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This study empirically investigates the determinants and drivers of Hong Kong's inbound tourism using data from January 2019 to December 2020. Five of Hong Kong's major regional tourism source markets are selected: Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and South Korea. Our empirical results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant negative impacts on the tourism and aviation sectors in Hong Kong that are asymmetric in the source and destination countries. In addition, international travel control imposed by the Hong Kong government is often defined according to the pandemic situation in the tourism source countries, Hong Kong's inbound visitor volume is also significantly affected by the Hong Kong government's response to COVID-19 infection cases in the tourism origin markets. Our empirical results also suggest that the flying distance to Hong Kong and high tourism costs in Hong Kong reduced visitor arrival demand, whereas increased aviation services and tourism market potential contributed to tourism growth. These results suggest that the tourism industry and government agencies should cooperate to recover when the pandemic is under good control, so that Hong Kong will be regarded as a preferred and safe destination for travelers and visitors. Our study emphasizes the complementarity between pandemic control and tourism recovery. Pandemic control involves extra tests and quarantine requirements on passengers, more vigorous border control. These operational and associated financial requirements call for government support to the tourism and aviation sectors in the early stage of recovery to create a positive feedback loop.  相似文献   

To maintain life in the face of the COVID-19, people's lifestyles and travel behaviors must change. Accordingly, such changes have also occurred in the travel behavior for commuting purposes, especially during periods of severe congestion. The most typical example is the decrease in commuting travel due to telecommunication and other factors. Additionally, with the development of the sharing economy in recent years, the introduction of shared transportation has been rapidly expanding in the transportation sector, which may contribute to alleviating traffic congestion and other problems in the COVID-19 situation. In this study, we focused on the changes in travel behavior for commuting purposes during the COVID-19 period, including the time of the Tokyo Olympics, when traffic congestion was expected. The survey was conducted using a web-based questionnaire. In addition, to further promote changes in the travel behavior during the COVID-19 period, we analyzed the possibility of changes in the use of shared transportation arising from nudge effects of information provision and incentives. The results showed that the changes in commuting travel behavior were related to the awareness of COVID-19. Certain issues, such as a lack of ports and the widespread use of shared transportation need to be identified and resolved. Meanwhile, it was shown that the role of shared transportation for commuting purposes could be further improved by incentives and real-time information presentation about shared transportation.  相似文献   

为了就新冠疫情对疫情结束后居民休闲出行的影响展开调查研究,把握疫情后居民休闲出行偏好的变化,分析休闲出行意愿的影响因素和影响机制,并量化分析各因素的影响,基于计划行为理论和收益-风险分析构建结构方程模型,量化感知风险、感知正效用、出行态度、主观规范、感知行为控制等影响因素与疫情后休闲出行意愿的相互影响机制,并利用单因素...  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情对旅客中长距离的城际交通出行影响巨大,现有研究侧重疫情暴发初期疫情对城际交通出行的影响,针对常态化疫情防控阶段旅客城际出行选择行为的研究相对较少,因此,本文旨在研究常态化疫情防控阶段旅客中长距离城际出行选择行为。针对民航、高铁、普铁和自驾等方式分别建立包含4种城际出行方式的多指标多因果出行选择模型(MIMIC),模型中引入感知防疫安全程度、防疫策略、乘车体验与出行习惯4个潜变量,探究潜变量与观测变量的因子载荷并辨识模型参数,求取各潜变量的拟合值;在此基础上建立考虑出行方式特性、旅客社会经济属性与潜变量的多出行方式联合选择行为模型(MIMIC-Logit),探究常态化疫情防控阶段旅客出行心理对其出行决策的影响;假设出行费用、时间与距离等变量的随机系数服从正态分布,采用抽样1000次的Halton序列对随机系数进行仿真求解,得到随机系数的回归分析结果。以2021年4月—6月到达西安旅客的调查数据为例进行实证研究,结果发现:所提MIMIC-Logit模型的拟合优度与命中率分别为43.621%与83.312%,均高于多项Logit模型与随机系数Logit模型;旅客对不同方式的出行费...  相似文献   

2020年以来,全球受新型冠状病毒的影响,国际市场上的车辆需求大幅下降,在贸易经济下行压力增加的背景下,中国车辆产品的出口增速有所回落,但中国出口沙特阿拉伯的汽车市场较为稳定。本文分析了中国车辆产品的出口现状,研究了沙特阿拉伯车辆准入制度等相关汽车政策体系,为中国车企在现有疫情的影响下,找准产品的市场定位,推进车辆出口沙特市场的高质量发展提供了系统的方案和建议,助力中国车企尽快恢复海外市场。  相似文献   

