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文章分析了学校周边道路交通特性和学生过街交通行为特性,并结合学校周边交通管理设施设计原则,提出了一套人性化、完善的设施设置方法,为提高学生上下学过街安全性,引导过往车辆顺畅通行,完善交通管理设施设置方法提供参考。  相似文献   

辅导员是高等学校全面负责班级学生思想、学习、生活等工作的教师,是班级的组织者、领导者和教育者,是学校办学思想的贯彻者,是联系班级任课教师和学生团队组织的纽带,是沟通学校、家长和社会的桥梁。  相似文献   

截至2012年2月底,杭州市在西湖区转塘小学、拱墅区省教科院附属小学试点的校车已顺利运行五个多月,安全的车辆、实惠的价格,深受市民和学生的欢迎。试点期间,杭州市各部门多措并举、合力而为,为学生架起了学校与家庭之间的安全线。  相似文献   

2011年频频出现的校车安全事故,让"校车"成为全民关注的话题。对此中央有关部门十分重视,2012年3月28日,《校车安全管理条例》经国务院第197次常务会议通过,并于4月5日分布实施,校车安全从此有了制度性保障。厦门英贤学校对于校车安全的重视,已经走到了法规的前面,该学校不仅建立了规范的校车安全管理制度,并积极购买符合新国标要求的金龙"智慧校车",从软硬件两个层面结合来保障学生出行安全,受到社会和家长的好评。厦门英贤学校创办于2005年,学校位于厦门市集美区,是由民营企业家陈建来创办的一所民办学校,主要招收来厦务工人员的子女,目前共有学生2000多名,其  相似文献   

"如果你问我就读哪个学校,我一定会骄傲地回答你:在茅以升实验学校读书!"记者听到了茅以升实验学校的一位普通学子纯真的表达方式,感受到回答里的一份骄傲与自信。茅以升实验学校坐落在钱塘江畔的景芳小区,是该小区的一所配套小学。学校占地约8100平方米,目前22个班级,952名学生,59名教职员工,看似规模不大,却有着独特的办学理念——"承茅老之德,育创新人才。"同时,这所1993年创建的学校,目前是唯一一所以著名桥梁专家茅以升先  相似文献   

将交通行业企业对职业素质要求融入交通类高职学生培养体系是交通类高职院校内涵发展的重要组成部分。文章从社会需求视角分析交通类高职院校学生职业素质培养的目标设定,从学校育人视角探索交通类高职院校学生职业素质培养的基本内容,提出了高职院校学生职业素质培养的路径选择,以促进交通类高职学生职业素质培养体系的构成与实施,不断提高学生的职业素质,进而提高交通类高职人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

国务院总理温家宝28日主持召开国务院常务会议,审议并原则通过《校车安全管理条例(草案)》。《校车安全管理条例(草案)》规定了保障校车安全的基本制度。一是要求地方政府依法保障学生就近入学或在寄宿制学校入学,减少学生交通风险。对确实难以保障就近入学且公共交通不能满足需要的农村地区,要采取措施保障学生获得校车服务。  相似文献   

6月24-27日,全国技能大赛在天津举行,刘凯、李昭杰等6位同学代表宁波市队出征。2009年11月22日,在河北石家庄市举行的第一届全国职业院校学生物流技能大赛中,宁波经贸学校参赛学生曾夺得团体项目“仓储作业实务”全国冠军和“国际货代实务”二等奖。  相似文献   

谈通过铸造具有班级特色的文化活动,充分挖掘和发挥其育人的功能,来培养学生的道德与情感,使教书、育人有机的结合起来,把学校教育功能最大化,为培养有道德、有理想、有技术的一代新人贡献力量.  相似文献   

