenbacher was the first to consider head checking. Stability investigations started with Boedecker (1887) and were continued by Carter (1916); however, they were not recognized at that time. Stability analysis was only considered to be an integrated step in vehicle design in about 1955 when stability problems started to occur in practice. The scientific foundations of our present investigations are based on Heinrich Hertz, Frederick William Carter and Hans Fromm. The key contributors to research in the last fifty years in the field of wheel/rail contact mechanics are Joost Kalker and Ken Johnson.  相似文献   

Wheel–rail interface management is imperative to railway operation and its maintenance represents a major share of the total maintenance cost. In general, the course of events usually called wear is a complicated process involving several modes of material deterioration and contact surface alteration. Thus material removal or relocation, plastic flow and phase transformation may take place at, just below, or in-between the contacting surfaces. A higher degree of predictability of deterioration mechanisms and a firm basis for optimisation of the wheel–rail system are anticipated to reveal a great potential for cost savings. Wear in the sense of material loss and related wheel–rail profile evolution represents one of several modes of damage. The purpose of this survey is to explore research on wear simulation, to some degree extended to neighbouring disciplines. It is believed that a cross-disciplinary approach involving, for instance, adhesive and abrasive wear, surface plasticity, and rolling contact fatigue opens new perspectives to improved damage prediction procedures.  相似文献   

In Chinese metro lines, rail corrugation on both tangential and tight curved tracks with Cologne-egg type fasteners is very severe. Based on the viewpoint of friction-induced vibration causing rail corrugation, the rail corrugation on a tangential track with Cologne-egg type fasteners is studied in this paper. A vibration model of an elastic multiple-wheelset-track system with Cologne-egg type fasteners is established. Both the complex eigenvalue analysis and the transient dynamic analysis are performed to study the stability and the dynamic performance of the wheelset-track system. The simulation results show that a low rail support stiffness value is responsible for rail corrugation on the tangential track. When the Cologne-egg fasteners characterised by a lower stiffness value are replaced with the DTVI2 fasteners characterised by a higher stiffness value, rail corrugation disappears. However, rail corrugation on tight curved tracks cannot be suppressed using the same replacement. The above conclusions are consistent with the corrugation occurrences in actual metro tracks.  相似文献   


Rail vehicles negotiating curves or in crosswinds are subjected to high lateral forces which provoke high displacements of the lateral suspension. As these displacements need to be limited due to gauging restrictions these forces cause the lateral suspension to reach the bumpstops and consequently the passenger comfort is significantly jeopardized. The paper presents the design of a pneumatic system that allows limiting the lateral displacement during curve negotiation (hold-off device). It describes the different phases of the design process starting from the definition of requirements to be fulfilled. The main components and the effect of their characteristics on the overall performance of the centring system are studied, and completed with an experimental analysis of the centring system. Finally, the described methodology is applied to a typical high speed rail vehicle. The results prove that the concept of a centring system which uses the same technology and components that are used in rail vehicles for the pneumatic height control system of secondary suspensions is possible. This fact is particularly interesting as the market offers this kind of components and has proven their reliability during many hours of service therefore the new hold-off system will be based on in-service validated components.  相似文献   

The demand for continually improving the transient performance of diesel engines requires higher rail pressure and more efficient turbocharger. Before the test, a two-stage turbocharger with a turbine by-pass valve (TBV) had been matched reasonably with the base engine. In order to reduce smoke emission under the typical 5-second transient process of constant speed and increasing torque, the influence of rail pressure on combustion, emissions and performance characteristics was experimentally investigated. The results showed that the two-stage turbocharger was helpful in improving transient performance. Moreover, the full-stage rail pressure (FSRP) strategies (increasing rail pressure during the whole transient process) could reduce smoke emission when the TBV was closed. However, smoke deteriorated once TBV opening got larger. Then the sectional-stage rail pressure (SSRP) strategies (increasing rail pressure from a pre-set load to 100 % load) were presented under small TBV opening to improve in-cylinder thermal condition. Hence, the air-fuel mixing process was improved at medium and large loads. Then the maximum decline of smoke opacity peak was 56.3 %, which happened under 10 % TBV opening. In addition, fuel consumption of FSRP strategies got worse under larger TBV opening. However, this deterioration situation could be effectively restrained by the utilization of SSRP strategies.  相似文献   

The distribution of contact stresses in the wheel–rail system is a decisive factor for the wear of elements and the safety of rail transport. Analytical calculations of stresses based on the Hertz theory can only be applied to elastic deformation of materials. High dynamic loads leading to plastic deformation (not considered in the Hertz theory) are a predominant cause of problems in the contact vicinity. These problems can be successfully resolved by applying the finite-elements method. Two- and three-dimensional test models were generated to estimate an error in numerical calculations in the MSC.MARC program. We compared the results of numerical calculations with analytical calculations. Based on the obtained results we defined the effect of parameters describing the finite-elements mesh on the calculation error for contact stresses, and adjusted mesh parameters appropriately to achieve as low as possible error in numerical calculations. We also defined the effect of material characteristics on the value of contact stresses on the wheel–rail interface.  相似文献   

This study investigated the wheel-lift and roll-over derailment mechanisms caused by train collisions using a precise virtual testing model (VTM) of a Korean high-speed train. The VTM was a complex, nonlinear finite element model composed of the shell, beam, solid, spring, and surface contact elements for the car body, bogies, suspensions, and wheel–rail interfaces. The VTM was validated by checking the errors in the total energy and the dynamic responses of the spring elements. To achieve a quick, dynamic relaxation of the dead weight of the VTM before the collision analysis, the artificial damping method and the artificial force method were introduced and numerically evaluated. The surface-to-surface contact model from commercial software, Ls-Dyna, was applied to the VTM in order to simulate the derailment mechanisms caused by collision accidents. The numerical analyses of the VTM colliding with a large deformable obstacle or a rigid wall revealed for the first time that a mixed slip/roll-over-type derailment mechanism generally occurs. Furthermore, the simulation results were consistent with the results from a simplified theoretical derailment model of a wheel set.  相似文献   

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