Recently, the demand for car rentals has been increasing at tourist destinations in Japan due to their convenience and the high degree of freedom they offer. On the other hand, there is a problem of a dramatic rise in the number of traffic accidents involving drivers from countries with different traffic customs and cultures from Japan. In order to examine measures to reduce the traffic accident risk of foreign drivers visiting Japan, an animation video to promote safe driving was created and its educational effects were tested in this article. First, through a driving survey of foreigners and a review of preceding studies, we identified information on Priority, Speed, and Comprehension (PSC) that must be learned by foreign visitors to reduce their accident risk. Next, drawing from the technique of branded contents in order to enhance the effects of educational videos, we created a short video that conveys the PSC philosophy that should be understood for safe driving in Japan. We then tested the educational effects of the video by conducting a survey of Taiwanese people. The results show that strengthening the video's appeal leads to improvements in educational effects and therefore safety awareness. We also realized that the effect was particularly significant among young people in their twenties. Lastly, the rent-a-car businesses evaluated the videos and basing on their input, we summarized effective ways for foreign rent-a-car users visiting Japan to use the video.  相似文献   

为探究城市公共卫生事件下,考虑特殊时期的交通服务需求,通勤合乘模式解决通勤出行的可行性及组织效率,以2020年新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情为背景,基于疫情期乘客出行偏好网络问卷调研数据,分析民众出行偏好及对不同出行模式的暴露风险感知。意愿调研显示,71%的私家车主及无私家车群体均对与同单位人员发生合乘有较高的参与意愿,60%的私家车主表示愿意提供合乘服务,73%的无私家车通勤人群表示愿意接受合乘服务。在单位层面组织通勤合乘,有需求、有条件、有基础,具有良好可行性。以问卷数据为基础构建二元Logit模型对合乘出行驱动因素影响分析,研究发现疫情持续期出行者对交通方式主观感知风险将对合乘选择行为影响较为显著。结合出行群体在疫情持续期的交通方式选择偏好,提出基于健康管理的通勤合乘组织设计的公益互助、安心、用户群体固定、预约共享、合乘人数控制原则和服务水平要求。通过不同场景下合乘仿真,对该模式的预期效率进行解析,得出由单位组织的通勤合乘模式相较商业顺风车而言,前者“N对1”的配对需求与后者“NN”配对相比,大幅提高了配对成功率。在不同拥车率条件下,存在一个成行率较高的合理员工规模,且该合理规模不是很大。员工住地较为分散的成行率均低于住地聚集场景,当拥车率达到65%的水平时,不论员工住地分布集聚还是分散,均可达到较高的成行率。面对公共卫生事件持续期,探索通过城市交通组织模式创新来破解通勤的流动需求与风险管控难题,为城市治理提供参考。  相似文献   

弹性需求下的组合出行模型与求解算法   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
研究了弹性需求下的组合出行行为,利用网络均衡理论和超级网络方法,给出了弹性需求下组合方式出行的混合网络均衡条件,提出了与均衡条件等价的变分不等式模型,讨论了模型解的存在性和唯一性。设计了求解模型的算法,并用一个算例分析了模型参数对模型求解结果和算法收敛性能的影响。结果表明:该模型能够有效地描述人们的组合出行行为。这一研究将有助于加深对交通行为的理解,有助于合理规划与布局停车换乘设施以及协调发展多种交通方式。  相似文献   

Travel time reliability, an essential factor in traveler route and departure time decisions, serves as an important quality of service measure for dynamic transportation systems. This article investigates a fundamental problem of quantifying travel time variability from its root sources: stochastic capacity and demand variations that follow commonly used log-normal distributions. A volume-to-capacity ratio-based travel time function and a point queue model are used to demonstrate how day-to-day travel time variability can be explained from the underlying demand and capacity variations. One important finding is that closed-form solutions can be derived to formulate travel time variations as a function of random demand/capacity distributions, but there are certain cases in which a closed-form expression does not exist and numerical approximation methods are required. This article also uses probabilistic capacity reduction information to estimate time-dependent travel time variability distributions under conditions of non-recurring traffic congestion. The proposed models provide theoretically rigorous and practically useful tools for understanding the causes of travel time unreliability and evaluating the system-wide benefit of reducing demand and capacity variability.  相似文献   

