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城市轨道交通虽有诸多优点,但其可达性差。而自行车交通灵活、可达性强,两者如果能有效地衔接则非常符合我国资源节约型、环境友好型的交通发展战略。基于多式联运理念,提出城市轨道交通(Urban Rail Transit)+自行车交通(B icycle Traffic)模式(简称U&B模式),引入SWOT分析法系统分析发展中国特色U&B模式的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,并提出相关策略改善其劣势和威胁因素。对于促进我国自行车交通与城市轨道交通实现无缝衔接具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通虽有诸多优点,但其可达性差。而自行车交通灵活、可达性强,两者如果能有效地衔接则非常符合我国资源节约型、环境友好型的交通发展战略。基于多式联运理念,提出"城市轨道交通(Urban Rail Transit)+自行车交通(B icycle Traffic)"模式(简称"U&B"模式),引入SWOT分析法系统分析发展中国特色"U&B"模式的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,并提出相关策略改善其劣势和威胁因素。对于促进我国自行车交通与城市轨道交通实现"无缝衔接"具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

为了揭示城市轨道交通与常规公交之间的交互胁迫的演化特点, 通过借鉴城市化水平与生态环境之间的交互胁迫理论, 构建轨道交通与常规公交交互胁迫模型, 以我国2009年之前开通运营城市轨道交通的10个城市为样本, 基于轨道交通与常规公交之间的客运总量、线路长度及运营车辆3个维度的历史演化规律分析基础上, 验证轨道交通与常规公交之间交互胁迫关系, 进而对不同城市轨道交通与常规公交演化特点进行分类分析。研究结果表明: ①城市轨道交通与常规公交之间存在交互胁迫关系, 演变轨迹符合双指数曲线。②不同城市的轨道交通与常规公交在3个维度的演变轨迹上存在不均衡性, 客运总量的拐点出现早于运营线路长度和运营车辆数。③根据拐点的出现情况, 将10个城市分为5类, 其中, 重庆的轨道交通与常规公交在客运总量、线路长度及运营车辆3个维度的拐点出现均较晚, 表明重庆的公交发展模式较为协调, 常规公交在轨道交通的胁迫下仍然保持了一定的竞争力。   相似文献   

自行车交通可达性强、经济实用,能有效弥补城市轨道交通的缺陷,两者衔接更加符合我国资源节约型、环境友好型的交通发展战略。基于多式联运理念,提出“城市轨道交通(Urban Rail Transit)+自行车交通(Bicycle Traffic)”模式(简称“U&B”模式),在分析现有轨道交通换乘站自行车停车需求预测模型基础上,综合国外经验与Logit模型,研究“U&B”模式下自行车停车需求预测模型。最后提出自行车停车管理改善策略以加速“U&B”模式实现“无缝衔接”,具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对城市交通基础设施建设的需求,提出基于"重要度-交通区位"的城市轨道交通建设项目时序规划。将节点重要度和区位法融为一体,以节点重要度法为框架,结合各种因素选择指标,通过咨询专家意见确定指标权重,进行线路重要度的计算,根据Matlab聚类分析的结果,确定轨道交通建设项目时序。  相似文献   

Taxis provide a type of on-demand mobility service in urban transportation. There are growing concerns regarding the level of service of taxis in satisfying residents’ mobility demand. However, the mismatch between demand and supply of taxi services has not been resolved even with the introduction of app-based vehicle services. In this study, three indicators are constructed using the Shanghai taxi global positioning system (GPS) dataset to reveal the spatial–temporal mismatch pattern. The issue is further analyzed via a case study, in which seven regions with frequent mismatch patterns are identified in the time period from 21:00 to 22:00. Then, a multinomial logistic regression model is employed to identify the demographic and built-environment factors contributing to the taxi mismatch problem. The study results show that population density, residential areas, the number of points of interest, and road density have significant relationships with the taxi undersupply. In contrast, the areas of commercial lands, as well as the other two transportation-related factors, that is, the number of bus stops and the distance to nearest subway station, are observed to be statistically significant for both “oversupply” and “undersupply” conditions. This study provides valuable insights for identifying mismatch patterns and interpreting the mismatch problem as a function of spatially explicit factors that are of great use for urban governance, especially in the improvement of taxi efficiency, taxi management, and urban planning.  相似文献   

