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乙醇燃料在我国应用前景的研究与展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文指出了发展乙醇燃料对缓解我国能源紧缺和环境保护的重大现实意义,详细分析了乙醇燃料所独具的优势和局限性,并提供了一些应对措施。 相似文献
说到汽油,很多人都知道它是汽车的血液,离开了它,汽车就会变成一块不能移动的钢铁。而说到乙醇,就是大家俗称的酒精,它是酒类的主要成分。当酒精和汽车联系到一起时,大家往往想到的会是严禁酒后驾车等安全问题。也许有一天去加油站给爱车加油时,从加油枪里流出的不单纯是汽油了,混合有不同比例乙醇的新型燃料——乙醇汽油,也将源源不断地注入油箱。对于乙醇汽油也许有些车主还比较陌生,而国家相关部门已经准备在全国更多的省市推广使用乙醇汽油。作为有车一族,有必要了解这种与自己的爱车息息相关的新型汽车燃料。作为世界第一汽车王国的美国,在乙醇汽油的应用方面走在了前面,通过对他们的了解,可以看到乙醇汽油及乙醇燃料汽车的发展趋势。[编者按] 相似文献
引言 随着国民经济的发展和汽车保有量的增加,石油短缺问题日益突出,大气环境污染问题日趋严重,各种替代燃料的研究得到了广泛的重视.其中,乙醇由于其来源广泛,具有可再生和良好的环保性而得到世人的关注,目前在发动机上的应用得到了大量的研究. 相似文献
在油价居高不下的压力下,不少精打细算的消费者已考虑采用E85可燃乙醇(E85ethanol)以代替节节上涨的汽油,而为了降低对进口石油的依赖与减少二氧化碳的废气污染,三大汽车制造商在美国政府的敦促下,已投入增加可燃乙醇车(ethanol—capable vehicles)车款的生产计划。然而,在可燃乙醇渐获重视之际,汽车制造商警告驾驶人,每一种车都有其特殊的制造方式,切莫自行将车子转换成可燃乙醇车,也不可试着在一般传统汽车上混入乙醇和汽油来自制混合燃料。 相似文献
1 汽车燃油经济性发展现状 汽车的发明极大程度地改变了人们的生活方式,然而,在您面前呼啸而过的汽车其油箱中的能源只有15%左右为汽车的运行及辅助需要(如舒适性、操纵简便性等方面的需要)做了有用功. 相似文献
从石油类液体、烃类气体、醇醚类、新型液体等燃料的应用分析了车用燃料的发展动向,从进气方式、喷油系统、涡轮增压、排气后处理、混合动力方面分析了柴油机技术的发展动向,并展望了未来几年的发展。 相似文献
This paper discusses the final investigation into the effect of fuel stratification on flame propagation. In previous works,
the characteristics under the no port-generated swirl condition and the low-swirl condition were considered. For this purpose,
the initial flame development and propagation were visualized under different axially stratified states in a modified optical
single-cylinder SI engine. The images were captured by an intensified CCD camera through the quartz window mounted in the
piston. Stratification was controlled by the combination of the port swirl ratio and injection timing. These were averaged
and processed to characterize the flame propagation. The flame stability was estimated by the weighted average of flame area
and luminosity. The stability was also evaluated through the standard deviation of flame area and propagation distance and
through the mean absolute deviation of the propagation direction. The results show that the LML is expanded remarkably under
the high-swirl cases up to the highest relative AFRs of 1.71 and 1.75 between 140 and 160CA. In addition, similar to the low-swirl
condition, the flame-flow interaction determines the direction of flame propagation, and the governing roles of the two factors
vary according to the swirl level; the flow is more important at the higher swirl conditions, and the flame is more important
at the lower swirl condition. Finally, fast and stable flame propagation can be achieved under the preferably stratified condition,
which is induced by the suitable combination of the high swirl and injection timing. 相似文献
This paper is the second invstigation on the effect of fuel stratification on flame propagation. In the previous work, the
characteristics under the no port-generated swirl condition, i.e., the conventional case was studied. In this work, the flame
development under the low swirl condition was considered. For this purpose, the initial flame development and propagation
were visualized under different axially stratified states in a modified optical single cylinder SI engine. The images were
captured by an intensified CCD camera through the quartz window mounted in the piston. Stratification was controlled by the
combination of the port swirl ratio and injection timing. These were averaged and processed to characterize the flame propagation.
The flame stability was estimated by the weighted average of flame area and luminosity. The stability was also evaluated through
the standard deviation of flame area and propagation distance and through the mean absolute deviation of the propagating direction.
The results show that the flame-flow interaction determines the direction of flame propagation and that the governing roles
of the two factors vary according to the stratified state and the location in the cylinder. In addition, the flame development
and the initial flame stability are strongly dependent on the stratified conditions, and the initial flame stability is closely
related to the engine stability and lean misfire limit. Lastly, there is no essential difference in gasoline and CNG flame
propagation characteristics. 相似文献
介绍了燃料电池的结构、组成、工作原理及特点。阐述了混合动力燃料电池汽车的结构形式、工作原理、性能特点及国内外的研究发展现状;分析了燃料电池车的发展前景。 相似文献
汽车自诞生以来,在造福人类的同时,也给人类带来了灾害性的损失。据统计资料显示:100多年来,全球死于交通事故的人数为2700多万,每年大约死50万人,伤1000多万人,直接经济损失达45亿多美元。在我国,每年死于车祸的人数在7万左右,直接经济损失超过14亿元人民币,这个数字还有上升趋势。造成这些事故的原因与车辆技术状况有关的约占28%,故对“车辆技术状况与行车安全”的研究十分必要,刻不容缓。 相似文献
This paper presents a methodology to optimize the sizing of the energy and power components in a fuel cell electric vehicle from the driving mission (which includes driving cycles, a specified acceleration and autonomy requirements). The fuel cell and the Energy Storage System associated (battery or/and ultra capacitor) design parameters are the numbers of series and parallel branches respectively Nsi and Npi. They are set so as to minimize the objective function that includes mass, cost, fulfilling the performance requirements and respect the technological constraints of each power component through a penalty function. The methodology is based on a judicious combination of Matlab-Simulink® for the global simulation and a dedicated software tool Pro@Design®. Both are well suited to treat inverse problems for the optimization. An application for a fuel cell/battery powertrain illustrates the feasibility of the proposed methodology. 相似文献