The basic design concept of most advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) is to present generic information to travelers, leaving travelers to react to the information in their own way. This “passive” way of managing traffic by providing generic traffic information makes it difficult to predict the outcome and may even incur an adverse effect, such as overreaction (also referred to as the herding effect). Active traffic and demand management (ATDM) is another approach that has received continual attention from both academic research and real-world practice, aiming to effectively influence people's travel demand, provide more travel options, coordinate between travelers, and reduce the need for travel. The research discussed in this article deals with how to provide users with a travel option that aims to minimize the marginal system impact that results from this routing. The goal of this research is to take better advantage of the available real-time traffic information provided by ATIS, to further improve the system level traffic condition from User Equilibrium (UE), or a real-world traffic system that is worse than UE, toward System Optimal (SO), and avoid passively managing traffic. A behaviorally induced, system optimal travel demand management model is presented to achieve this goal through incremental routing. Both analytical derivation and numerical analysis have been conducted on Tucson network in Arizona, as well as on the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) network in Austin, TX. The outcomes of both studies show that our proposed modeling framework is promising for improving network traffic conditions toward SO, and results in substantial economic savings.  相似文献   

城市交通出行方式对能源与环境的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
社会经济的快速增长使得人们的出行日益频繁,从而导致城市机动车保有量迅速增加和能源需求及其大气污染排放不断上升。本文以上海为例,应用LEAP模型,研究了在确保交通需求增长的前提下,发展不同的交通出行方式对能源需求和大气污染物排放的影响。结果表明,调整上海市交通发展模式,即有序发展私人交通、大力发展公共交通对于减少全市道路交通能源需求,减缓供应压力,降低大气污染排放具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Travel time reliability is very critical for emergency vehicle (EV) service and operation. The travel time characteristics of EVs are quite different from those of ordinary vehicles (OVs). Although EVs own highest road privilege, they may still experience unexpected delay that results in massive loss to the society. In this study, we employ the generalized extreme value (GEV) theory to measure extremely prolonged travel time and analyze the potential influential factors. First, among three GEV distributions, Weibull distributions are found to be the best distribution model according to several goodness-of-fit tests; a new reliability index is derived to measure travel time reliability. Numerical examples demonstrate the advantages of GEV-based reliability index over variance and percentile value in the applications of EV. This index will be of great practicability in the EV operation performance and reliable route choices. Second, we further investigate the potentially influential factors of EV travel time reliability. Results show that link length and left-turn traffic volume may have an adverse impact on the link reliability while more left-turn lanes may increase the travel time reliability. The influential factor study will help us understand the causes of the EV travel time delay and the differences of travel time reliability between OVs and EVs.  相似文献   

Disaggregate behaviour choice models have been improved in many aspects, but they are rarely evaluated from the viewpoint of their ability to express intention to change travel behaviour. This study compared various models, including objective and latent models and compensatory and non-compensatory decision-making models. Latent models contain latent factors calculated using the LISREL (linear structural relations) model. Non-compensatory models are based on a lexicographic-semiorder heuristic. This paper proposes ‘probability increment’ and ‘joint probability increment’ as indicators for evaluating the ability of these models to express intention to change travel behaviour. The application to commuting travel data in the Chukyo metropolitan area in Japan showed that the appropriate non-compensatory and latent models outperform other models.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a comprehensive quantitative approach to travel analysis that considers personal travel practices with regard to three travel market segments: local weekday travel, local weekend travel and long-distance travel. The first section consists of an evaluation of the overall size of these segments and demonstrates the increasing importance of long-distance travel. Each market segment and then travel as a whole are then analyzed according to individuals’ position in the life cycle, residential location and income level. Last, the roles of location and income in the creation of travel demand in the different segments are then investigated for individuals in the middle part of the life cycle. In particular, it is demonstrated that weekend and weekday travel do not compensate for one another, but there are significant interactions between both local and long-distance travel, and, in particular, residential location.  相似文献   

基于活动链的出行需求预测方法综述   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
基于活动链出行预测理论主要研究人们对社会经济活动(以下简称活动)和出行行为的决策特性。介绍此理论的发展过程,给出6个重要的模型系统,并简要评价各个模型的优缺点。然后简单介绍1994年由Ben Akiva提出的基于活动链出行需求模型,进一步说明系统的框架和预测过程。通过对基于活动链理论发展过程和实际模型应用效果的分析,给出目前模型系统存在的缺点和问题,探索改进出行需求预测方法的途径。  相似文献   