随着《GB 20891-2014 非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》的推出,原有大泵发动机逐渐被高压共轨发动机淘汰。在切换过程中,司机们纷纷表示高压共轨发动机没有大泵发动机有劲,然而通过比较各发动机公司提供的发动机性能数据单发现,高压共轨发动机的输出扭矩较大泵发动机的输出扭矩更大。通过进一步调研发现,司机反馈的现象为"起步没劲"、"起步来油慢",本文将以搭载潍柴发动机WP12G460E310发动机的徐工非道路宽体自卸车为试验及分析对象,全面解析"来油慢"问题并提出解决方案。通过实验对比发现,加大排气管直径并取消消音器可解决"来油慢"问题,且效果明显。  相似文献   

我国多个以中心城市为核心的城市群集聚了多层次轨道交通资源,为发挥各种轨道资源的比较优势和组合效率,实现各种轨道交通功能互补、互联互通、便捷换乘、资源共享,因而对高速铁路、城际铁路、市域快轨和城市轨道这4个网络的融合路径进行探讨。最后,以大西安轨道交通四网融合为例进行实证分析,并得出研究结论。  相似文献   

The methods currently being used in North America, Britain and Europe for the safety assessment of rail vehicles are discussed. There is considerable disparity between the methods that have been developed in the different countries. These differences, and the possible reasons for them, are discussed in the paper. Finally, conclusions are drawn and some recommendations are made for the future direction of safety assessment methods.  相似文献   

This paper describes various solutions of the traffic society from the viewpoint of the analogy in ICT field and mobility field and the systems innovation theory. The systems innovation theory creates systems by considering both aspects “lifestyle/value of sense” and “fundamentals of mathematical physics/science and technology,” including the platform theory. This paper describes the development of ICT, which may drastically change solutions, with emphasis on the real-world nature. Next, three effective solutions for the era of falling birthrate and aging population are described. In addition, Nakashima's innovative approach for enabling, for the first time, the creation of a new social system by bringing IoT and FinTech into the world of Mobility is described. Finally, Mobility as a Service, which can be realized by integrating traffic modes with ICT, is discussed from the viewpoint of the systems innovation theory including the platform theory. Here, the analogy of mobility field and ICT field is used.  相似文献   

在国家重大突发疫情面前,城市公共交通具有保障出行与阻断疫情的双重责任。面对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎(简称新冠肺炎,COVID-19)疫情,城市公共交通既要保证有效运输,又要降低疫情扩散的风险。地铁和常规公交是城市公共交通系统不可缺少的一部分,在城市公共交通中占据重要地位。针对宁波市城市公共交通系统中存在的防疫问题,提出了基于问题驱动的城市公共交通非常规防疫策略。研究结果表明:新冠肺炎疫情形势下,城市公共交通系统防疫需要启动应急响应机制,遵循分区分类防控的基本原则,在保障人们刚性出行需求的同时,必须阻断疫情传播,减少通过公共交通运输造成的交叉感染,实现疫情可防可控。除体温检测、佩戴口罩与洗手消毒等防疫措施之外,还应结合地方实际和风险评估等级采取非常规的组合防疫策略,即:①面向城市常规公交,建议采取网格化运营策略、需求响应式运营策略以及应急公交接驳策略;②面向城市轨道交通,建议采取3级组合防疫策略,即暂停运营策略、车厢隔离防疫策略以及需求响应式防疫策略。以上常规公交与轨道交通的多种组合防疫策略需根据疫情的发展情况动态调整,及时启动相应级别的公共交通应急预案,被动防御与主动防控相结合,积极发挥城市公共交通在疫情时期的交通骨干作用和应急保障作用。  相似文献   

The automotive steering system is the primary channel through which road and vehicle behavior feedback is transmitted to the driver. While the driver provides directional platform control through the steering wheel, perceptions of the vehicle’s handling responsiveness are simultaneously transmitted back to the driver allowing for correction of any instabilities the vehicle may encounter. Based on these factors, drivers often pay special attention to the steering system when deciding what vehicle to purchase. Therefore, a significant amount of effort and time is invested in attempting to determine the optimal design of steering system components and configurations. In this study, the determination of an optimal steering configuration was attempted based on responses obtained from questionnaires that subjects answered. The questions were designed to evaluate the degree of satisfaction regarding the “control”, “ease of operation”, and “fun” participants experienced after each driving run. During the study, human subjects drove a driving simulator for 15 combinations of 3 different roadway environments and 5 different steering configurations, filling out a questionnaire after each scenario. The subjects were also classified as a type of driver (“utility”, “enthusiast”, and/or “performance”). The study attempted to determine if the mean values of questionnaire responses for “control”, “ease”, and “fun” type of questions changed as the scenario and/or driver type changed. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if the mean values of the three types of questions were statistically different. The overall results suggest that the average responses for vehicle “control”, “ease”, and the “fun” type of questions were dependent on the type of roadway environment; however, only the responses for “fun” type of questions were influenced by the given steering configurations. Indeed, the steering system can impact the driver’s perceptions of the vehicle’s operational experience.  相似文献   