<正>2018年,对广州铁路职业技术学院(以下简称"广州铁职院")而言是意义特殊的一年。这一年,广州铁职院组织学生团队第一次参加全国交通运输行业职业技能大赛,获得行车值班员学生团队一等奖。翻看广州铁职院的发展史才明白,第一次参赛便有如此傲人的成绩,靠的不仅是"运气":学院前身为成立于1975年的原铁道部部属学校广州铁路机械学校,2000年成立广州  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of air transport service in the attractiveness of universities to national students, examining how it might stimulate local economic development by attracting highly skilled labor. Examining the flow of Italian university students at the provincial level in 2003–2012, we find that the air transport service affects university attractiveness for long-distance students living at least 300 km from their university. Specifically, accessibility increases with the proximity of universities to airports, when low-cost carriers serve university routes and more alternative airports exist at the origin. Further, our results suggest that, over the last decade, air transport service has facilitated mobility of long-distance students from southern areas to universities in the north of Italy, where students generally move to increase their future prospects.  相似文献   

This study highlighted significant cultural differences and complexity in travel behaviour associated with travel to university across the UK and Ireland. This paper examines university travel behaviours and the implications for emissions, across the 2012–2013 academic year, based on responses from 1049 students across 17 universities in Ireland and the UK. Surveys were analysed to examine the trips of students both during term time and when accessing the universities each year. The data analysis in this paper examines three aspects of the transport implications of travel to and from university. Firstly the journey between university and term time address (or permanent address if the respondent does not have a separate term time address), secondly the journey between the university area and a separate permanent address where relevant; and thirdly implications for emissions resulting from university-related travel.The study found that student car users were more likely to be female, older students, or studying part time; male students were more likely to use active modes. The study indicated interesting differences between students living in different parts of the UK and Ireland. For example, it was found that there was a higher level of car dependence amongst Northern Irish students compared to other areas; and a greater variability in travel distances in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In England, car use was more pronounced when students travelled from their permanent address to term time address, and, as in Ireland, there was evidence of more car sharing on such trips. Public transport usage was more pronounced amongst Scottish students. The effect of these transport choices on emissions is significant and demonstrates the importance of education related trips to the development of a transport policy response. The analysis shows that annual emissions are highest for regular travel to and from university when a student has a permanent address rather than a separate term time and permanent address.  相似文献   

International students and immigrants in general are fuelling the growth in Australia’s population and the pressure that is putting on its urban transport systems. Yet, we know very little about their travel habits and limited previous research has been previously undertaken to address this gap. To address this research need, this study draws on a survey that was designed and distributed online and on-campus to students at Australia’s largest university (Monash University). Using multivariate statistical tools including factor analysis and multinomial logistic regression, significant differences were found between native-born Australian and Asian international students with regards to their mode perceptions, present travel habits and socio-demographics. For Asian students, attitudes towards non-car mode decrease and car-dependency increases the longer they reside in Australia. The findings of this research further highlight the need to encourage newer immigrants to use more sustainable travel options and highlight the relevance for local government and policy planners to support further research in this area, given that these international students have the potential to be key agents for travel behaviour change.  相似文献   

高职院校汽车类专业学生技能培养探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章借鉴德国双元制教育特征,针对我国现行的高职院校汽车类专业学生的教育状况与现代企业发展要求,阐述培养高职院校学生专业技能的重要性,并从课程理论适度化、课程组织职业化、课程实践充足化、课程结构模块化四个方面探索提高高职院校汽车类专业学生职业能力的途径.  相似文献   

Public transport subsidies play an important role in the present Belgian mobility policy. The introduction of “free” bus transport in Hasselt in 1997 was an important event. Later, the Flemish government in cooperation with the regional public transport company elaborated the so-called “third-payer system” for target groups. The price of public transport is not paid by the user or the provider, but partly or completely by a “third party”. In how far these measures contribute to a more sustainable mobility system has caused much debate.In the academic year 2003–2004, a “free public transport” initiative was introduced for the students of Flemish colleges and universities in Brussels. These students had the opportunity to obtain a refunded annual season ticket on Brussels public transport. Brussels was selected for the case study, because in the same city there is a group of students that benefits from the measure, and another group (students from French speaking universities and colleges) that does not. In order to examine the effects of this measure, we conducted a survey among the students to examine their present travel behaviour (number of trips, motives, modal choice …) and the changes with the travel behaviour of the previous year. In addition we compare the current travel behaviour between the students benefiting from the measure, and those who do not.  相似文献   