Path travel time estimation for buses is critical to public transit operation and passenger information system. State-of-the-art methods for estimating path travel time are usually focused on single vehicle with a limited number of road segments, thereby neglecting the interaction among multiple buses, boarding behavior, and traffic flow. This study models path travel time for buses considering link travel time and station dwell time. First, we fit link travel time to shifted lognormal distributions as in previous studies. Then, we propose a probabilistic model to capture interactions among buses in the bus bay as a first-in-first-out queue, with every bus sharing the same set of behaviors: queuing to enter the bus bay, loading/unloading passengers, and merging into traffic flow on the main road. Finally, path travel time distribution is estimated by statistically summarizing link travel time distributions and station dwell time distributions. The path travel time of a bus line in Hangzhou is analyzed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Results show that the model-based estimated path travel time distribution resembles the observed distribution well. Based on the calculation of path travel time, link travel time reliability is identified as the main factor affecting path travel time reliability.  相似文献   

在国家重大突发疫情面前,城市公共交通具有保障出行与阻断疫情的双重责任。面对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎(简称新冠肺炎,COVID-19)疫情,城市公共交通既要保证有效运输,又要降低疫情扩散的风险。地铁和常规公交是城市公共交通系统不可缺少的一部分,在城市公共交通中占据重要地位。针对宁波市城市公共交通系统中存在的防疫问题,提出了基于问题驱动的城市公共交通非常规防疫策略。研究结果表明:新冠肺炎疫情形势下,城市公共交通系统防疫需要启动应急响应机制,遵循分区分类防控的基本原则,在保障人们刚性出行需求的同时,必须阻断疫情传播,减少通过公共交通运输造成的交叉感染,实现疫情可防可控。除体温检测、佩戴口罩与洗手消毒等防疫措施之外,还应结合地方实际和风险评估等级采取非常规的组合防疫策略,即:①面向城市常规公交,建议采取网格化运营策略、需求响应式运营策略以及应急公交接驳策略;②面向城市轨道交通,建议采取3级组合防疫策略,即暂停运营策略、车厢隔离防疫策略以及需求响应式防疫策略。以上常规公交与轨道交通的多种组合防疫策略需根据疫情的发展情况动态调整,及时启动相应级别的公共交通应急预案,被动防御与主动防控相结合,积极发挥城市公共交通在疫情时期的交通骨干作用和应急保障作用。  相似文献   

The decision making of travelers for route choice and departure time choice depends on the expected travel time and its reliability. A common understanding of reliability is that it is related to several statistical properties of the travel time distribution, especially to the standard deviation of the travel time and also to the skewness. For an important corridor in Changsha (P.R. China) the travel time reliability has been evaluated and a linear model is proposed for the relationship between travel time, standard deviation, skewness, and some other traffic characteristics. Statistical analysis is done for both simulation data from a delay distribution model and for real life data from automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. ANPR data give unbiased travel time data, which is more representative than probe vehicles. The relationship between the mean travel time and its standard deviation is verified with an analytical model for travel time distributions as well as with the ANPR travel times. Average travel time and the standard deviation are linearly correlated for single links as well as corridors. Other influence factors are related to skewness and travel time standard deviations, such as vehicle density and degree of saturation. Skewness appears to be less well to explain from traffic characteristics than the standard deviation is.  相似文献   

黄忠仕  农应斌 《时代汽车》2021,(7):131-132,145
我国社会经济的蓬勃发展拉动了汽车产业的崛起。随着市场竞争愈演愈烈,汽车内部装饰也成为了产品销售的独特优势,实用、精良的内饰材料会给消费者造成强烈的视觉冲击,享受到前所未有的舒适体验,从而有效激发消费者的购买欲。基于此,为了更好地满足市场需求,在汽车开发设计中也开始注重内饰制造工艺的研发,从而提高内饰材料的实用性、精美性、以及环保性。IMD成型技术是在现代科学技术发展基础下衍生的一种新型表面装饰技术,代表了未来汽车内饰工艺的主流趋势。本文将通过阐释IMD技术的相关概念及工艺流程,明确IMD技术的优缺点,然后通过对IMD各技术产品特点进行比较,分析了 IMD技术在汽车中的应用,表明其具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

目前,计重收费在20个省市开始实施,实施的第一阶段为高速公路及部分国道,由此引起的连锁反应,乐观预计,在计重收费政策的影响下,2008年牵引车市场的需求辆将保持35%市场增长态势,预计23.99万辆。[编者按]  相似文献   

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