United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 11 aims to promote inclusiveness and sustainable urbanization, such that cities can become productive and accessible places for attracting talent, encouraging innovation, and creating economic growth. SDG Target 11.2 specifically mentions urban transport. Localizing SDG Target 11.2 involves city governments ensuring a public transport (PT) system that has at least two dimensions of accessibility: physical and economic. This translates to ensuring barrier-free physical access to the PT system, as well as affordable fares for using the PT system. This study presents a process for operationalizing the SDG Target 11.2 indicator for small cities in India. The study focuses on addressing physical access to quality public transport system. Presently, the commuters in these cities are dependent on intermediate PT (IPT) systems to meet their mobility needs.Small cities lack a detailed database for planning PT systems. Master plans are generally prepared by planning authorities to guide the future development of cities; however, the master plan documents lack discussion and vision for future mobility, as required by SDG Target 11.2. This study concludes that the current indicator for SDG Target 11.2 requires modification to ensure SDG-compliant PT systems in small cities. An integrated IPT and PT system is required to improve access to high-quality PT systems, in line with SDG Target 11.2.  相似文献   

世界载货汽车工业自20世纪70年代后期就兴起资产重组,联合兼并的浪 潮,至今,已形成西欧厂家称霸的格局,现有的各大公司之间既竞争又合作,能代表全球水平的西欧重型货汽车技术正朝着“更清洁”、“更安全”和“操纵更轻便”的方向发展。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the measurements which are necessary to all aspects of vehicle dynamics as applied to rail vehicles. Although an attempt has been made to introduce some reference to measurements made in Europe and America, the detailed discussion has been limited to those techniques employed by British Rail. This has the advantage that the discussion can be first hand and therefore more specific.

For convenience the measurements have been collected together under four broad headings.

1. Measurements of rail system data.

2. Measurements of vehicle parameters.

3. Measurements to validate theory and predictions.

4. Measurements of vehicle performance.  相似文献   

Summary This paper studies the vertical vibration of a vehicle traveling on an imperfect track system. The car body and sleepers are modeled as Timoshenko beams with finite length, and the rail is assumed as an infinite Timoshenko beam with discrete supports. Imperfection of the track system comes from a sleeper lost partial support by the ballast. Since deflection of the rail is limited within a certain interval where the vehicle is passing over, the infinite domain problem can be transformed into a finite domain problem with moving boundary. In this work, the equations of motion of the car body, rail and sleepers are discretized first by the finite element method. The discretized equations of motion for the vehicle and track systems are then assembled, respectively. Finally, the Newmark method is applied to obtain the response of the vehicle and track systems at each time step. The effect of the vehicle speed on the response of the vehicle and track systems is investigated.  相似文献   

单片机控制的步进电机式车用仪表机心的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单片机控制的步进电机式车用仪表机心在欧、美等国应用已相当普及,其卓越的性能价格比已引起我国车用仪表界的广泛关注。本文在详细阐述步进电机式机心车用仪表技术特点的基础上,将此领域的有关研究成果,特别是其硬件电路的组成和主要部分的电路原理图公开发表。  相似文献   

汪博  王建 《隧道建设》2012,32(3):346-349,365
为了解决城市轨道交通大规模、大范围建设过程中导致的测量控制网的整体性差、新旧坐标系统不匹配等问题,分析了全国城市轨道交通工程建设的新趋势,根据工作经验,总结了目前城市轨道交通工程测量工作面临的新问题,有针对性地提出了城市轨道交通工程地面控制测量建网策略。实践证明,通过实施这些策略,能够很好地解决目前城市轨道交通建设所面临的诸多测量问题。  相似文献   

共轨喷油器高速电磁阀的开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了国内外共轨系统高速电磁阀的开发现状,确立了开发目标,从电磁材料和线圈结构等方面对共轨喷油器上高速电磁阀进行了分析和设计,通过优化试验确定了线圈参数,并给出了测试结果。  相似文献   

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