This paper studies university students’ commute and housing behaviors using samples from Los Angeles, a place notorious for car dependence and dominance. It finds that being embedded in this place does not make university students drive alone more than their peers in other places. Being multimodal and having a discounted transit pass increase the odds of alternative modes while holding a parking permit reduces the odds of these modes. Commute distance is positively related to carpool and telecommuting. Gender, status (undergraduate vs. gradate) and age are significantly correlated to biking, walking or public transit. Students living alone are more likely to commute by driving alone than other students. Having friends and classmates living nearby increases the odds of taking public transit. Due to data constraints, this study cannot prove whether there is any correlation between information contagion and the effects of living alone and having friends and classmates living nearby on alternative mode choice. But it proposes that the issue be worthwhile of further investigations. Base on the above, the paper recommends a comprehensive travel demand management program, utilization of information contagion effects of students and promotion of multimodal commute to better promote alternative mode of commute among university students.  相似文献   


This paper conducts a statistical analysis of student travel behavior at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The data source is the ‘University NHTS’ project launched by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) in 2009. Through this empirical study, it has been found that university student travel behavior is different from that of the general population; urban universities have lower percentages of nonmotorized trips than college-town universities; undergraduate students are likely to make more daily trips than graduate students – similarly, on-campus students make more frequent trips than off-campus students; the most frequent student activities are home and academic activities; and student group categories have virtually no impact on daily activity profiles, though activity types do have a dramatic impact on daily activity profiles. Based on these research findings, the paper makes a series of recommendations regarding trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and activity-based modeling.  相似文献   

文章从自我意识、情绪、人格等方面分析了高职院校学生存在的心理问题,并借鉴《道德经》的教育思想,阐述其对高职院校学生心理的健康发展和形成所能起到的指导作用.  相似文献   

Despite mounting evidence that car use is a prime culprit of global warming, our love affair with the car persists. General awareness of the environmental consequences of car usage is high but fails to correspond to moderated car use. This paper contributes to an understanding of how university students’ environmental beliefs affect decisions to engage in continued car use (persistence) and/or to discontinue or reduce car use (desistance). The aim of the research presented here was to explore the range of neutralizations and counter-neutralizations (affirmations) employed by students and to examine the ways in which they are used to justify and maintain either persistence or desistance in car use. The research consisted of six focus group sessions with thirty-four UK-based Higher Education students. Analysis of the study’s data highlights the range of neutralizations and counter-neutralizations employed by students in social settings. The article discusses the usefulness of neutralization theory in accounting for actual and/or intended non-environmentally friendly behaviour such as car use. In addition, the study’s findings are discussed in relation to prior research and to potential implications for public policy interventions which favour moderating car usage.  相似文献   

In Germany, many universities have student tickets that are bargained for between student representatives and public transport companies, approved by referendum, and mandatory for all students. They allow the use of public transport at no additional cost. I analyze such a scenario in a theoretical model as an example of a flat-rate ticket for public transport which is implemented by majority decision. The mandatory character of the ticket reduces transaction costs like marketing and ticket inspection, reducing the ticket price and thus the students’ commuting expenses. However, there is a countervailing effect. Students face and rationally expect zero marginal monetary commuting costs, so that new students choose a place of residence which is relatively far from the university. This in turn raises the equilibrium ticket price. It may even be the case that students would be better off if such a ticket had never existed. Nonetheless, they always vote for it in referenda, because accepting the high price is optimal given their place of residence. After laying out the model, I analyze an optimal policy, which consists, for example, of subsidizing student dorms at an efficient distance to the city center.  相似文献   

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